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/lit/ - Literature

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4836946 No.4836946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I need your advice:

I'm looking to learn at least four foreign languages while I travel Europe. I'm doing my graduate studies in philosophy in the EU, and between now and then I'm going to travel.

So, which would be the best language to learn for philosophy? German, French, and Greek are givens, but what about the fourth? Italian? Russian? Arabic? What? I want to hear what you have to say.

>> No.4836952

>German, French, and Greek are givens, but what about the fourth?

>> No.4836955

Also, learning a language to the degree where you can read philosophical works in them probably takes a whole lot longer than you'd like.

>> No.4836958


>> No.4836961

If you're continental learn French German Italian and free choice.

There's no point in learning modern greek really, is there mate?

>> No.4836966

>There's no point in learning modern greek really, is there mate?
kill yourself

>> No.4836969

Yes, I am continental.

I know some Classical Greek already.


>> No.4836985

Why Italian? Who besides Machiavelli and Gramsci wrote in Italian?

>> No.4836992
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the godking of edge.

>> No.4836996

>implying everyone who likes Heidegger is a nazi

>> No.4837006

Yeah, unless you're Continental there's zero point to learning a language other than English. Perhaps Latin but it's not like any of those analyticfags actually wrote in that language.

>> No.4837016

what about witty gene stone?

>> No.4837019

>Why Italian? Who besides Machiavelli and Gramsci wrote in Italian?
Negri, Tronti, Bologna, Dalla Costa, Virno, etc. etc. etc.

Look up "Italian theory". It is the next wave in continental.

>> No.4837023

Thank you. This helps a lot.

>> No.4837025

he's right

>> No.4837031

Modern Greek has a lot of similarities to Classical Greek as far as vocab goes. I've studied both.

>> No.4837033

You might as well learn Classical directly. Modern Greek is just thousands of variations on 'gib money plox'.

>> No.4837038

Fuck Negri. That guy is a major faggot and I know of no Marxists who like his work.

>> No.4837039


don't come back soon

>> No.4837048

By that logic you should learn Slovenian.

>> No.4837052

shut up faggot. no one gives a shit about your faggot friends.

>> No.4837053

Yes Negri is a fucking faggot, but if you're going to make it as a continental you have to ride the wave of shit that Deans demand you surf. Remember not to inhale when you get dumped.

>> No.4837056

Dick face didn't write any major works in Slovenian, and there's only one dick face.

>> No.4837061

Compared to whom? Badiou? Ranciere? Judith Butler?

>> No.4837066

Is latin worth learning in college? or not?

>> No.4837071

Butler can't be a faggot on the basis of her being a woman.

>> No.4837074

You're five centuries too late brah.

>> No.4837078

Are we playing "Name fucked up cunts who do no work outside of ideology and wouldn't know praxis if someone smashed a 2x4 through their neck?" Because in that case Deleuze and Guattari; Agamben; Anyone who publishes in Thesis 11

>> No.4837084

You literally don't know how often she performs as a woman.

>> No.4837086

You're one dumb faggot.

>> No.4837090

>learn norwegian
>translate Zapffe for the world

fucking profiiiiiiiiit we'll all suck you're charles dickens

>> No.4837094 [DELETED] 
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Happy May Day Everyone

>> No.4837100


>> No.4837107

German of course

>> No.4837110

>Butler can't be a faggot on the basis of her being a woman.
>performing a woman
>not performing a faggot
I seriously hope you guys don't enact your gender in this way.

>> No.4837121
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This thread is final proof of /lit/ degenerating into /b/.

Enjoy your mindless ramblings with a side of pretentiousness.

>> No.4837188

No. Modern Italian is much better.

>> No.4837439

Learn Arabic, OP.

>> No.4837657

If you want to do philosophy, learn Montague's Intensional Logic (IL). A good introductory book is Dowty, Wall, and Peters's Introduction to Montague Semantics.
It can be found here:
The book is introductory, but rigorous, and like with any language, you can't expect to learn it just by reading through a textbook, you have to do the exercises, try to use it on your own, etc.). Good luck, OP.

>> No.4837683

I'm pretty sure OP is continental.

>> No.4838130

Latin first, then German and French.

>> No.4838222

OP here. Yes, I primarily study continental philosophy.

I'm already learning German and French and I know some Greek as well. Why Latin?

>> No.4838516

I don't see why learning some serious logic and natural language semantics wouldn't be beneficial for an aspiring continental philosopher. Indeed, I'd guess there's plenty of low-hanging fruit there for the first person to seriously try the cross-over. Just sayin'.

>> No.4840101

Learn Spanish dude.