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4818832 No.4818832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we recommend the next book for you to read, based on three past books you really enjoyed

>> No.4818834

Forever War
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.4818837

Vurt, Illuminatus! and I can't think of what the most recent other work I most enjoyed would be.

>> No.4818855

The inheritance cycle



Player one ready

>> No.4818861

OK, remove Divergent. I forgot it was only 3 books.

>> No.4818862

Journey to the end of the night
Ham on rye
Born to run

>> No.4818882

Madame bovary
Los detectives salvajes

>> No.4818893

The Gospel of st. Luke
Darkness at Noon
Gymnadenia by Sigrid Undset

>> No.4818898

The Man who only loved numbers(Erdös)
The Power of Habit(I know, pleb-tier)
Calculus Gems(Mathematical Biographies and some historical essays about different topics of analysis)

>> No.4818902

The wretched of the earth
The sound and the fury
Brothers K

>> No.4818903

a confederacy of dunces

>> No.4818907

You MIGHT like Starship Troopers. Also, Ubik.

Never read the first. Based on the other two, it seems that you like nonfiction. In that case, you might enjoy Methland (more serious) or The Disaster Artist (less so).

A River Runs Through It by MacLean
Suttree by McCarthy
Deliverance by Dickey

>> No.4818911

The savage detectives - roberto bolaño
Grapes of wrath - Steinbeck
2667- roberto bolaño

>> No.4818915

> Steppenwolf
> Heart of Darkness
> Tonio Kroeger

>> No.4818917

>Epitaph of a Small Winner

>> No.4818920
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Read Cormac McCarthy if you haven't, Suttree, Blood Meridian, Sunset Limited are my personal favorites, but the trilogy is pretty good also.

>> No.4818928

Fathers and Sons
Red Mars

>> No.4818937

The Giver

>> No.4818939

The Crying of Lot 49
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4818940

Silver linings playbook
The perks of being a wallflower
The fault in or stars (read it to get laid, no regrets)

>> No.4818948

The Man Who Knew Infinity [Ramanujan]

>> No.4818955
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"Problems from the book". I think that you might like Pascal's "Pensees" (especially first two paragraphs) and Russel's "Our Knowledge of the External World", too. Both have extremely clear style and it is very pleasant reading for the mathematically-sensitive person.

Laszlo Krasznahorkai - "Melancholy of Resistance" (it's my favorite one but I've read almost any of his book)
Thomas Bernhard - "The Loser" (as above)
Yasunari Kawabata - The Master of Go
The above list may not be very relative; I'd be grateful for some recommendations of authors representing sharp and clear style. No gibberish and unnecessary sentimentality. It may be some collection of essays (or philosophical work - but nothing obscure with a lot of references needed to understand)

>> No.4818958

Glamorama (BEE)
Why nations fail (Semi Economy/History)
Fire season (Really suprised me, about a guy sitting in a watch tower in a forest in New Mexico)

>> No.4818967

The Stranger

>> No.4818969

The Bhagavad Gita
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Cantenbury Tales

>> No.4818974

train dreams - denis johnson
umbrella - will self
knut hamson growth of the soil

>> No.4818975

Thank you both.

>> No.4818989

Love in the time of cholera
Norwegian wood

>> No.4819003

train dreams by denis johnson

>> No.4819014

should probably give reasons... otherwise these threads degenerate into people throwing arbitrary titles about.
Train Dreams has reminded me at times of marquez and had some explicit 'magical realists' parts. It also is an insightful observation of the development of modernity which is often takes form as critique a la steppenwolf.

its also a really good book (not sure what it would ahve in common with Norwegian Wood... I've never read it)

>> No.4819016

Already read it

>> No.4819037

The Postman
The Uplift Series
The Wheel of Time series

>> No.4819088

Animal Farm
Game Of Thrones
Clash of Kings

>> No.4819094


>> No.4819103

Looks nice, will look into it.

>> No.4819107

Absalom, Absalom!
All the Pretty Horses
The Crossing

>> No.4819114


>> No.4819131
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Understanding Media
The Tin Drum
The Shock of the New

>> No.4819134

The master and Margarita
Born a blue day - Daniel Tammet

>> No.4819144

V. by Thomas Pynchon

>> No.4819148

White Noise
Post Office
Things Fall Apart

>> No.4819154

Blood Meridian
No Country For Old Men

>> No.4819165

Blood Meridian
Book of the New Son
Where the Red Fern Grows

>> No.4819209

bumping for recs

>> No.4819217

Anna Karenina
The Idiot

>> No.4819236

Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling


Moby Dick

>> No.4819255

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The invisible man

>> No.4819268

A song of ice and fire I
A song of ice and fire II
A song of ice and fire III

I am going to read the fourth one next

>> No.4819291

The Foundation Pit- Andrei Platonov
American Psycho- Bret Easton Ellis
The Omensetter's Luck- William H. Gass

If it's any help I hate DeLillo
Would I enjoy burroughs?

>> No.4819295
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I read sound and fury, but an entire book filled with Quintin-like narrative seems challenging...

What are your suggestions for reading it?

>> No.4819348

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.4821618

Memories of the Future- Krzhizhanovsky
The Blind Owl- Hedayat
War With the Newts- Capek

>> No.4821624

You have amazing taste.

Cees Nooteboom.

>> No.4821630

Ask The Dust
Norwegian Wood

>> No.4821634

>Journey to the end of the night
how was it?

>> No.4821669

Invisible Man
The Tartar Steppe

>> No.4821670

The Book of Five Rings

>> No.4821678

Moby Dick
Count of Monte Cristo
Inherent Vice

>> No.4821680


Beyond the Horizon - Amma Darko


The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born - Ayi Kwei Armah

>> No.4821682

Foundation series by Asimov, or the Robot series by Asimov.

>> No.4821686

Fathers and Sons, Brothers Karamazov, War and Peace, Home of the Gentry etc.

>> No.4821691


Still Life With Woodpecker

A mix of the humour you seem to like with simple prose.

>> No.4821693

Richard Wright - Native Son
Lee Smith - Fair & Tender Ladies
Robert Penn Warren - All the King's Men

>> No.4821694

Titus Groan
Swann's Way (you don't need to recommend any of the other volumes of ISoLT)

>> No.4821699


The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.4821702


other Anon is right on the money with Tom Robbins (but Jitterbug Perfume > Still Life); you might also enjoy Schrödinger's Ball by Adam Felber

>> No.4821706


Cat and Mouse from the Danzig Trilogy was also quite enjoyable. Also shorter.

Have you read any Robertson Davies?

>> No.4821708


I have not read Jitterbug, perhaps I should!

>> No.4821711

I haven't read a book since high school.

>> No.4821730


If you enjoyed Stoner you may like The Book of Disquiet. Similar intelligent and melancholy introspection and critique, although completely different style.

>> No.4821741


Let us hope you just graduated yesterday! If not, start with the typical.

1984 and Animal Farm - George Orwell

The Stranger - Albert Camus

Siddhartha - Herman Hesse

>> No.4821756

The Fall - Camus
Gargantua and Pantagruel - Rabelais
Home of the Gentry - Turgenev

>> No.4821757

Gide - L'immoraliste

>> No.4821774


All the King's Men

>> No.4821779


Confessions of St. Augustine

>> No.4821803

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway
The Time Machine by H G Wells
Game of Thrones by GRRM

>> No.4821814


The Rape of Lock - Pope
High Windows - Larkin
Sonnets - Millay

>> No.4821815

A Carnivore's Inquiry
Dance Dance Dance
The Historian

>> No.4821820

Hunger, Knut Hamson, Bly translation.

>> No.4821835

The Fountainhead
Tess of the D'Urbevilles

Still in high school taking AP Lit lol.

>> No.4821837

War and Peace - tolstoy
Israel on the appomattox- melvin patrick ely
In palestine with the turks- alexander aaronsohn

>> No.4821871
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if he hollers let him go
notes from underground
journey to the end of the night

>> No.4821876

I'll try it. Thanks

The Three Musketeers. The first novel is fine, but the second and third are quite better.

>> No.4821877

>Still in high school taking AP Lit lol.
just out of curiosity, how old are you?

>> No.4821878

18, heading off to college next year

>> No.4821885

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Prelude to Foundation
+Asimov's Mysteries.

>> No.4821892

Pynchon - Against the Day
Pavic - Landscape Painted with Tea
Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4821903

The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
Franny and Zooey
The Undiscovered Self

>> No.4821925

The Forever War by Haldeman
Killer Angels by Shaara
The Giver by Lowry

Yeah that's right, the Giver, not only am I a 25 year old man just now getting around to the Giver, but I also liked it as an adult even though it's a kids book. Call me a pleb or a fucking casual all you want but at least give me a recommendation on what to read next.

>> No.4821928

Also fúck you guys

>> No.4821932

Also fuck you guys

>> No.4821937

Le Città Invisibili
White Noise
The Pale King

>> No.4821957

Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Kerouac - Vanity of Dulouz
Henry James - The Private Life

>> No.4821961

Die Leiden des jungen Werther
Ethics (Spinoza)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
(Will read Urfaust today)

>> No.4821965

brave new world
Heart of darkness

>> No.4821987

We (Zamiatin)

>> No.4822008

I'm not widely read, but assuming a potentially bad recommendation is better than no recommendation, I'll give it a go.

It sounds like you're interested in stream-of-consciousness, so you might want to try out Faulkner (Absalom! Absalom!, The Sound and the Fury, and As I Lay Dying) or maybe another modernist like T. S. Eliot (The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock and The Wasteland), though he's a poet.

>> No.4822016

East River ~ Scholem Asch.

>> No.4822019

Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.4822022

catch 22, metamorphosis, the trial,

>> No.4822038

Heart Of Darkness, Of Mice and Men and The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

>> No.4822045

Really didn't like The Trial actually but I'll be sure to try Catch-22, thanks.

>> No.4822048

The Ego Tunnel/still reading Being No One
still reading My Work Is Not Yet Done
still reading The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin
Dropped Being and Time
Finished Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus a couple of weeks ago

>> No.4822131

>Really didn't like The Trial
Wow, why?

>> No.4822142

Divergent, bartimaeus, song of ice and fire

>> No.4822166

A song of ice and fire VI

>> No.4822170

>Dropped Being and Time
that was a silly thing to do, now you don't exist anymore

>> No.4822173

El túnel by Sabato
Bestiario by Cortázar
Dubliners by Joyce

>> No.4822177

I found the book about as tedious as actually dealing with beaurocrats is. It seemed to go in circles without getting anywhere - which is the whole point, of course, but it sure made for an agonising read.
I'm glad to have read it, though.

>> No.4822182

Piano Stories by Felisberto Hernandez

>> No.4822183
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>> No.4822353

Fair enough. For me it was a virtue.

>> No.4822370

Okay, I'm already done with Urfaust, and I was very impressed by it:
Die leiden des jungen Werther
Ethics (Spinoza)

Also, is Faust better than Urfaust? (If not, I will nonetheless read it.)

>> No.4822388

Wittgenstein's mistress
Crime and punishment
Into the war

>> No.4822399

Brave new world, windup girl, neuromancer

>> No.4822439

By who? I get a lot of books by that name.

>> No.4822457

> Also, is Faust better than Urfaust? (If not, I will nonetheless read it.)
Faust 1 definitely better than Urfaust. Also, try to read Faust 2.

>> No.4822486

The Lake
A Tale for the Time Being
Dance Dance Dance

>> No.4822511

Bound for Glory
The Road

>> No.4822516
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>tfw no replies even after such clarifying :'^(

>> No.4822583

Ulysses - James Joyce

>> No.4822591

Don't read Neuromancer's sequels. They don't nearly compare.

>> No.4822592

What? No one?

>> No.4822839

Will do, thanks. I thought that the fragmentory character of Urfaust made it very compelling.

>> No.4822926

Zeno's Conscience by Italo Svevo. No prior knowledge of modern Austria necessary

>> No.4822945

I'm halfway through Scrödingers Cat - You will probably like it. Picks up on some of the themes from Illuminatus!.

Assuming Vurt is the only Jeff Noon book you read, go read the rest of the vurtology (Pollen, Nymphomation). His other stuff is worthwile too.

I assume you've already read the Dick? If not, you will love it.

"The Third Policeman" is probably right down your alley as well ;)

>> No.4822951


Ha pretty good, I've purchased it the other day

>> No.4822960
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>> No.4823011

A Connecticut Yankee in king Arthur's court

>> No.4823035

someone give me a recomendation

>> No.4823130

The Stranger
Catcher in the Rye
Lord of the Flies

>> No.4823133

The entire VALIS trilogy. I just want somebody similar to PKD

>> No.4823136

gravity's rainbow

>> No.4823160

The Fall by Camus

>> No.4823161

>To the Lighthouse
>Snow Country

>> No.4823174

Watership Down
Bicentennial Man
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.4823308

Fahrenheit 451
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.4823335


Blood Meridian
The Diamond Age
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep


The Medium is the Massage
Society of the Spectacle
A Year of Dreaming Dangerously

>> No.4823336

aww, baby's first trip to /lit/ :3

>> No.4823344

The Master and Margarita
Une si longue lettre
Notes from the Underground

Bonus points if it's in French.

>> No.4823347

The Great Shark Hunt

Kafka's Stories

Hiroshima by John Hersey

V. or Mason & Dixon


How to Do Things with Words, by J.L Austin

>> No.4823355

If you havent read it yet, Brave New World is an obvious choice.

>> No.4823375

And the Ass Saw the Angel
Gravity's Rainbow
Catch 22

>> No.4823381


Dan Fucking Brown

>> No.4823385

My last three:

The Penultimate Truth - Dick
The Magus - Fowles
The Alchemist - Coelho

>> No.4823511



>> No.4823529

The Apology of Socrates
The Old Man and the Sea
Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises

>> No.4823537

Pale Fire
House of leaves
If en a winters night a traveller

>> No.4823558

>Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
>Anthony Swofford - Jarhead
>Patrick Süskind - Perfume

>> No.4823580


>> No.4823581

Don Quixote

>> No.4823592

Tristan and Isolda Story - Joseph Bedier
The Spectres - Leonidas Andreiev
Sherlock Homes Last Case

>> No.4823629

The Name of the Wind
The Ocean at the end of the lane

>> No.4823690

The illiad
Thus spake zarathustra
To the lighthouse

>> No.4823694

>To the Lighthouse

Never again.

>> No.4823702

top pleq

>> No.4823718

White Noise
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.4823724

Read the Deptford trilogy in High-school. I like him a lot but I don't see anything besides Fifth Business holding up

>> No.4823732

The Call of Cthulhu

>> No.4823736

How to: Suicide

>> No.4823745

A clockwork Orange
War of the worlds

>> No.4823756

Looking for Alaska or Paper Town

>> No.4823763
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> Stoner
> A Hero of Our Time
> Othello

Preferably a bit of a challenge

>> No.4823795

East of Eden
The Importance of Being Earnest(not a book)
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.4823811

The Golden Notebook
Meier Helmbrecht
Catch 22

>> No.4823812
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"The Steppe" by Tchekov

>> No.4823816


>> No.4823831

The Dream Songs by John Berryman

>> No.4823833

Shake hands with the devil:the failure of humanity in Rwanda
sandalwood death
The ruins

>> No.4823836

Thanks! I'll give the cat and the rest of Vurt a go.

>> No.4823845

White Noise
House on the Borderland
Mason & Dixon

>> No.4823847

The Moon is a harsh Mistress

>> No.4823852


>> No.4823857

The Melancholy of Resistance
Street of Crocodiles

>> No.4823861

War at the end of the world by Llosa

>> No.4823867

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.4823868

Sounds interesting. What about Berryman do you think I'll like?

>> No.4823873

1634: The Baltic War - Eric Flint
Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson
Thomas Covenant - Stephen R Donaldson

>> No.4823874

Give us a few more examples of authors you've enjoyed with "sharp and clear style" and I'll do my best to give you some good recs

>> No.4823882

East of Eden
White Fang

>> No.4823900

Comoran Strike
The Casual Vacancy
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever

>> No.4823905

His verbal energy, and his bawdiness is Shakespearean (he was a Shakespeare scholar,) and the protagonist of his poem is anti-heoric, depressed, and literary. It's also quite challenging.

>> No.4823909

The Old Man and the Sea
The Idiot

>> No.4823923

Green Hills of Africa
The Stranger

>> No.4823940

The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.4823957

Thank you.

>> No.4823965

Absalom Absalom
Sound and The Fury
As I Lay Dying

I have been on a bit of a Faulkner run

>> No.4823967


>> No.4823992

The Name of the Rose
The Ego and Its Own
Journey to Ixtlan

>> No.4824002

I would recommend anything else by Faulkner.

>> No.4824010

Foucalts pendulum and the swerve

>> No.4824026

Already read Foucault's Pendulum. Who's the author of the other one?

>> No.4824027
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Night on the Milky Way Railroad and Other Stories of Ihatov by Kenji Miyazawa
Strange Tale of Panorama Island by Edogawa Ranpo
The Man with a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound by Alexander Luria

>> No.4824155



>> No.4824210

The Plague
The Late Mattia Pascal

>> No.4824219

Montaigne's essays

>> No.4824220

/tv/ here, I really liked Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (and Charlie Kaufman in general). I need book recs that hit the same spot.

>> No.4824245
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>> No.4824251

The Things They Carried.

>> No.4824254

a legit recommendation would be...."Fevre Dream", quite a mesmerizing, light read. Very Gurm-esque

>> No.4824256

Slightly off-topic, but no point in creating a specific thread for this:

I'm looking for a book. I read it when I was in elementary school (some 15 years ago) and I can't remember the title.
I know it was a Dr. Dolittle book, but I can't remember which.
I remember him complaining that he couldn't talk to shellfish.

Anyone know something about this?

>> No.4824263

The Baron in the Trees
Lord of the Flies
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Bonus: Henry IV, but only Part 1 (save for the crown scene in Part 2)

i'm really trying to catch up on classics, better late than never i guess

>> No.4824376


>> No.4824444



>> No.4824455

Jacques the Fatalist
Journey to the End of Night
The road

>> No.4824480

The Name of the Rose
The Long Ships
Inherent Vice

>> No.4824605

That was in The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle.


>> No.4824607

Entangled Graham Hancock
Inferno Dan Brown
Mastery Robert Greene

>> No.4824649

Starship Troopers
The Forever War
Metro 2033

>> No.4824753

alexander pope

>> No.4824767

I am Legend

>> No.4824768

A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - Joyce
Collected Screenplays 1 - Harmony Korine
Naked Lunch - Burroughs.

>> No.4824793

Notes From Underground
The Forever War
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.4824799

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.4824861

To the Lighthouse
The Sound and the Fury
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.4824864

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.4824870

Darkness at Noon

>> No.4824874

Another Country
The Man in the High Castle
Reasons and Persons

>> No.4824901

Did you read all six uplift books or just the first 3?

>> No.4824906

Collected plays of Schnitzler
Stories of Heinrich Boll
Life and Death are Wearing Me Out

>> No.4824923

Ballad of a Sad Cafe

I really love Ozu films by the way, and have been searching for an author with similarly relaxed feeling.

>> No.4824944

Moby Dick
Madame Bovary
Tess of the D'Urberville's

>> No.4824961

The Maimed - Hermann Ungar

The Dice Man - "Luke Rhinehart"

Ficcion - Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.4824969


Try something by Vonnegut. It mixees the humour and the sci-fi

>> No.4824979


The Tartar Steppe - Dino Buzzati

An examination of self in solitude and the unchecked rise of fascism(if you care to view it this way)

>> No.4824983

He made Slaughterhouse 5, right? That's been on my list of 'books I might read if I feel like it at some point' for the better part of a year now.

>> No.4824991

Lone Wolf & Cub
Samurai Executioner

>> No.4824992


For a bundle of beautiful cockinany bullshit try Gravity's Rainbow or Minima Moralia(non-fiction)

>> No.4824999


Heart of Darkness

>> No.4825004


He did! That is a good starting point(as well as what I was inferring without stating, foolishly). Cat's Cradle is also fantastic.

A cool thing about Vonnegut is that he has graded/rated his own books. It ended up being quite accurate to my beliefs.

>> No.4825035

"Such A Long Journey" Rohinton Mistry
"The Varieties of Religious Experience" William James
"La Nausée" J. P. Sartre

>> No.4825047

Inherent Vice

Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War

The Smithsonian Institution: A Novel

OK, lay one on me, /lit/.

>> No.4825049

Pale fire
catcher in the rye

>> No.4825061


slaughterhouse is easily vonnegut's best. his mannerisms are still very apparent throughout, but aren't overwhelming to the entire piece (unlike a lot of his other shit *looking at you BOC*)

>> No.4825063

I have Gravity's Rainbow in my house, was planning on reading it eventually.

Also, what's cockinany?

>> No.4825074

The opposing shore

War and peace

The society of the spectacle

>> No.4825111

The Dream of the Celt
Portnoy's Complaint
The Theban Plays


And you check out The Green Child

>> No.4825120


I think he means cockamamie, and it means balderdash, malarkey, hogwash, hooey, humbug, poppycock, fiddlesticks, rubbish, blarney, codswallop. Basically nonsense.

>> No.4825128

Ah, right. I know what cockamamie means.

>> No.4825183

Brave New World
A Scanner Darkly
The Martian Chronicles

>> No.4825205

The Divine Comedy
World War Z

>> No.4825266

summa theologica

>> No.4825275

Europe Central

>> No.4825310
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How come everyone on lit talks about the same classics all the time. Why don't I ever see people talk about obscure books they've read recently.

Like pic related. One of my favorite books I guarantee nobody has ever heard of.

>> No.4825321
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>God Came

>> No.4825333


Thank you!

>> No.4825335

Madame Bovary


A journey to the end of the night

>> No.4825353

Anton Chekhov Ward No.6

>> No.4825361

The Sublime Object of Ideology

The Symbolism of Evil

Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven

>> No.4825360

Though I'm sure there are many out there, it's hard to find decent obscure books. I've wasted way too much time reading unpopular books, trying to find those hidden, long-forgotten treasures, only to be met by extreme disappointment. Nearly every obscure book I've read has proven to be an egregious affront to Taste and Decency. Unless a reputable source recommends an obscure book to me, I will continue to read the Proper Literature in the Canon.

>> No.4825364


anyone know anything like borges?

>> No.4825371


I am currently reading society of the spectacle.

Paul Virilio's Open Sky(a little convoluted)

>> No.4825379

Try Dialectic of Enlightenment if you haven't already.

>> No.4825383


One Dimensional Man - Herbert Marcuse

>> No.4825384

The Unpossessed
The Penal Colony

>> No.4825385


>> No.4825386

metro 2033
metro 2034
the game
Initiation into hermetics
pls be gentl

>> No.4825387

Calvino is a poor man's Borges imo it would be a step down.

>> No.4825396


I have not found anything like Borges, but I also am no literate. I found the Steppenwolf and Nausea we both as saturated with meaning and metaphor as Borges work, so that is sort of nice. They also comment on the condition of man and finding meaning/identity.

>> No.4825398

Sabato's The Angel of Darkness // Abaddón el exterminador

>> No.4825402

mah nigga

>> No.4825408


Molloy if you have not read it.

Otherwise I found that Hunger by Knut Hamson got me into the minded of an equally convoluted and cascading character the Beckett creates while maintaining a morbid reality.

>> No.4825412


I have not heard of it, who is it by?

>> No.4825417

The Maimed - Hermann Ungar

The Dice Man - "Luke Rhinehart"

Ficcion - Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.4825418


>> No.4825419

Cool thanks, I'll check these out.

>> No.4825429

You are welcome Anon, I hope you enjoy Sabato as much as I did. Molloy is also an excellent novel. Haven't read the other one, though.

>> No.4825432

Roadside Picnic
i guarantee it

>> No.4825440


Shit, I knew I recognized the name. I read The Tunnel and loved it. But this Angel of Darkness book sounds a lot more fascinating!!

>> No.4825521

Help me out /lit/, I'm counting on one of you to really know your /lit/shit. I really love A Rebours, Les Fleurs du mal, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the short stories of Théophile Gautier. These are my permanent nightstand writing. If you're familiar with all of them I think you will understand the commonality, it's a little hard for me to describe to someone whose unfamiliar with all of them. It's hard for me to describe the characteristics that they all have that attracts me to them so much. I've really struggled to find writing with this kind of thematic underpinning. I don't care if it's from the same literary period, I'm just looking for writing that resonates the same way and has the same feel. Poetry, short stories and novels welcome. Any suggestions?

>> No.4825529

also writing can be English or French

>> No.4825554

The master and Margarita
Born a blue day - Daniel Tammet

Trying my luck for the second time now!

>> No.4825624

We- Zamyatin

>> No.4825634

>Post Office
>The Beautiful and Damned

>> No.4825658

Brave New World
The Bernstein Bears Go to Camp

>> No.4825664

Did 6 million really die?

>> No.4825666

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.4825673
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>> No.4825678

Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.4825681

Badiou's book on St. Paul

>> No.4825748

Wise Blood
The Book of Disquiet
The Trial

>> No.4825844

Green Mars is quite good, haven't read blue yet

>> No.4825847


>> No.4825949

Flash Boys

The Stranger

Uncommon Grounds: The history of coffee and how it transformed the world

>> No.4826095

Young Werther


I, Claudius

>> No.4826204
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Uhh the problem is that I've not read such novel so far. The dream would be a clear style of Wittgenstein or Russell but I am aware of the differences between novels and theirs works. There is some common denominator with my expectations and Kundera's "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting" or Kawabata's "The Master of Go"; both have somewhat distanced narration and quite austere style. While reading I had an impression of watching solidly made mechanism, from which emanated some sort of intellectual calmness. Kundera seemed to me but a little too banal and quickly I got tired of constantly orbiting around the eroticism in sentimental way. I hope it will help m8 :+).

>> No.4826230

>the royal game - Stephan Zweig
>Fuck America - Edgar Hilsenrath
>Doctor sleep - Stephen King

>> No.4826662


The Dice Man - Luke Rhineheart

>> No.4826671

my backlog is too big for this :p

Currently been experimenting in gothish english novel's.
Bram Stoker -> Dracula
Jessie Kerruish -> The undying monster
Mary Shelley -> Frankenstein

>> No.4826676

Suicide for Dummies: And Instructive Manual.

>> No.4826681

The Magus - John Fowles
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea - Yukio Mishima

>> No.4826683

>Mandragola(N. Machiavelli)
>Henry V(W. Shakespeare)
>Il servitore di due padroni(C. Goldoni)

>> No.4826751

A farewell to arms
Tales of ordinary madness

>> No.4826760

Ride the tiger - Evola

>> No.4826763

fuck off

>> No.4826773

Don't know which one you are, but Hemingway evokes the masculinity and a certain sensibility that Evola has too. Mishima and Hesse on the other hand show the traditionalistic side of Evola. I don't see what's the huff-and-puff about. I'm glad you're trying to discuss in a normal, advocated-by-society style. Men these days resemble the blund, pushing ignorance of Tantalos.

>> No.4826781

Metro 2033

>> No.4826787

it's like recommending mein kampf to someone who just read kafka; stay relevant, fascist pig

>> No.4827009

Calling Evola a fascist is only true to a certain level, fucktard. Labelling mid-twenthieth century authors merely as fascist/anti-fascist proves you're on the wrong board.

>> No.4827504

Love in the Time of Cholera
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.4827518


It's not exactly the same as Quentin's chapter from sound and the fury. I don't really know how to give you suggestions for reading it other than just read patiently

>> No.4827537

Now In November
The post office girl
Butchers crossing

>> No.4827543

Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier
Le Diable au corps by Raymond Radiguet
Le Bal du comte d'Orgel by Raymond Radiguet
>tfw both these guys died in their twenties and you're a worthless thirty-year-old loser.

>> No.4827545

The Last Temptation of Christ is an excellent pair with Siddartha, as I realized after reading them back to back. And it seems to somehow fit with the others you like.

>> No.4827555

The art of war

Its strange, I used to love the thought of fantasy stories.

>> No.4827589

"Hitler's biography"
"The Quran"
"Lope de Vega writings"

>> No.4827964

The Stranger
Notes from Underground
The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.4828737

Der Steppenwolf
La Peau de chagrin
O Homem Duplicado

>> No.4829285

Midnight's Children
Islands in the Stream
A book of Henry Lawson's Short Stories

>> No.4829311
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Oliver Twist

>> No.4829680

My main rec would be Boll's short stories. I'm sure his novels are good too, but I haven't read any yet. He has a very understated style that I think you would appreciate, but his language is a lot richer than other similarly economical writers like Hemingway.

I think Chekhov's short stories and Platonov's Foundation Pit might be good, if I understand what you mean by a calm, distant narration.

Stoner and The Immoralist are both solidly composed, understated, and don't let style get in the way of meaning.

Although it doesn't fit with the books you listed, you might like the style of some realist lit. Maybe Turgenev's Sketches from a Hunter's Album or Crane's Maggie

That's the best I can do for now. I have no idea how The Melancholy of Resistance fits in with any of this.