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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 713x280, writingsticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4863574 No.4863574 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't there a sticky for writing on this board?

Of course people could just take out a sheet of paper and write their thoughts out, but I bet there's many people who have a variety of questions and, more importantly, have a need to learn things they have not even thought of yet.

Think of things like:
>Will my office suite suffice or are there better ways of managing pages and chapters?
>Outlines, what are they and how do I use them?
>Creativity tips.
You name it.

>> No.4863575

Because it's not a board for writing.

It's a board for literature.

>> No.4863578

That's like saying /fit/ is not for steroids, just for fitness.

>> No.4863588

You're a complete moron.

>> No.4863715

I'm gone for a bit, so this is my bump to make this thread pass the evening.

>> No.4863821
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>> No.4863837
File: 26 KB, 500x581, 1397910903953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an author of novels like a lot of you guys, but I think my simple point about creativity will apply to all of writing.

When the muses are speaking to you, write, and do not stop writing until you burn out.

You cannot force that kind of manic inspiration in which the words are just falling to place.

Other days, you might go to write and nothing seems to come of it. That's OK, you just aren't in the right mood.

Sometimes, there are physical steps that you can take to get in the right mood for "inspiration". For example, I eat a huge dinner, get a good night's sleep, wake up, drink two cups of coffee, and only eat a small pastry or something- no breakfast. It sounds weird but it eliminates any languor that might get in the way of my work.

>> No.4864005

Most helpful. Thanks.

Very interesting to hear.
What's helpful about writing on days when you don't really have the inspiration is that you still get more acquainted with your characters, your story and your setting. You start feeling them more, which helps on the inspirational days.

>> No.4864009

>I'm not an author of novels like a lot of you guys
>like a lot of you guys
>a lot of you guys

>> No.4864036

There's just you and me on this entire board.
I sometimes even make deliberate spelling mistakes to fool you.