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4859131 No.4859131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you because they respect another male-bodied person more than they respect your rejection/lack of interest.


Full article: http://www.eberhardtsmith.com/stop-saying-i-have-a-boyfriend

>> No.4859136

"I have gonorrhea" would work as well since I respect my dick more than your rejection/lack of interest.
But how is this /lit7-related?

>> No.4859137

I've never seen that happen or heard of it. much less performed it. but maybe among the poor people?

>> No.4859146

Ideas like feminism and Marxism are discussed here regularly, despite not always being explicitly connected to lit.

>> No.4859149

>>Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you

That doesn't stop me unless the guy is there. But seriously why would that stop anyone?

Boyfriends can be broken up with in a second. I just tell them to "drop him" and keep trying. Usually works and I get the number

Most girls have multiple boyfriends anyway, just their nature

>> No.4859158

If I had to hazard a guess I would say he's trying to bait the tripcode ladies who use this board into defending

>Muh Feminism

On the bit you quoted, I think its basically a jaded blogger complaining that shitty people are indeed shitty. Some men will only stop pestering women when they say "I have a boyfriend". A lot of men will stop hitting on a woman if she says she's not interested. Apparently the author seems to think that our culture accepts the group of shitty men or something, considering their desire to write a blog about it. I think the author is probably a person who has to deal with some shit they shouldn't have to, but instead of blaming individuals chooses to use sweeping generalizations.


>> No.4859159

But usually these talk require you to read books. Here it's just tumblrettes complaining that they get hit on when they go to clubs (read:sex-markets).

>> No.4859168

Btw, where is Feminister? Haven't seen him for a long time?

>> No.4859170

oh wow she's pretty. given the opportunity i'd put my dick inside her, if you know what i mean

>> No.4859171

>Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you because they respect another male-bodied person more than they respect your rejection/lack of interest.

My girlfriend made a similar observation a couple of times. Thankfully, she stopped short of using it as a platform for whining about "male privilege."

>> No.4859177

>Most girls have multiple boyfriends anyway, just their nature
I love a good misogynistic generalization.

>> No.4859179

Eh, it's more like "I have a boyfriend" doesn't send the statement that she's rejecting you based on her lack of attraction towards you, and, in turn, your lack of worth, but rather because of her own engagements which are irrelevant to your worth.

>> No.4859180

>>>Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you

I have to study German so I'll be quick: persuasion and bargaining are deeply encoded in our societal behaviour even in making contacts. We don't just agree on something for the first time, you have to negotiate, and a sensible one will try to get the most out of a deal one can. We don't lie with strangers, nor do we marry them - but eventually, every mate, gf/bf, spouse, fiancé has been a stranger to you until some point.
What separates your best friend, trusted partner from a stranger? Persuasion. Some way, either by time, space, mere coincidence or by the forcing of the other, you've been constrained to learn your partner's personality and realise that you like them.
Now, let us suppose that the woman of this example has a boyfriend, but it cannot be seen on her appearance. She is alone at a club. What do the males think in that club that are interested in her? They would like to confront her, familiarise her with their good traits, neat outfit, strong body etc. What can stop this haggling of boyfriend-or-not, this endless race? What can break their want of spouse down? The fact, that even if they tried, they wouldn't succeed. And that would be the women of their choice being 'taken'. No, that 'I'm not interested' one won't work. We all know since we were born that we have to fight to earn something, let it be a toy, a good grade, money or friend. It is not logical from someone to require anyone to do otherwise in that case. 'I'm not interested' only shows that you, who have been told this sentence have to go on and persuade her, change her mind.
Why does this concept frighten and confuse feminists? Women have not the sole right to search for a partner. But there's another reason, why the article fails: the 'I'm not interested' - in an ideal world, would be most certainly okay, but not in this one. It has to remain a fantasy. The societal behaviour of us and our human nature, pushing us to find someone to shag with prevents this overly idealistic, although could've been nice argument.

>> No.4859184

Subtlety isn't my strong suit but is that a euphemism for marriage?

>> No.4859185

good riddance

>> No.4859187

She needs to check her privilege that she gets hit on to begin with. As an ugly man I have never in my life been hit on.

>> No.4859189
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>> No.4859206
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seconding you

>> No.4859210

Very good. With "I have a bf" She is basically saying "I've made my choice, and the choice isn't you." It's an expression of Her power of choice, not his respect for the chosen.

>> No.4859213

Might as well open a thread on /lit/ how girls never just say "No, thanks. Not interested." but act like >>4859189 if you only ask if she would like a drink.
Couldn't be worse than this thread.

>> No.4859218

>because they respect another male-bodied person more than they respect you ;____;

"I have a girlfriend" works just as well.

>> No.4859223

Isn't there a double standard here? I mean if a girl comes onto me I'll tell her that I'm currently seeing someone.

I mean, shit, isn't it more about having respect for your partner?

>> No.4859226

>Couldn't be worse than this thread.
nothing could be

>> No.4859227

>denying the patriarchy

that's 12 years in prison for supporting rape culture

>> No.4859234

>implying it's not been a subtly disguised matriarchy all along

>> No.4859235
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>Adult privilege is “I'm underage” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you because they respect the male-made law more than they respect your rejection/lack of interest.

>> No.4859243

>mfw this is likely to be true

It's less of a respect for the law and more of a fear though.

>> No.4859251
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>tfw white
>tfw male
>tfw cisgendered
>tfw upper-class
>tfw educated
>tfw attractive
>tfw privileged

>> No.4859255
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>> No.4859267

>tfw wont amount to anything despite all this

>> No.4859272

A) not /lit/ related in the slightest.
B) The reason a woman told you she had a boyfriend last time you tried getting your game on was that she felt sorry for you and didn't want to hurt your feelings.

I'm not a woman
I'm not a feminist.

I'm just someone with some common fucking sense in this shithole full of butthurt, kissless virgins

>> No.4859276
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>> No.4859280

I'm Female and I have to deal with this shit on a weekly basis
Sometimes I feel like my opinion is instantly disregarded due to my gender. You have no idea how frustrating that is, and you all dismiss my issues with "lel xD check privilege SJW pls go xDDD muh equilty"

I deserve all the respect a man does, and them some for the shit I have to put up with.

>> No.4859284

This is the result of the sexual revolution.

Males are now playing their game too, and enjoying the loosening of social bonds around the whole dating/mating shit, but feminists dislike this, because they don't want to admit their experiment has failed incredibly.

>> No.4859285


when women achieve something of merit we will take them seriously.

>> No.4859289

Do you know what happens when a guy rejects a girl? It's not just that they keep on with "C'mon, you know you want it too huehuehue wink wink". At best they'll throw insults at your head. Others will try to embarass you in front of a crowd or start to cry so you go with her out of pity. True shit. It's not only us.

>> No.4859296

well if this thread is any indicator...

>> No.4859303


You are absolutely right, my lady.

I apologise on behalf of males (though I shudder to use the term) everywhere that you have to endure such pig-headed truculence from meatheaded misogynists. If I met you, I would treat you as the goddess that you probably are!

I hope that one day you will meet that certain someone that respects you as a person, rather than as a commodity, and that respects your mind as well as your body :^).

r u a qt, by any chance? ;_;

>> No.4859305


>> No.4859306

>male as a noun

>> No.4859308

When a girl says that to me I don't stop because I 'respect another male-bodied person'. I stop because it's the polite equivalent of "You will never touch my body".

>> No.4859309

feels good
feels bad

>> No.4859313

pls london

>> No.4859315

Just stop. You're doing no one any favors, least of all yourself.

>> No.4859318



Eh, excuse me? What about male-minded or partially-male-bodied, you piece of shit transphobe?

Get your privileged cis ass out of here.

>> No.4859320

If I'm getting hit on, on a weekly basis I guess I'm a qt
Unfortunately you still don't quite get the difference between white knighting and sticking up for equality. This makes your post un-humorous and in bad taste and I have discarded you as potential love interest for that very reason.

Also of note: actual white knights aren't quite that awful, work on your subtlety and then maybe it will be funny

>> No.4859321

Only because of /pol/ not knowing what a containment board is.

>> No.4859323

>I enjoy “going out.” I like dancing, I like music, I like drinking, I like spending time with friends. And I like meeting new people, chatting with them and making friends. I also understand that many people (men and women) go to bars and clubs in hopes of meeting a romantic/sexual partner, and of course, there is nothing wrong with this, in theory.

fucking dropped. No one goes out clubbing just to "have fun with their friends".

>> No.4859324
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Ooooooh the new tripfag just called you the fuck out! The hell you gonna do about it? You little bitch?

>> No.4859327

>I deserve all the respect a man does, and them some for the shit I have to put up with.
You know what? no, fuck you. Being born a white female is as easy as it gets in this day and age. You don't deserve shit.

>> No.4859329

Exactly, the whole purpose of clubs is to have a place for people looking to get laid.

>> No.4859335

not necessarily get laid, but at least feed on the attention you get.

>> No.4859338


Fine then.
Fucking bitch whore I hope you die of AIDS and fire.

This is why there is no God, when cuties would prefer to get skewered by Jason McQuarterback than a romantic poet-philosopher such as myself.

>> No.4859343

I'm glad I have the internet and went to college. I had no idea who I was until I was told, despite working my shit job and just trying to get by that literally I am one of the most evil people to grace this earth

Like a true life dalek kill not my kind has not done one shred of good and oppressed everyone and everything, real and not real.
I'm oppressing other universes that I don't know about since I don't study trans string theory

Thus is life as a cis hetero white male

>> No.4859348


>there is nothing wrong with this, in theory.

In theory? You can just tell how impossible this bitch is to even be around.

>> No.4859349

That's what I think girls look for in clubs. They want attention. That's why they never care about you - even if they want to fuck you, they will pretend they don't so that other guys will also pay attention to them. A men's goal is fucking the largest number of pussies; a woman's goal is getting as much attention as possible.

>> No.4859350

Maybe that's the draw for some. Others like myself just like dancing.

>> No.4859354

Dance in your house, fuckface. Why even go out then?

>> No.4859356

Why do you lie? This is an anonymous image board.

>> No.4859358

>In response to my complaints about men creeping on me at dance clubs in college, an ex-boyfriend of mine used to get cranky that I refused to whip out this cure-all excuse (one of many reasons he is an ex).
I'm sure he got cranky (read: violent) when she didn't want to whip out his cure-all excuses either, amright?

In all seriousness though, one thing is refusing to lie about having a bf when you're single, but refusing to say you have a bf when you actually have a bf, is pretty fucking disrespectful. I'd be pretty pissed myself.

>> No.4859366

Why would you need 300 drunken, sweating and screaming idiots around you for that?

>> No.4859367

Because there's no one at her house to pay attention to her.

The only reasons she said she's a girl, btw, is that she wants attention. She could have said it was her friend or her sister or just stated her thoughts in an object impersonal manner. But no, she wanted to say she is a girl. Even from anonymous people she needs attention.

>> No.4859370

4chan in a nutshell.

>> No.4859371

Because it's more fun to go out.

>> No.4859372

>implying people stop hitting on women at that point out of respect for the man and not out of the implied rejection

"I'm not interested" signals "I can be persuaded", especially to those who have made these kinds of persuasions in the past. "I have a boyfriend", out of convention, signals "I am not playing this game."

But here is where the author has a point: replace "I have a boyfriend" with "I have a girlfriend" (implying she's a lesbian) and ask yourself if as many men would respect that. I would argue, though, that any drop-off in respect would be the result of how women themselves treat lesbian relationships (going back and forth between men and women).

On the other hand, a non-gendered version of the rejection will be just as effective as the male version: "I'm in a relationship."

>> No.4859374

Is this the moment where I have to write "TITS OR GTFO!!!!!11"?

>> No.4859375

I don't think you're going to be able to get this concept across on this board, anon.

>> No.4859377

But why?

>> No.4859386

I agree.

Do what my mother used to do and carry around a .44 and/or fuckhuge bowie knife. That'll get the fucking point across.

Then again she was a rodeo rider/truck driver living in the rape capital of america. Might be a violation of "civil" protocol in the less violent parts of the country, I don't know.

>> No.4859389

Because I don't have an amazing sound system, a bar, or a dancefloor in my apartment?Also, there is camaraderie that isn't sexual.

No lie.
Only an adolescent would automatically dismiss clubbers as "screaming idiots." They're mostly regular people having fun and letting loose. It's a good time. Mostly harmless.
Not a girl.

>> No.4859390

Personally, I think clubs fucking suck.

But I also wouldn't be pretentious enough to presume that just because I don't like the clubbing experience, nobody does. That would be pretty fucking silly of me, wouldn't it?

>> No.4859391

Seriously, why? You like an activity that can be performed anywhere. Why do you go do it at a place full of people you don't want to interact with?

>> No.4859396

>At best they'll throw insults at your head


fucking underrated post. holy fucking shit, when will the majority of women stop being solipsistically self-obsessed and understand that there is a world outside of their heads and that women are as much flawed people as men god fucking DAMMIT

>> No.4859398

why the fuck would they? Lesbians are universally known (through porn, tv series, media) to be "experimental", and would still invite some sort of hope for the man.
A boyfriend implies danger and risking a fight, the worst that can happen with a girlfriend is that she gets mad and tells you to fuck off (at that point, you and your drunk friends will just laugh it off)

>> No.4859399

lol You guys are kind of stupid. I said I like dancing, which occasionally involves interacting with people, ie dancing with them. Dancing with randoms at the club is normal and absolutely does not imply that you are going to fuck that person.

>> No.4859404

So you agree with the author, then.

>> No.4859406

I do want to interact with them though. That's why I go out.

>> No.4859407

this is probably the only well-thought out response in this 70 post thread

>> No.4859408

I think you don't understand the meaning of dancing in a social context. You are not dancing for rain on your fields, you are making ritualized mating gestures.

>> No.4859410

As another cis hetero white male I'm actually proud of being this evil. I don't like people and never did so, and therefore I'm happy to know that I oppress whole lots of them merely by existing.

>> No.4859414
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yeah, women get craaazey when you reject them. I still have several girls harassing me on fb simply because I said "no" when they asked me to come over.
I've deleted them, but they keep sending messages. Varies from desperate, drunken pleads at sex, to insults and some very aggressive accusations.

>> No.4859419
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You drunk posting? This is some weirdly over emotional shit you have going on right now.

Chill the fuck out. Damn.

>> No.4859422

>I just want to go out into a crowd of people and engage in what is essentially a mating ritual with no intention of actually mating or even going on a date with anyone
>Why do you all assume I want to mate with anyone?

>> No.4859425

I'm dancing because it's fun.

>> No.4859428

>On the other hand, a non-gendered version of the rejection will be just as effective as the male version: "I'm in a relationship."
Tell a woman that, and she'll just go for it even harder.

>> No.4859429

Oh fuck it, we fell for the troll. Let's move on.

>> No.4859430


>you are making ritualized mating gestures.

you sound like you're a regular cunt destroyer on the d floor m8

>> No.4859431
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You know what, I'm never going to apologize for being, white,male, straight, upper middle class, whatever. We're the best and it will be easier for everyone if the losing team would just stop whining and see if they can change what they did wrong in the next game.

>> No.4859432

>I would argue, though, that any drop-off in respect would be the result of how women themselves treat lesbian relationships (going back and forth between men and women).
I think homophobia would play a part in it too, with ideas such as "turning lesbians straight" "they just haven't had the right dick yet" "can I have a threesome with you and your gf" and "all lesbians are actually bi."

>> No.4859435

I read tumblr stuff and it makes me really mad. it legtimately makes me shake with anger to know that there are people out there who think these things

>> No.4859440

lol dancing is a mating ritual now. I'm sorry I can handle physical contact with a member of the opposite sex without thinking it's sexual.

>> No.4859441


>it legtimately makes me shake with anger

This has more to do with you being a loser than the actual material that you're reading.

>> No.4859443

Step away from the screen nigga.
Less than 1% of the population is on tumblr and you'll probably never meet them.

>> No.4859444

>Not engaging in a complex linguistic activity abstracted into text communications whose design is to make other people upset
>for fun

>> No.4859446

Do you ever leave the house?

>> No.4859447

I know you are trolling but for the sake of argument: would you mind posting a clip of people dancing in a club and explain why it's non-sexual?

>> No.4859448

>Less than 1% of the population is on tumblr and you'll probably never meet them.

I'm not that guy but I know tons of people on tumblr and most of them are either SJW or sympathetic to those causes. I could just be an outlier, though.

>> No.4859449

Not ALL men you generalising bitches!

Seriously though, asexual master race reporting in. I would like to say I feel sorry for the rest of you, but really if wasn't for people constantly pursuing relational bullshit, my species wouldn't exist to sustain me to begin with. So, I will say thanks for your constant personal battles to win the right to shoot DNA at women. Keep up the good work so I can do whatever I want without feeling like I have to contribute anything to the next generation.

But please stop whining. Romantic pursuits are inherently illogical, chaotic, and painful regardless of whatever the gender issues happen to be. Stop making excuses and just accept the fact that what you want is stupid and get on with your life.

>> No.4859450

It's not about you doofus.

That's like going on the internet and pretending to be retarded, to only then chastise others for treating you like a retard.



>> No.4859451
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>I read tumblr stuff and it makes me really mad. it legtimately makes me shake with anger

>> No.4859452

I'm not a loser. also I'm probably better than you. cry more shithead

>> No.4859456

All girls should be considered fair game to rape if they are drinking in a bar. Fucking cockteases engaging in ritualized mating dances and not inviting me. It's like high school all over again. #theredpill

>> No.4859457

I have never let "I have a boyfriend" stop me. I once stole a kiss from a girl right after she pointed her boyfriend out to me, and he was looking too and did nothing about it, which resulted in her wanting me and my taking her. Actually I've done similar to that quite a few times, but that time was most balls-to-the-wall. He was a big cunt too.

>> No.4859460


Heres the first vid that popped up without me needing to sign in.

The majority of the girls are just dancing with their friends. Nothing sexual about it.

>> No.4859462

do you masturbate

>> No.4859463


>Seriously though, asexual master race reporting in.

Please. You're a metaphorical eunuch you human nothing.

>> No.4859464

congraulations you're a faggot and you have written the worst b8 of all time

>> No.4859465

I shouldn't say "taking her" because I'm not a sexist (because I'm a PIMP and don't need to be), but you are what you make of yourself, so...

>> No.4859466

Yeah, I'll but you do that all of the time. Lay of the PUA tutorial vids, chump.

>> No.4859467

>I shouldn't say "taking her" because I'm not a sexist (because I'm a PIMP and don't need to be)

This thread just got meta as fuck.

>> No.4859469

I do, u mad?

>> No.4859470


>reads tumblr posts and physically shake with rage
>not a loser

pick one bitch ass fuccboi

>> No.4859471

This "I know you're trolling but" trolling technique is pretty lame, bro.

>> No.4859472

Nor do I read PUA because I'm a natural

>> No.4859473


>> No.4859474

Eh, fair enough. It's true that I'll never know the joys of validating my entire existence as an individual based on who I have exclusive rights to mash my penis into. I guess I'll have to settle for things like "independence" and "money" and "free time".

Yeah, I guess I'm overrating my existence. Sorry.

>> No.4859476

Oh well, I guess you are right. Nothing sexual going on there when these girls shake their tits and asses just as soon as when they see that they are getting filmed.

>> No.4859479

What do you think happens when you dance? Your body parts move...do you think jogging is a mating ritual?

>> No.4859480
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Boy did I ever just hit a nerve.

I was going for a pinch but I guess I just took an axe to an artery.

>> No.4859481 [DELETED] 

It's easy to not visit tumblr websites, but they must victimize you so. It seems there are people whose trigger warnings are in fact trigger warnings.

>> No.4859482

Again: why do people dance? To lose weight?

>> No.4859483

holy fuck im dying

>> No.4859487

People don't dance for one generic reason, just like people don't jog for one reason. Some people like dancing. Others are obviously in it for the sexual element. Some like both.

>> No.4859488

>I read tumblr stuff
>it legtimately makes me shake with anger

How are you different from the people you're claiming you hate, exactly?

>> No.4859489

Because it's fun.

>> No.4859490

It's control. I bet when you were a kid and driving places you used imagine like a superhero running along with the car? It's also the reason fantasy has such appeal, and the reason why you checked if you had super powers a whole load of times. Dancing is something you can do, it feels good to exert yourself upon the world

>> No.4859494

are you blind?

>> No.4859497

Obviously not.

>> No.4859499

you should have your test. levels checked anyhow

>> No.4859502

That's pathetic, peter.

>> No.4859504

No, I'm genuinely concerned about you, Bob.

>> No.4859513
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i can appreciate the theoretical insight here - greater female autonomy is a desirable thing - but theoretical is all it ever seems to be. very few women are actually doing this shit in the real world. you read these (same!) platitudes everywhere but still see the same old dynamic play out at home, public, uni, work, clubs everywhere

you start to get the feeling that women like having/eating their cake

>> No.4859519

We are going in circles here: why do people like dancing?

>> No.4859523

>Dancing is something you can do, it feels good to exert yourself upon the world
For what reason?

>> No.4859525

That would be like answering "why do people like music?" It's not exactly rational, but then again many recreational activities aren't.

>> No.4859528

no, we're asking why people that enjoy dancing have to do it drunk while grinding their ass on some dude (that they don't want to fuck). Could it be.. attention?

>> No.4859530

Get 'em while they're young, dude. It's hard to throw off old programming, and the world is very male-oriented all the while (and so women grown up with man in mind as their mode of navigating the world, hence the "I have a boyfriend"). Someday, maybe. And then female independence is obviously becoming more and more of a thing, and good that is.

>> No.4859534

Because we're all solipsistic retards at our very base.

>> No.4859535

You have such a simple perception of the world. I hope you eventually grow out of your prejudices and go out into the real world some day. So many of you have this bitter and predictable thesis: "everything is for attention! nobody is genuine!" Fortunately, you're wrong.

Clubbing is genuinely fun once you allow it into your heart and stop being such an awkward knob who takes himself super seriously.

>> No.4859536

They need us as much as we need them.

>> No.4859537

Uhh... okay.

>> No.4859541

Oh now they're grinding their ass on some dude they don't want to fuck. Shut up dude
>girls dance, fuck them i'll rape you bitch

>> No.4859543


Because most people are impulsive and fun and aren't the same autistic over-analyzing mess that you are.

>> No.4859544

Because it's fun.

>> No.4859546

>Oh now they're grinding their ass on some dude they don't want to fuck.

Just lol if you think a girl grinding on you means she wants to fuck you.

>> No.4859549

Mate, you're fucking retarded

>> No.4859552

and what is the impuls that makes them dance?

>> No.4859553

lol your inexperience shows. I could just see you falling in love with the first girl who happens to booty pop in your direction.

>> No.4859554

Have you ever actually gone dancing?

>> No.4859556

How about just know that you are going to have deal with pushy assholes and you can't control everyone you come in contact with.

>> No.4859557

But everyone is mean in the real world, otherwise I would do normal stuff. :(

>> No.4859558

funny enough i met my gf in a club. and we were dancing.

>> No.4859560


He's just fucking with you out of boredom at this point. He's waiting until someone explodes at him for asking the same rehashed question again and again, but he's a shit baiter and it's never going to happen.

>> No.4859562

Is it ok to be misogynist if you're also 'misandrist'(inb4 that isnt real)?

Like...if you just don't respect either sex, as long as you don't actually harm them. Why do 'the sexes' deserve respect a priori anyway, or for that matter anybody

>> No.4859563

How is the molly in your area?

>> No.4859565

You're neither following the conversation nor your own train of thought, and your psychoanalysis is farcical

>> No.4859567

but posting "because it's fun lel" over and over again is better?