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/lit/ - Literature

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4842480 No.4842480 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4842486

stoner is a good novel

>> No.4842495

Most people would rather be considered well-read than actually well-read.

>> No.4842496

This. That's it.

>> No.4842509

start with the greeks

>> No.4842510

If a famous author said it then it's true, no argument needed

>> No.4842512

i should ask everyone what a book is about before i read it--if i dont, i might begin to understand it

>> No.4842529


>> No.4842530

max stirner is the transcendent signifier

contemporary continental philosophy is just the emperor's new clothes

anarchofascism is what my body lusts

sasha grey has an iq way above the level of super genius

tao lin, dfw, and bee are all talentless hacks

>> No.4842546

>anarchofascism is what my body lusts
2014 must be your dream come true

>> No.4842583
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good boy, *gives a dunhill fag and some chocolate*

>> No.4842679

all genre fiction is objectively bad / all pieces of literature that do not attempt to grapple with philosophical themes are bad

>> No.4842699




>> No.4842733

but /lit/ worships contemporary continental phil, just look at the zizek threads

>> No.4842739

you might have to read lacan first

>> No.4842765

leftists have no decent arguments

>> No.4842939

Constant cynicism.
/lit/ hangs over my shoulder critiquing every book I read now.
"Well that's a trite metaphor..."
"This is obviously derivative of "x"..."

>> No.4842952

People are mad racist

>> No.4842956


Ayn Rand makes me randy

>> No.4842986

people like to circle jerk over Infinite Jest but don't actually like to discuss aspects of the novel.

>> No.4842995

As well read as some of you are, you're all still incredibly susceptible to herd mentalities, following fads, repeating the same shit over and over, and capable of some of the most embarrassing attempts at trolling/shitposting of all of 4chan.

That said this is probably my favourite board.

>> No.4843000

that I should start with the Greeks and read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.4843007
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I learned that I'm lucky to be true patrician compared to the rest of my academic peers, who are mostly talentless functionaries bumping against the glass ceiling of their own lack of visionary animus

I'm so glad I learned Latin and Greek and reached that plateau where I saw my own potential, instead of getting stuck in that phase where I pretended to like major modernist works despite having read fewer than 200 books in my life

>> No.4843010

how to read classical literature and not become an arrogant prick

>> No.4843014


>> No.4843032

how to drive a boat.

wait SHIT

>> No.4843057

they're all just dribblin'

>> No.4843078

You didn't know that before coming on /lit?

>> No.4843192

how to be a pretentious asshole.

>> No.4843220

if you don't know anything about philosophy you can still pretend to be knowledgeable by creating your own definition for things and then challenging other people to define the same concepts in their own words.

When they inevitably don't match up with the definition you invented through your own misconceptions you can act superior. And if they challenge your own definition you can simply reverse it by challenging their definition yet again.

>every philosophy thread on /lit/ ever

>> No.4843267

also no longer human is a good novel

and it's harder to be elitist about literature

>> No.4845038

books aren't gay

>> No.4845042

Basically this

>> No.4845048

faggot detected

>> No.4845057

faggot detected

>> No.4845058

Philosophy cannot find the meaning of life and cannot answer ethical questions. But neither can science. Therefore science is wrong and this somehow makes philosophy a valid endeavour and better than science.

/lit/ logic 101

>> No.4845060

I like science AND philosophy, but gotta say this is pretty true about /lit/

>> No.4845065

Mentioning science is redundant, as it is a subset of philosophy.

>> No.4845072

you make me angry

>> No.4845074

There are only about three people who have ever visited /lit/ who have read Infinite Jest.

>> No.4845075

That most people love to talk but won't sit down and do the work.

>> No.4845088

The first three years' syllabus for university in England include Neitzsche, Pynchon, Stirner, some surveys of ancient Greek lit, Moby Dick, and Joyce. An d I am sick to death of the rotation of new freshman replacing graduating seniors and re-hasing all the same blahbitty shit about all of them.

>> No.4845094

Whether or not to accept science IS a philosophical choice, m8, it's just a silly one, is all.

>> No.4845098

i'm not even gonna reply to that

>> No.4845100

But I'm on your side, m8, science is good

>> No.4845106

I learned that I should read Stoner and Revolutionary Road.

>tfw no Richard Yates novels on /lit/ now

>> No.4845111

I should read more

>> No.4845113

well then it's okay i guess. i'm not sure.

>> No.4845134

>i'm not sure
We can tell.

>> No.4845139

/lit/ reaffirms my college days experience that conversation with anyone claiming to be a philosopher, or student of philosophy, is to be assiduously avoided. At all costs.

>> No.4845140

Stop being such a crybaby. There's a reason scientists and philosophers were the very same people not too long ago. Like it or not it's the practical application of a philosophical conviction.

>> No.4845146

twas a joke, you dolt.

>> No.4845149

-"trite" and "pretentious" are words that self conscious kids gravitate toward
-reading in public is something people are self conscious about
-what determines the opinion of many anons simply depends on the last book they read
-nuanced thinking is rare
-many kids start with books that are way too challenging for them because of some desire to prove themselves
-some anons genuinely think of themselves as "smart" and this notion comforts them and influences their behavior
-this is one of the easiest boards to troll
-posting certain names (like freud, derrida, dawkins) will generate replies so predictable that you could replace half of this board with bots and nobody would notice
-this board is shit

>> No.4845151

how the fuck were your last three comments 'a joke' you cockeater

>> No.4845152

Why? Don't like being embarrassed by superior intellects?

>> No.4845153

muh hipsters, how original

You'll fit right in

>> No.4845157

sigh. what

>> No.4845158

the first one was serious, the rest was just banterhandling.

>> No.4845168

that the remedy for an arse full of farts is a good arseways fucking

>> No.4845174

>what determines the thinking of many anons depends on the last book they read
I see this. I think automatically follow the opinion of their "alpha person". When you choose to read somebody, you're deciding they're somebody worthy of reading, and they become your "boss" for a bit.
Sort of like how subcultures in high school all seem to gravitate around one-three particular kids within that culture.
I like it, it makes me like humans more.

>> No.4845178

Science (=objectivity, facts and logic) and philosophy (=subjectivity, opinions and belief) are polar opposites.

>> No.4845181


>> No.4845189

>there is such a thing as slush-pile syndrome
>/lit/ is perfect training for facing the slush pile

>> No.4845191

No, my IQ is >170 and I'm working on a STEM doctorate.

>> No.4845199

Then you're just ignorant. Science is, indeed, a subset of philosophy, and philosophy can work with science, or reject it.
Philosophy isn't just the crap philosophy professors believe.

>> No.4845203
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>my IQ is >170
shit, guess we've been proven wrong here, sorry to disturb you sir

But actually, where you're wrong is that "philosophy (=subjectivity, opinions, and belief)" bit: science and philosophy are very closely related.

>> No.4845208

>working on STEM doctorate

Can't be both, buddy.

>> No.4845210

No, I guess I had a higher opinion of people.

>> No.4845212

science came from philosophy and there's ways to embed all of science into some philosophical worldview. and that's cool and all, it just rustles my jimmies ever so slightly when people act as if science is some silly gimmick the tru thinker league of philosophists has given the fedoras and euphorics to tinker around with.

anyways, the whole culture of science, for the lack of a better word, is pretty far removed from the culture of philosophy nowadays. so that's mostly where the hate comes from i guess.

also probably from all the butthurt philosophers who are mad b/c, like, science flies you to the moon, but philosophy flies you into unemployment

>> No.4845213

⇒Science is, indeed, a subset of philosophy
Nope. See my post >>4845178

⇒Philosophy isn't just the crap philosophy professors believe.
So you're not only claiming your nonsensical pseudo-deep platitudes you conceived while sitting on the toilet after smoking weed qualify as "philosophy", you're even going as far as telling me they are of more value than the published works of a professor? Top lel. Go back to facebook, kid.

>> No.4845217

8/10, the first one was good but you pushed it too far with that one and I stopped believing you

>> No.4845219

Problem with science and capitalism in my imho is that they fly you to transhumanism, and that makes me a sad frigging panda
Every time somebody says something along the lines of "humans are becoming obsolete" I frown. Obsolete for what?

>> No.4845222

Oh, it's just arrow girl. You're a lunatic, you know.

>> No.4845224

I'm not a "sir". Subjectivity and objectivity are obvious opposites. So are facts and belief.

I can't hear you. Perhaps you should come closer. Oh nevermind, I understand that you don't wanna give up that position in the unemployment line.

⇒science came from philosophy
Astrophysics came from astrology. Chemistry came from alchemy. Appeal to tradition is a fallacy.

>> No.4845225

i want to fug the poots out of her fat, stinky rear while we talk about science

>> No.4845227

yah i agree. but imo that's capitalism more than science; and only certain parts of scientists are actually useful to capitalism. if there was money in philosophy the capitalists would be all over it.

>> No.4845229

I'm in construction, tho
U want some philosophical manly man penis?
I'm fat, btw, and hairy. Maybe I look like dad. Does that get any subjectivity in your objectivism?

>> No.4845234

What a retarded straw man. Transhumanism is scientology for uneducated children. It has nothing to do with science.

>> No.4845235

>Appeal to tradition is a fallacy.
i'm just giving the context; as i said, there's philosophical stances - modern ones - that unify the both, with science as a subset of philosophy. that doesn't mean phil has really any "authority" over or more validity than science, it just means in that particular worldview / philosophy / whatever, science is a part of the whole thing.

>> No.4845237

"science and capitalism" as a unified entity, babe ;-)

>> No.4845241

This girl is legit nuts, man. It's REALLY stupid to talk to her. She probably has some fedora'd boyfriend who feeds her this shit, or lusts after the dongs of the /r/atheism dreamteam themselves.

>> No.4845256

Does spouting banal trivialities make you feel deep and insightful? Do you actually think you're gonna get internet karma for repeatedly pointing out something everyone already knows? Prepare to have your mind blown: 1+1=2 .

What a naive and juvenile world view. Come back when you're of legal age and when you have sufficient education to hold a differentiated and sophisticated opinion that goes beyond preschool tier generalizations. I don't want to talk to a mental toddler.

>> No.4845257 [DELETED] 

oh. well alright then

>> No.4845273

oh. well alright then

whatever betch

>> No.4845286

=> science is a part of the whole thing

The way you put it here is pretty convincing. Fuck, I've been wrong all along.

>> No.4845287

How ironic! It's actually people like you who would perfectly fit in in r/atheism. You're the kind of pseudo-intellectual dropout without higher education who prioritize their beliefs over actual facts and who can't form a proper argument, hence resort to puerile shit flinging and buzzword insults.

inb4 "tu quoque"

>> No.4845305

>Reading comprehension is for philosophy majors and philosophy am OBJECTIVELY WRONG! I know it because I have a 170 iq, just like Bobby Fisher!

>> No.4845310

Reading comprehension is obviously a very rare skill and not to be found in self-proclaimed philosophers.

>> No.4845312

no u is way shorter. too prolix return to sender

>> No.4845320

I learned that the Bible is actually pretty good.
I honestly think all of you should read it

>> No.4845392

You are a lesser trip.
How does that make you feel?

/lit/ taught me that I'm indeed a genius.

>> No.4845412

makes me feel indifferent. fight me in real life

>> No.4845421

Jewish Adventures parts 1 & 2 a shit

>> No.4845426
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How ironic! It's actually people like you who would perfectly fit in in r/atheism. You're the kind of pseudo-intellectual dropout without higher(!) education who prioritize their beliefs over actual facts and who can't form a proper argument, hence resort to puerile shit flinging and buzzword insults.

>> No.4845582

I hate your trip name.
You deliberately used a name that is ironically superficial, trying to radiate wittiness and quirkness with your little "fight me in real life" overused and un-modified meme.

Your post and your trip as a whole tells me a story, like the rings of a tree, your DNA sample from your feces you call posts.
I can extrapolate your whole mental status, you have a long way to conquer the narrative of existence.

I'm glad that you exist, because you show intent, that's how interesting-ness is flourished.
May you live longer than you'd hope for.

>> No.4845603


>> No.4845617

More like

"x is true because"
>see: Heidegger
>see: Wittgenstein
>see: Stirner
>see: Schopenhauer

>> No.4845620

You're a dumb whore
gobble dicks

>> No.4845625

i've found my patisserie skills have really come along since getting here

>> No.4845680

High Functioning Autism, ladies and gentlemen. Isn't he great?

>> No.4845701

How ironic! It's actually people like you who would perfectly fit in in r/atheism. You're the kind of pseudo-intellectual dropout without higher education who prioritize their beliefs over actual facts and who can't form a proper argument, hence resort to puerile shit flinging and buzzword insults

>> No.4845702

* the best of literature
* the worst of human nature

>> No.4845703

tfw no >>>/b/

>> No.4845711

i'm not sure if you got the joke

>> No.4845757

>* the worst of human nature
I still have yet to meet any solipsists or actual misanthropists (antisocial) on this board.

And even if I did, we could never outdo /pol/ with the amount of each they have, along with their delusional paranoia/persecution complexes.

>> No.4845770

It was just a bit of hyperbole for contrast. /lit/ as 'the best of literature' wouldn't stand up to an extremely literal reading either.

>> No.4845777

Only if you believe objective evaluation by subjective observers is possible. Otherwise, the way I'm reading it, it stands up just fine.

>> No.4845799


>> No.4845808

Reading is bullshit, unless you're a significant writer, you're just a pleb.

>> No.4845847


>> No.4845849

They good
Have you ever read it?

>> No.4845994

What drivel

>> No.4846087

>meet chick online
>self proclaimed "well-read" person
>all she reads is airport stand tier trash

literally every chick ever