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4856102 No.4856102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no revolution to be part of

>> No.4856106


>> No.4856107
File: 18 KB, 460x308, friendly-neighbourhood-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not killing yourself today you have joined the rest of us in the rebellion against the Absurd.

>> No.4856128
File: 282 KB, 771x738, 1386723620555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a one man insurrection

The world is yours.

>> No.4856131

go to syria

>> No.4856133

go to ukraine

>> No.4856138

come to brazil

>> No.4856146

>tfw no revolution to be part of
There is one going around in Ukraine, one in Syria, one in Central African Republic, one in Iraq - why don't you go join those?

>> No.4856151

pls be in london

>> No.4856152
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>tfw no vanguard

>> No.4856156
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>tfw no chairman to bring the people to prosperity and kill all the filthy bourgeois and religious cunts

>> No.4856186
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>> No.4856233
File: 59 KB, 447x378, 1396819710966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise you were part of the bourgeois all along

>> No.4856250

did you coincidentally find some means of production lying around in your sock drawer or something?

>> No.4856255

>not using your socks to make goods and services

Consumer scum.

>> No.4856271
File: 283 KB, 468x359, ChairManMao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll make a great leap forward into ur mum m8

>> No.4856274


you don't want revolution, you want a warm blanket. revolutionaries don't "wait" on others to start it for them

>> No.4856277
File: 35 KB, 327x305, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my mum provides a service like a good capitalist.

>> No.4856288

Is philosophy inherently bourgeois or at least an agent of the dominant culture which happens to be bourgeois?

>> No.4856292


philosophy can only really thrive if a certain class of people doesn't have much to really do with their time

>> No.4856300

>not leading the charge

>> No.4856325

i don't care about politics enough to start a revolution, i just think it'd be an interesting experience to join one

>> No.4856340

Only spoiled children wish for a bloody revolution, the poor wish for food and a rooftop over their heaads.

You will most likely all be killed and have your belongings stolen and family raped if a revolution starts.

>> No.4856344

the poor have nothing to lose, easiest to recruit

>> No.4856346

You'd be killing people for the sake of ending your boredom and as a result maybe make the world a much worse place. Think a little harder about your life choices.

>> No.4856347

Why would a spoiled child wish for anything? The rich don't revolt, they have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

All revolution starts in the middle class.

>> No.4856351

>you don't want revolution, you want a warm blanket. revolutionaries don't "wait" on others to start it for them

I tried to start a revolution once. I was in a starbucks. I really wanted to topple the UK monarchy, but almost as soon as I'd begun the revolution, the lady who worked behind the counter told me to get off the table and stop shouting or she'd call the manager.

>> No.4856376

>good capitalist
Looks like you need a cultural revolution.

>> No.4856405

Looks like you need some competition.

>> No.4856416

Could you have asked a more boring question?

>> No.4856464
File: 89 KB, 507x600, diiogenens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is thinking for means of production owners

>> No.4856469

You're living in the INTERNET REVOLUTION!
Or at least you were around seven years ago.

>> No.4856709

You are aware phylo is a luxury for the aristocrats? The borgeouis dont pay for private tutors to teach their children about Aristotle.

>> No.4856718

>rebellion = revolution

>> No.4856728

I wish the govt. would go back to being terrible so then I'd have something to protest about. How am I supposed to be the disenfranchised youth when they won't stop being reasonable?

>> No.4856731
File: 199 KB, 920x627, maoism is best ism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting that the chairmen must necessarily rise from the masses and be guided by their commitment to socialism

>> No.4856747

What paradise do you live in m8?

>> No.4856754

>implying Traditionalism isn't revoluationary
>implying you can't be a Classical Liberal Constitutionalist and lead the revolution against our klepocratic globalist overlords

There's actually lots of revolutions to be a part of bro.

>> No.4856764

He means an uprising.

>> No.4856769

Put your trip back on dribblekid.

>> No.4856778
File: 29 KB, 500x227, 1367251469211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not alone

>> No.4856783

>Only spoiled children wish for a bloody revolution, the poor wish for food and a rooftop over their heaads.

Yes - your hypothesis holds up so well in light of the French revolution, the American revolution, the Russian etc

>> No.4856792

Are you trying to prove his point? Is Robespierre not the definition of a spoilt bourgeois child?

>> No.4856797

yes it holds up perfectly

>> No.4856799

>not becoming revolutionary in your mode of being by contemplating the deeply embedded social/historical/economic/political genealogy of everyday objects and acting in a way that is informed by that contemplation

>> No.4856800

Am I right in thinking that in all of those cases, the hungry poor wished for revolution which was then enacted by those of greater means? Or does history bring up the torch bearers a notch so it just seems that way? Am I making any sense?

>> No.4856804

In my opinion, the government will pull a false flag attack and blame it on right wingers, tea party, "constitutionalist groups", people who are critical of the government, etc. and they will initiate a civil war to attempt to purge these people. But it's all a ruse you see, because they elites need something to distract from the inevitable financial collapse which the west has dug itself into by means of fractional reserve banking and extreme debt- slavery.

We are actually living in one of the most decisive and monumental times in all of human history. What happens in the next few years will determine the entire fate of human existence. I am being completely serious here, there's some SERIOUS shit going on and if you don't see it you will be like a headless chicken running around

>> No.4856814
File: 494 KB, 293x195, tumblr_ldujw1Iwyp1qe4kyho1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, /lit/ has been invaded by fucking morons yet again.

If you don't like being worked like a dog and your wages going to rent, power and food with nothing to save, then you can join all these pro establishment kiddly winks and be critical of any alternative. Or you can use your mind and realise contemporary neoliberalism or whatever variant you're living under is toxic, flawed, unjust.

Humanity can do better.

>> No.4856817

Punk's not dead

>> No.4856828

>agitate for mass murder
>call other morons
>post tumblr gif from a tv adaptation of a second rate fantasy garbage


>> No.4856829

I hear it's going strong in 3rd world countries like Indonesia, but on the east coast at least, Punk is pretty dead.

>> No.4856833

>implying the socialists aren't pro-establishment
>implying the establishment doesn't WANT socialism (or at least their own version of it) since it gives them more power

It's hilarious how leftists think they're edgy and against the norm, when in reality the people pulling the strings are the ones pushing for leftism

>> No.4856836
File: 58 KB, 320x240, 16954-17914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A revolution need not be violent, you'd know that if you weren't a plen

>> No.4856837
File: 128 KB, 521x595, thatfeelcolonist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be left alone so long as I'm not hurting other people. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.4856854

Who said anything about socialism. Current western govts are all about handing over power to (big) business, its literally the definition of neoliberalism - stripping back govt.. Use your noggin.

>> No.4856863
File: 12 KB, 384x350, stalin_384x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people on /lit/ who aren't stalinists

>> No.4856870

>stripping back government

You have been misled. The government today is larger than it has been in history. Corporations like powerful governments because they can use them to their advantage (by lobbying for regulations that destroy competition)

>> No.4856874

Nah, it will be the 3rd Dark Age and then things will be good again. The 4th Dark Age will probably happen in space.

>> No.4856887

Nice try, but maybe you want to do more research before you just make shit up here.

>> No.4856899

3rd Dark Age? When was the 2nd?

>> No.4856900

>there are actually people on /lit/ that aren't satanists

>> No.4856902

US Government spending is bigger than in recorded history, how is the government not larger than ever?

>> No.4856905

he might be referring to the pre-greek great collapse

>> No.4856910

You mean the greek dark ages? Not likely though.

>> No.4856919

Egyptians had a dark age.

>> No.4856920

The bronze age collapse.

>> No.4856922

Oh I'm sorry, where there more regulations 100 years ago, or today? Were you more free 50 years ago or are you more free today? Are you also denying that corporations lobby for regulations?

>> No.4856987

I am talking about stripping away spending in welfare, education, state services, things that matter.

So much US govt spending goes to defense or corporate subsidies which equates to socialism for the rich.

>> No.4857020

>financial collapse

Any conspiracy theory that rests on the idea that it is even POSSIBLE for there to be a global "financial collapse" under a world of fiat money is unbelievably full of shit.

>> No.4857021


>murrifat public education where no hierarchy system exists

>> No.4857031

The important thing about the concept of 'dark ages' is that yes, it is a civilizational collapse to an extent where material culture is nowhere near as abundant/sophisticated as it was in the preceding era BUT one should not correlate that with the popular view of what is pretty much considered a wholesome genocide and complete wipe-out of the old structures.
/getting things off my chest

>> No.4857035

Is this another 'say anything irrespective of coherence' day

>> No.4857047

How can there be a financial collapse? Are the central banks that literally create the money going to run out of it? There can certainly be RESOURCE collapse but a financial collapse is always avoidable.

>> No.4857053

There you go again, no one mentioned a financial collapse except you

>> No.4857073

Except the guy who said there's going to be an "inevitable financial collapse."

>> No.4857076

I thought you were replying to me, please continue, you might be onto something

>> No.4857111

you can not be this stupid

>> No.4857117

Well we have to be specific here. Currently the dollar is the world reserve currency. It is being held up only by our military via the petrodollar and petrodollar warfare. At the time time we have crippling debt. All it takes is for people to lose faith in the dollar, and then all fiat currency will follow untill we revert back to sound money and hard assets. This time it will be global, as ALL fiat money will be discredited

>> No.4857276

>genocidal colonists
>not hurting people

>> No.4857283
File: 19 KB, 237x176, 1638551291_d17febd1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should have a money backed currency system.

>> No.4857286

Yes, there have been so many non-violent revolutions. But amuse me, name some.

>> No.4857339

england 1688
france 1830,1958
GDR 1989

>> No.4857534
File: 382 KB, 661x914, Jules-bonnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to get together and start a revolutionary gang? We could blow up buildings and pull assasinations and pull back robberies and have secret handshakes and tats and everything. i dont even care about politics as long as we arent some overly moralistic marxist group that wants to pretend like we're making utopia.

You can do it if u belive in urself opie. U dont even need political ideolugy till ur caught and need to look like a badass on tv 4 the ladays.

Get a load of this boring ass nigga

niggas dont know about muh based protofascism
Did the dandies or futurists or egoists need to be part of the working class to have a cracking good time? Hell no, get out of here with your pure marxist ideology.

Should I kill my prime minister? I live in Canada and I remember a few protests snuck backstage a while back to yell at him or something. Seems like it would be pretty easy, might shake stuff up and make us less boring too. Canada needs a few good wars.

muh nigga, too bad most traditionalists are so god damn boring. We need to go back to killing cops and dressing fly like its the 1930s.

>> No.4857547

Revolution is impossible in first world countries barring radically advanced and underground technology.

>> No.4857549

pls be in london

>> No.4857556


this isn't a private board, dummies.

>> No.4857565

>? I live in Canada

>> No.4857572

>london, ontario

>> No.4857581

nah other side, but I might go up this summer to visit family. Maybe we could get together and get some icecream or shoot up a bank or something.

>> No.4857589

i actually live in london, england. let me know if you're over, we can overthrow the royal family

>> No.4857614

sounds great, I'll post something like /lit/ meetup thread with a picture of some guns and meth, it will be like our super descrete code ;) I bet it would pretty easy to blow up one of those castles with a oklahoma stlye bombing. We could even blame it on the IRA for laffs

>> No.4857623

ah the IRA, they were gentlemen bombers. not like al-qaeda

>> No.4857629

>Implying al qaeda isn't only the first of anti-globalist freedom fighters pushing against their customs and race be eradicated

>> No.4857650

how sad it is that we dont live in a simpiler age, where white people killed white people and brown people got killed by white people. Things are so complicated now in this brave new globalised world.

>> No.4857678

Al qaeda was CREATED by Zignew Brezinski and the globalists

>> No.4857689

Boudrillard pls.

>> No.4857695

I dont know if a revolution would even work in a western country. The shit in Ukraine has only gone on for this long because nobody cares about Ukraine. Something large scale and violent in the US, unless it had the full support of all the armed forces, would probably be put down with extreme prejudice.

>> No.4857697

Fucking Chanology.

>> No.4857716

Nigga what the fuck are you doing? Canada aint got shit in terms of military power! We've got like 19 of those old rebadged F-16's, a few of those new hovering jets on the way, and a grand total of ZERO attack helicopters! JTF-2 is about our only asset worthy of mentioning.

Plus if you offed Harper, there's a very real chance that fucking Trudeau or the lesbian could get put in power.

>> No.4857729

Harper is garbage

>> No.4857754

Yeah. The guy's like the personification of the wet blanket.

>> No.4857765

>nothing to lose
their iphones

>> No.4858669

>implying the natives were innocent

>> No.4858703

i mean, some of them were pretty terrible to other natives, but if we're talking about native v settler, yeah, natives were p innocent in that it was their fucking home and the settlers had no real expectation of safety esp in light of their continual land stealing

>> No.4858708

>implying the jews were

genocide remains genocide.

>> No.4858955

That's what they want you to think, the truth is out there


>> No.4858969

>Anyone want to get together and start a revolutionary gang?

There were a lot of anarchist groups about 100 years ago in the US, that liked blowing things up and assassinations. That's not part of the school history curriculum though.

They also realized it was kind of silly and counter productive. Still, a fun time, unless you yourself were executed.

>> No.4859000


>it's wrong to deport and kill a race of people that is literally sucking the blood out of your country

>> No.4859118


>> No.4859162

>Canada aint got shit in terms of military power! We've got like 19 of those old rebadged F-16's, a few of those new hovering jets on the way, and a grand total of ZERO attack helicopters! JTF-2 is about our only asset worthy of mentioning.
Exactly! Which is why a civil war would be so fun, it would be all roving gangs and bing bing shoot ups on the street. No bombs or drones or anything like that to take the fun out of it.

>Plus if you offed Harper, there's a very real chance that fucking Trudeau or the lesbian could get put in power.
But more importently, do we have any canidates worth noting that could get into power? Seems like they're all verying degrees of shit, and at least Trudeau has a bit more personality that Harper. Maybe we should just start blowing up power lines/logging trucks and backing small localist parties. Hell, the only non pleb faction is the Quebecois, how do we light that fire in the other provinces? Maybe we should fail an assasination on a Quebecois member and try lighting up that tourch again. Alternatively we could do the same for the sepratist movement in Alberta, which could shake stuff up a bit

Thats pretty cool, didn't ever know that. Could you give me some wiki links to read up the subject?

When do we gas americans/the british?

>> No.4859745

Or the US would pull a Russia and take us over like Ukraine.

>> No.4860062

US here, we'd totally annex your asses.

>> No.4860256

>Implying you could
No one in Canada likes you faggots. Have fun with Vietnam 2 amerifats

>> No.4861934
File: 11 KB, 259x194, jamie-oliver-food-revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the food revolution, comrade.
