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4826644 No.4826644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

By far the best writer in the genre today.

Jesus christ he did it again, I'm a third into this and I feel as though I can't stop reading, or fucking sit down relaxed while reading.

I've read all sorts of books, from dostoievski to you name it, but this shit is my fucking jam. It's like that one fantasy world you hoped would be created, without bullshit genericity, without a theme of tryhard convolutedness, everything makes sense, it's explained in great detail, from how horses eat the grass that moves, to how economy and warfare are affected. And the characters. It's like wheel of time revamped into something more solid with no horrible fucking characters that make you skip pages.

One single thing I've found wrong about this. Usually I find his jokes and humor awkward and terrible but here it's okay, even funny at times. The only complaint I have is all the bullshit shalan gets away with. She doesn't ALWAYS get away with it, and I understand her theme/spren is linked with lies as opposed to kaladin's truths, but she is now suddenly a super sly liar despite barely speaking with someone to instruct her in that sense, kind of a unrealistic development.

Other than this, I can't say I've ever enjoyed a series as much as this one.

>> No.4826646
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, ki+no+Tsukai+20091231+SP+Waratte+wa+ikemasen+hotel+special+part2+%255BH.264+1280x720+2h22m03s%255D.mp4_snapshot_00.15.55_%255B2010.11.14_00.09.24%255D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brandon Sanderson - Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archives 2)

>mfw sperging out and neglecting to use the subject field

>> No.4826710

Just read the wikipedia and it seems kind of neat and uses some similar ideas as a story of mine. Not sure if I want to read it or not, just in case I accidentally rip some things off.

>> No.4826718

Now if only the OP mentioned what author and series he is fucking talking about. I mean that would just have been fantastic.

>> No.4826724

So basically he describes pointless shit for most of the book and makes up stupid names? Yep sounds like the kind of shit that made me hate epic fantasy.

>> No.4826770
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no, he avoids the flaw of tolkien as well

every page something happens, they don't just walk a goddamn bunch

I did in my second post, sorry

If you were left feeling disapointed by any and all fantasy you have ever read, I urge you to try this series. Get the ebook, if you dont have patience get the audiobook -which is excellent too- and listen when you need to walk somewhere.

Also a huge step forward compared to Sanderson's previous work

Personally I feel disapointed that he's not getting as much praise simply because people don't know about it, or because publishers are promoting several writers at once and making them circlejerk each other with bubbles of recommendations on every other's book cover.

>> No.4826784

I really liked way of kings too
What's baffling to me about this guy is that he can tell you how people are mauled by beasts, smashed, stabbed, killed in various ways and in large numbers, all the while the character doing the killing is laughing or some shit from the "joy of battle" -although maybe wearing those power armors really separate them from the battle
he can write all these disturbing scenes of slaughter -anyone who's read way of kings knows its got a lot of battles and stuff like unarmored slaves carying a bridge and being cut down by arrows
...but he can't write Fuck, Piss, Shit, Tits, Ass

I think one time he did use the word rape but that's it

So...at some times you wish it were more gritty, and have dialogue like First Law Trilogy or ASOIAF, and sometimes you wish he cut down the violence a tad

>> No.4826843
File: 39 KB, 563x821, trilogy 1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by that pic, I'm sure you're going to absolutely LOVE the adventures of Flashbird the vampire OP

It's about a mysterious loner with amnesia (Rhyce Karêi) who is also a vampire, and he wants to avenge his nemises (Flashbird) who killed his girlfriend and Flashbird is also his brother and he uses guns while Kareda uses his katana and he can cut steel with his katana.

>> No.4826847
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>> No.4826861
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>> No.4827085

:^) WOAH

>> No.4827097
File: 38 KB, 573x877, trilogy -1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The event that started it all: the killing of Rhyce's girlfriend by his own evil brother Flashbird who is also a vampire.

>> No.4827100
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>> No.4827944

Sanderson's main problem (besides being a brainwashed member of a destructive cult) is his penchant for writing in the fashion of Tolkien or Jordan, when unlike those authors he has had zero military experience. He didn't even have an exciting Mormon mission. He's just another bland boring person inventing stories based on other fiction he's absorbed and not based on real world adventures.

>> No.4828763

>the thrill

On that topic, it seems to be set up to be related to one of the gods.

Anyway, the books are ok. The characters stand out, it's exciting enough and the universe is fantasy without relying on the whole traditional style "wizards are old white men with beards, elves are forest hobos who masturbate to smug, dwarves dig holes and covet gold" and so on.

Shallan does have too many asspulls though. Kal is/was a complete self-righteous dickhole but seems to be getting better.

The political narrative is fairly tolerable, he does rant a bit and throw opinions in but you an just take it as a part of the book and get over it.

So I wouldn't call the book amazing, but it's good enough, I've read better and worse and so far as this one goes, it's readable.

99% of the characters are goddamn morons though 99% of the time, though.

>> No.4828799

Haven't read any of the stormlight archives yet. I would, but I can't help but be repelled because of that fucking repulsive filth someone passed for cover art. Looks fucking awful.

>> No.4829798
File: 107 KB, 1200x893, ShallanPainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should have been the cover, since it's shallans book. They used it as an endpage.

>> No.4830217


WAAAY to many fucking moments where if someone called her bluffs she'd just be dead, but they simply didn't

>> No.4830260

dat part when Syl comes back to Kaladin


>> No.4830388

Sanderson is getting praise though. Most people on here seem to like Stormlight and in a straight up popularity contest, the only modern author who is similarly praised is Rothuss.

>> No.4830568

Come on though, maybe you don't know this or haven't read both, but they shouldn't be put on the same level by greedy publishers.

One is churning decent fantasy stories at an incredible rate and is improving.

The other is a neckbeard manchild who stays in college because he can't function in the real world, to study all sorts of shit. Not only is his story a reflection of this, basically his college life fantasies, but he is just shit as writing. They made him rewrite and rework the first book that got so much hype and praise -probably by teens dreaming about college- for seven fucking years. When the second book came out, he obviously didn't have seven years again to make it publishable but they expected it to sale, and now even hard fans of kingkiller chronicles say he's shit.

>> No.4830589

I want to read something exciting with wizards, but also I'm a pretentious asshole. Would this book be okay for me?

>> No.4830852

I didn't mean to sound like I was putting Rothfuss on the same level as Sanderson, I was just saying what the general opinion seems to be. I completely agree with you.

There's loads of magic and shit, but it doesn't have wizards in the traditional sense. Don't expect lots of old robed scholars or anything like that. If you're okay with that, then go ahead. Probably the best fantasy series currently in progress.

>> No.4830892

could consider The Powder Mage if you'd enjoy the French Revolution featuring mages that snort gunpowder and shoot at intense accuracy/speed/range

>> No.4830919

As a fellow elitist who likes to read this kind of pulp now and then, this particular one isn't very good.

It's unbelievable how low quality standards are for most fantasy series, and this one's not the exception.

>> No.4831097

No. Despite what >>4830568 is emotionally claiming, Rothfuss has some actual substance behind all the wizardry and other neckbeard stuff. To enjoy fantasy with an IQ past 80, you have to be really self-conscious about it.

>> No.4831146

Just got 200 pages into Way of Kings then did a great big NOPE and put it away. It's really boring man. Nothing happened. So I go to wikipedia to read the rest of the plot so I will know what happened, and literally everything I had read up until that point was all that happened. Thank you wikipedia for saving me 800 more pages of NOTHING IS HAPPENING.

>> No.4831165

The world Sanderson creates is interesting and the imagery is wonderful, but the characters are so poorly written. Most of them are wooden, and the ones that aren't are fantasy clithe as all hell. Also, truly some of the worst dialogue I've ever read. Say what you will about GRRM, his dialogue and character work were exquisite.