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/lit/ - Literature

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4848712 No.4848712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post some writers/intellectuals that lost their virginity really late or never did.

Althusser at 30.
Franzen at 24.
Andy Warhol died a virgin.
Thoreau died a virgin.
Newton died a virgin.
Nietzsche died a virgin.
Kierkegaard died a virgin.
Fernando Pessoa died a virgin.
Hans Christian Andersen died a virgin.
Joseph Cornell died a virgin.
John Keats died a virgin.
Henry James died a virgin.
Henry Cavendish died a virgin.
Me (22): I am still a virgin because I am a massive intellectual and it intimidates people. They are unable to connect with me on pretty much any level.

>> No.4848715

>I am still a virgin because I am a massive intellectual and it intimidates people. They are unable to connect with me on pretty much any level.
No, it's your BO.

>> No.4848720


Andy Warhol did not die a virgin.

>> No.4848721

the fuck are you talkign about? nietzsche had fucking syphilis

>> No.4848727



Despite all evidence to the contrary, doctors were like "Nietzsche, you definitely have an std".

>> No.4848754

And that is what we call a non-reversable casual chain. It's like adding 1 and 2 and getting 3, but when you take 3 and subtract 2 you don't get 1.

>> No.4848780

>but when you take 3 and subtract 2 you don't get 1.

>> No.4848788
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>John Keats died a virgin.

I'm reading Nicholas Roe's incisive biography of Keats at the moment and its quite possibly he lost it sometime in 1815 or 1816.

>> No.4848791

But all of those guys could have fucked whoever they wanted.

>> No.4848794

>Andy Warhol
So is he a writer or an intellectual?

>> No.4848803

>John Keats died a virgin
Oh my god... That's sad, considering all that Keats wrote about. That's actually horribly sad if that's true.

>> No.4848813
File: 271 KB, 800x537, looo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A handful of brilliant writers were (dubiously) virgins
>Therefore I, a pathetic loser who gets fairly good grades at college and posts on 4chan, am also a brilliant writer

>> No.4848817

Jesus died a virgin.

>> No.4848822

Warhol is a famous intellectual.

>> No.4848825


He was also a murder victim.

>> No.4848827

le butthurt self-hating redditor

>> No.4848830

>massive intellectual
>pretty much
How do you know any of those guys were virgins? Besides Henry James, of course. That doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.4848832

>Kierkegaard died a virgin.
didn't he fuck a whore at some point?

>> No.4848838

Protip: painters aren't "intellectuals" any more than, say, actors are.

>> No.4848840

Is it bad that I have no idea who Henry James and John Keats were?

>> No.4848844

spinoza died le virgin

>> No.4848845

He was also a cunt.

This is good and all, but what I wanna know is: how many times a day did these dudes jack off?

>> No.4848852

It's frightening to think that some people who actually developed extensive literary movements or philosophical systems of thought were actually influenced and driven by their own sexual frustration. The things people do to compensate for not getting laid... Think of Arthur "The First Fedora" Schoppy

>> No.4848854


Being the Son of God I suspect you would be sort of a dickhead and I guess celibate powers give you great writing abilities.

>> No.4848855

Kant never did and he died a virgin. He thought that masturbation is disgusting.

>> No.4848858

/pol/ despises what they call "degeneracy" but that doesn't prevent them for representing its epitome.

>> No.4848859

I read somewhere that Henry Darger died a virgin. Not sure, though.

>> No.4848862

Serious question here.

Would my enjoyment of literature, movies, anime, TV, and dramas be improved/bigger if I wasn't a GFless, kissless virgin?

Would I be able to feel with the characters and their situations even more?

>> No.4848863


I don't visit Reddit, but I think drawing tenuous connections between yourself and literary greats based on conjectural biographical coincidences is more typical of there than here.

And I don't hate myself, I get laid and actually read the books you like to talk around.

>> No.4848868

Protip, you're an idiot.

>> No.4848872

Yes you'd be enlightened by your own intelligence.

>> No.4848874

Holy fuck that last sentence killed me

>> No.4848877


LOL so rekt,the best summation of /pol/ I have ever read.

>> No.4848878


Didn't he have an IQ of 86?

>> No.4848879

>Kant never did and he died a virgin. He thought that masturbation is disgusting.

That's exactly what a pathological masturbator would say...

How would he know that masturbation was disgusting unless he's jacked off? I too think masturbation is disgusting (I'm filled with shame and disgust every time I finish) but that doesn't stop me from doing it.

Kierkegaard was probably a fierce masturbator. That's why he was a hunchback, cause he was always hunched over his little knight of faith, whacking it like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.4848887

He certainly looked it.

>> No.4848888

>Immanuel Kant regarded masturbation as a violation of the moral law. In The Metaphysics of Morals (1797), he made the a posteriori argument that "such an unnatural use of one's sexual attribute" strikes "everyone upon his thinking of it" as "a violation of one's duty to himself", and suggested that it was regarded as immoral even to give it its proper name (unlike the case of the similarly undutiful act of suicide). He went on, however, to acknowledge that "it is not so easy to produce a rational demonstration of the inadmissibility of that unnatural use", but ultimately concluded that its immorality lay in the fact that "a man gives up his personality ... when he uses himself merely as a means for the gratification of an animal drive".

>> No.4848893

This Kant be serious.

>> No.4848896

I also hate it and feel ashamed and embarrassed when I do it.

I want to stop.

>> No.4848902

That's Nietzsche, supposedly. But it's not like Kierkegaard is a great example either. It's not like he *couldn't* get pussy, like OP. He was literally engaged to a woman and *he* broke it off.

Most of the examples are of people who grew up in times that didn't celebrate sex for its own sake. And for that matter, it's difficult to verify if any of those people were or weren't virgins. They may have had affairs that they never spoke about because certain shit was kept hush hush, especially extramarital shit.

>> No.4848906

agree this is bullshit.

>> No.4848910


You wouldn't be able to get yourself to watch them at all because you'd be too busy answering all your messages on facebook, twitter and your phone, and talking to your girlfriend and stressing about your career and mortgage.

>> No.4848933

> I am a massive intellectual with an nonrivaled love for science, medicine, and the like
>I try to be personable to people on all wavelengths and I usually succeed.
>I have good hygiene, stay fit, and follow common communication etiquette. (eye contact for starters...)
>Girls find me being comfortable and confidant arousing.

I lost my virginity at 14, but my sex life is quite active.

The problem with you, OP, is that you're stubborn to the point where you'll only take advice from brilliant authors that offer a general insight on the populace, but you transfer that knowledge in such a way where you view it as negative. If you can ONLY be intellectually stimulated, go to a college party where girls are already drunk, and eventually one will find you cute enough to have sex with you.

If that doesn't work, you probably have horrible hygiene, or are obese.

>> No.4848946

So this tells me that you either lose your virginity early or not at all. Guess theres no hope, thanks OP.

>> No.4848952

faggot detected

>> No.4848962

This is true.

All those who haven't lost their virginity by like eighteen, should abandon all hope. No woman wants you.

Alternatively, you could whack some woman over the noggin with something heavy and then rape her. It still counts as losing your virginity.

>> No.4848964

>another anon has a sex life
>calls him a faggot

>> No.4848965

pharrell rhyming the word nigga with the word nigga 20 times is the most cringe-worthy verse in the history of music

>> No.4848980

that's retarded
you'll keep doing it no matter how much you hate yourself for it
everyone does it, it's certainly not big deal

>> No.4848985

i lost my virginity at 21 and am now being jumped right and left so i call bullshit

also those who lose their virginity early usually have difficulties maintaining stable relationships for a long time

>> No.4848991

This is so retarded.

I lost mine when I was 24 when I went to Korea. I'm 26 now.

There are Korean women who will throw themselves at you just because you're a foreigner. Go to a fucking club. It doesn't matter if you're a fat emotionally retarded dullard with no fashion sense, you can STILL find a woman who will be interested in you just because you're foreign.

When I went to Korea for one month -- it was fucking AWESOME. I was treated like some strange exotic creature that it wouldn't be taboo to have sex with. Where I was a depressed virgin in the U.S., I was able to lose my virginity to a non-prostitute within two weeks.

>> No.4848995

>I am a massive intellectual and it intimidates people.
>Yet why must it be that men always seek out the depths, the abyss? Why must thought, like a plumb line, concern itself exclusively with vertical descent? Why was it not feasible for thought to change direction and climb vertically up, ever up, towards the surface? Why should the area of the skin, which guarantees a human being's existence in space, be most despised and left to the tender mercies of the senses? I could not understand the laws governing the motion of thought -- the way it was liable to get stuck in unseen chasms whenever it set out to go deep; or, whenever it aimed at the heights, to soar away into boundless and equally invisible heavens, leaving the corporeal form undeservedly neglected.

>If the law of thought is that it should search out profundity, whether it extends upwards or downwards, then it seemed excessively illogical to me that men should no discover the depths of a kind in the "surface", that vital borderline that endorses our separateness and our form, dividing our exterior from our interior. Why should they not be attracted by the profundity of the surface itself?

>> No.4849006
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>I am a massive intellectual

>> No.4849007

I think Roe's is a very good biography, though he seemed too eager to make Keats a carousing lad. Have you read Denise Gigante's bio of John & George Keats. It's really fantastic.

But yeah, Keats was no virgin. He may not have gotten Fanny to fuck him, but he did fuck.

>> No.4849008

see me, >>4848933

>those who lose their virginity early usually have difficulties maintaining stable relationships [romantically, with woman] for a long time

Very true.

>> No.4849009

Don't be an enabler.

>> No.4849015


Shit happens

>> No.4849017

Yeah, no real intellectual proofreads.

>> No.4849019

Not on a trivial website...

>> No.4849022

All I want to do is expend my spirit in a waste of shame, is that too much to ask?

>I am a massive intellectual
You're a massive dick head is what you are, get your head out of your ass. Anyone with superior intellect wouldn't be here, never mind create this fucking thread

>> No.4849029

no one cares that you fap or don't
no one

>> No.4849034

He cares that he does and you do too.

>> No.4849037

nope, i don't
if only he cares he should do whatever he enjoys most as it sure as hell won't harm anyone

>> No.4849041

Either way, the mofo did go to brothels and had sex with prostitutes

>> No.4849042

He wants to stop and you said no.

>> No.4849047

That goes against his beliefs and a true Übermensch wouldn't do that.

>> No.4849051


>> No.4849060

I'm 21 and I'll probably never do it.

I can't communicate with people and connect with them like everyone else.

It's hard talking to people.

I know everything they talk about already, so it would be pointless to talk about things I already know a lot about and they don't interest me.

And in case I dont know what's going on I just like to listen to people because I don't like to talk about something I know little or nothing about.

Also it's weird it seems that people love to talk about things they know nothing about and the less they know the more they love to talk about it.

I don't talk and instead I let people who are less knowledgeable on the subject talk and act all smart.

Normal people (not keen on that term but whatever) seem to talk a lot and express everything they know to one another.

>> No.4849068

no, i gave him advice
i don't give a shit if he doesn't listen to it

>> No.4849081

You told him he'll keep doing it and should do nothing about it, you enabler you.

>> No.4849084

Yeah, we should not succumb to the worldly pleasures, right?!?!?

Seek Allah and you will truly be happy!

>> No.4849121

In the «metaphysik der sitten» Kant described why and how exactly masturbation is wrong. the pre-hustler era people were strange like that.

>> No.4849127

I had the opportunity to have sex as a teenager but turned it down instinctively.

I like my own company but I do feel quite lonely the older I'm getting. All I want is a nice pale, quiet teenage girl with low self-esteem to be my submissive girlfriend and treat me like a father, husband and leader simultaneously.

I'd like to read in bed with her and fall asleep holding hands, and do lame stuff that people only seem to do as children. I want to sit in the bath with her and have us both pee in the water and not be weirded out by it. I want to put a vibrator in her vagina and have a remote control for it and sit on public transport altering the power of the vibrator however I want. I want her to impress my parents, and I want to impress her parents. I want to play up the "tortured genius" act and have her look after me and reinforce my ego. I want her to cut off communication with her friends and become dependant on my attention to be happy. Is it so much to ask?

>> No.4849134

You're just more thoughtful than most people, you know the level of your own ignorance. If you have nothing to contribute, ask questions. You like listening to people; that's the best quality you can have. Guide the discussion towards what you want to hear about. People like nothing more than the sound of their own voice and love knowing you're interested; women included

>> No.4849146

Nice, I was looking for something like this. I'll incorporate it in this screenplay I'm writing. No one can sue me for stealing content from 4chan, right?

>> No.4849155

>Plato died a virgin
>Dante Alighieri died a virgin
>Shakespeare died a virgin
>Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died a virgin
>The Gawain Poet died a virgin
>Hunter S. Thompson died a virgin
>Ernest Hemmingway died a virgin

>tfw you will never be a great writer because you lost your virginity due to societal pressure.

>> No.4849164

He will never be an interesting person though. But maybe he isn't aiming for that.

>> No.4849168
File: 314 KB, 873x1200, 1396286429887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i knew something about psychology so i could dissect your fantasy-thing. it seems like something a psychologist would have a field-day dissecting.

>> No.4849169

They'll probably just think that you're basing that off of JD Salinger.

>> No.4849173

OP, I'm a grill and intellectuals turns me on.

>> No.4849181

Spinoza was also kind of a Jew.

>> No.4849187
File: 99 KB, 600x849, 1396286496902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people find a good listener interesting. can you think of many people that are actually willing to listen to what you have to say and, better yet, are interested in it? i can't.

>> No.4849192

You mean hipsters.

>> No.4849207

I think being perceived as interesting is half seeming interested in the other person, and half sharing anecdotal evidence of being perceived as interesting.

But people don't find me very interesting, so I don't know shit.

>> No.4849212


Apparently he only went to a brothel once in his life, as one of his friends invited him to it, and when he was there he had a right knees-up and just played the piano the whole evening before going home.

>> No.4849218

I do stuff like that all the time.

I sometimes tend to save conversations from these threads and somehow find a way to add them to my scripts.

I'm terrible at social interactions (even on the internet) and writing dialogues, but this place helps me a lot.

I hope no one gets mad when someone makes movies based off my scripts and it gets really big and they recognize some of their lines in it.

I get lots of good ideas here. I sometimes use the exact same sentences people wrote on 4chan.

>> No.4849238

>Also it's weird it seems that people love to talk about things they know nothing about and the less they know the more they love to talk about it.
>I don't talk and instead I let people who are less knowledgeable on the subject talk and act all smart.
>Normal people (not keen on that term but whatever) seem to talk a lot and express everything they know to one another.

>> No.4849239

I'm sure you're right and I'd be interested in an outsider's perspective too, although I feel most deviations or "extreme" personalites are usually explained by rather broad conditions, rather like cold-calling in the psychic community.

Personally I think that my ironic narcicissm (ironic in the sense that I'm very often inspired to hate myself due to a perceived lack of talent and /or sincerity) is so brittle that only an unquestioning disciple figure is suitable as a prospective mate.

The piss thing I can't explain. I doubt it has anything to do with an ability on my part to perform sex in a traditional manner, because my penis is above average and in full work condition. Perhaps it's because I feel that having a girl allow to me urinate on her, and to have her find urinating on each other is a normal "thing" between us will strengthen our bound not only because it's novel but also because in some evolutionary/biological sense urine is often a sign of territory being marked. Maybe it's also because urinating on her might lower her self-esteem, and serve as a clear indicator that I am in fact perceived as her superior, in an "actions speak louder than words" sense.

Believe me I attempt to analyze myself every day, and view my desires and fantasies in a detached way most of the time, and despite acknowledging that they aren't considered "normal" by the current cultural consensus I still feel that they are what they are, and if they aren't hurting anybody then I see no reason to eradicate them.

>> No.4849242

4chan would pay you to make that movie

You mean a feminist, right? I don't think wanting to dominate cute girls is anything new to psychology

>> No.4849250

No, intellectuals. It makes me moist when I can have a discussion with a guy about history, current affairs, or politics. I'm starting to read up more on philosophy as well as literature.

I'd rather date a dorky virgin than a hipster. Hipsters tend to cheat and are dirty.

>> No.4849256


Did you try writing yet?

>> No.4849261

And even greater turn-on for myself is intellectual virgins.

>> No.4849265

What kind of writing?

>> No.4849268

Wanna date me? I live in Ohio, what about you?

>> No.4849277

I live in NY, where in Ohio?

>> No.4849283


Short stories, novels, poems, whatever?

>> No.4849295

There are enough girls out there that love taking guys' virginities.

>> No.4849297

>Andy Warhol died a virgin.
no fuckin way. really?

>> No.4849299


Hugh Hefner lost his virginity at 22.

>> No.4849302


For a small fee, of course.

>> No.4849303

When interviewed in 1980, he indicated that he was still a virgin

>> No.4849311

There's nothing wrong with prostitution.

>> No.4849316

There's still hope for me.

>> No.4849318


Ironically, despite surrounding himself with lowlives, social trash and junkies he was pretty staunchly catholic.
He used to pray every night and went to church with his mother or some shit.

>> No.4849324

I wish prostitution was legal and regulated here. This would solve so many of the stupid fucking issues people have about virginity over here. If you knew you could lose it whenever you chose, nobody would put in nearly as much effort to putting pussy on a pedestal as they do now.

>> No.4849326

Like many other young men raised by a mother who was and is supportive to the point of inducing a form of solipsism in which one believes fame to be inevitable and talent taken for granted, I have produced the usual disjointed mass of what I still suspect is juvenilia, though my desperation to be liked and have my genius validated is still obvious I think.

Also, perhaps to due my need to be liked and my self-hatred I tend to be very influenced by whomever I am reading at the time, so my "invidividual voice" is still an echo of the authors I like at the time. I find the delusion comforting nonetheless, and because I have to be obsessed with something to feel that life is worth living I'll probably maintain it for as long as I can, either until I actually publish something or until I'm forced, for whatever reason, to realize that I am untalented and/or mentally ill.

>> No.4849332

I wish I could be your friend.

It saddens me that I'll never see your posts or know who you are after this thread ends.

>> No.4849333
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I was just about to suggest you wrote something based off of this. You seem very literate and conscious of your perversions. I think it would be interesting to see it all projected onto a character.

>> No.4849367

I-is 24 a late age to lose your virginity?


>> No.4849370

That's a nice sentiment, although tomorrow, or even in one hour, I might be posting in a totally different way, that might make you wonder why you were initially intrigued. I don't have any friends, and haven't for a few years now, so considering this in a reasonable way I'd have to guess that you would be very dissapointed if you were to know my as a person and not a character that you've likely constructed in your mind during the course of my previous posts. I'm sure you're a nice person though, and if I were more sociable and less prone to dismissing most people I meet as my inferiors (ironically of course) I'm sure our relationship would have been meaningful.

I find it extremely hard to write fiction if I'm honest. Not only for the reasons in my previous post but also because I suspect people aren't interested in what I have to say, which requires that I write quite frankly annoyingly hyperactive prose to woo them into paying me any attention at all, and also because I have a repressive and obsessive personality, which affects my ability write anything without critcizing it harshly and ultimately dismissing it as worthless garbage. But I will interpret your suggestion as something approximate to tacit praise and so thank you.

>> No.4849395

I'm jealous of you. You seem like a person that is able to articulate their thoughts into words. I could never do that. I'm not very eloquent, and it's not even that I don't know enough words, I understand everything, but when I'm supposed to use words -- I just can't. At least not in a way other people do. Not talking about English, it's even worse when it comes to that because it's not my first language.

Anyways, I was saying that you seem like someone that is completely aware of what's going on in their head. Me, I don't even know who I am. I often think about this a lot, and I get nothing. When I'm interacting with other people and the outside world, I'm not sure if I'm playing a character, and for how long I've been doing that? And I'm not sure if the character I've been playing is slowly becoming me. I'm not sure if I have an opinion on anything or don't. I'm not sure if I like things or not.

I feel like I've become too open-minded (forgive me for using these words, I can't find another term to properly express myself) and can't call anything either good or bad anymore. Or when people are arguing over something, or anything at all. I feel as if every side makes a good point so I can't make up my mind and I'm always trying to be as objective as possible. I don't know if this means that I don't have any opinions of my own and if I can't be subjective. I kind of feel like I lack personality.

I sometimes wish I was still 15-17 where I was thinking in binary and everything was either black and white to me. I wasn't afraid of voicing my opinions (when I still used to have them). Better than not having your own opinion at all, I think.

>> No.4849420
File: 59 KB, 450x615, fur1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure any suggestions will be wasted on you because you know yourself better than i know you, but just try writing regularly without critically thinking. i think you self-analyze yourself to pieces and lose any honest expression in the process.

>> No.4849424

Be jealous of me if you want, but I wouldn't advise it. Quoting other people to make a point is usually pretty lame and so on but here's one by Emil Cioran that I like: "An existence full of irreconcilable contradictions is so much richer and creative".

I may be wrong but I feel that inner contradictions and internal disarray is often a sign, or at least partly a sign of, an inquistive mind that is not content with settling for truisms or platitudes. Postmodernism aside, many "truths" really are frustratingly out of reach, and attempting to make any sense of certain things in life is almost defiantely futile, but also a source of creativivity and passion, especially if controlled and effectively "channeled".

In terms of my articualting myself, it's also very debilitating in the sense that having a detached perception of myself also restricts my ability to do anything as a matter of instinct, since any instinct I experience is usually stunted by dispassionate analysis of said instinct/emotion.

I don't have any advice, though I am fairly certain that you already know the solution to whatever dilemma you're experiencing, even if it's only a pseudo-solution that your mind will invent to allow you to experience less anxiety.

>> No.4849440

Post your goodreads profile.

>> No.4849450

It's a late age for someone who has had sex beforehand. But I think you're attributing something to sex other than sex.

>> No.4849455

All the knowledge I have of myself relates to my habits and tendencies, without which I would become almost devoid of character, something I am close to achieving ("achieving" interpreted in a neutral, or perhaps pejorative sense). I do try and write regularly, an I have aroun one hundred thousand notes relating to a novel I've had planned for some time, though I suspect I lack at least two critical components of what I believe makes a noteworthy writer: (1) a need to achieve great things to impress a parent or authority figure (either through love of them or to prove them wrong in some respect), (2) a strong, stable sense of confidence and self-worth.

All of this is irrelevant to your post however, and the previous paragraph is probably just another example, as is this self-conscious and possibly faux-humble deflation of my character, of my unjustifiably large ego. But thank you for your encouragement, your post is, as far as I can tell, a selfless act, which I appreciate very much. If you're interested in writing, as you seem to be, then I also encourage you to follow your own advice.

>> No.4849460

I don't have a goodreads profile I'm afraid, though I do use their "quotes" section when researching an author I'm unfamiliar with.

>> No.4849469

Post your last.fm/RYM/MAL profile, thanks.

>> No.4849473

I don't have a last.fm profile and I don't recognize the other abbreviations, sorry.

>> No.4849478


I just wanted to be your e-friend and follow your taste.

>> No.4849481
File: 106 KB, 357x500, hat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a late age for someone who has had sex beforehand.
do you mean hasn't had? and you could deconstruct any physical action like that, but in modern society having sex for the first time is a significant experience that you can only do once.

apparently the reason hemingway couldnt make female characters is because he honestly hated his mother. so i don't think you need the desire to impress a parental figure in order to write. honestly i just find the way you write on here interesting so i guess i would like to see more of that.

>> No.4849490

>do you mean hasn't had?
Obviously not, or else thirteen would be a late age for anyone who hasn't had sex before thirteen.

>in modern society having sex for the first time is a significant experience that you can only do once.
In the sense that riding a skateboard for the first time is

>> No.4849498

You can be my e-friend by all means, I post on /lit/ every day. In terms of my taste in literature and music and so on, I find that discovering the tastes of the people I am drawn to interests me only in theory, in the sense that when I find out that X enjoys the music of Y, I usually don't enjoy it at all and feel slightly disillusioned.

Also, to return to original post, I feel as though I would only feel enthusiastic about "sharing" my taste in literature and music and film if I were sharing it with the type of female I outlined in that post. I also feel that my enthusiasm in that case would be the result of my desperation to impress her and give her reasons not to leave me or become disintered in spending time with me, that in a sense I'd "unload" all these things on her in the hope that it might change her in some way that would contribute to her attachment to me.

>> No.4849508

i honestly don't understand what you're trying to say. how could 24 be a late age for somebody that's had sex before? if you've had sex before you're more likely to do it again and 24 is a common age to be sexually active.

in most cases sex is an intimate thing which happens after a certain amount of mutual trust is built. anybody can buy a skateboard or ride a rollercoaster, but it takes a significant relationship with another human in order to have conventional sex. devaluing it to something as insignificant as riding a skateboard is ridiculous.

>> No.4849512

I didn't know that about Hemingway but it's interesting. Bret Easton Ellis openly admits that his early success was, he believes, the result of him hating his father and, as I mentioned in perhaops unclear terms in the post you're responding to, a desire to prove him wrong in some respect. David Foster Wallace, in contrast, seemed to feel the pressure to succeed (basing this belief on the article about his interest in self-help literature posted on TheAwl.com and since removed due to pressure from his "estate") on his mother's extremely high expectations of him, perhaps due to her own unrealized ambitions (or so he seemed to think)

>> No.4849522

I think that the only thing that keeps 4chan rolling is the abundance of narcissism among the younger generations

>> No.4849534

"Late" as a relative term can only function relatively. So for 24 to be a relatively late age, it requires the subjectivity of one who has had sex before that age, and the objectification of the one who has not.

Actually, that is just an ideal. First time sex is very often about, "C'mon, I want to fuck!" "I d-don't know...." "PLEASE!" "O-okay...."

>devaluing it to something as insignificant as riding a skateboard is ridiculous.
If riding a skateboard is cultural significant,t hen it is not meaningless. Skateboards came from frustrated surfers. Now imagine an island culture where surfing is a huge deal culturally: your "first surf" could be a huge deal, a big experience from a cultural viewpoint, but not necessarily apart from that. If you aren't a part of that culture, getting on a surfboard for the first time isn't going to be some super special intense experience that can never be replicated.

>> No.4849537

Beat me to it. The universe is cruel.

>A Romantic's Ode To Romance

Even the poet John Keats
Ever the famous romantic
Would desperately beg:
"Let me erupt upon thine teats!"
His fapping would become frantic
And unreadily emit upon thy leg

>> No.4849575

I know nothing about John Keats. Why is that horrible? I don't get it? What was his writing like?

>> No.4849586

Because he put the pussy on a pedestal so high that the annunaki would get dizzy. He wrote shit like: "I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain" yet had no qtgf to unload these feels onto. He sat alone in a quiet room and felt love for someone who never came along.

>> No.4849590
File: 290 KB, 815x832, Ouroboros_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't understand what you're saying in your first paragraph.

I agree that the ideal of losing virginity is different from the reality, but, personally speaking, the two events in my life that have carried great weight on me are the first time I had sex, and the first time I killed an animal. Where I live hunting is a normal passtime and killing animals isn't seen is a big deal but it still affected me in some deep way. I would argue that sex and killing both have the same universal weight to humans and that comparing them to something as subjective as skateboarding is idiotic and an example of feminism going too far.

>> No.4849596


My first time having sex was forgettable except it hurt. There was nothing transcendental or spiritual about it. It's just posited as a coming of age experience, much like that animal killing.

>> No.4849601

No, but it is bad you're underaged and on 4chan.

>> No.4849602

If you can write like this in a language that isn't your first language then I guarantee you're a better writer and thinker than you're giving yourself credit for

>> No.4849611

Too long, goddamn it.

>> No.4849615

>21st century Western pigdog female not attaching any significance to losing her virginity

Color me surprised

>> No.4849621

so much easier to lose your virginity to guys, speaking as a bi man
>first guy i had sex with i was 15
>first girl i was 18

>> No.4849628

What are you, a Muslim?

>> No.4849633


>> No.4849636

You really had to fuck a guy to realize that?

>> No.4849637

I think this is because, deep down, men are more comfortable with other men than with women. Even if the man is a gay man, he's still a man, and so he understand where you're coming from in a way a woman never could.

>> No.4849639
File: 101 KB, 886x600, 1396475563088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would argue that you've removed yourself from something innately human by buying into whatever feminist idea you've bought into. i think that for the majority of people the first time you have sex is significant and you don't share that idea that so you've rationalized that it's a societal construct and without any intrinsic value.

>> No.4849649

I still feel guilty about the time I had to bash a fish with a rock... it didn't die the first time. :(

However it was delicious.

>> No.4849650

i was like 15 ok i was naive

>> No.4849675

[humanism intensifies]

>> No.4849684

you disgusting harlot
why must you sexualize philosophy

>> No.4849696

>anal tears
>not having read Sun and Steel

>> No.4849697
File: 124 KB, 886x600, 1396475438426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i understand why people on this board dislike you. thank you for the discussion.

>> No.4849698

To be honest, If I could have my virginity back and avoid sexuality I'd probably be much happier.

Most peoples sexuality is a major source of misery and disappointment in their lives.

>With the oncoming feminist take over it's likely to literally crush men in the long term. Always remember that sex is power

>> No.4849711

>Most peoples sexuality is a major source of misery and disappointment in their lives.
I wouldn't say that. I think a lot of men simply don't get their sexual desires sufficiently satisfied; now you could argue this is a "source" of sorrow from an Epicurean viewpoint, but I'd disagree.

>> No.4849712

virgin detected

>> No.4849714

>could argue this
That is to say, desire

>> No.4849726

>sour grapes
I wish people would stop trying to apply this as any sort of argument. It alters the the contention from an exploration of the initial topic, to the nature of one of the participants

>> No.4849740

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a virgin for the sake of my craft. I've had dozens of opportunities, nay, hundreds to have sex but turned them all down.

"But, bro! Bro! Fuckin' pussy fag gettin' laid is what life's all about, man. Literally, man. Biology and shit. And it makes you man. You get to brag about it to your bros later."

But friend, I say, I don't care about any of that. I care about my art, my craft.

"But bro! Everyone cares about sex!"

Friend, I say. First of all, I don't attend Chico State, like you do. Secondly, while I may care about sex, I care more about my art.

>> No.4849741

Is this somehow supposed to be an insult?

>> No.4849753

>the contention from an exploration

>> No.4849754

Is sex really the greatest thing in life? Why do people claim that everything revolves around sex and that it's our only "purpose"?

If it was all about sex we wouldn't have developed such sophisticated brains and we'd still be unicellular organisms.

>> No.4849759

I recently had penis removal surgery, not for any important medical reason, but to prove to myself and others how little sex actually matter. Best decision I ever made.

>> No.4849761

course not you silly boy but it's good

>> No.4849762


Seriously is calling me a virgin the best ad hom you could think of ?
Look, people seek out sex and sexual relationships because our biology forces that desire into us. It's poison.

Because of this, women are poison. Go outside right now, on a dating site, to club. Women control sex access and because of this sex is bad. Until women recognize that they have a major control in the operation of humanity and admit to it and find a way to not act like children with such a massive responsibility.

As someone who has seen many women they either hand it out like candy or they withhold it based upon absurd reasoning. There is no moderate sexual position for women. Men succeed less than women because of this now

There are a few dynamics going on. Some women who withhold it to much are successful because of this, and the same goes for men, but because many men cannot find a woman who is willing to be reasonable about who she has sex with it creates a chaotic environment where men who seek a moderate position are forced into whores due to the extreme paradigm in women sexuality.

tl;dr women generally prefer paradigms and extremes over rational and logical decisions. There isn't anything wrong with women not giving sex, but there is a gigantic whole in women's sexuality. It's either deviancy or almost nothing.

And please, women, spare me your complaints, you have sex privileged. You cannot understand this, you are not man, your power structure blinds you (See what I did there)

>> No.4849763

>I care more about my art.
>art and sex are incompatible
>glorifying your own art
>art from a talentless 4chan poster

holy fuck I didn't realize how many frustrated betas lurk around here

>> No.4849771
File: 274 KB, 744x736, 32kMTLp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously upset over him saying that when you use the same fallacious arguments in your posts?

>humanism intensifies
>not having read sun and steel
are hardly reasonable arguments, yet you are upset by other people using unreasonable arguments? you're being very hypocritical.

>> No.4849780

Anon, this is how art is now. This is what they teach in art schools. Artist have been poisoned by the whole "art is subjective" position from all the art schools.

I was speaking with a female friend last night about how absolutely bullshit the idea that art is subjective is. Art has meaning based uponed the authors intent, position, and feeling. It is made for a reason, a way, and is influenced by their life.

>The conversation was sparked by our hearing a mutual female friend at the partying saying how she disregarded her international political art instructors directions and just made here own art.

Art was once a talent to be given to the masses, to spread the good news of society, to show of great things, but fine art now has simply become a selfish game about "self discovery" Living in NYC this is disgustingly apparent

>Sometimes of course there is the exception with commercial art to some extent.

>> No.4849785

I don't know, but I would love it if a guy could fuck me hard while reciting some passages from Kierkegaard.

>> No.4849789

Lel what?

Schopenhauer fucked a lot of bitches and was on a relationship that lasted 10 fucking years he had a son as well

Where do you take that idea from its a well known fact that Arthur couldnt stop fucking bitches weekly

>> No.4849800

le /r9k/ face

>> No.4849813

There's literally BILLIONS of people alive on this planet at any one time, the idea that there aren't a few hundred million who don't consider sex the greatest fulfilment in life is absurdly simple-minded.

My current repressed lifestyle but with sex wouldn't be very exciting, but being able to be my weird self and not have to lose my basic necessities (job, apartment, etc.) due to discrimination would be everything I ever dreamed of, even if there was no sex or money beyond what I make now.

>> No.4849814

>here do you take that idea from its a well known fact that Arthur couldnt stop fucking bitches weekly
Incidentally this is probably why he was so defiant towards women. He blamed them for the alienation he felt in the desire that they inspired him ("instrumenta diabolis" and so on).

>> No.4849821

/lit/ lonely people meet-up thread?

>> No.4849828

>unicelular organosm
>having sex


>> No.4849830

Women have no interests in anything at all. Art, creativity or culture. The only reason women ever go to art exhibition or music performance is to get laid. Why do you think they always get dressed like sluts when they attend these things while men dress comfortably or even more conservatively than usual as they want no distractions in their appreciation for such a thing. Almost all female musicians don't put as much passion to actually learn their instruments and experiment. They always just do some simple role that anyone could do and try to look pretty so they can be seen and have people think they are hot.

For example, it is true a lot of 4chan guys are sex obsessed but they also have other interests. every girl is entirely focused on sex or at least being seen as sexually attractive.

>> No.4849852

Since when that is sexual frustation?

Mate when will you learn that schopenhauer always spoke the truth as he understood it. He didnt hate women hw just spoke the truth, and the same he did to men to society,etc.

Only because you write things which are true but may offend someone it doesnt mean you hate them ok?

>> No.4849854

This is not true at all. I'm a girl, and I absolutely love music, cooking, gardening and bird watching. I'm a classically-trained singer and voice got me into languages. I'm going for my MA in cultural studies and will be applying for my PhD shortly.

Because I occasionally have to go through shitty neighborhoods on my way to school, I tend to dress down as NOT to draw attention to myself.

>> No.4849862

not him, but do you consider yourself the average? i would argue that women like you are rare and a commodity.

>> No.4849865

le butthurt deceptive self-hating redditor

>> No.4849878

People who actually are interested in anything else than fucking are rare in general.

>> No.4849880

Do you wear make up?

Women sense of self worth is based on looking pretty to men. Thats what that lad was trying to say. If you keep acting like you do other girls will perceive you as an outcast.

>> No.4849882

Do you want to be my girlfriend? I'm 21 and I need someone to help me with losing my virginity.

>> No.4849884

Cult y'all studies

>> No.4849887

they find you comfortable because they can tell you're gay. gay men are unintimidating.

>> No.4849901

>I'm a girl
>so many replies instantly
every fucking time

>> No.4849907

show me show me show me how you do that trick

>> No.4849914

I do tend to find some peers in my age group a bit vapid (I just turned 26) but I also try to surround myself with like-minded people.

>> No.4849916

i'm not your typical girl. if anything I'LL be the one in the doctorate program

>> No.4849937

Here's something funny.


>> No.4849939

thats a good youtube video that you posted in this thread and that i watched.

>> No.4849942
File: 25 KB, 216x399, 3febd9a149bc56f30706c9eb886d2811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarely, my skin is pretty good. I probably should dye my eyebrows darker or wear mascara, because I am blonde, but I find make-up such a hassle. I try to dress like the said picture (business casual) though some days I just like to wear jeans and a band t-shirt with Converse or Sambas. Some women do perceive me as an outcast, but I am definitely respected.


This is true in some case.

>> No.4849944

>you will never have sex

>> No.4849946

I am still a virgin because I am unattractive and suffer from low self-esteem.

>> No.4849956

I am still a virgin because I am 22 and look like I am 15, plus I suffer from low self-esteem and social anxiety and I tend to overthink every action or thing I'm going to do/say.

>> No.4849961

you could try lifting weights

>> No.4849995

Humanism is a belief. Sun and Steel itself is an argument for the unifying of the sensual and the abstract.

>> No.4849996

Everytime I say that I'm celibate people just think that's the most unthinkable thing in the world and they actually try to convince me to have sex. It's ridiculous. It always plays out the same ways.

>I ain't never had sess, I don't want none of that shit, too dangerous.
>"awww, man. You can't talk about it until you've tried it. I dislike the culture associated with dating and intercourse. "
>Crystal meth could be the most amazing feelings in the world. but look at what happens to people who do it.
>"not the same thing"
>Fleeting pleasure isn't worth it.
>"kay if you stay a virgin you're gonna get weird."
>"muh anecdotal evidence."

I don't get what disturbs people about it. You'd think that they'd figure it would leave them with more females to possess and fornicate with. I'm surprised that so many people have sex during their lifetimes.

>> No.4849999

Post your last.fm.

>> No.4850011

People think that nietzsche got syphilis while being a nurse in the war. We know from his diaries that he found brothels unhygienic and that pretty much he had no relationship with women in his life.

>> No.4850016

...and taking steroids

>> No.4850018
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1318390908435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost their virginity really late
>Franzen at 24

>24 is apparently 'really old'
>I'm 25 and virgin to the maximum

So is suicide the only option at this point for salvaging any dignity that might be left?

>> No.4850026

Lel why dress like that its totally outcast how old are you. Hope you are older than 30.

Look theres no problem wearing make up and showing off your body. Doing so ypu may find a man who has high testosterone, is confident have social experience, is adventurous so that you can lose yourself in his masculinity. Theres no problem being attracted to that. Be pretty be feminine. Real men like that. By doing what you doing you will only attract men with low testosterone who have no influence no social expierence and complain a lot about everything

>> No.4850028

>people just think that's the most unthinkable thing in the world
Says a lot about society.

>> No.4850029

I sometimes just wish to fuck every ashamed virgin just so they'd not be virgins and stop crying about how undignified it is.

>> No.4850030

I am still a virgin because I am insecure because of my small penis.

>> No.4850035

That would be a good deed.

>> No.4850040

feminister has a virgin scrub fetish

>> No.4850042

Well obviosuly, but this is also a societal influence. Media does tell them to sexual themselves, but that is one of the greater problems. Women are generally collective while men are individual. It is trait adopted in the evolution of humans that women support each other while men all strive to acheive. This is why you usually see a large effort by women to tear down men and others as opposed to simply expressing their opinion.

I don't give a flaming dump about the opinion of others or their ideas. I think for myself, women usually do not. I have to say though, I'm lucky enough to have met maybe 3 or 4 women in my entire life who think like men.

It's a breath of fresh air. A lot of times this comes from living in a household dominated by many males brothers, but it can also produce the inverse of women seeking out other women to group with because they feel threatened by the presence of many individual men

>> No.4850047

I need to find a girl with a virgin fetish.

>> No.4850050
File: 2.99 MB, 480x320, 1369371180218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at all this cool stuff i do and am interested in that has no practicality


>> No.4850051

Goddamn right it would be. It would probably curb misogyny, too, a regular Machiavellian deed for feminism.

moar like I'm susceptible to pity fucking

>> No.4850055

How big

>> No.4850056

But then she'd dump you after the first time

>> No.4850057

I'm a girl and I double major in philosophy and physics.

>> No.4850059

You mean...a virgin?

>> No.4850060

>women are into RPG's and video games and Star Wars

>> No.4850061

Nothing I do has any practically and I'm a guy.

>> No.4850062

I'm a girl and I triple major in Eddie Vedder studies, feminism, and Ethiopia

>> No.4850064

Oh, how I'd love to be your stay-at-home NEET boyfriend. You'd be out working hard while I'd be at home teaching our kids Latin and music theory.

>> No.4850068

yeah i'm let this guy put his dick in me ironically lol like out of pity haha now i'm carrying his child ironcially lol haha i just gave birth to three retarded neet progeny out of pity

>> No.4850069
File: 707 KB, 882x1043, Rubens_Peale_with_a_Geranium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said I'm 26. Personally, I'd rather have a guy with low testosterone who is intelligent over some meathead who is unable to name one philosopher that isn't Greek. I'd take an awkward Rubens Peale over some frat bro, any day.

>> No.4850070

Is he actually a painter?

>> No.4850074

Goodluck proving that to me via 4chan.

Well you're on 4chan so yeah that is probably something obvious. 4chan has a lot of collective structure involving board culture. Evidently I disregard this board and other board culture for these exact reasons. I don't give a shit about people on 4chan. The only reason I come here is so I don't have to hear my whiny liberal arts friends cite their theories in choir against me. Far to often people forget that a collective ideal is democracy and democracy doesn't imply truth.

We see this a lot in society where people are shamed into joining the collective or exiled. 4chan is an easy way to avoid that garbage although I meet occasional dissidents. I'd actually met one at a party last night.

>> No.4850075 [DELETED] 

bro you got mental illness.

>> No.4850079

Ummmm it's called birth control. And there's always abortion

>> No.4850082

>democracy doesn't imply truth
Unless there is a democracy, in which case it is clearly truth in the slang sense.

>> No.4850090

a scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly also known as a buster

i do want your number
i will give you mine

>> No.4850092

Why the dicotomy mate?

What if the buff guy was philosophy major?

Do you take birth control pills?

>> No.4850094

You are referring to subjective truths.

There are those who fail to realize that there is often one truth, but most are unwilling to live in the reality in which they exist, thus insisting that their idea is the truth. It makes me sad to look around and see so many people miserable and unhappy because their own reality doesn't permit them to be happy since they have to constantly justify.

>> No.4850097

So what you're saying is you'd like a mild-mannered, quiet 22-year-old with a somewhat effeminate face, who spends most of his time by himself reading and writing? Sup.

>> No.4850099

>Do you take birth control pills?
hahahaha this shit is about to get started

>> No.4850102

Objective truth is readily observable. Since democracy is a theory and process rather than objective, of course it's subjective.

>> No.4850109

Haha, Feminister is great

>> No.4850114
File: 10 KB, 236x300, 1398613484627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always, without fail, attention whoring

Get raped

>> No.4850116

so they come to snuff the rooster

>> No.4850117

Feminister is not attention whoring u dumb bitch, she's just a tough lady

>> No.4850120

What the actual fuck are you saying? How can a fundamentally random creature possibly have a "complete" system of government?

>> No.4850123

5 inches small.

>> No.4850126

>putting a word in quotation marks even though I never said or even implied it

>> No.4850127

What girls think they want is not really what they want. Will you fall for this yet again? Thought high school already teached you. That girl thinks she wants the twig but wait till the alpha guy give attetion to her and taking her out

>> No.4850128

Hi, I seem to be the man of your dreams.

>> No.4850132
File: 93 KB, 600x860, 1383709198771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trip fags gonna trip fag.

>> No.4850134
File: 159 KB, 600x600, 135609_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys THINK they want a smart empathetic woman but what they really want is someone vacuous and superficial

>> No.4850136

You know he ain't gonna die.

>> No.4850139

In a thousand years time people will remember me as the PIMP philosopher.

>> No.4850140

Thank god im 7" big

>> No.4850142

feminist is owning you guys

>> No.4850147

Most of them do, though. Cultural capital and all that :P

>> No.4850149

What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.4850154

Jokes on you. I just want a pussy to fuck

>> No.4850155

>No one can sue me for stealing content from 4chan, right?
I dunno but you have no moral qualms about it?

>> No.4850156

Protip: As an actor who just became SAG eligible, the person you're talking to is correct. Everyone I've met in this business (and it is a business, no matter what your retarded Film professor said) is not very intelligent. And I wouldn't call myself an intellectual either.

>> No.4850157

>muh dick
If size was more important than any other factor, women would get the most pleasure from dildos

>> No.4850158

Good for you.

I am jealous.

>> No.4850162

>Everyone I've met in this business is not very intelligent
Film editors are some of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people I've ever met.

>> No.4850164

Hey Feminister do you want to come to Ireland and we can have a whirlwind love affair?

>> No.4850165

I'd actually do shit like that but truth is I don't know enough about you

>> No.4850167


Of course girls prefer a man who has a dick big as any dildo and also know how to fuck like a pro.

>> No.4850169

Size is important.

Losers try to convince themselves it isn't, but it is.

>> No.4850170

Oh, so how do we fix that?

>> No.4850172

Well, the dicotomy male is more a personal preference. I've dated both masculine men as well as more effeminate types in the past. I've found that I'm most attracted to intelligent guys who are willing to share their knowledge and would reciprocate in sort of a learning relationship. I wouldn't turn down a buff philosophy major if his personality was right, but in all honesty, how many philosophy majors are ripped?

I took birth control for about 5 years for menstrual troubles, but stopped in January. For about 2 or 3 year, I actually dated a buff (sort of hyper-masculine) and very well-spoken guitarist, but the relationship ended shortly after he moved to a new city.

>> No.4850173

where do you even live

>> No.4850174

>Guys want a feminist

Fucking lol'd

>> No.4850176

Im le virgin also so

>> No.4850177

>doesn't realise how pathetic he is

>> No.4850178

>He actually lost it to a 46 year old Italian with aids.

>> No.4850186

This kinda made me feel better about myself, thanks.

>> No.4850189

Same female who has been responding. The size issue is also a bit of a misnomer. Also long as you fall somewhere between 5 inches and 7 inches length, 4 and 6 inches girth, you should be fine. Anything over 7 inches length or girth will damage a women's vagina. Nobody wants vaginal hemorrhaging.

>> No.4850192

Actually being deeply attracted to someone is the most important thing.

>> No.4850196

It's not important if your dick is more than 9 cm long
however girth is important

>> No.4850197

When did you realize there are a shitload of people who never get laid in general?

>> No.4850199

Ah, the onus is on you, there.


>> No.4850200

go back to your shitty pua site where you belong

>> No.4850201

Haha, thought so

>> No.4850203

Except it isn't, because once women learn about your size you're already in the field

>> No.4850204

I go back and forth between hating myself to the point of suicidal thoughts for still being a virgin at 29, and deciding to view it as a strength for having missed any chance at divorce, alimony, false rape accusations, and the rest of the horseshit that goes with trusting women.

Really it's just happened because my mother was a crazy feminist cunt that raised me as a genderless object and eroded my masculinity at every opportunity. Forcing me to have a circumcision (pointless genital mutilation) while I was in high school was really the icing on the cake.

>> No.4850205

>girth is important
Wow, really?

>> No.4850206


>> No.4850209

Let me dream, man... let me dream.

You're right, though.

>> No.4850210

Is this a quote?

Imagine that. A less humans consuming the last of our resources. A fighting chance for survival! Become a born again virgin if you like.

There is.
This kind of thing would be a far preferable replacement for prostitution.

>> No.4850212

Jokes on you, I don't care about their personality in the first place

>> No.4850213

>Is this a quote?
Sun and Steel

>This kind of thing would be a far preferable replacement for prostitution.
Eh, you can't really replace prostitution without replacing capitalism. A ton of pity fucking would just make prices go down

>> No.4850214

It is important if you want a lasting relationship. Or any relationship at all.

>> No.4850215

Great post, man. If it makes you feel any better, I spent my life fighting and fucking and being an all around bad example, and now I feel suicidal because of it (or incredibly guilty anyway; I've manufactured a genuine selfishness of suicide for myself).

>> No.4850217

most of the nerve endings are at the entrance so it's better to scrape the edges than to reach the end

>> No.4850218

There are some women who will never into relationship with a guy with a small dick, but there aren't common

>> No.4850219

I'm scared that I'm going to go live my life and marry the first girl who fucks me. Fuck I know this is inevitable for me.

>> No.4850220

Why don't you just fucking make up for lost time?

I was a pathetic loser virgin until like 22 and then I said enough of this shit, learned PUA, and banged 500 teenagers. Now I'm a pathetic loser but I've banged 500 teenagers and I feel fucking GREAT.

>> No.4850222
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I don't fuck people I want to have a relationship with, because that would be gay.

>> No.4850224

lol nice

>> No.4850227
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>> No.4850229


>> No.4850232

Is there a way to contact you outside of 4chan?

>> No.4850237

>I'd actually do shit like
>Faints again
(I had gathered as much from various clues)

>> No.4850242

damn a lot of virgins are about to get laid from 4chan /lit/

yeah geti t in kid

>> No.4850247

Butterfly, do you want to fuck?

>> No.4850254

Who the fuck wants to be with a woman who doesn't think for herself? Fuck collectivism and fuck the majority of Western women for worshiping it. I can't bear how the idiocy of their cries for solidarity and an ending of stereotypes is spearheaded by a collectivist movement. The womens movement in its current state is complete irony. Its a parody of itself at this point achieving things it set out to eliminate.

Women don't have voices anymore. They have A voice, feminism.

>> No.4850256

>massive intellectual and it intimidates people
in other words autistic
pay for a fucking prostitute you morons

>> No.4850258

It's not legal here.

>> No.4850259

>Since when that is sexual frustation?
Since when did I say it was ? Sexual frustration and defiance towards sex are different things, even if the former can beget the latter.

>schopenhauer always spoke the truth as he understood it. He didnt hate women hw just spoke the truth

That is not incompatible with being defiant towards women, quite the contrary. If you think (as many people in the nineteenth century would) that women impinge rational thinking and are not fit for philosophical pursuits then it makes sense for someone philosophically inclined to be wary of them.

I don't really see where you are disagreeing with me; Schopenhauer stating what he thought to be true is just him not being dishonest, it hasn't much to do with his philosophical scepticism towards women.

>Since democracy is a theory and process rather than objective, of course it's subjective.


Agreed. One also has to consider width, breadth, color, general form and taste.

>> No.4850260

can someone read this thread and sum it up for me, and tell me if anyone would be interested in having sex with Me, a pathetic 28 year old virgin in northern california, tia

>> No.4850261

feminist wants to fuck you

>> No.4850263

>replacing capitalism
Oh, of course. What I was driving at

>Dick size discussion
Guys. Why does sex end when you blow your load? Figure that out and your size doesn't matter any more than your pecks.

Don't be afraid. Ever.
>Says the coward

>> No.4850265

>hur durr woman who ideology
Nice rationalisation brah. You're not fooling me, though; you're retarded.

>> No.4850266


>> No.4850267
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>> No.4850273

lol pity fucking, I love you Feminister <3
I've fucked a prostitute btw, does that make me a bad person?

>> No.4850274

oh, word

>> No.4850277

I dated a feminist tumblr SJW for a short while. Yeah they do exist outside America. It didn't last long, but here's the twist: I didn't know she was one until I stumbled upon her tumblr by accident, one year later. She never made any indication that she was hugely into that shit, nor did she bring up "oppression" in discussions. I think their reputation is mostly exaggerated and they probably don't behave in real life as they do on the internet, just like 4channers.

>> No.4850278

Paid a girl 50 euro when I was a kid to suck my dick too but she wasn't officially a prostitute. Does the act make her a prostitute?

>> No.4850279

I'm against it, but I'm not judging you like a priest would.

>> No.4850282

How come you're against it? Seems to me it's female empowerment in this capitalist world. Sex isn't some magical act, just banging sensitive body parts off each other

>> No.4850285

>Who the fuck wants to be with a woman who doesn't think for herself?

My GF acknowledges that she knows nothing about music, movies, literature or anything really.

I said I think leather jackets look nice on a girl and she immediately tells me she has one and now wears it all the time. She's submissive both inside and outside the bedroom pretty much, and I'm more than happy to mold her into someone I want to spend my time with.

She's an amazing girl whose had an interesting life, can make real funny observations, and is so good looking it's like meeting her for the first time every time I see her, but she has nothing to talk about except the latest party she's been to or about something she's recently seen or overheard.

We often talk about our "feelings", but in terms of interests and stuff she says she likes doing things for me and wishes I would suggest clothes for her to wear etc more often, so I do!

I'm basically making her a more complex person, which is what I want in a girl, and in terms of looks she knows I like petite figures and cute looks so she wears stuff and does her hair and then asks me if I like it, and has never mentioned feeling pressured into being that way

I realize feminists tend to think of women as a homogenous group but don't assume you know anything about her, you limp-wristed armchair psychologists.

>> No.4850297

Butterfly, you're a pleaser :P

>> No.4850303
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Are you sure she isn't your daughter? Holy shit man. You have some mental health issues

>> No.4850305

I fall in love with about a third of the prostitutes I fuck. And then, once I leave them and I'm by myself again, I cry. After that I start punching myself and smashing my face against the wall. This has happened more times than I care to remember.

Anyone else have any similar experiences?

>> No.4850309

Commodification of sex leads to all sorts of slave trade era filthiness. It's capitalism is makes it bad. Right away you get your pimps to be middle-man management, or madams running their "families" in "safe" environment. What sells best in this industry? The younger the better often enough.
Legalized, regulated or not. It's all so seedy and not a good idea

Technically you could call her a whore. I hear this word thrown at girls for wearing skimpy outfits, but for some reason sucking you off for cash is good deed. Echg. Seedy.
Hope she doesn't do it for a living now.

>> No.4850313

>you're a pleaser
What does that mean?

Why exactly? Feeling like you can't get anyone without paying?

>> No.4850316

>slave trade era filthiness
no cause they get paid for it

fuck off butterfly, you're a poor man's stan (who was himself a poor man's d&e)

>> No.4850319

>I fall in love with about a third of the prostitutes I fuck. And then, once I leave them and I'm by myself again, I cry. After that I start punching myself and smashing my face against the wall. This has happened more times than I care to remember.
This entire post, I swear...
you have issues guy

>> No.4850340

Some of it is actual slavery though. Some of those pimps are hooking them on drugs and some of those eastern euro girls are there courtesy of the mafia.
Obviously some girls are doing all on their own. Trading sex for cash. --Because they like sex? Not for long they wont.

>> No.4850345

>Commodification of sex leads to all sorts of slave trade era filthiness.

Rubbish. If anything women are taking themselves back when it comes to sex trade like in Amsterdam or Vegas. It sounds to me like you're engaging in a nicely crafted appeal to the miserable male in mixing it in with a moral censure -- I mean, "I wouldn't judge you like a priest does?" lol)

>> No.4850351

>Why does sex end when you blow your load?

It doesn't. Do you think the lips, tongue, teeth and fingers are only for eating and playing the piano ?

>> No.4850356

Still here?

>> No.4850369

Uhh, I missed the last 20 posts or so, but I'm back?

>> No.4850374

It's all politics, eh? Everyone vying for themselves, making a big retarded heap out of everything. Not that anyone else is any different, Butterfly; don't worry.

>> No.4850381

It's all around bad. Just capitalism at some of its worst, in my opinion. And I don't judge him.

I still want to hear from this guy >>4850305
But the thread is past 300.

>> No.4850388

Who here thinks sluts are disgusting, wouldn't date a slut, etc.? I'm in the mood for dissecting some retardation.

>> No.4850389

Email here, I believe >>4850266

>> No.4850400

See >>4850266

>> No.4850402


>> No.4850403

This is fake, don't do it!

>> No.4850422

It's actually not

>> No.4850423

Nobody? >:D
It's a very common consideration, don't be shy

>> No.4850436

do you maybe have a profile on last.fm or rateyourmusic? or anything similar?

>> No.4850441

No, unfortunately. I usually listen to my iPod or satellite radio.

>> No.4850443

It turns me on when girls (and men pretending to be girls) on 4chan talk about taking guys' virginities.

>> No.4850446

I have standards. Regardless of what insult I'd label them with. "Slut" would be one rejection I suppose. But then, wouldn't you like a "slut" in bed?

>> No.4850466

Butterfly, are you seriously a lesbian?

>> No.4850468


>> No.4850482

Oh, I see. So we are in agreement. Sweet.

>> No.4850491

Answer this please, I'm interested

>> No.4850500

Sex ends when you blow your load because patriarchy and most women don't give a fuck anyway, lol.

>> No.4850508

I try to make it kinky and pleasantly panderous beforehand though, but I mean come on, lol... orgasm = exhaustion.

>> No.4850511 [DELETED] 
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When I first came to /lit/ I was told to drop my name all the time (same as now) I told them I was as anonymous as they were. I wouldn't even fill out survey threads about such details.

Now it's sort of become a game. I'm the janitor camwhore lesbian around here.
Am I?
Or am I just collectively written this way?

>> No.4850513

I personally decided to abandon hope at dating, relationships, sex etc as a result of lifelong, negative self-consciousness with the rationale that none of those acts/concepts were relevant to me. Additionally, I realized that the negative aspects of a long-term relationship would outweigh any of the desirable ones. So I pretty much understand why certain people listed (Newton, Kierkegaard, Andersen, etc) would choose to ignore bitches.

>> No.4850613

Hey, I thought this thread got deleted. Seriously though, I'm shit at making girls cum but they still love me so idc lol.

>> No.4850625

Deal breaker, Feminister? <3

>> No.4850637

And I'll last literally 2 minutes the first time too. That damn ego, I get all caught up in my sexual prowess. Sexual being is hilarious

>> No.4850643

With some exercises you can learn hold on and recover faster.

You are obviously a social construct.

>> No.4850645

Bad news for you. I'm not that anon you were replying to, but women still act like whores all the time. Generally women in skimpy clothing tend to seek material gifts and commodities in exchange for sex instead of cash. It's a smoke screen

It is sort of like an business exchange. Instead of choosing what the woman wants to do with the cash after her deed she simply complies to what the man wants to do with her or is doing at the moment. She might even exert some influence.

This is a huge problem in hook up culture. I can't tell you how many woman try to get me to pay for things or to act chivalrously so that they don't have to pay. its a game many many women play.

>> No.4850655

Yeah I know, it's all in your head mate. I've just never bothered, lol.

>> No.4850663

>gifts and commodities
>business exchange
>the cash
>I can't tell you how many woman try to get me to pay for things or to act chivalrously so that they don't have to pay. its a game many many women play.
And they stink the worst
But the huge problem in hook up culture is capitalism.

Face it. It corrupts EVERYTHING.

>> No.4850667

While this is true, it's a perfect match to man's simply lusting after sex for the most part. We're most of the problem, not women.

>> No.4850677

And it's not even just sex, it gets a whole lot deeper than that, but it's horribly selfish and women's wanting chivalry in exchange is hardly something you can decry.

>> No.4850739

>Hunter S. Thompson died a virgin

>> No.4850974

from his portrayal in MiB 3 woulda thought hed be a pimp.

disappointing movie too

>> No.4850983

i sorta empathize which makes me a little nervous

i like your writing style bro

>> No.4851504


>> No.4851561

I want to date a whore.

>> No.4851605

How about marrying a "slut" or a girl who's had more than one sexual partner?

Do you really think that someone who has a bunch of different sex partners at the age of 20-25 is going to suddenly stay with one man for the rest of her life?

A girl who sleeps around while young isn't likely to be faithful later in life. Studies have been done correlating the number of previous sexual partners and the success of marriage, and it's an inverse correlation. Meaning the more partners the less likely the marriage is to succeed.

People who sleep around tend to be self centered, and seek instant gratification rather than delayed value. Not only that, but they undermine the value of the intimacy in sexual intercourse.

The rate of divorce jumps with each additional partner, as does rate of STD and general unhappiness of marriage, all of which I intend to avoid. While success rate for virgin marriages is 90%, single partners is still over 70%, though.

>> No.4851637

Underrated post

>> No.4851648


>> No.4851649

I want to find a lonely girl who is comfortable with her submissiveneness but is interesting and self-conscious enough to keep it from being obvious outside the bedroom.

>> No.4852079

Think about how you feel when you see a hot girl. A lot of times their personalities are disgusting and dumb, but that doesn't change the fact that you want to fuck her. That's how girls look at alpha males.

This might sound superficial, but the only reason I would want a girl is to fuck. If I wanted to be in a relationship with someone I would get a friend, not a sexual partner. It would be nice if you could have both, but it's rare and you'll most likely just end up hurting someone else or yourself emotionally.

I think the best thing to do is to just have male friends and masturbate.

>> No.4852272

If I wanted to be in relationship with someone I could discuss philosophy, literature, music and other highly intellectual stuff then I would date a guy and not a woman.

>> No.4852598

I've been naked with a girl and we were going to have sex but then for some reason i decided i didnt want to then.

Other girls have made passes at me, ive had some solid chances but i ignored them or bungled them.

the stigma against virginity comes from the fact that whether you want to acknowledge it or not sexual relationships and friendships really are for the most part intrinsically meaningless. one goes away, another takes it place. Life is competitive and sycophantic and it's basically a race to see who has the most surface merit. you can't take life seriously-- no one cares really. it isn't because life isn't worth taking seriously, it's because you will be alone because no one gives a fuck. like the anon above me said, you still want to fuck hot girls even though they are usually vile people. the average /lit/izen thinks purely in terms of internal goals, but in the real world no one gives a shit. i think of it like this: do what you will, because there really is no way of knowing what or who the average person will randomly like or dislike

>> No.4852638

Does genuine love exist though?

Can a person really love someone else?

Or do they do good things to others and "love" others in order to feel better about themselves and because they want to be loved by others?

>> No.4852688

it's so hard to find love in another person and many people don't even want to find it. but enjoyment of life is not contingent on possessing or even giving love. it may just be something altogether much more superficial than that