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4855273 No.4855273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The absolute triumph of sexual desire is "fucking like animals", but what would "fucking like thinkers" be like?

>> No.4855281

sexual desire is a primal instinct

there is nothing remotely rational or logical wanting to fuck someone other than release or make babies

>> No.4855284

I guess this would be epic mental masturbation. Just like your thread.

>> No.4855331

Honestly I'd rather fuck like a thinker

My body entangled with her, a woman beautiful of body and mind, I can't help but abandon my nihilism, its grey cloud melting into the white sheets. I look into her eyes, her iris a solar eclipse. I am more aware than ever of all the horrible complexity of the universe, the cursed fate of humanity, the transience of being, yet damn it all, for now, for this fleeting moment, I am free of it. And as my soul melts away in ecstasy, I remember: she feels this all with me.

>> No.4855333


>> No.4855342

tantra, though that might be more spiritualist than thinker

>> No.4855351

Obviously tantra.

>> No.4855355
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i can small your virginity

>> No.4855363
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I can big it.

>> No.4855371

Sexual dialectics.

>> No.4855385
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>> No.4855386

dancing like architecture

>> No.4855400
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IDK OP, I just wish I got to fuck more in general.

If I had to post a serious response instead of a that feel face, I would say it would be an act of sex after a long relationship of intellectual discourse, like you're so on the same level of whatever your interested in, eg philosphy, art history or whatever, that you just plop into bed and it's just a natural culmination or your cerebral realtionship

>> No.4855406
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You can't fuck like a thinker, and if you could it wouldn't be very good sex.

>> No.4855407
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fuck like dionysians

>There are two powers in particular that trigger the self-forgotten ecstasy of the naïve man of nature — the drive of spring and the narcotic drink.

>> No.4855428

Not fucking at all, obviously if only because resisting to your biological needs will give you a higher level of consciousness. Thus, I have written my best texts while not having eaten, slept or masturbated in days.

>> No.4855432
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architecture like zappa

>> No.4855489

>"fucking like thinkers"
would not fucking, whether by abstinence or virginity

in fact, couples don't have sex as often as virgins seem to think. The trials of every day life make it quite inconvenient and uncomfortable.
And there are a fair amount of couples who you can tell are married, or cohabiting, because they enjoy each others company and share interests more than their lust of each others body

>> No.4855493
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my neighbours have regular almost day-long fuck fiestas on weekends and sometimes during week.

>> No.4855501
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>tfw having a much higher sex drive than your partner
>tfw he's on meds and can't cum half the time anyway
>tfw being into all kinds of kinky degrading stuff and he isn't
>tfw you enjoy holding hands anyway

>> No.4855504

kill yourself

>> No.4855516

Danielle Steel ?
Can you sign one of your books for me ? My aunt is a huge fan of yours.

>> No.4855540

I'm actually worried about the opposite. I'm very boring and into vanilla cuddly fluffy shit. I just want to hold hands and lay next to each other all cuddly.

>> No.4856141
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Enlightenment style rational maximisation of pleasure to absurd proportions. Basically going about things like Marquis de Sade characters.

>> No.4856180

fake and gross

>> No.4856195

I could provide for your partner unless you're gay

>> No.4856241


>> No.4856246


>> No.4856251

How would you do that? Read a book while giving her anal?

>> No.4856257


>> No.4856262
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>> No.4856307

>there is nothing remotely rational or logical wanting to fuck someone other than release or make babies
sex is all about domination and power.

>> No.4856348

Live like a windrammer as you fuck

>> No.4856364

>tfw no qt /lit/ gf to fuck raw every single day
>tfw no qt /lit/ gf that will let me use all of her holes to milk my cock
>tfw no qt /lit/ gf to fill with cum

She'd be unimpressed by my inferior intellect anyway.

>> No.4856386
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Real thinkers breed humans in tanks.

>> No.4856400

This: http://thoughtcatalog.com/tao-lin/2011/01/every-time-ive-had-sex-with-megan-boyle-part-1-of/

>> No.4856408

Boring as shit, OP.

>> No.4856451
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"animal" sex pushes at the limits of the senses, sensually
"thinking" sex pushes at the limits of consensus, consensually

>> No.4856484

Thinkers don't fuck.

The animal simile is apt.

>> No.4856487

Said the virgin who reads Foucault

>> No.4856489

"Like animals" means ignoring consequences and based in passion

>> No.4856494

God damn dude go out into the sun

>> No.4856496

I probably fuck like a thinker meaning I never actually enjoy it and just give up because I can't feel shit.

>> No.4856500
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Can someone do a dramatic reading of this?

>> No.4856509

ITT: People who cant into differentiate between desire and need.

>> No.4857390

sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation

>> No.4857404

just loudly shouted "You want me to be like tromely" in my dining hall

>> No.4857415

It is amazing how many of you totally accepted the awful premise of this thread as if "thinkers" is a valid conceptualization of non-animal behavior.

>> No.4857427

Thought is what frames my desire. For example, I get off on the idea of fucking girls who have boyfriends. It's probably rooted in insecurity, whatever. But the pleasure comes from the *knowledge* that the girl has a boyfriend. If it turns out she doesn't have a boyfriend, I become way less attracted to her.

However, if I'm out in public and see a girl with a nice big fat ass stroll by me in white yoga pants, I want to fuck her right there on the spot. I think that desire is more animal.

>> No.4857647

Good feet are by far the most important assest a women can have. Thats not to say they're the most attractive, or sexual, or beautiful, or romantic part of the body, but they're by far the most subtile. If a women is even slightly fat it's reflected on her feet tenfold. If she is of poor breed, and it is indeed a well known fact that the Irish never have good feet, it will be reflected by her ankles and toes. Makeup can hide blemishes, and a man needs only shower once a week to seem presentable, but without constant care the feet quickly become blackened and oderious. A women who works too hard will have flattened, blistered feet, while a women who suffers from sloth will have fat flabby feet. The sublime subtility of the feet is the manner in which they reflext the virtue and beauty of a person, anyone can appear beautiful, but only the truely beautiful possess a good pair of feet.

>> No.4857674

This made me think of Dessie in East of Eden's feet. Aren't they of Irish descent? Did Steinbeck fuck up his research?

>> No.4857694

*Una not Dessie

>> No.4857769

I think its a perfectly fine premise. Name 1 great animal thinker

>> No.4857776

do one for diaper fetishes and cuckolding now

>> No.4858141

You should consider reading Atlas Shrugged. Rand has a lot to say about non-animalistic sex, and you know all her other stuff

>> No.4858148

i-is that hermoney?

>> No.4858150

The opposite is fucking like men, not thinkers
[spoilers]you should have started with the greeks[/spoiler]

>> No.4858175


>> No.4858180

no I meant men. and only men

>> No.4858183

>coolidge effect

>> No.4858190

The nose is definitely top tier though. A nose is one of the few things that can make a face.

And don't forget all the possible shapes and angles they come in...

Whenever I am in a big crowded place, I love to just admire the various good noses I see. Its best when you catch them at 90 degrees and you get a nice profile against whatever lighting there is.

I have started a collection of photos of good noses. I will tell everyone in it, that it is just avant-garde wackiness, but really I will be fulfilling my nose-lust.

>> No.4859617

you know what i meant faggot

>> No.4859622

Both those things are pleb af tho.

Incest, homosexuality, and BDSM on the other hand...

>> No.4859794
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The nose knows.

>> No.4859990

this is Steinbeck?

wow, he is my fucking hero now.

>> No.4860001

we need that aussie vocaroo dude D:

>> No.4860003

i'm not an english speaker, but i tried...

>> No.4860008
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Irish not having good feet?

My Irish gf's feet are god-tier, better than any other girl I've been with. If this is Steinbeck, then Steinbeck confirmed for amerifat not knowing shit.

>> No.4860009
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top kek

>> No.4860012

Yab Yum.

>> No.4860017

thats not what he meant faggot, he meant that thinking is just a part of being an animal - its just a higher form of animistic behaviour not matter how "intellectual" it can be

>> No.4860018

Boring as fuck.
"Fucking like mystics" is pretty awesome, though.

>> No.4860025

Can also be satisfied by serious cuddling all night long.
It's that oxytocin that does it.

>> No.4860026

wow lit really need to make vocaroo "their thing":
awesome reading btw!

>> No.4860030

thanks, i enjoy doing this

>> No.4860033

I know some of that feel, anon :(
(just not the meds part)(maybe it's age/ chronic illness)

>> No.4860041

nigga, you're not even pathetic
i had a really beautiful girl for 8 months and haven't gotten my shit together once enough to fuck her. she left, needless to say

>> No.4860042

>you're not even pathetic
i meant your partner

>> No.4860046

Take stimulants and fuck like animals. Take psychedelics and fuck like thinkers. Just really fucking confusing.

>> No.4860050

I think it only works out if you have many years of good fucking together first.

>> No.4860053

Oh yeah.
I've heard fucking on acid is not actually that great.

>> No.4860057

Gotta say though , I've enjoyed it on shrooms.
I once burst into millions of tiny white flowers.

>> No.4860064

Playing Half Life on hard on acid, now that's where it's at.
You'll rape that shit.

>> No.4860076


I iimagine it to be like vividly following rituals that they have announced through their imagination and taking on-board both rational-thoughts as well as animalistic innate seduction in a glorious co-operative movement. Then they will discuss viciously the manner in which they psychological experienced the previous moments, and continue in discussion about how intimacy is achieved through separation of rational anxious thoughts with sexual liberation is able to convey in a way that other social activities is not.

See, this, to me, creates both physical and mental intimacy that is not too unlike when both parties, exhausted from their travels between each other's body, sit back and smoke a cigarette.

>> No.4860112

It is impossible to fornicate like a rational person. When one is following the instances of nature, one cannot be called rational.

It is possible to perform animal acts in a rational way. Eating healthy food for example, or fornicating using contraceptives. Even so, sexual intercourse cannot be rational, for sexual activity does not require persuasion, giving pleasure in itself, leading the individual to seek it out in the absence of nobler directives

This only applies to males, mind. Females don't count obviously.

These days however, everything is all weird and certain men need to be persuaded to go out and seek somebody to mate with. I blame capitalism.

>> No.4860128


Why is acting in the pursuit of pleasure not rational

Why does an act need be persuaded to be rational

What has rationality got to do with nobility

Why is it capitalism's fault you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.4860130


No way nigga it is glorious

She was voluptuous and short-haired and I thought i was fucking an Amazonian goddess

>> No.4860147

Actually having sex on acid is a huge achievement. It crossed my mind at some point, but then I got distracted by a funny window or something.

>> No.4860198

Fucking like lasers
Fucking like a tower clock
Fucking like a cube

>> No.4860203

I think mushrooms is more facilitating for sex than acid. Though, I have had some mindblowing times I find LSD as you said can be more distracting. Also I can never cum on MDMA, what's up with that. I've heard other people say they can't get hard but that's certainly not what is happening.

>> No.4860241

Actually it's OC,the other poster said something about Stienbeck having an Irish girl with good feet. I only made that comment because the Irish side of my family all have wide ass ankles. That said they also have wide childbearing hips so it evens out.

Why is being natural not rational? Anyways I only go after extremely attractive women while trying to be a romantic about it, usually I fail but when it works it doesn't feel at all "anamalistic". Unless you guys just get drunk and fuck fatties idk why it is so "unrational".

>> No.4860374

According to a lot of retarded men its cuckhold.

>Her dur the pleasure I get out of the pain from watching my wife get nailed by huge guys is like ecstasy.

You should look up some article about cuckhold being the new intellectual thing. It's so pathetic how convinced young liberals are.

>> No.4860382

it's quite interesting when they try to convince me eating a black mans load out of their wifes pussy makes them smarter than me

solid logic indeed!

>> No.4860394

My gf told me that 2 days ago, after we made love.

>> No.4860412


>Once a month, Drs. Paul and Sally Pines, a pair of New York City-area Ph.D.s who have been married 25 years, check into a hotel suite with another man. As Paul looks on, Sally and the man snuggle up together on the couch like lovebirds. Soon their clothes are off, and before long, she’s wailing in ecstasy as the man has aggressive, passionate sex with her. Paul, helpless, can only watch and suffer. Afterward, Paul serves lunch to his wife and the man in the suite’s dining area; they eat in the nude before launching into another long, loud, sweaty session.

>"If he just fucks her and goes home, that's one thing," Paul says. "But if they fuck for an hour, then have an intellectual relationship where they sit and talk for two hours afterward, it hurts a lot more."

In this respect, cuckolding attracts "the very highly educated," Paul says, adding that it’s “truly intellectual in its enterprise because it replaces sexual touch with humiliation and emotional pain, both of which are psychological. Most of what gives me physical pleasure has to go on in my brain. I'm totally being classist, but this isn't like people in redneck bars asking each other, 'You wanna fuck my wife?' It's much more complex. It's pleasure on a different level."

tl:dr these people as fucking sick in the head.

>> No.4860595
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cheeky little shite

>> No.4860614

there you have it.

>> No.4860632
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>> No.4860700

He's not being cheeky, he's very right. The whole 'sex is purely instinct' thing is a very dumb, reductionist idea. Rationalization, thinking, playfulness are all also very natural, and that last one is important because sex is not simply animal-machine thrust pump thrust: it's a dialogue, a conversation, a dance, a game, etc. How boring are you if you've never made a few 'jokes' during the act?

>> No.4860739

I love how the doctor keeps trying to frame it as an "intellectual" pursuit. This has been the rub of so many of the revaluations of this era: associating weak, submissive behavior with intelligence.

I do have cuckold fantasies, though. But never as the cuckold, always as the bull. It's still "degenerate", sure, but at least it acknowledges greatness and dominance over submission. I like the idea of deluded women being rescued from their relationships with their beta, modernized boyfriends by a man of genuine greatness who cannot be denied. It's like an awakening for these women. A reminder that the great still conquer in the end, no matter what the current social message is.

>> No.4860763

>full-on new age tantric euphoria


>> No.4860780

top notch reading.

Do you live in the basement of some opera and just play the organ all day?

>> No.4860783

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4860788
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>> No.4860967

This. I feel like all the posters itt are either virgins or only hook up with strangers at "da club".

Relationships (and sex) are a fun social game you can play with people. There's the whole dance of suduction, the bedside jokes, the feeling of power (not just in having someone, but the looks you get when with a beautiful women), and all the other stuff that comes from having fufilling sexual relations. Its not like we stop being people in the sack.

>> No.4861047
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The pleasure makes the life worth living, the pain reminds us we are mortal. If we cannot accept these one the one road lie blind hedonism, and ruin through inability to reflect. on the other we have flagellation. And the inability to accept anything that does not conform to our view that the world is ill; we are ill. The last way is is neither pleasure nor pain, and that way is just lieing, and why would you lie?

>> No.4861073

Robert Olen Butler wrote a story that appeared in Esquire in which JFK is alive and living in CIA seclusion because the head wound removed his ability to keep quiet about everything he knows.

In it, there is a sex scene with JFK and Jackie. During the act, Jackie recites from her vast knowledge of ancient and antique pottery. "Then followed a profusion of animal forms," while she's riding the presidential plumbing.

I tried to find it, but Esquire has it behind a pay wall.

>> No.4861081

Has anyone read Coetzee's Youth (It's one of those in the trilogy)? The scene where he's trying to have sex with someone, syncopated to the rhythms of Stravinsky or some other, that is what I imagine fucking like thinkers is like. Awful

>> No.4861094

>Its not like we stop being people in the sack.
Well, you may still be people, but your rational judgement is compromised.

Myth, history, and the news are rich in examples of how fornication has cause the high and the mighty to fall from grace.

>> No.4861102

Wait. I got it. I have to type it out:

"Jackie and I would make love in the room where they all made love, the Presidents of the United States. And I'd ask her to talk to me about art while we touched. I wanted her mind in this act, and her voice, breathy as a starlet. Jackie would rise naked above me as I lay delicately still, trying not to let my back distract me. She would rise into a column of sunlight from the window, and her skin was dusky, and her voice was soft, and she would be wearing a single strand of pearls, the only thing left on her body, and she would speak of the geometry of Attic pottery of the 10th century BC, and the bands of decoration were drawn in black in cream-coloered clay and there would be meanders and chevrons and swastikas and then, gradually, as the ninth century passed and the eighth began, there was an advent of animal forms. She spoke of all these wonderful vessels: the amphora with its two great handles and the krater with its fat belly and wide mouth and the skinny lekythos, for pouring. Jackie would throw her head back and her mind would make my breath catch and now the eighth century BC was in full flower with horsemen and chariots and battle scenes crowding these clay pots and scenes of men and women lamenting the dead, and her eyes would tear up, even as we touched and she fell forward and I put my hands on her back and felt her bones."

It's like that, OP.

>> No.4861310

Oh god, it's like autism propaganda. 10/10

>> No.4861328

It is true. Trust me. I've requested as the bull before. It's hilarious. These people are so mentally sick it ammuses me. Modernity worships those who draw attention and those who are liberating, both subjective concepts which paint a bullseye on the fact that its just a side effect of the weakinging of society. Its honestly preferable for China or Russia to bomb us into obvlivion. We deserve it for being so oppressive don't we. Oh you bad western world you deserve to watch the east put its dick into your empire I onow you'll love it.

>> No.4861348


Coetzee is great at "thinkers sex" because he shows how horrible it is when sex is too thought-out, before, during or after the act. He's great :D

>> No.4861350

I love it! How did you get that perfect amount of reverb/echo? God damn son, that was good.

>> No.4863003

Are you Finnish?

p good

>> No.4863022



>> No.4863065

i don't like fetishists
i don't care about whatever sex shit they're into but every one i've seen is into it for really stupid reasons that they'll start talking about for no reason whenever the opportunity arises
it's just so fucking stupid

>> No.4863074

No difference whatsoever. We think like animals.
actually literally die

>> No.4863079

you homo

>> No.4863087


Most of the people who talk about fetishes they're into to you are just people with kinks who don't know what a fetish actually entails.

Much like yourself.

>> No.4863100

zzzzzzz save this shit for reddit

>> No.4863106
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Stay BTFO you vanilla ass normalfaggit.

>> No.4863126

>but what would "fucking like thinkers" be like?
Not fucking at all.

>> No.4863152


>> No.4863290

I actually had this with a girl. She left me. Best year of my life.

>> No.4863291

Machines. A thinker that can't make a machine is pretending to be one.

A thinker I mean. Maybe a machine too. You know, if they say they are a machine but it is clear they lie.

>> No.4863498

That would make a good story actually. A well educated physically fit alpha male "bull" complains about his job and society for several hundred pages then something happens. Could be funny actually, he'd have to be a completely discpicable /pol/ type who hates everything about modernity while at the same time being a sex working for upper class jews and white folks.

>Myth, history, and the news are rich in examples of how fornication has cause the high and the mighty to fall from grace.
Lots of people do the same thing without getting caught, just look at every other US president, your parents, and your wife.

>> No.4863520

Sensing deeply every waves and understanding every emotion involved in sexuality. It's a dense thing to do. Sexuality is also inherent with Love, so there is a lot of sharing with the one you love during this "gifting of the God to humanity" like Pasolini said. It is not because it was spoiled by phoney bourgeois moral principles that it is ruined forever.

ITT : Everybody is Puritan.

>> No.4864632

>Fucking like a spiritualist

Best way to do things

>> No.4865108

You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.4865232

faggot detected

>> No.4865240
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>> No.4865258

die of aids faggots

>> No.4865281

Faggot Line

Everyone above this line is a faggot

>> No.4865566


>> No.4865572

sex is about receiving good vibes (and head) and putting good vibes out into the universe via some chick's snatch.

p.s. i like to eat the pussy and the ass.

>> No.4865595

>tfw you eat pussy so well that women are nice to you even though you're fuckugly

i found the cheat code

>> No.4865617

for reals. i'm not going to lie, it's not easy to convince women to come home with me so i like to treat them nice when they do. i've even had ex-girlfriends come back for seconds.

>> No.4865629

since we're basically just talking about sex

anyone else know the feeling of fucking a girl and just completely spacing out, like you just entirely forget what the fuck is happening but your body keeps on acting, and then you feel this weird almost artistic pleasure at the moment completely divorced from any physical or emotional pleasure which you're disconnected from? Like you're outside the two bodies and they're both your canvas to do with what you will, and everything just takes on this hyper aesthetic quality but it feels so non-sexual.

when this happens to me i cant cum at all

>> No.4865632

You're gay

>> No.4865637

see i really do think this a lot of the time, but i indisputably fell in love with a girl, like there was no doubt whatsoever i really loved this girl it was ridiculous

but yeah actually before i dated her i thought i was probably gay

>> No.4866758

This needs to be seen.

>> No.4866782

oh right!

>> No.4866787

do virgins really think this

>> No.4866817

as a virgin, I can officially confirm that I do NOT think this

>> No.4867116

non-virgins, what does it feel like to NOT be a virgin?

do you still feel young?

>> No.4867499


>> No.4867717

>getting caught
It's not getting caught that's the problem. It's the urge that is present that leads them to debasement. To be a slave to nature is necessary, but it's fully up to you how much of a slave you want to be.

>> No.4867737

i feel euphoric

>> No.4867760

feels good mang

>> No.4867778

Permavirgin detected.

>> No.4867782


Thinkers don't fuck, though.

Why do you think it's always the proles who do the fucking and breeding?

>> No.4867790

>basing your maturity on sex

If anything it makes you feel younger.

>> No.4867811

>permavirgins actually believing they can understand the fundamentals of the human condition without fucking so often that you don't even enjoy it anymore

hahahaha. even jean-paul "googly-eye" sartre got laid on the regular, just give up, faggots

>> No.4868230

depressing and boring
definitely no orgasms

>> No.4868240
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ITT type ones

>> No.4868245

Yeah, it's easy to get laid when you're smart. Feels good to be ugly and still get laid more often than my attractive friends.

>> No.4868261

I'm more of a combination of the "why me?" and the "romeo".

Romanticism is still alive!

>> No.4868284

Where is the "Some one actually made a picture of this"-type

>> No.4868305

Go back to reddit

On a serious note what is up with this critiquing of OC and questioning why people even make internet pictures on this board recently? Holy shit dude the left has seriously come full circle. You legitimately want to ban and shame everything out of existence.

>> No.4868316

Haha, wow are you seriously trying to say that the left wants to ban your precious memes away?

>> No.4868383

holy shit im a denialiast and a phony combined.

should i just end it?

>> No.4868396

i get this when i wank. just wank

>> No.4868397

>and shame

Reading comprehension and evaluation has never been one of your type's strong points. It's most certainly reddit who started shitting their pants with le ebin X maymay to censor memes, and now this board is questioning why people even make internet images.

You are a magnificent winged faggot of the highest order.

>> No.4868406

I was type 5 for so long. I kind of still am, I don't even know if I've lost my virginity. It's been so boring and devoid of pleasure that I've always given up before feeling anything.

>> No.4868409

Fucking like thinkers is me pissing down into the mouth of a midget prostitute - getting off on power and humiliation. I prefer doing it like an animal though, which we are.

>> No.4868417

What does Leftism have to do with someone not liking your ... chart ... thing?
If I remember my stereotypes correctly, the virgins are supposed to be right-wingers or reactionaries, because of reasons.

>> No.4868674

>virgin = a combination of pathetic, stupid, depressed, perverted and awkward

Man this is some primary school shit. Whoever made this is got some hardcore denial and envy going on

>> No.4868678
File: 952 KB, 393x273, 1373190120821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get called out on your shiity picture
>T-t-the left are banning everything!

Truly pathetic

>> No.4868684

>dat filename.

At first I got indignant. But then I read it. Denialist is exactly me.

The bad part is, according to this chart I'm not supposed to be depressed, but I am. According to my doctor, depression is supposed to suppress the sex drive. I used to think I was asexual. I'm so repulsed by sex that I won't even treat my depression for fear I might start having sex. If I start having sex I'll be lured into financial ruin by the salmon flaps of satan. I'd rather be depressed(in a way in which I am familiar with) and only a bit poor as opposed to depressed(in a whole new way) and utterly destitute.

Then there are weirdos who tell me I should have sex in order to cure my depression. Like eww, using someone else's body as medicine.

but if existence really is a reproductive contest, why do people ridicule virgins? Every permavirgin like myself is just one less contestant and therefore increases their chances of mating. Ridicule is meant as a way of punishing undesirable behaviour. You fuckers should be encouraging my awesome lifestyle which benefits you. Get your priorities straight.

Unless of course, ridicule is being used as corrective, and they care about my wellbeing as they perceive it.

>> No.4868701
File: 54 KB, 1239x993, 1396820335955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868714

>the virgins are supposed to be right-wingers or reactionaries

>French survey discovers far-right-wing voters
have the most sex
>Far-right voters have most sex, at eight times a month
>Communist-backed party voters least sexually satisfied


>> No.4868718

I don't understand what exactly leftism has to do with people mocking your dumb picture. If anything, that picture looks like something that would be created by a leftist in order to discredit those "impotent permavirgin, fedora-wearing MRA right-wingers"

>> No.4868763

Oh, look. Actual /lit/ in a /lit/ thread. gee.

>> No.4868768

lel SRS please go

>> No.4868774

Non existent

>> No.4868835

>not a gif
>not a spoiler

>> No.4869347

>the virgins are supposed to be right-wingers or reactionaries, because of reasons.

How? The idea that women's body's are pure fuckmeat couldn't be more reactionary. Liberals would most probably be virgins given that they would in all likelihood be aligned with feminism which emphasizes consent and opposes exploitation of the female body. Liberals and progressives would not pressure a women into having sex or pay for it lest they feel guilty.

>> No.4869356

>which we are
speak for yourself

>> No.4869366

It's simple biology. Inferior specimens fail to reproduce.

>> No.4869589
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or they get hit by a volcano or a flood

>> No.4869960
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>> No.4869964

If you've ever seen animals fuck, it's pretty shitty and boring. No, I think we fuck like humans.

>> No.4869972

OP was friendzoned for Chad Thundercock

>> No.4869977

What does this have to do with literature? I'm 16

>> No.4869997

I had a laugh

>> No.4870030
File: 87 KB, 473x473, Snoop Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872234

No nigga, Explain this shit.

>> No.4872269
File: 66 KB, 650x375, mission accomplished banner 23423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! You made my day.

>> No.4872281

nah, i'm a mere keyboardist. That's a yamaha DX7 you are hearing.
haha, i just slapped a "plate reverb" with more or less random settings on audacity, i guess it came out well. Sorry that i can't help you with any professional advice.
Slovenian, like Zizek :-)

>> No.4872387

>but if existence really is a reproductive contest, why do people ridicule virgins? Every permavirgin like myself is just one less contestant and therefore increases their chances of mating. Ridicule is meant as a way of punishing undesirable behaviour. You fuckers should be encouraging my awesome lifestyle which benefits you. Get your priorities straight.
Ridiculing you is not going to give you the resolve to end your virginity, it's going to make you even more disturbed and wounded. You should view it as finishing you off rather than sabotaging themselves.

>> No.4872403
File: 8 KB, 645x773, tfwnogf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I wished I was the one fucking the extremely cute girl on the pic
>tfw I wished I had the same cool hair of the guy on the pic

>> No.4872452

>You should view it as finishing you off rather than sabotaging themselves.

I am not speaking for the strategy as it applies to myself, but as a general practiceBut their strategies are adapted for use among most individuals, who are not myself. In practice, the motive to lose one's virginity is to avoid ridicule from the peer group. The strategy of ridicule leads most people to become sexually active. People who are ridiculed for their virginity are not "finished off" but lead to become sexually active.

And lets say that it was intended to "finish me off" personally. If I were "finished off", wouldn't that not make me into living, cautionary tale, for others to avoid? This would then lead others to become sexually active.

>> No.4872516

Well if you truly want to get serious about it, people don't actually have concious strategies regarding these matters and have no idea what they're doing most of the time.

But if you must ascribe some sort of purpose to it, the notion that joined ridicule of a person outside of the in-group serves as a bonding mechanism is enough to justify the behaviour. Remember, virgins aren't the only ones ridiculed. The virginity is, if anything, more of an excuse. Poverty will do as well, or race, or silly hair, or a strange nose or something.

>> No.4872527

You have to do this more often. Haven't had a laugh this good in a while.

>> No.4872532
File: 45 KB, 500x331, third world keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga

>> No.4872534
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Then grow your hair out, see a proper barber, eat more healthily and less in volume, lift weights a few times a week.

Ta-da, you're a decently attractive guy.

>> No.4872539
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>> No.4872542
File: 14 KB, 320x272, oohbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong pic, absolutely wrong pic.

>> No.4872545

So people are only making fun of virgins because they don't want to feel lonely?

>> No.4872565

fucking lol'd

>> No.4872579
File: 55 KB, 500x379, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4872586
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>Her iris, by the way, is like a solar ecipse

>> No.4872591

hahahah did you make this?

>> No.4872611


Thank you for actually taking time to write this. I am really not that bad: I go to the gym for more than 4 years now and eat healthy. I even have a cute mixed-race (german-polish-portuguese-indigenous) girlfriend. That post was just a mock of all this “tfw no gf” whining.

What you say is true. I am 27 now. When I was 17 I had my face full of pimples and was skinny as fuck. I also had a long and oily hair (something of a heavy metal style of hair). My confidence was extremely low, and many nights I fall to sleep wondering if I ever would have the courage to talk for more than 5 minutes with a girl.

With time I forced myself to face my fears and my own feeling of awkwardness. Good god! What a bunch of painfully embarrassing moments until I learned to sustain normal and light social conversation. I took Accutane to get rid of the pimples and started to cut my hair in a more cool and normal way. When I started to eat clean and hit the gym things became even easier. It’s not a lying cliché: you actually feel better and much more confident when you start to exercise regularly (just don’t go on /fit/: those guys are fanatic and pretty damn strange).

Thanks for the tips and for your time: you are completely right. We all can better ourselves considerably with a simply study of fashion and a good diet and workout plan.

>inb4: “That’s not your personal blog faggot”

>> No.4872619

fucking kek 10/10

>> No.4872636

I got that feeling for the first time two days ago. Probably because I was fucking the hottest girl of my life. She was on top and had her head tucked between my shoulder and my neck as I held her ass cheeks and pounded her waterfall of a pussy. I would like to describe it but I cannot hope to do it better than the way you put it. The only difference is that it made me harder.
Very interesting phenomenon.

>> No.4872654
File: 39 KB, 360x450, suelyonposters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, not at all, it's good to discuss this kind of thing, it leads to wisdom about life.

There is a lot to be said for fashion. Some would tell you it's all vanity. Some would say that we ought to be concerned with the reality of goodness rather than the appearance of goodness. To them, I quote Parmenides from his poem, The Way of Truth:

>There is need for you to learn all things -
>both the unshaken heart of persuasive Truth
>and the opinions of mortals, in which there is no true reliance.

Basically, I interpret this as "yes, be philosophical, but don't isolate yourself, for there is a lot of good in the social world."

Here's a fashion tip: check your father's closet for old button-down shirts. They were a very big deal in the 80's and 90's. They don't make 'em like they used to. Find some that fit you well and add them to your arsenal.

Another one: get a pair of good black jeans. Jeans are nice because you can look at once presentable but not at all stodgy and formal. Black jeans.

Get a good coat. I like leather coats.

Finally, get some leather shoes. You might not have to buy these. Again, your dad might have some good loafers lying about. Just have them polished (or learn to polish yourself) and they'll be like new. Alternately, you can buy yourself a pair of slip-on drivers, which are all the rage. I'll warn you that these are not nearly as durable a slip-on as a pennyloafer. Leather boots are cool too, very hip.

Good fashion is all about rocking it- that is to say (god, I sound like a nerd), but that is to say, being comfortable in your clothes. Have you ever seen a dude in a suit who just looks stiff and stilted, pulling at is collar, now his cuff, now his coat? Not rocking it. Find something that makes you feel cool and comfortable. You can't affect this.

Finally, just some important tips that you might not know: never button bottom buttons of blazers and suit coats, and if it has three buttons, button only the middle or the top two, never the bottom. For cardigans, never button all of the buttons, only the middle two. That usually means that the top one or two buttons are unbuttoned, and the bottom ones are definitely unbuttoned, forming a kind of / \ at the bottom of the sweater.

Never overdress, never underdress. Do not be afraid to ask what kind of attire an event or restaurant will require.

Most of all, just have fun with it, find your own style. Don't concern yourself with labels. However, note that some things will automatically give you a label- suspenders will label you a hipster, for example.

Also note that young adults are in an interesting place for fashion. In universities, particularly American public universities, you run the risk of being overdressed very easily. But everybody secretly wants to look adult and urbane, so if you're rocking it, you can score some points.

Have a blast.

>> No.4872663

can somebody archive this thread? it's one for the /book/s.

>> No.4872668


>two Finally's

Damn, I should have edited this, but the point remains.

>> No.4872670


wow, thank you very much for this :)

>> No.4872685


No problemo, man.

>> No.4872999


underrated post

>> No.4873045

ask my bitch

she'd probably say boring

>> No.4873082

Besides Parmenedies, here's Hume:
>Be a philosopher; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.

>> No.4873152
File: 218 KB, 461x567, Painting_of_David_Hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for sharing.

Does anybody know what Hume has got on his head in this pic? I want one.

>> No.4873462

I believe it's some sort of Armenian or Albanian folk dress thing. I've tried looking it up for you but I'm having a hard time with it.

>> No.4873595

Answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1vws3t/a_portrait_of_hume_on_wikipedia_shows_him_wearing/

>> No.4874008

hi woody allen

>> No.4874094


Never thought anything good would come of reddit.

Thank you very much. I'd rather attribute the goodness to you.

>> No.4874125

bathing cap as not to fuck up your weave

>> No.4876418

>soul purpose


>> No.4876447

>tfw you used to be type V
Two last points fortunately don't apply though.

>> No.4876449


This is a safe for work board. That kind of language isn't wanted here.

>> No.4876450


I love Slovenia and Slovenian culture.

>> No.4876484

>tfw kind of a "why me?" even though im not a virgin
i guess me and my gf just broke up so maybe thats my excuse

>> No.4876494

>Slovenian, on /lit/, creating OC

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