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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 774x442, Mad_Ugly_Dyke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4831796 No.4831796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck /lit/

Have you seen Laurie Penny's twitter account today?

Since she got #rekt in her own thread earlier on all she's been doing is insulting 4chan and the anons who criticized her

Pic related: we patriarchy now


>> No.4831807
File: 34 KB, 539x321, lauriecomment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always right

>> No.4831816
File: 79 KB, 382x387, 1352474741657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading through her tweets

She actually seems rather inoffensive, in fact I share a lot of her political views. Why is /lit/ getting their knickers in a twist again?

>> No.4831818

Missed it all. Did she actually come here today?

>> No.4831821

Go to bed, Laurie

>> No.4831824


never heard of her before today

Read some of her pieces. Utter rubbish, of course.

I'm not threatened by the sight of woman talking politics - Condoleeza springs to mind. But Ms. Penny's writing is positively moribund.

They aren't attacking you because you're a woman, Laurie. They're attacking you because you can't into writing.

>> No.4831827
File: 75 KB, 667x617, laurie_trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Think the mods deleted the thread eventually.

>> No.4831828

Ha apparently she's keeping track of threads about her

>Oh no! The enormous 4chan troll thread about my writing has disappeared! A great shame. I was quite enjoying some of the RPS.

Highly amusing. She wants more role plays, give her what she wants folks

>> No.4831830

Tbh I only know her from this

>> No.4831836

That's what she's complaining about in the OP

She says we're "squealing" at her for what "that old boor" said to her

>> No.4831850

>false dichtomoy between britishness and englishness

Jesus Christ, what an idiot

>> No.4831857
File: 25 KB, 460x276, Laurie20sGangster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this moment I am euphoric

>> No.4831861
File: 213 KB, 297x400, clinton_blackface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot, why are paying attention to her?

>> No.4831864

Her and Tao are "doing it"

>> No.4831868


Who is this person and why should I care?

>> No.4831869


>> No.4831884

She's an influential British leftist journalist who often writes about "muh feelings" and "patriarchy" while posing as a downtrodden voice of the people despite her expensive schooling and rich upbringing

>> No.4831886

leave my precious tao out of this.

>> No.4831887

But all her shit seems tumblr-tier or am I missing something? Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.4831892

Well Laurie Penny confirmed for special snowflake anon, I guess.

This is just too funny.

And regarding >>4831807 Ms.Penny should know that it's usually jewish organisation that go around and highlight jewish descent on "intellectuals".

Anyway go fuck yourself. I just realized that Laurie Penny might actually have posted her own fucking burlesque pics and that she is basically a basic camwhore.

>> No.4831898

This should be fun.

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.4831899

It's a largely ironic relationship

>> No.4831900

>Laurie Penny might actually have posted her own fucking burlesque pics
You got em?

>> No.4831901

A grown woman making a duck face on a twitter account and expecting to be taken seriously and to be influential and fight for her beliefs... What world are we living in?

>> No.4831902

>all she's been doing is insulting 4chan and the anons who criticized her
>Pic related
>doesn't mention 4chan

>> No.4831903


Because vagina and FEMINAZISM.

Though she does seem like a bit of a tit. Plague on all your houses. Starkey's a cunt, too.

>> No.4831905

the duck face is her attempt to ally herself with oppressed womynz everywhere

>> No.4831909

Haha, great image man. But yeah, I agree. I guess she rubs the kissless virgins of the internet the wrong way, implying men have all the power while they rub themselves another way, craving

>> No.4831910

You know what? I hate your kind, but atleast go worship a real socialist or something.

>> No.4831911

I'm confused, where is she doing duckface?

>> No.4831912


And her message about Starkey and possibly the schoogirl thing was related to the thread, since anons kept spanning her debate and #REKT #REKT #REKT

>> No.4831915

A tragic comedy.

>> No.4831916

Are we talking independent poc womyn who don't need no man or white chavs?

>> No.4831926
File: 36 KB, 500x333, The_Hills_Have_Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hey Anon, w-wanna hear me play some Mountain Goats?"

>> No.4831929


>> No.4831931

can we please all shut the fuck up about laurie penny i don't want this to draw in too many feminazi cunts.

i mean, we already have feminister. aint that enuff

>> No.4831932

why did the mods wait until 300 posts to delete it? what fags

>> No.4831935


>> No.4831938

that's not even a real woman.

>> No.4831939

ew please no

>> No.4831942

She's just a silly old brainless ugly dyke whore

Who got owned by David Starkey, lest we forget

>> No.4831943

Really? What does she identify as then? A moonbunkin demiromantic asexual with special pronouns?

>> No.4831944

It must be done, friendo.

>> No.4831947

what? is s/he a trap?

>> No.4831948

Is there proof of this

Because if so that's just too much

>> No.4831949
File: 232 KB, 700x394, Comrade_Penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hey comrade, c-can I see your h-hammer and sickle?"

>> No.4831956

i think feminister claims to be a reel wimmen

who knows if that's true or not tho, she won't post pics

>> No.4831963

Why are leftist True Believers so stupid?

>> No.4831965

But what is s/he?

>> No.4831967

>True Believers
how cute

you haven't read enough to be a leftist

>> No.4831968

I like that story L Pennybags wrote about the time she was raped.

Ever notice how so many rape stories begin with the girl going to a party? What happened next? Oh you started drinking? No way! Didnt see that coming. Oh but you didnt get so drunk that you passed out did you? You did? Oh wow. What are the odds? You poor thing. Let me purchase your book to help you feel better.

>> No.4831969
File: 6 KB, 161x291, 1370016110853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4831973

>mad ugly dyke
>ugly dyke
Projection and hatred of a person that is the epitome of your rejection. Seriously dudes, most of these posts are utterly pathetic.

>> No.4831978

Written like a True Believer.

>> No.4831979

But take strength in the fact that there are others as pathetic as you! Go ahead.

>> No.4831980

kek I just read that off her twitter before posting it

I sincerely hope this is the woman herself

>> No.4831983

feminister confirmed for trap

>> No.4831988

Shut up, mate.

>> No.4831990

i thought we established this in another thread two days ago?

>> No.4831993

how'd you establish it?

>> No.4831996

said dude who read one book and thinks he knows everything

>> No.4831998

Stop getting trolled so hard then

>> No.4832000

same way I established THIS

*unzips dick*

>> No.4832005

is laurie penny herself making these threads because she's an attention whoring ugly bitch, or is it some obsessed autist?

>> No.4832007


>> No.4832010

>book learnin' is the new dick measuring on the 4chans

>> No.4832011

Oh, I'm getting trolled? More projection, nice consistency bro.

>> No.4832012

you unzip... your dick? ouch m8

anywhoo has feminister even been doxxed?

>> No.4832013
File: 35 KB, 500x664, 4chan culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here, the more attention you give these people the more fame they get

also if you really want to give them attention you better do something like the Fattitude Documentary


>> No.4832014


Some of us also criticising you because your politics are poorly thought out and hypocritical, and your writing hamfisted

>> No.4832017

>you unzip... your dick?
Obviously you don't know about his male privilege to uzip it because he has one..

>> No.4832021

check ur carnivore privilege scum

>> No.4832023

virgin detected

>> No.4832029

I don't really have an opinion on her.

>> No.4832032

Jokes on you, I've had sex with girls multiple times.

>> No.4832035

I was parodying what she wrote, you thought I was being serious, you got caught out, now you're mad. I'm enjoying it.

>> No.4832036

>/lit/ - reading

>> No.4832037

>multiple times

>> No.4832039


Am I supposed to be jealous pleb?

Unless you're fucking boypussy on the reg then you have no place on /lit/

>> No.4832040

mlp plushies aren't girls fyi

>> No.4832041

can you tell us the secret

>> No.4832043
File: 36 KB, 760x797, j677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Laurie Penny read your femdom posts
>tfw Laurie Penny at least momentarily imagined you eating her ass

Jesus Christ though Laurie part of the reason people find you and your type so insufferable is that you interpret everything through the rubric of systemic patriarchy. If someone calls you a 'little girl', it's entirely some kind of unique patriarchal condescension that wouldn't have just been phrased differently if directed at a man, equivalently aimed at his masculinity or virility (GENDER ISSUES AHHHH) or whatever.

I'm not even saying it's not true. Just try shutting your fucking puerile mouth about it for two seconds and writing something that's not derivative or boring. You're just one mouthpiece of the Tumblr echo chamber. It doesn't matter how true it is, it's not original. No one is going to remember any of your blogger tripe in ten years if you don't add some substance to it. You'll just be replaced. Ironically, you're only noteworthy right now because the asinine blogosphere likes its feminist talking heads to have pretty(ish) faces, and you're the least fat of the lot.

If you want to defy patriarchy, write something that isn't the same limply precocious adolescent shit gimmick you've been riding your entire career. Grow some balls, stop having Twitter wars, stop cashing in on trendy crap like "cybergendering" or whatever your latest garbage is. Take a vacation and reflect on how to apply your minor prose talent to the production of some actual content.

>> No.4832044

Yeah, keep trying mate

>> No.4832045

Why did that post get so many replies?

>> No.4832050
File: 168 KB, 600x443, le_happy_merchant@Apr_7_16.50.04_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832052

reminds me of a Samuel Johnson gem

>I told him I had been that morning at a meeting of the people called Quakers, where I had heard a woman preach. Johnson: "Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."

>> No.4832054

Because outing yourself as a non-virgin is the same thing as outing yourself as a pleb

>> No.4832055

i srsly need to get laid

>> No.4832056

I don't think I've cried with laughter at a /lit/ thread before

>> No.4832057

Because the other anons are faggots and needed to control it, and I'm its troll daddy maker

>> No.4832059

Has that changed because of this thread or are you just pointing telling us that for no reason?

>> No.4832065

ohohoho very, very witty my dear *adjusts monocle*

>> No.4832077

...and I never will.

>> No.4832084


>pleb can't into historical context

Time to hit the books.

>> No.4832103

For once I'm not misusing this word:

Are you autistic?

>> No.4832105

lauire i think its time for you to go

>> No.4832109

You really are misusing it.

>> No.4832111

Of course, aren't you?

>> No.4832121

>not autistic

>> No.4832123

/lit/ is not much less misogynist than /pol/. a lot the intellectualism here is purely cultural, and Evolakid is a magnificent caricature of what both boards ultimately represent

>> No.4832124


>> No.4832130


>> No.4832133
File: 27 KB, 400x225, lookwhossix_400x225[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"muh soggy knees"

>> No.4832136

Are we still talking about the girl with the dragon tattoo?

>> No.4832137

And what are you? Please do me the pleasure of analysing yourself.

>> No.4832142

tell me please, in all honesty, what are you doing here? what keeps you here?
also ARE you a trap or are you a woman, i mean, do you or did you at any point have a penis

>> No.4832143

Misogyny is pretty rampant here, I think you'd have to intentionally blind to say it isn't, or highly naive to think it's all ironic.

>> No.4832147

share another of your 18th century gems, dear albert, you're killing us

>> No.4832150
File: 211 KB, 1347x892, 1386457572662[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misogyny is pretty rampant here, I think you'd have to intentionally blind to say it isn't, or highly naive to think it's all ironic.


>> No.4832151

I was born female. I find it strange that a woman's genitals have to be put under so much scrutiny. If a poster talks as a male, do you say "WERE YOU REALLY BORN WITH A PENIS??? OR IS IT FAKE???"

>> No.4832153


but why is it a bad thing?

>> No.4832155
File: 43 KB, 500x502, muh_sojiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832158
File: 18 KB, 462x346, 9eb4b5aa6c983fe428f3d5c098d3fddb[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are just mad that you are ugly compared to randytaylor69

>> No.4832159

It's pedestrian and drab.

>> No.4832161

it's because women here are the exception and don't tell me you couldn't figure that one out yourself

>> No.4832163

evola kid is a troll who is universally despised

not unlike yourself

>> No.4832164
File: 154 KB, 230x230, 1396575870001[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"It's pedestrian and drab."


>> No.4832165

Considering women are treated like shit, I'm not surprised.

>> No.4832167

based randytaylor69. pray tell, do you have that dropbox that was taken down.

>> No.4832169


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Of course it could just be that you are in a woman and are retarded as a result, still happy to help!

>> No.4832175


nice vague adjectives

>> No.4832176

It's not her views. It's her god-awful imitation of Thompson.

>> No.4832181

>poor form
Unlike treating women like shit.
>muh culture

>> No.4832184

so what, men will be met with hostility in most feminist environments.

also, still: what keeps you here? as a feminist, not as a woman.

>> No.4832185

Yes, because winning custody cases, being considered for promotions just because they're women, not having to fight wars, and not having to do hard jobs (construction, oil drilling, mining) is really tough.

>> No.4832186
File: 41 KB, 450x360, 1396202363001[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering women are treated like shit, I'm not surprised.

"Hey Feminister, tell me why you never get a boyfriend again."

>> No.4832188

There's nothing vague about them, misogyny is the chicken farming of polemics.

>> No.4832193


>decides to make a username on ANONYMOUS forum
>makes that username polemic
>affects a feminine authority, female voice
>expects people not to call her on it
>and when they do call her on it, she cries misogyny

Just curious as to what allows you to speak in generalities about our community.

>> No.4832197

>just curious as to what allows you to speak in generalities about our community.

She's a woman. It seems you have missed the central point with feminism.

>> No.4832198
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>> No.4832200

I'm with you on this one. I had assumed she was another crazy radical feminist, but she seems reasonable. /lit/, why don't you find a better target?

>> No.4832202

>men will be met with hostility in most feminist environments
Feminists will not commonly tell men they are "men and so probably retarded" or that they need to be corrected with rape. What a crock.

>if you don't act like a child who needs to be enslaved you will never get laid
I can assure you that is false

>> No.4832203

the vast majority of 'female' posters i've seen on here over the years have turned out to be trannies. i highly doubt that even 1% of the men here were born women.

so you'll forgive the skepticism

>> No.4832205 [DELETED] 

You do realize Laurie won the debate against Starkey right, regardless of his antics at the end?

>> No.4832211
File: 88 KB, 500x376, 1397240165004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello Laurie Penny, enjoying your shekels I assume?

>> No.4832212


No, the central point is that somebody is choosing to identify on an anonymous community. We're usually pretty good about calling people out for treating this place like their blog or masquerading for attention and e-celebrity status.

>> No.4832213
File: 36 KB, 455x441, nhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never rape Laurie Penny

>> No.4832215
File: 94 KB, 392x490, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont need to read leftist material to understand leftism look at how shitty Chicago is and the mayor just so happens to be a member of the left,
NY left mayor
Detroit left mayor
Atlanta left mayor
what else do these things have in common
the highest crime rates in the US
stupid commie go live in a cave with your commie lit where your stupid ideas cant ruin any countries

>> No.4832217

Holy shit, deleted.

I guess Laurie Penny is really in this thread right now.

>> No.4832219

Why does anyone need to know you purport to be a woman? What difference does it make to any discussion?

>> No.4832222

The reality is, people in identity politics have personality problems. That's why they have clung to identity politics, they have fucking mental problems, that's pretty much it, even when they are right I hate them so much that I want to argue with them.

>> No.4832223







And so on and so forth, ad nauseum.

>> No.4832224
File: 46 KB, 738x219, Laurie Penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4832225

Why do you woman think you can come here and discuss intelligent stuff with us virgin losers and also have your normalfag friend circle.

>> No.4832226

Daily reminder that tripfigs are cancer and need to go


>> No.4832228
File: 39 KB, 512x326, putin-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize Laurie won the debate against Starkey right, regardless of his antics at the end?

>> No.4832229

Nice try but she posts as anonymous when she does.

>> No.4832233
File: 80 KB, 500x576, 1398785623687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice try but she posts as anonymous when she does.

Shalom, Laurie Penny.

>> No.4832235
File: 62 KB, 720x720, Kimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that, pending the next deletion of this thread, the measure at our disposal most closely approximating to the legendary Dorothean Bucket of Water - i.e. one apt to set this green-skinned or red-haired witch-monster (makes little odds which, in my opinion; 'against nature' is 'against nature') shrinking and withering and shrieking "I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh my world! My world! Who'd have thought that a bitter little huddle of anons like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?" is the derailing of this thread about Laurie Penny into a thread about (with the ultimate, if unfeasibly distant and therefore only "regulative" (in the Kantian sense) aim, of course, of turning it into a thread about Ricky Bobby).
Ms, like Ms Laurie Penny, belongs firmly to the category of female known as the Ugly Dyke - while also, like Ms Laurie Penny, tending to become embarrassingly attractive if one makes the mistake of dwelling too long on her.
Ms also shares with Ms Laurie Penny an association with the region of Oxford - Ms 's association therewith lying, however, in her pre-student years and somewhat off to the west of the main agglomeration of dreaming spires.
(After a brief and glorious early-teenage heyday in Wytham Woods with the original 4Chan /b/board object of adulation and revilement - "Cracky Chan", the Laurie Penny of 2008 - Ms was thrust by the Iron Heel of Privilege cruelly back from the gates of that sacred precinct of learning and forced to scrabble together an ugly travesty of a higher education in some red-brick metropolitan Portakabin which she had, moreover, to share with Damien Hirst, Tracy Emin and yobs of that ilk.)
Given this tragic course taken by her early youth, Ms. has, unlike Ms Laurie Penny, remained one of the "mute inglorious Miltons" of her generation, i.e. she has written little. Ms has, however, inspired in her time a booming mass chorus of loud invective - with a barely audible counterpoint of worship and longing that dare not speak its name - that need fear no comparison with that inspired by vague and imperfect namesake, Ms Laurie Penny.

>> No.4832236



Also classist.

>> No.4832237

>there are trolls on 4chan
Really? Wow women really are treated terribly aren't they

>> No.4832239

i saw that too

i'm not sure if it's actually laurie or someone pretending to be laurie and having a giggle

>> No.4832242

It must be harsh to be Laurie Penny and to actually have your opinions and shit bashed on regular basis, not because you are the discussion topic, not because you are on the web. It's harder to blame on trolls I guess. I'm not saying you don't deserve it, but it must be tough for your self-confidence, and I guess that's why you are looking for pity-retweets right now.

>> No.4832244
File: 707 KB, 1222x1212, 1385074355861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832245

Truth hurts.

>> No.4832246

What the fuck is even the point? Transphobia isn't any better than misogyny, both are bigotry.

Posters find women offensive. Talking about raping, beating, abusing, and otherwise harming women seems to be cool in numerous discussions, but god forbid you actually BE a woman and anyone know about it; we're all men, let's stick with that assumption so the boys club can feel comfortable.

>> No.4832247

"Battered women? You mean all this time I've been eating mine plain?"

>> No.4832249

Clearly she "gets" 4chan much better than feminister does

>> No.4832250

Most likely an autofill in the fields that went wrong and that is why it got deleted. It has happened to me sometime, but I'm a nobody so didn't matter.

>> No.4832254
File: 152 KB, 557x612, 1392422970001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reality is, people in identity politics have personality problems. That's why they have clung to identity politics, they have fucking mental problems, that's pretty much it, even when they are right I hate them so much that I want to argue with them.

Good post Anon.

pic related: a minority who isn't batshit crazy

>> No.4832253

For crying out loud: do you have a penis or not?

>> No.4832255

Neither of these women enjoy even remotely the same vaulted position as Cracky.

>> No.4832256
File: 36 KB, 1193x715, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was the first one to bring up that starkey video in the last thread just to take the piss out of her

I don't even know the man.

>> No.4832257

Kali yuga

>> No.4832258

>What the fuck is even the point? Transphobia isn't any better than misogyny, both are bigotry.
so defensive. i guess you really are a tranny.

>> No.4832259

>attacking a dumb bitch for her dumb comments = hating all womenkind

If that's the case I (and just about every other male on 4chan) must have internalised misandry.

>> No.4832260

>all the misogyny here is just le trolling xD
Do you seriously believe this?

>> No.4832261

>Feminists will not commonly tell men they are "men and so probably retarded" or that they need to be corrected with rape. What a crock.
i used to be a leftie. squatted houses and leftist organisation meetings and stuff. i was regularily corrected for things like sitting on a sofa with my legs apart (maybe 20 cm, i'm really not the kind of person that would sit there like some rambo type), because that's macho and whatnot, or ridiculed for having a buzzcut (can't afford a hairdresser and just use clippers) - the girls there all had long hair or girly short hair cuts, of course. oh and there were stickers everywhere with a picture on them of a fat topless feminist (well i guess it mustve been one), and she was sporting a ski mask and a machete and it was captioned "cis scum, we're coming for your balls" (well it was in german but the meaning was the same).

so yes i can tell you first hand that men are met with hostility in feminist environments, with the exeption maybe of men who had picked up the certain behaviour and viewpoints that made their being a men excusable.

maybe it's different where you live. still:
what keeps you here?

>> No.4832262

Don't give up your dreams, Anon.

>> No.4832263


>women in politics are harrassed!

>mfw Caesar
>mfw Kennedy
>mfw John Paul II
>mfw Reagan

Harrassed eh? What a stupid twat.

>> No.4832264
File: 49 KB, 234x285, 1395242368001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Battered women? You mean all this time I've been eating mine plain?"

>> No.4832266

>women outside of kitchen

>> No.4832267

Does this post have anything to do with literature, or with the girl with the dragon tattoo, or is it just sanctimonious scold with an academic veneer?

>> No.4832268


people dislike women but the "rape" comments are just to piss cunts like you off, ot sincere in most cases

>> No.4832270


Of course she is. Do you think that red hair and makeup is used for anything other than attention? Her writing? Same.

That bitch is a whore who needs to die choking on cocks.

>> No.4832271
File: 56 KB, 600x548, 1398538125428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Talking about raping, beating, abusing, and otherwise harming women seems to be cool in numerous discussions

It's only to get a rise out of you, and clearly it's working.

BTW, I think that your thinly-veiled attempt to get Laurie Penny's attention here is at once adorable and pathetic.

>> No.4832272

I bet you are fat. You post fat.

>> No.4832274

>BTW, I think that your thinly-veiled attempt to get Laurie Penny's attention here is at once adorable and pathetic.
it's obviously working...

>> No.4832275

Being shot (i.e. exectued swiftly and painlessly) is far less harmful than the daily harrasment any woman who wishes to have her voice heard suffers

>> No.4832276
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Feminister IRL

>> No.4832284

>Feminists will not commonly tell men they are "men and so probably retarded" or that they need to be corrected with rape. What a crock.

Nah, they just threaten castration.

End castration culture now!

>> No.4832286


I really don't care what you think I am. I'm not going to be shamed into not objecting to transphobia because otherwise ur a tranny hurr durr. I don't care whether you think I am any more than I care if you think I'm black.

I'm sorry, but how the fuck does your organization represent feminism?

Does this represent socialism?

>> No.4832287
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>laurie penny will never angrily tweet about inconsequential horseshit while you kneel obediently between her legs and kiss her stockinged thighs

>> No.4832288

How dare you slander that goddess.

>> No.4832289
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>Being shot (i.e. exectued swiftly and painlessly) is far less harmful than the daily harrasment any woman


>> No.4832290
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change white to male

>> No.4832292


>you outside Funnyjunk

>> No.4832294

It's weird how liberal /lit/ usually is then as soon as a well-known left wing speaker shows their face, posters just seem to magically appear who hate them.
I'm usually rabidly anti-tripfags but I'm starting to agree with Feminister.

>> No.4832295

Name one non-tranny that crusades for tranny acceptance.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.4832296


What an edgelord.

>> No.4832299
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I love this thraed

>> No.4832304

But that's literature I suppose

>> No.4832305

Laurie Penny (or really, anyone with her political views) posting here just proves how shitty this board is. I'm just glad she got BTFO again, just like she was by based Starkey. :^)

>> No.4832306


I think the leftists here are a little more grounded and dislike the really extreme leftists

I think a genuinely intelligent person can admit that both sides have their share of retarded views

>> No.4832307
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>you will never rape Laurie Penny

>> No.4832308

Tastes like a fish taco

>> No.4832310

Laurie Penny isn't derided for her political views, she's derided for being a woman.

>> No.4832312


How long has Ann Coulter had pink hair?

>> No.4832313

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.4832316

It's probably a bit more complex than that, but yes in essence.

>> No.4832317
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>> No.4832321

I'm surprised and very disappointed the users of /lit/ care about this crap.

>> No.4832322


>b-but that's not REAL feminism!!!!

I see this so often I'm starting to wonder what feminism actually is, because it seems like even feminists can't agree on it.

If they do so under the guise of their assumed ideology, then they are most certainly adherents of it.

>> No.4832323

no im pretty sure shes derided for her political views too

>> No.4832324
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>> No.4832325

but it's 4chan. we just like to be against things.

>> No.4832326
File: 11 KB, 285x214, bngh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me what I can't do, untermensch. I possess the pure will of the Volk.

>> No.4832328
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>> No.4832330

Of course some of it is heartfelt, if it wasn't then there would be no context for trolling to occur. The point is that you're generalising us based on the opinions of a small minority and we're mocking you for it.

>> No.4832331

Wrong,she's derided for both.

>> No.4832335


>implying that merely thinking to yourself about rape doesnt qualify as actual rape

>> No.4832338
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Daily reminder that 1 in 4 women pee like sprinklers until they lose their virginity

>> No.4832339

I guess my point here >>4832222 was when I read something posted here about her thoughts on "manic pixie dream girls" and "being followed into shops" by "zach braff look-alikes", it just occurred how fucking insane this person is, and how this is what their career as a writer is really about: their soapbox horseshit.

The truth is, I started going to /pol/ semi-regularly about a year ago, not even because I agree with anything anyone has there to say, just because I often feel like the internet is slowly driving me insane. I want to yell and scream and throw shit when I see cracked out people like laurie penny pretending that they are important and saving the world with their blogposts

>> No.4832343

Which is why everyone here hates you, right? You get more respect on /pol/ than you do here, fool

>> No.4832345

Marxism is for manly working man and virtous mothers, not for petit bourgeous liberal scum.

>> No.4832346


>women puts her sex at thew heart of her ideology

>man insults her sex, which underscores her political opinions


>> No.4832348

>I'm sorry, but how the fuck does your organization represent feminism?
no, calm your tits (lol), i even said that might just be my experience, but it has been a very consistent one. i have little reason to assume it would be different elsewhere. this wasn't just one organisation, i just used to know a lot of lefties and saw a lot of different organisations and lose groups and friendcircles, and it was usually the same: as a man, you were the enemy. looking back it makes sense, every political organisation has a bogeyman of sorts, and the most obvious one, for a group that defines itself as being oppressed by a male-dominated society, is of course, the man.

why do you keep avoiding that other question? what keeps you here? why don't you leave?

>> No.4832347


>feminism in the west
>it's trying to get more rights than equal rights when the legal battle is over and won and has been for decades

If feminism was serious, and some feminists are serious, they'd tackle the actual problem: women's conditions in other race's countries.

Feminism and antiracism and all the rest are at the point where they're in conflict with each other and don't dare to admit it because it'd weaken them in the face of glorious white, male, patriarchy, who are also straight.

That feminist who made a documentary about how women were treated like whores in the streets of Belgium? All the men who called her a slut were immigrants. The only whites were Slavs (never forget that to the Libtard, Slavs are white niggers, used for the very same purpose).

That feminist tried to hide the immigration thing, choosing, instead, to blame men in general.

When people prefer fiction to reality, you know they have a serious problem.

>> No.4832350
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>>implying that merely thinking to yourself about rape doesnt qualify as actual rape

>implying my penis will feel anything through mind rape

>> No.4832352

>don't feed the trolls :D
>I don't agree with the opinion of a person therefore it must be fake and he is trolling
Miserable idiot.

>> No.4832354

Here's a tip bro, if you want to keep your sanity take routine regular breaks from /pol/. It will get to you otherwise. I'm a long time visitor, started with /new/.

>> No.4832356

fuck I can't even into syntax, it makes me so angry

>> No.4832358
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>> No.4832359

>tfw trying to imagine what it must be like to be Laurie reading this thread in jolly old britbongistan

I'm going to go with an outward bemusement, but beneath the facade is one rustled bunch of jimmies.

Also, Laurie, you absolutely got blown the fuck out in that debate. Embarrassing tier.

>> No.4832360


>I often feel like the internet is slowly driving me insane. I want to yell and scream and throw shit when I see cracked out people like laurie penny pretending that they are important and saving the world with their blogposts

jesus christ, I know this feel too well

>> No.4832364

>yfw if you tell a girl you're going to rape her, it affects the molecules in her body
>yfw these molecules are connected in harmonic resonance with her vaginal molecules
>yfw if we accept that you have some form of originating agency, it can be said that "you" "caused" a "reaction" in laurie penny's vagina, i.e. "you physically affected and altered laurie penny's vagina"
>yfw you can touch Laurie's cunny through the continuum of space and time

>> No.4832365
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>Laurie penny will never rape you

>> No.4832366


>> No.4832367

women can't rape men, silly

>> No.4832368

>be on the tube earlier on
>advert for baldness depicting a balding guy looking unhappy, suggesting he's of low worth
>huge poster of a guy sitting on the edge of his bed with a disgruntled female sitting with arms crossed behind him, advertising some sort of legal viagra
>get home, watch two adverts on TV about a girl meeting a short guy in a blind date (Skoda advert and some other advert)
>hear an advert on the radio from confused.com making fun of a plumber for being a plumber

The difference is men don't give a fuck

>> No.4832369
File: 73 KB, 460x276, asasdasdqweqwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. hey guys. what if feminister IS laurie penny.

>> No.4832370

Manly working man and virtuous mothers are good Catholics who won't be influenced by the devils propaganda.

>> No.4832372
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>Laurie Penny will never rant about you raping her physically

>> No.4832373


>> No.4832375
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Tell that to my Chinese cartoons

>> No.4832377
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>> No.4832380

not in russia, comrade!

>> No.4832381


Ali is fucking based. Read any of her books, you'll have natural respect for her, as a person. It'll give you faith in women.

Do realise that stupid feminists are useful idiots, they're used. Pussy Riots are a bunch of moronic students being used by groups that benefit from them ridiculing feminism, same thing with femen.

They're useful idiots. They serve no cause but the discredit of anything they claim to stand for.

They're generally financed by people who are against their every ideal, but for some reason, they don't realise.

>> No.4832382


Welcome to 21st Century debates.

>in 1858, Lincoln and Douglas in seven daily sessions, held three-hour debates on slavery
>2014, people who disagree with you are ebin trillz XD *sassy_black_woman.gif*

>> No.4832384

Feminister is on the same level of stupidity, but he's definitely not emotional enough to be a woman.

>> No.4832386

>Laurie made a conscious decision to dye her hair red in order to attract beta men because she fully realised that she was not good looking enough to compete with attractive women for the attention of the alpha males

>> No.4832387

Is it really?

It wouldn't matter much - that music and dancing is so fucking awful. I'd just like to know that the person I hate is hot in the dark

>> No.4832389

And what if Evolakid is her boyfriend.

>> No.4832390

will we ever even understand how the sexes relate to each other?

"patriarchy" doesn't cut it. Neither does "MRA" shit.

I have always that most women's inability to be direct will always be the biggest obstacle to actually taking a complete survey of gender issues in society

>> No.4832391

At this point, the most efficient thread kill is to just say a bunch of provocative nonsense until we accumulate about 65 more reactionary posts and 300 this bitch.

Q: Why did God create lesbians?
A: So feminists couldn't breed.

Q: Why did God give men penises?
A: So they'd have at least one way to shut a woman up.

>> No.4832392

I would never fuck EvolaKid

- Laurie Penny

>> No.4832400

oh well, it was funny for the first 40 posts.

>> No.4832401

EvolaKid is probably moth shitposting

>> No.4832404

Why did God make feminists ugly?
He didn't, they just are

>> No.4832405

Women are basically beta guys.

They are submissive, bitter at their superiors, illogical, sentimental, obsessed with appearences because of envy and low self-esteem, needy and dependent.

The only women who don't fit this are extremely ugly or dykes.

The best thing you can do in 2014 to live a life free of the bullshit women are imposing on society is to find yourself a nice clean-shaven and virginal trap

>> No.4832413

Is this the old thread that is being discussed?


>> No.4832414
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Then they are orthodox.

>> No.4832416

I love strong, powerful women. They can open jars without my help.

>> No.4832422

Intelligent women want to be complimented on their intellect. But let's be real, they wanna be skinny bitches, too.

>> No.4832425

What is with the swastika and also the illumnati symbol

>> No.4832427

nope, i know good, hardworking russians who worked for the victory of communism. they are a bit disappointed these days of course...

>> No.4832428

whats with de corss in the middel? are they cathlocsi after all??

>> No.4832431

are you implying that tolstoy was an illuminati?

>> No.4832433

>They are submissive, bitter at their superiors, illogical, sentimental, obsessed with appearences because of envy and low self-esteem, needy and dependent.

I don't even agree with half of that, it paints a picture that's too coherent

Most women are just crazy people who want and want and want and are detached from reality

>> No.4832435
File: 62 KB, 500x335, lauriemakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm so glad I'm finally meeting your parents Anon! How do I look?"

>> No.4832436

These people are actually trolls. She's not just saying it.

4chan is a liberal feminist shithole just as much as reddit and twitter.

>> No.4832438

>4chan is a liberal feminist shithole
you've spent too much time on /lit/ and probably /lgbt/ you faggot

>> No.4832439

This thread is still up...

>> No.4832440

A man is sitting at a bar enjoying a cocktail when an exceptionally gorgeous, sexy, young woman enters. She says to him, "I'll do anything you want me to do, no matter how kinky, for $100, with one condition." Flabbergasted, the man asks what the condition is. The young woman replies, "You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words." The man hands the woman five $20 bills. He looks deeply into her eyes and slowly says, "Paint my house."

>> No.4832445

I don't get it. Why doesn't he fuck her?

>> No.4832447

The mods are all feminazis validating their views on men
>they're not trolling, they're all deadly serious and would rape me if they had a chance
where do you even begin

>> No.4832448
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>> No.4832451

An investigative journalist went to Afghanistan to study the culture and was shocked to discover that women were made to walk ten paces behind the men. She asked her guide why and he said, "Because they are considered of lesser status." Outraged the journalist went home. A year later she returned covering violence in the region and was surprised to see the women walking ten paces ahead. She turned to her guide and this time asked, "What has changed?" The guide answered, "Land mines."

>> No.4832453

Do you know how expensive it is to get your house painted?

>> No.4832455

Because you can find loads of women for that money but good luck finding someone to paint your house.

>> No.4832457

Wait, are they useful idiots? Don't think you pointed that out nearly enough.

>> No.4832461


>> No.4832462
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>This thread

>> No.4832463

Why doesn't he say "paint house fuck"?

>> No.4832471

>A painted house fuck
I wonder what that would look like.

>> No.4832472

Well, I think that's technically two different things.

A man calls 911 and says, "I think my wife is dead." The operator says, "How do you know?" The man says, "The sex is about the same, but the ironing is piling up!"

>> No.4832476

he should've said have my children

>> No.4832477

What did one lesbian vampire say to the other? Same time next month?

>> No.4832478

It really lols me up when you read about this "everyday sexism" stuff. The subtext is usually the woman boasting that she's attractive enough to get harassed. It's why you see utter landwhales at these "rape marches" where they campaign for platitudes.

>> No.4832481


I like this one, reminds me of my dad

>> No.4832482

/pol/ decided to visit. I hope they stay.

>> No.4832483
File: 515 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_m5s5mp63FP1rruz36o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a leftist all my life. I advocated the rights of minorities, equality and respect between men
and women... and I still do, but now, with the Internet, I can see the stupid shit "leftists" do. I don't feel part of that people. I think they're as mindless, trite, aggressive and dangerous as any kind of fanatic. That's why I like people like Sam Hyde; completely independent, ambiguous and alienating. If I had a million dollars I would donate ~2-5% to him.

>> No.4832490

I went to a feminist picnic the other day.
It was great, apart from the fact no one made any sandwiches.

>> No.4832493

>It really lols me up when you read about this "everyday sexism" stuff. The subtext is usually the woman boasting that she's attractive enough to get harassed. It's why you see utter landwhales at these "rape marches" where they campaign for platitudes.

This is a good post

campaigning for platitudes...fuck why havent I thought of it that way

>> No.4832494

I'm in the exact same boat man.

I used to be instivively leftist, but now I'm pretty much an individualists in all but the extreme cases

>> No.4832495

But when you are on the internet you come to believe these movements are larger than they actually are. These tumblr tier feminists are in the minority.

>> No.4832497

What's the male equivalent of a feminist?

A sexist.

>> No.4832500
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I'm a friend of Sam Hyde, he is a great example of someone of our generation who has been politically alienated.


>> No.4832503

I heard a couple of feminists on the radio saying that what they are fighting against is the patronising and demoralising way that men talk to women.

I thought to myself, "awwww, that's sweet, but they're not going to get anywhere with it."

>> No.4832506


>> No.4832507


Like IRL?

>> No.4832511

The idolatry of "practical labor" is an utterly bourgeois value in the same way that worshiping leisure as "civilized" is an aristocratic value. The bourgeoisie is almost neurotic about working, they'll even go so far as come up with useless shit to do just to ensure there is work.

>> No.4832513

Today I'm getting in touch with my feminine side...

I shall remain blameless all day.

>> No.4832514

Well, shit. I haven't let anonymous or tumblrite shitposting alter my political opinions. Should I feel bad?

>> No.4832517

Three women go into a bar. One says to the others: "Weyhey! We've successfully infiltrated a highly masculine joke format."

>> No.4832519


I've been told this before: I don't know feminism. Well, then who does? I don't read scholarly articles on it, I haven't followed much of the history of it. Perhaps I should, it certainly seems important today. But why should I? The things I know about feminists come from the mainstream media, from places like the guardian, from articles like the ones Penny writes, and yet when I pick up on faults in the things I hear from these avenues I am derided as being an idiot and knowing nothing about feminism. Is it really reduced to the ivory tower? Is feminism strictly for the academics? What about the ordinary people these ideas are supposed to be benefitting? Am I not allowed an opinion based on what I see?

I think over the years many good things have happened for women in the West, but now it seems like nothing but stagnation, pettiness, and an increasingly bizarre worldview that is rushing away from normal life.

>> No.4832522

What's the difference between a racist white middle-aged businessman, a malnourished Nigerian boy with cerebral palsy, and a feminist?

One of them is a woman

>> No.4832523
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>in the same way that worshiping leisure as "civilized" is an aristocratic value
I always knew that I had the soul of an aristocrat.

>> No.4832527

I met my new boss today.
She said, "I want you to know I'm a feminist."
I replied, "That's great, I hate women too."

>> No.4832531
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>> No.4832532

If you think that leisure makes you of "finer stuff" than others, then you have a very aristocratic mindset, yes.

>> No.4832533

I don't get it.

A group of feminist women with strap on dildos pins a known rapist down and says,"Right,how bout some role reversal."

The rapist says,"Not now,I've got a headache."

>> No.4832542

And that's that.

Why did the feminist cross the road?

To start a fight with a complete stranger,for no reason whatsoever

>> No.4832549

Because the first two have every conceivable difference, but at least they aren't women

You're right, I could have executed it better

>> No.4832552


>> No.4832555
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>> No.4832560

what keeps you here?

>> No.4832568

The knowledge that my leaving would please those whom I dislike

>> No.4832570

Hey Feminister

>> No.4832573

that seems unhealthy

>> No.4832584
File: 100 KB, 640x426, tumblr_lh57l2bv171qbd5owo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not talking about tumblr posts, I'm talking about things from the real world that you can see via the Internet.

Things like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCD_T9Qqpc

Now, I'm not as stupid to disregard there's always a context in these cases. I think the Church authorities were blocking some abortion legislation. But is that the way? Acting like that doesn't make you look bad?

Poor image, poor decisions, poor thinking... fanatics. And I don't want to be near that people.

>> No.4832592

why did you put that "er" at the end of feminister are you a scandinavianperson

>> No.4832593

I stay because I like wasting the time of those whom I displease

>> No.4832624

What I think is moral is not affected by the actions of others who might share my views.

>> No.4832654

I need an uncensored version for ahh research reasons.

>> No.4832660

>le research reasons hehe

Fuck off

>> No.4832674

The concise term for this is "spite." Too funny...

>> No.4832684

Women are resented on 4chan.

This is one way to imagine it: You're a stray cat. Mangy, flea bitten, people suspect you of carrying the plague. You learned long ago that asking for things will most likely get you chased off or ignored. You make your own way. All the strays you know understand this. Even while cooperating amongst each other its implicit that you carry your own weight or the good will ends.

But there's another kind of cat. Collared, fat, tick free. Reeking of human kind. Domesticated and owned, and content with it. Even its speech shows this relationship. It mews in a strange way, as if expecting love or attention. It usually sticks to its owner's backyard, but sometimes ventures out of their domain. But they don't understand life outside.

When outside it continually ignores the social prompts given by strays. It doesn't pull its own weight. When met with warnings for rude or dumb behavior it acts confused, nonplussed or with amusement. This leads to more overt aggression. (Look at pretty much any thread butterfly posts in)

Complaining is one of the things that's resented. When feminists complain about this behavior their antagonists feel justified.

Simply calling it hatred ignores where it came from. It's common for feminists to not justify their own ideas. This is not because of widespread agreement. Society is willing to not attack their ideas, and leave them ignorant of their mistakes in order to ensure their comfort. And they strengthen this sexist relationship when they complain about being told they're wrong, and not even giving any reasons why they're right. Slinging some insults instead. They just seem to expect people will agree with them. Laurie seems to be doing this.

>> No.4832685


Oh oh ooh this is the high summer of my contempt. I know her kind. The actor. The great simulator. Even closing the eyes are a decision. Now I will close my eyes. and then they close. Now I will simulate a feeling, and the feeling comes. Can't you tell that she in fact is acting? Never being real, but a stupendous lie. Yes I have seen these men and women before. They have ceased being human. They have no flow. But an act. And they play it well.

>> No.4832690
File: 104 KB, 1585x1527, 1350533807768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing destroys the egos of histrionic narcissists faster than a good dose of 4chan.

>> No.4832691

I've never really understood why men get upset about the ravings of women, regardless of whether or not they regard themselves as feminists.

What they think or want- demand's probably a better word- only becomes relevant if men decide to humour them.

Give us the vote! Oh, ok.
We want equal pay! Yes, alright, here.
Equal rites! You sure? Well, here you are...

It all comes from men; if men wanted, as a sex, to take these things back, they'd have no recourse.

You're going back, barefoot, pregnant, wageless and voteless, into the kitchen.

Why concern yourself about what they want or how they want to be treated when they only want those things from you? Give them or don't: they can't be taken.

>> No.4832714

ITT /pol/ tears

>> No.4832731

i'm glad you're here aren't backing down

>> No.4832745
File: 432 KB, 416x584, 1394757260418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You realize that guy is just a troll from /pol/ right?

>> No.4833692

>Nothing destroys the egos of histrionic narcissists faster than a good dose of anonymous egos of histrionic narcissism

Except it doens't.

>> No.4833757
File: 66 KB, 384x325, 1390808851614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4833828

Actually the cancer that "kills" these boards is anonymity.

I'm not even reading Penny, but you're wrong about Feminister. Right above your post -> >>4832246
She sure gets it

There's not a lot of that going on. I hope you were just trolling. I'd wager there's more rape in the world than circumcisions. And I stand against that already.

>> No.4834048

>Actually the cancer that "kills" these boards is anonymity.
I have to agree.