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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 245x144, tumblr_n54bhmfXSJ1shqb72o10_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4866248 No.4866248 [Reply] [Original]


This girl is saying no longer reading YA fiction is insulting when you say you have matured out of it.

But isn't the content, that which focuses on the lives of high schoolers, a bit indicative of your maturity if you most strongly connect and relate to 15 year olds?

full gifset here


>> No.4866257

stop shitposting

>> No.4866260

come on now, John Green

>> No.4866272
File: 71 KB, 559x598, 1312915044363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"albert caymus"

>> No.4866286

why does the internet feel the the need to hate on people who no longer read YA?

when I was in middle school, I loved reading YA, hell there was probably a point where I only read YA. After a while, though, that shit didn't interest me anymore. I no longer cared about teen love and how life is hard and how mom doesn't understand my free spirit.

>> No.4866288
File: 454 KB, 500x219, tumblr_m8ok58WABM1rs8n2x[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"do you ever think about writing a novel"

"i think about it all the time, all the time. i'm actually planning on starting writing it on friday, i'm excited."


fuck seriously sometimes i think about these kinds of people and i just shake my head

>> No.4866291

>why does the internet feel the the need to hate on people who no longer read YA?

my guess? they like the safety and comfort of that teen life, and adulthood seems too scary. so they delve into YA so their mind can stay there

>> No.4866296

>i'm actually planning on starting writing it on friday

....what? why friday? why not start whenever?

>> No.4866299

I wish people would get a clue and realize that harry potter sucks.
I always feel embarrassed when someone brings up harry potter as an example of unquestionably good.

>> No.4866311

>You're belittling everyone that enjoys that type of literature
Grown ass adults that still connect with characters meant to share the same mindset and emotional complexity of a fucking 15 year old should be belittled, because that's pathetic as shit.

>> No.4866312

I would like to fist her

>> No.4866323

this is true, objectively the book was average and each novel was concluded through deus ex machina

but i still enjoyed reading it even though it was ripped right from Wizard's Hall


>> No.4866331

This. I mean, I would read maybe some YA alternative fantasy like clive barkers shit or maybe order all of the animorphs books and read them over a summer for nostalgia.

But I certainly would not act like they were "legitimate" literature I should be proud of myself for reading or seriously gaining anything from them, and I honestly probably would not enjoy them as most of what I read.

Reading Don Quixote or Pynchon or even fucking HP Lovecraft when I got out of highschool, were infinitely better than any YA books I read, which was a decent amount.

>> No.4866332
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1365627883156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just remember reading ALBERT CAY-MUS'S "The Stranger," which is a classic, and thinking, "This is the worst thing,"
>I reread Breaking Dawn eight times

>> No.4866355

But maybe when you were 15 was the last time you could connect and relate to people? Maybe you've matured since then a great deal, and as a result no longer relate to the base, superfluous concerns of those around you? Maybe your maturity is such that it has left you depressed and disillusioned, and you thus derive hope from reading about younger people in a simpler time?

>> No.4866358

perfect gif for that

>> No.4866360

not clicking the link

not listening to youtube cunt's argument

Is YA fiction bad because its targeted to young adults, or because the protagonists are teenagers? No.

Is YA fiction bad because it spoon feeds the story to its readers because it assumes they're too stupid for subtle story telling, and often forgoes challenging themes altogether in favor of telling yet another story about how "fascism is bad" and "friendship is good?" Yes.

>> No.4866364

>and you thus derive hope from reading about younger people in a simpler time?

nah, i just dont get drawn into the angst

its a metaphor, see

>> No.4866391

she is pretty hot though, id turn off the sound

>> No.4866395

She prides herself on only eating popcorn, doesn't sound like a good idea but whatever.

>> No.4866401
File: 573 KB, 1280x843, gaimuhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stories are stories are stories are stories
ugh, the worst kind of reductionism. pic related is guilty of this too.

>> No.4866412
File: 53 KB, 244x300, 49497371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two frame washed out tumblr gifs that have no reason to be gifs


>> No.4866420

the grapes of deconstructionism

>> No.4866442

All this frenetic, quirky behaviour..

All these typical YouTube fast cut edits...

She's just a kid, guys. She's just some kid.

Who cares.

>> No.4866451

she's probably the same age as a lot of people posting here.

>> No.4866455

>All this frenetic, quirky behavior..

so pray tell why you're on /lit/

>> No.4866465
File: 30 KB, 360x240, Pull ptail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like to pull the ponytails

>> No.4866474


A truly dreadful thought.


>a kid's awkward attempt at bon mot

Bless your little heart.

>> No.4866477

is that supposed to be gaiman?

>> No.4866488
File: 43 KB, 600x400, f-scott-fitzgerald-an-american-icon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just imagine her trying to be "fun/random/sincere" with my fist in her ass
>oh ron
>oh ronny
>oh ronny mcdonny
Plus she's probably one of those girls with a stanky ass and skid-mark panties.

>> No.4866491
File: 36 KB, 324x586, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4866504

>Nuh uh, Twilight is just as god as The Odyssey. If you don't think so you're offending me.
There are people who legitimately think this.

>> No.4866519

yeah, though I don't know if he's ever said anything to that effect himself.

>> No.4866568

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be that guy from Black Books. He just happens to look a lot like Gaiman.

>> No.4866822

is black books worth watching?

>> No.4866830

It has an incredibly funny cast with mediocre, overly broad writing

so... eh. At least watch a couple episodes to be amused by Dylan Moran as drunk nihilistic Irish bookstore owner

>> No.4866839
File: 957 KB, 2176x2852, Will Rogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use okcupid
>cross girls profile
>"I hate YA"
>"Harry potter(motions to trash can)

It's like she lurks here. My heart sunk after reading that. Pic related mfw

>> No.4866847

> takes me a week to read a YA book this size
> refers to herself as an obsessive reader

Ya books have massive font and spacing... this "obsessive reader" is getting through about fifteen pages per day if we're considering typical font and word count of a regular novel.

>> No.4866861

>obsessive reader
a cute girl with an above baseline interest in a thing, thats 60% of what it take for youtube success

>> No.4866862

Not that is something Gaimen would say. Also the hair sort of gives it away. If it was the guy for black books it would be something that was more along the lines of "piss off".

>> No.4866865

>YA refers to the main character being in the age range of the teens to early twenties

According to her The Catcher in the Rye is YA.

>> No.4866868

Hell you can read those in a day if you sit down for 3 hours. They are meant to be read quickly so you can move onto the next one. They are popcorn fiction.

>> No.4866877
File: 33 KB, 316x486, Terry_Pratchett_Nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best YA is just a normal book without explicit sex and swearwords.

>> No.4866878

Indeed, they puff them up in formatting to make kids feel good about finishing them. That's why my copy of Eragon in 4th grade was bigger than the copy of Anna Karenina I have sitting on my desk.

>> No.4866879


That's not entirely wrong, though.

>> No.4866910

She is the type of girl you want to humiliate and teach to enjoy really gross things, yeah.
I'd love to pinch and revolve her intestines while having my arm elbow deep in her btw.

>> No.4866968

>why does the internet feel the the need to hate on people who no longer read YA?

What website are you using as a synecdoche for the internet?

>> No.4867079

I think it depends on the quality of YA fiction. For example Twilight a shit. But look at something like Catcher in the Rye which is amazing.
The problem isn't YA fiction per se, it's our modern society selling you all this bullshit crap like Hunger Games, Teenage Vampire stories and all this shit.

>> No.4867097

it's like she is really stupid. she has to explain what she means with "belittling" in several scentences after she uses that word.

>> No.4867102

>each novel was concluded through deus ex machina
dammit i hated that even as a kid

especially book 1 when harry just fucks shit up by going down there and tricking the mirror all while showing us how pure he is.

also time turners were dumb

>> No.4867110

Why is she yelling? Why do youtube girls always fucking yell?

>> No.4867189

It's how I believe philosophy is represented in YA. We might imagine this like a triusm, while they still take effort to think out the point of what we say.

>> No.4867283

Catcher isn't genre fiction you retard.

>> No.4867448

says the stupid teenage girl that only reads young adult books
her channel is nothing but stupid stupid teenage ramblings

>> No.4867464

great example of why is so embarrassing be young

>> No.4867468

you think that's bad.


>> No.4867479

I rather think that it is cupcake fascism:

>> No.4867506

>have you moved past harry potter or percy jackson

>> No.4867523

I don't even know who percy jackson is.

>> No.4867566

He's the fat autistic brother the Jackson five never talked about

>> No.4867684

At least she's not talking about the merits of YA fiction, and her favorite shit-tier books.

>> No.4867712

nope. nope nope nope npoe. im out.

>> No.4867722


>> No.4867914

where else could such bilge find a haven?

>> No.4867956
File: 72 KB, 556x313, 1399388610143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these are the people with whom I discuss literature on a daily basis

I'm OK with this.

>> No.4868029

Actually saw some chubby 20+ with a shitty looking beard and one of those Castro hats reading Percy Jackson on the bus the other day.

>> No.4868046

Why does it sound like she's about to cry the whole time? Is that the reason she's doing the whole Ray William Johnson thing of cutting and restarting 10 times in 1 sentence?