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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 340x342, Arthur_Rimbaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4857744 No.4857744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone familiar with this boy.

>> No.4857750

Is it true he once smeared his shit all over some hotel's walls?

>> No.4857755

All great artists smear shit over some hotel room walls at some point in their career.

>> No.4857763

These threads are always shit, cause it boils down to: "you don't know anything about Rimbaud". It's just annoying posturing.

>> No.4857766

nobody here knows anything about rimbaud because nobody here knows french

>> No.4857774


I haven't read any of him, I was genuinely curious to see what /lits/ had to say of him.

>> No.4857777

Looks like the lovechild of H.P. Lovecraft and Ben Affleck.

>> No.4857785

Not you, OP. But when someone makes a comment about Rimbaud that vaguely represents that the person making the comment is somewhat interested in Ribaud and has taken the time to form an opinion of him, someone posits, "you don't know anything about Rimbuad". Then that continues for about 20 posts/

>> No.4857809

he took shit in apartment that Theodor Banville has "rented" him for free. He also left letter in which he has written that Banville is an old prick

>> No.4857822

rimbaud was such a little slut

>> No.4857839

don't tell me that you wouldn't want to fuck with him right away.

>> No.4857965

>implying rimbaud's the bottom.

>> No.4857987

second best poet in the French language

probably one of the most interesting minds to have ever lived

the grandfather of rock n roll

>> No.4857989
File: 34 KB, 105x469, Rimbaud_par_Verlaine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he's not

>> No.4857992

who's the first?

>> No.4857993


>> No.4857997

i'll bite: who is the first? I like Rimbaud but he only wins in a specific time frame and innovation for me, so I'm interested in which one you chose overall being unable to pick for myself

>> No.4858000

>implying there isn't a reason the belgian authorites went after verlaine not rambo.
it's not because he's highly trained

>> No.4858014

so are translated works worth the read?

>> No.4858022

dont listen to the faux elitists on here, it is worth reading

obviously it wont be as rewarding as reading it in French but its still great

just avoid any translations that try to rhyme in English

I recommend reading A Season in Hell and Illuminations over any of his rhyming work as it will be more rewarding

>> No.4858031
File: 16 KB, 400x250, mister-trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translated poetry

>> No.4858040

>he clearly doesnt know what hes talking about

stop before you embarrass yourself further

>> No.4858047

monolingual pleb detected

end thyself

>> No.4858058

I bought a Season in Hell and Illuminations, I am not at all familiar with poetry.

What am I in for?

>> No.4858061

did you read Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy in Russian?
did you read Nietzsche or Kant in German?
did you read Plato in ancient Greek?
did you read Dante in Italian?

no, you didnt
you fucking loser

and who says im monolingual anyway?

i can smell your body odour from here

>> No.4858071

prepare to get butt ravaged

>> No.4858073

Oh boy.

>> No.4858074

>did you read Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy in Russian?
>did you read Nietzsche or Kant in German?
>did you read Plato in ancient Greek?
>did you read Dante in Italian?
I haven't read Dante

p l e b

>> No.4858075

and here we reach the crux of my argument

Rimbaud released two prose works

you have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.4858079

he was a poet first and foremost

you cannot enjoy his poetry in translation

>> No.4858081

none of this is poetry.
french poetry has something that definitely can't be translated, so does many other languages.

>> No.4858082

His prose is lost in translation too.

>> No.4858084
File: 30 KB, 500x375, timetostopposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his prose is far more famous than his rhyming poetry

well, you can enjoy it
but its just obviously inferior to its original French

>> No.4858085

That sounds familiar. Expect some guy rented out his apartment to a poet then they did that before the owner returned.

does anyone know the movie?

>> No.4858088

please explain in your own words how it is lost

>> No.4858103

clutching at straws here

>> No.4858109

not really

>> No.4858113

>haha, look at this pleb who reads translation of poetry! better make sure he knows hes a pleb!
>oh, whats that? Rimbaud released prose work? And that's his most famous writing?
>haha, w-well e-even though its already b-been said, translated poetry is bad! haha pleb, i sure showed him

>> No.4858117

I'll show you the difference in his
O cette chaude matinée de fevrier. -> O this hot morning in February. (courtesy google)
If you can't see the difference at that point, you're really not going to get a lot from the rest of the paragraph, or his work at large for its sound. His earlier poetry might be easier for you to in2 than his later prose works if you do learn French.

>> No.4858127

>O cette chaude matinée de fevrier
That warm February morning!

>> No.4858130

Google Translate is hardly a proper represantation of what an actual translator can do.

It takes things in their most literal form without the nuacnes, whereas actual translators who are well versed in both languages can render he translation to be closer to the original version.

I'm not saying that translators 100% capture the original, but they're hardly as obtuse and literal as an automated program like google translate.

>> No.4858133

the only reason his prose works are the most popular is because they're translatable, which makes it possible for monolingual plebs such as yourself to enjoy them

>> No.4858135


>> No.4858139


>> No.4858144

>uses the word pleb
>criticizes others for using buzzwords

>> No.4858149

pleb is not a buzzword

>> No.4858152

my point is that english can't replicate the assonance, alliteration or flow that rimbaud because it's rooted in its medium. you can't even emphasise the South against february without looking like you're doing some new age shit. (Thanks to whichever one of you corrected me to That, but it's still not the kind of line that feels like a warm February morning drawing you in for crazy storytiem.)

>> No.4858156

*that rimbaud did

>> No.4858162

>hey guys, look what I found out! translations are inferior!

>> No.4858315

Rimbaud is the only poet/writer who I can honestly say I felt jealous of and/or belittled by when I learned of his accomplishments.

>> No.4858686

if you read his work you'd know that Rimbaud was definitely the top

>> No.4858800


I wish to god I knew french. I know I could learn it (as anyone can do most things it just takes practice) but I don't have the energy to spend the next 10 years trying to master French alone to be able to read his works competently in french. I mean fuck I wish I could click a button and instantly know Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Ancient Sumerian etc etc...

So many languages I want to learn yet too outside my grasp to learn them in a short enough time and great enough competency to make it worth it.

ON topic, Yes I'm familiar with Rimbaud. I fucking love him.

>> No.4858808

>10 years to learn french
do you have downs?

>> No.4858809

learn French and German
the rest are fucking useless

>> No.4858812


>> No.4858814

>learn French and Spanish


>> No.4859164


i bet youre american

>> No.4859192

>Not reading Kafka in german
How does it feel to be such a massive pleb ?

>> No.4859578

who is the modern day Rimbaud?

>> No.4859581

justin bieber of course

>> No.4859587

>he'll never read the german idealists or german poets in their native language

makes me somewhat nauseous

>> No.4859591

>german poets
the germans wrote poetry??

>> No.4859592

There's no modern equivalent.

>> No.4859601

rimbaud was a one and only

>> No.4859637

His life was far more interesting than his poems.

>> No.4859640

confirmed for never reading his prose

>> No.4859661

Confirmed for being a snob

>> No.4859674


>> No.4859994

germans on this board should be banned,i'm sorry my dear but you're literature is not the best in the world let alone one of the best.

>> No.4860002

good thing i'm austrian

>> No.4860004

>let alone
why do ppl always misuse this
you have to switch 'not the best' and 'one of the best' places

>> No.4860007

you mean 'pseudo-german'

>> No.4860011
File: 110 KB, 1299x919, Pressefoto_Bernhard_Schmied_1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's just settle for "superior"

>> No.4860020

you have to cut the guy some slack, he's not german

>> No.4860028


>> No.4860029

adolf pls go