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/lit/ - Literature

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4853046 No.4853046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The cigarette, the pipe, and all nicotine in general are commonly seen in the hands and the mouths of most modern writers, philosophers and 'alternative' musicians.
Why is that? Why is smoking seen as something cool and intellectual?

I'm not here debating whether one should smoke or not.

>> No.4853055

I didn't become gauche until yesterday

>> No.4853061

>it didn't

>> No.4853068

Maybe because as young people we see adults smoking and it somehow seems to be a symbol of adulthood and being smart? I remember when I was a child thinking that all adults were smart. Maybe.

>> No.4853070

So everyone smoked, including intellectuals, and nowadays aspirant intellectuals smoke to look like intellectuals?

>> No.4853071

"As [Italo Svevo] reveals in his memoirs, each time he had given up smoking, with the iron resolve that this would be the "ultima sigaretta!!", he experienced the exhilarating feeling that he was now beginning life over without the burden of his old habits and mistakes. That feeling was, however, so strong that he found smoking irresistible, if only so that he could stop smoking again in order to experience that thrill once more."
-from his wikipedia page
Also, larry david has some good words on smoking in comedians in cars

>> No.4853074

“I like to think of fire held in a man's hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind--and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.”


>> No.4853075

Because smoking is the only thing you can do to quiet your mind for a god damn second, and when it's quiet already, the structures in your mind craving nicotine always have some bullshit to say

>> No.4853083

>smoking is the only thing you can do to quiet your mind for a god damn second

You can always stare at the ceiling or chew some gum

>> No.4853085

indulging in a vice can make a person appear assertive and rebellious. In the same way blue collar workers view drinking as a test of masculinity, it isn't much of a jump to say smokers could psychologically choose to view themselves in this light as well. Perhaps all the more considering how much of a known bad idea it is.

status symbol for edgy

>> No.4853089


This >>4853083, masturbate or a number of other activities.
You just want to look cool, admit it.

>> No.4853090

>You can always stare at the ceiling
Not quite

>chew some gum
Your mind will still seek the nicotine

>> No.4853092

Because being a writer is stressful business.

>> No.4853095

Yeah I just want to look cool,

That's why I literally just came back from skulking outside of the pub, picking up cigarette butts when nobody was looking, so I could come back to my hovel of a bedsit, and smoke to encapsulate that writer's chic we are all so desperate to achieve

>> No.4853102

Smoking butts is the pits m8. I'm trying to quit right now. I've been running, and that's made me realize how absolute shit my longs are, psychologically reinforcing how bad cigarettes are.

>> No.4853105

As an alternative to start smoking cigarettes, this works fine. But to quit smoking, it is not so great.

>> No.4853109

It is the pits m8

I make it a bit easier on myself by getting rizla and filters, I squeeze the tobacco out of the cigarette butts and re-roll them into rollups. It's not so bad this way

>> No.4853116

That's what I meant. I didn't know you were addicted.

>> No.4853137

>Your mind will still seek the nicotine
only if you are already addicted to nicotine which doesn't happen unless you smoke

So don't smoke, just masturbate

>> No.4853141

I have masturbated six, maybe seven times in the past two days.


Let me obtain my cancer. I clearly seek it.

>> No.4853145

Smoking is stupid because if you smoke you die earlier and you can't read as many books as a healthy person


>> No.4853147

Haven't you read The Stranger?

Nothing matters.

Me neither. I just watched the Thug Notes video.

>> No.4853199

I enjoy smoking.

It's unhealthy, yeah, but so is a sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, poor mental habits, etc. Yet we're not giving those other factors the same level of concern. Moderation is the key to enjoying almost anything. Those guys that smoke a pack a day? Gross. I smoke like once or twice a week, and I roll my own cigs or smoke out of a pipe instead of using those factory manufactured cigs.

I love the smell. I love kicking back at the end of the day and sharing a smoke with a good buddy or a beautiful lady. It's intimate, ya know? Like sharing a meal with someone.

>> No.4853246

"Smoking is the only honorable form of suicide" --Vonnegut

Haha, I'm not so sure what he meant by that, but I attach my own significance to it

>> No.4853247

"moderation now applies to unhealthy behavior we will later regret, too!"

good joke bud

>> No.4853255

She was such a silly woman.

>> No.4853257

It's very enjoyable, suitable to the contemplative life and nicotine is a great stimulant that actually helps.

>> No.4853261

Because most writers have an addictive personality, and self-medicate various mental diseases through indulgence in vices.

>> No.4853263

>believing PR bought and paid for by the tobacco industry
hey dude if you actually believed your rhetoric you'd be taking patches

>> No.4853271

Did you miss out the part about how I find smoking itself enjoyable?

>> No.4853274

>I'm addicted!

>> No.4853286

I smoke quite moderately and irregularly actually. Did your mum die of lung cancer or something?

>> No.4853296

Smoking after sex is a big thing, isn't it? I think of it like giving a person your death, a little gesture of love from the loveless.

>> No.4853298
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hey dude, take a look at these moderate lungs. Smokers are a persecuted majority!!!

>> No.4853307

Why do people need justification for someone else's vices?

>> No.4853321

why do people get mad at the promotion of proven bad ideas?

>> No.4853360

What are you trying to say? I realize it has adverse effects but so does almost anything. Why not light up a cig every now and then if it makes you happy? Why not get drunk with your friends? That's not particularly healthy either, and it's worse for you the more you do it, just like smoking.

If I spend my whole life avoiding any kind of danger, what kind of life will I have lived?

>> No.4853362
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smoking is self harm is rebellion. you take back control (at least over your body). you will find more cig butts next to public trashcans than in them. every radical movement ever had an increased amount of smokers in it.

the whole phallus thing probably plays a little part. also i saw a documentary on helmuth schmidt where they talked about how despite smoking going out of fashion, he's still doing it; argueing that it gave him some leeway and time to think when bombardised with question by nosey journalists. which kind of confirms the rebellion thing ( - "i'll inhale my own bullshit, thankyouverymuch" as an answer to tactless interviewers)

apart from that smoking is undeniably /fa/, and /lit/ was always concerned with fashion, even if just for curiousity's sake.

and yeah i'm a smoker

>> No.4853375

>ayn rand
>not bullshit

>> No.4853381

Bring on the darkness!

>> No.4853384

No, no... it is bullshit.

>> No.4853397

yah that was my point, dolt

>> No.4853407

I didn't realise ;___;

>> No.4853428
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>Being this new

Post images not smiles, fagatron

>> No.4853445

tryhard sucker noob

>> No.4853447

Because a healthy lung looks so much better.

>> No.4853450

Because it looks cool.

>> No.4853451


>> No.4853455


>> No.4853464


>> No.4853490

You'll never make up for all that 4chan tryhard, anon; give up.

>> No.4853505


>> No.4853512

>there are people in this world who will never experience the joy of smoking

>> No.4853516

I can understand. I think that the literary lifestyle isn't one you can show off by your mere existence; you need a certain appearance model to accompany it. "Artsy" clothes, alcohol drinking, carrying a pretentious notebook at all times - you gotta show that you like books, but you can't brag about it like "I read this or that for 4 hours straight!" because only those who live it will understand you.
That's some thoughts made by watching those who live the /lit/ style. They are mostly following an appearance model that somehow works because stereotypes have been induced on what certain groups of people look like.

>> No.4853520

Now what, bitch?

>> No.4853544


>> No.4853545

"A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?" - Oscar Wilde

Also, I think there was recent study that showed nicotine can aid in concentration.

>> No.4853553

Nicotine is an acetylcholine receptor agonist, so it acts as a sort of smart drug. It may help smokers think more clearly and improve their learning abilities, hence its long association with 'thinking people'.

I don't recommend it though, you'll look like a hag when you're 30 and you'll be addicted to the thing precipitating your hagginess

>> No.4853558

smokers are smokers, there is no niche for it

it doesnt make you refined or cultured, it's fucking tobacco shut up and smoke it

>> No.4853562


>> No.4853591
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Mark-Twain-Stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.
>As an example to others, and not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain from smoking when awake.

>> No.4853610

Yes, you obviously regret your addiction/terrible life choices now, but you BEGAN smoking to look cool and to fit in, just like all smokers.

>> No.4853612

i can't decide wether i love or hate twain

>> No.4853637

GR8 B8 M8..... Maybe some people are just straight.... Oh and for /lit, blue collar. If only we could all be as correct..... Pity. Some people smoke and in reply to 4853610 yes if only everybody was exactly as self righteous as you....wouldnt that be a fucking utopia....CUNT

>> No.4853643

Yeah probably tell yourself at night in your lonely bed that people have sex just to look cool as well. People actually like things that are pleasurable, stop with the sour grape thing. You can smoke and drink and fuck too, you know.

>> No.4853651

terrible life choices....... you sound like an 18 year old straight edge american. just out of curiosity.... how much of that was right?

>> No.4853686

It's Freudian. Latent daddy issues.

>> No.4853697

He was a hilarious pamphletist, but a rather mediocre writer.

>> No.4853704
File: 1.20 MB, 4308x2640, I think you should consider the posibilty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the posibilities...

>> No.4853706

we're losing sight of the conversation here... I believe the salient point is that you're a faggot

>> No.4853713

it's amazing how many nicotine addicts are trying to rationalize their proven harmful habits ITT

>> No.4853718

still kinda confused that aragorn is freud

>> No.4853720

Smokers want to suck their fathers' dicks. It's a fact. There's nothing else to consider.

>> No.4853739

so I could get a blowjob from my kid? sweet.

>> No.4853762
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Some cocksmokers are selfsufficient.

>> No.4853829

>nicotine is a stimulant
>writers have addictive personalities
>smoke breaks and writing synergize really well
>Writers are romantics, susceptible to the "Golden age nostalgia" fallacy. Smoking is probably a manifestation of this

Smoking is dumb, but the harms of it are definitely overplayed. There are worse things you could be doing to yourself. Being a fatass, for example.

>> No.4853842

Oh yeah, and I forgot to add.
>Anyone non-facetiously citing Freud in the 21st century is an actual fucking moron

>> No.4853893
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this should be an anti-smoking ad

"all smokers want to suck their fathers dick"

>> No.4853895

You smoke marlboro?

I smoke cocks :^)

>> No.4853899

Why did you even greentext that?

>> No.4853935


>> No.4853943
File: 483 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mf394w0ffD1ryo1mvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not one for cigarettes, but pipe smoking, like writing (or reading, for that matter) is an incredibly contemplative activity.

To start, you have your actual pipe. You might have a three dollar Missouri Meerschaum or a three hundred dollar handmade Ardor, but you've got a tangible, physical tool/art piece in your hand that you can inspect and admire.

Then there's the tobacco. In the pipe world, there are thousands of varieties of tobaccos, each with their own taste, smell, and texture. Virginia flakes provide wildly different smoking experiences from Latakia blends. Even within these categories, Cornell and Diehl's Billy Budd, for instance, is significantly different from Dunhill's Nightcap. Building a tobacco collection and selecting a blend to fit your mood/scene is a very personal and rewarding experience.

You then, of course, pack your pipe, which, once more, provides a tactile and unique experience every time. Sometimes you pack your pipe slightly too tight, or slightly too loose. On occasion, you might even get that perfect pack. It's a skill that you can grow and develop over the course of your life.

Lighting the pipe then brings on the first strong tastes and aromas. A few strands of smoke waft up from your false light, you might use a tamper to repack the now expanded tobacco, and then you give it a solid flame. The taste of the tobacco sits on your tongue, and the smell fills your nostrils.

Now that the pipe is going, you have to concentrate to keep it going. Smoking it too slowly will lead to frequent re-lights, which can be annoying. Smoking it too quickly sours the flavor and produces "tongue bite," a fairly painful experience. Maintaining a steady pace and a slow draw on your pipe over the course of an hour or two is absolutely a contemplative and involved process.

Overall, pipe smoking (and, to a degree, any tobacco consumption) lends itself quite well to slow, contemplative activities like reading or writing, just like listening to fast paced music lends itself well to quicker activities like sports.

>> No.4853945

because bullet points?

>> No.4853995

lol, the madness

>> No.4853997

Jokes on u, I'm laughing :D

>> No.4854006

favorite blends?
peterson's irish flake is excellent, I loved gawith's full strength mixture as well

>> No.4854013

i'd really like to smoke pipe but then i'd look like a flamboyant faggot. how do you make it look contemporary, everyday, normal. i want to smoke a pipe like it's nobody's business.

>> No.4854017

That's hilarious

>> No.4854022

don't do it in public

>> No.4854028

but i can still see myself.

>> No.4854045
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My brethren.

>> No.4854049

Possibly the most beta of all activities: literally an addiction resulting from peer pressure.

>> No.4854053

You tell yourself whatever you need to to feel superior, mate.

>> No.4854057

Not that that isn't a horribly beta activity or anything, lol faggot

>> No.4854063
File: 50 KB, 400x264, shakalacan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all comes back to the phallus.

>> No.4854082

what kind of cigars did lacan smoke? they look like they're made by a blind bengal orphan with a drinking problem.

>> No.4854086

awww lelll

>> No.4854089

I'm sorry, it's just hilarious how true it is.

>> No.4854090
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i mean look at it.

>> No.4854097

it's funny how you're really just motivated to take your brave stance against smoking because there's the whole anti-cig trend going on. it's not like anyone's forcing you to smoke, so why would you care if others do?

and i bet you wouldn't get your jimmies rustled as much about someone eating a burger, or drinking wine.

>> No.4854099
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found it. apparently they're deliberately strange.

>> No.4854102


>> No.4854111

>not resulting from pleasure seeking

You probably think everyone drinks just to fit in as well.

>> No.4854150


I generally prefer Latakia blends, although Irish Flake is definitely one I've enjoyed. I'd say my favorite, at this point, are Cornell and Diehl's Habana Daydream and Dunhill's Nightcap.


I don't know, really. I live on a commune where people are far less judgmental about how you choose to present yourself, so it works out pretty well.

>> No.4854178


you must tell us more.

>> No.4854191


Let's see. I was at college on a Physics scholarship, but quickly realized that I hated learning in a classroom setting, and that I didn't ever actually want a job. I skipped my first semester finals (I ended up enjoying a few good pipes in their stead, actually) and dropped out. I then moved to a commune in rural Virginia where I've been for just over a year. The work I do is comprised mostly of dairy farming, log sawyering, tofu production, and hammock chair varnishing.

>> No.4854209

Does the commune run smoothly? Is it well organised? Do they just pay you in money since you can buy fancy pipe tobaccos and all?

Do you intent on spending your life there?

>> No.4854211
File: 20 KB, 400x270, marlboro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you feel good, you smoke and feel stimulated. It's like a little coin you slot into your brain and you usually get one or two good thoughts out of it.

When you feel like shit, smoking makes you feel even more like shit, and in a way you indulge in that shit feeling.

I'd say you tend to feel the more negative/ physical side-effects of smoking when you're not doing much with your life. A cigarette is like a cherry on top of your busy lifestyle cake.

At the moment all I'm doing with my life is going to uni then coming home and sitting at the computer, rinse and repeat. At the moment I hate smoking, and when I smoke I hate myself. I've never wanted to quit more, yet my habit is the worst it has ever been.

And it's not as though I'm hooked on the good smokes. I've got shitty fucking ausfag smokes, the kind that if you pull them apart you will literally find sticks and bits of barks in your cigarette.

>> No.4854237


>Does the commune run smoothly?

Things tend to go pretty well. It was founded in the 60s, so, as far as businesses go, we have a pretty solid track record.

>Is it well organised?

I would say so. Efforts are divided up into "areas" that each have their own manager, who basically is just a knowledgeable person that does the clerical work for the are on top of whatever actual production there is, and is generally responsible for keeping things running well. Managers don't get any extra pay or anything like that, though, so managerships generally attract people who are enthusiastic about the area. For instance, I manage the staining and varnishing of our hammock chairs. I'm responsible for ordering varnish and other supplies that are needed, as well as actually varnishing the chairs. It's worth noting that it's a small area, so I'm the only one who actually does it. In the garden, for instance, we have one manager, a few "honchos" who take on extra responsibility in each garden shift, and then whoever else happens to be on any particular shift.

>Do they just pay you in money since you can buy fancy pipe tobaccos and all?

We're an income sharing community. The basic format is that you work 42 hours a week in areas of your choosing, and you get all of your needs provided for (housing, healthcare, food, etc) plus an additional monthly allowance to use at your discretion. When calculate how much income we've brought in at the end of a year, it ends up averaging out to about $5,000/person. As I mentioned, most of that goes directly to pay for things like food, building maintenance, business overhead costs, etc., but you do get your monthly allowance on top of it.

>> No.4854243


>Do you intent on spending your life there?

Right now my plan is "stay here until I don't feel like being here anymore." The only long term plan I have is to hike the Appalachian trail in 2019 with another current member. He hiked it in 2009 and wants to do a 10 year anniversary hike in the opposite direction.

>> No.4854246

I'm not "anti-cig", nor am I aware of any "anti-cig" trend. I'm just telling it like it is.

Drinking alcohol actually has pleasurable and healthy results. What pleasure does smoking affect? Vague, conditioned feelings of calmness? Not worth the money.

>> No.4854253

My google-fu says Twin Oaks.

How much is the montly allowance? Also, what about health insurance?

42 hours a week seems like a lot of work though.

>> No.4854258

That almost makes it sound interesting. I kind of want to smoke now.

Good luck with quitting bro (if you ever decide to).

>> No.4854264


>My google-fu says Twin Oaks.


>How much is the montly allowance?

It's around $75.00 right now, but it's ranged from $65.00 to $103.00 while I've been here.

>42 hours a week seems like a lot of work though.

You would think so, but when you take into the account all of the domestic work I don't have to do (cooking, cleaning, etc) I'd say I probably work less than the average mainstream person.

>> No.4854271


>Also, what about health insurance?

The community pays for health insurance.

>> No.4854280

>You would think so, but when you take into the account all of the domestic work I don't have to do (cooking, cleaning, etc) I'd say I probably work less than the average mainstream person.
Hadn't considered that. So do you eat in a large mess hall together? How's the food? How's your private space? Do you get a room, an appartment, a cabin or something? Are there couples and families? Is it very hippie free lovey weed smokey like?

>> No.4854295

Thanks, man. Looking back on what I wrote, I'm surprised any of it kind of made sense.

Funnily enough, I'm out of cigarettes for the week, and have only had my morning coffee instead of my regular coffee/ cig combo, so I feel a little scattered when writing now.

I think I'm looking to cut down considerably, rather than quit altogether. It's the act of smoking that I enjoy above everything else. I hope e-cigs really take off soon so if I ever get a job and can afford one, I won't get strange looks when I go down to the cafe to read the paper and have a smoke.

>> No.4854296

>Marlb Gold

>> No.4854366


>So do you eat in a large mess hall together?

There's lunch and dinner every day in a mess hall. You can either go to that or make your own food.

>How's the food?

Generally pretty alright, although, as somebody who lifts, I buy chicken to supplement my protein intake.

>How's your private space?

Awesome, actually.

>Do you get a room, an appartment, a cabin or something?

There are five separate "Small Living Groups," which are essentially buildings with common space and rooms for each person in it. The one I'm in has a great social scene, right now, and I did a bunch of work on my room to make it pretty awesome (which was all labor creditable).

>Are there couples and families?


>Is it very hippie free lovey weed smokey like?

It varies from person to person. There's a few hippie types, a few mainstream types, and plenty of people in between.

>> No.4854418

anybody else smoke Perique blend american spirits???

anyone else drunk?

anyone else a fucking tripfag tat hates himeself and doesn't ave anything better to do but shit post??

>> No.4854424

I take acid once a week and smoke weed every day

I am cooler than all of you

>> No.4854427

if u don't smoke the loose blend u don't hate ursel enough

>> No.4854432

Thanks for all the responses, it seems like an interesting place to live. I'll go read some more about it.

Seems like hell for more reclusive types though.

>> No.4854434

nigga my friend convince me to buy that stuff I wanted the loose shit but didn't have any paper

>> No.4854437

who's ursel though?

>> No.4854438

she's a dumb bitch whom i hate

>> No.4854445


You make your own schedule, so recluses actually do fairly well here. One particular fellow just makes hammocks from midnight til 6 am and hardly every interacts with anyone.

>> No.4854476

everytime you smoke a cigarette, sucking it to inhale, your brain feels the same as sucking tits. Just the sucking is a mini-opiate feeling

>> No.4854524

Smoking acts as stimulant and depressant at both times which helps relax and calm your mind. Well, actually when I do something stressful or exhausting I light up a cigarette after. I guess you can call that as your medium to have a break. I think that is what most philosophers and writers also feel about smoking. Do you smoke OP?

>> No.4854536


I think I smoked once and it made me nauseous and dizzy. Maybe I was doing it wrong because the only experience prior involved weed and I had always heard that the two smoking methods were different.

>> No.4854592

that's normal, it's just the sweet poison working its magic.

>> No.4854714


nicotine actually has some intellect stimulating properties