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/lit/ - Literature

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4811143 No.4811143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think about women?

>> No.4811154

Probably the same thing /pol/ does as the most vocal people here on non-lit topics are all actually from /pol/

>> No.4811156

Not here, man. Not here.

Unless you're talking about female writers/characters, of course.

>> No.4811161

honestly the people with the best taste in books i've known have all been women

>> No.4811167
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I don't like women online since most people turn into faggots around women (both white knights and misogynists) and they generally can't handle the banter. Every single forum I posted on over the years went to shit when a woman became a moderator.

I like them IRL, even though they don't seem to like me.

>> No.4811173

/lit/ are mostly plebs when it comes to women. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that they have easier lives.

>> No.4811190

>I'm a guuuuy btw :)
this thread is pure cancer

>> No.4811206

I don't hate women I have just gradually acquired the attitude of having a minor personal issue with absolutely everything they do and say

>> No.4811220

I like their physical appearance, they don't like me because I talk to them the same way I would a man, with cynicism and spiteful with, I guess they expect compliments.

>> No.4811221

you are pure cancer

>> No.4811223

yeah...never, ever do that.

worst idea ever

>> No.4811229


>Tripfag calling anything but itself cancer

Go fuck yourself attention whore

>> No.4811231
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>responding to tripfags
>not immediately filtering them whenever you see them for the first time
is this your first week on 4chan, kids?

>> No.4811234
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>> No.4811260


>I don't know any girls who like the hipsterfaggotry that I'm into, so I'm going to judge 3 billion people over this fact.

I'm not even close to a feminist but whoever wrote that crap is just a fucking hipster loser.

>> No.4811264
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4 years with a cutie, she wins my love.
Then, she left me for a band bassist/vocalist that was her thesis supervisor and who travel backpacking in thailand/asia. This only 8 days after our break.
Now I go out with many women but I can't start a serious relationship.
Good girls are only in books, this is my thought.

>> No.4811276


>> No.4811278

>tfw no gf

>> No.4811281

I think you should go ask them >>>/r9k/

>> No.4811290

I like them, and they like me.

>> No.4811342

Yeah same. I can't help but be ambivalent and sarcastic about everything, which men appreciate, but women expect you to center the conversation around them. I don't have a fundamental problem with this, it is just mentally exhausting for an introvert to carry a conversation for any reason other than its own sake

>> No.4811464

Accept it, women are the worst scum of all humans. Actually, the only reason one should put them together with men is to procreate.

>> No.4811491

I'm drinking tea right now.

>> No.4811499

women aren't scum, they're just self-serving, petty opportunists generally devoid of actual 'deep' emotions who have no real interest in the arts but the culture associated with it

>> No.4811500

I like most women about as equally as most men; only some women I like in a special way called lustfully. I behavior different around those ones

>> No.4811501

>*behave differently

>> No.4811510

inb4 schopenhauer pasta

>> No.4811515

"Women are like elephants. I like to look at 'em, but I wouldn't want to own one."
- W. C. Fields

>> No.4811519

this is kinda unrelated but I believe this is how the world should be: beautiful women should be selectively breed to create ridiculously attractive specimens.

then they should be either trained to do some manual jobs, or any other job where you have to walk around an office all day. let them be eye candy, but also do some tasks.

finally, prostitution should be acceptable, and have "sex booths" in public spaces. these attractive women should be allowed, even required, to have sex with anyone who is willing to pay. No taboos, no shame, tell them since they are little kids that sex and prostitution is a the best profession for a woman.

>> No.4811520

Are you talking about modern life?

>> No.4811525

the world is full of refuse already though I agree women should be selectively bred to be fuck-cattle

>> No.4811530

a 21st century modest proposal

>> No.4811536
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I think that this jpg is pretty exhaustive

>> No.4811538

Have you read Sade's Philosophy of the Bedroom? In that work a character presents a pamphlet regarding how France should be organised to be truly free after the revolution and he goes into sexual freedom and government organised brothels where anyone who wants to whore herself out can freely come and go et cetera, taking the taboo out of sexuality completely and creating a sort of libertine plato's republic where everyone is the common sexy good of all and so on.

>> No.4811559

I can only speak for myself here.

I think understanding what it is to be a woo-man would be about as difficult as understanding what it is to be a rabbit.

I don't want to have sex with women, I think the men who spend all their time working on strategies to have sex with women are brash and vulgar and unpleasant. I also thing women who have lots of sex are dumb. I think sexual intercourse is highly overrated. I am a virgin and I have never had sex myself. It is dangerous because it causes people to abandon rationality and act like animals. I think it is very beast-like and I try to renounce all worldly things that I can. It is my belief that it is more important to be a work on perfecting oneself as a human being so one may serve as an example to future generations instead of procreating.

I understand that women are tired of being mistreated by men and so I usually leave them alone. I read a lot of feminist literature and it makes me realize how everything men do to women somehow oppresses them. I don't like being cruel to any living being and a lot of male actions seem cruel to me.

In real life when I have to talk with common men on a familiar level I assimilate and speak AT LENGTH about my various sexual conquests, what they do not realize is that these are all purely imagination. If they knew I had never had sex, it would be awful.

I am usually accused of being unfavourably disposed towards sexual intercourse when I have never participated. I feel like this objection is absurd. It assumes I cannot form judgements based on observation. I have observed the consequences of sexual intercourse and I would like to avoid such consequences in my life. Heroin and Cocaine may be fun, but doing them is not worth the risk in my opinion.

>> No.4811565

I've dialed 911 and reported your euphoria overdose

>> No.4811566

sex is a staple because it offers instant gratification which is what most people desire, it's a commodity to most but to forsake it is foolish unless you're Newton

>> No.4811567
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>common sexy good

>> No.4811568

Pleasure holes for humans

>> No.4811574

>says feminister

>> No.4811577
File: 112 KB, 500x375, sour grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think sexual intercourse is highly overrated. I am a virgin and I have never had sex myself.

>> No.4811587

Women are a vital tool not only for reproduction, but can be easily programmable to promote any social or political agenda.

>> No.4811588

>to forsake it is foolish
Why exactly? I've heard this said many times and I'd be curious to hear some reasons. Certain individuals have at times attempted to convince me to be sexually active, they have all failed. I don't see how this is in their interest. I would argue that if sexual attraction is a natural impulse and it would be ridiculous I would have to be convinced to have sexual intercourse.

>unless you're Newton
What if someone like Newton is what I aspire to be?

>> No.4811591

refer to my concluding statement about hard drugs and then come back with a rebuttal

>> No.4811596

Good to know it's not just me, I guess.

Young girls in particular don't like that cynical stuff, it's not as bad with older and intelligent/better educated ones.

>> No.4811603

having an interest in 'the arts' makes you a part of a culture too though

>> No.4811605

>2-D: God-tier
>3-D: Shit-tier

>> No.4811611

the girls who are cynical are usually, well.. nerdy, smelly, unkempt..

>> No.4811617

what a coincidence, so are the guys

>> No.4811629

Not true, except for the nerdy part.

>> No.4811642

I like women. I have had bad experiences with both sexes. Used to be really sexist while in high school because I was frustrated.

>> No.4811643

I consider myself a radical feminist but it basically just means I'm misogynistic on the day to day level. I think women are badly fucked by past eons of never having to develop ambition or competitive behaviours like men, and then abruptly trying to join fundamentally patriarchal (i.e. constructed by creatures that actually fucking do things) society. It's just impossible without a total overhaul. They've become housewives with credit cards and entitlement+persecution complex combos. It's not agency, it's not self-determination, and it's no wonder they're all so goddamn miserable on the inside.

On the day to day level though, like I said, the misogyny bleeds through. Usually in the form of autistically fitting everything I see women do into my preconceived narrative of uselessness, entitlement, childish selfishness, lack of honour, etc., etc. I have a girlfriend and it bugs her because she thinks it means I'm hateful.

This stuff though, I agree with this shit 100%. They're like babbies. Thousands or maybe even millions of years of not having to do the bitchwork of courtship and manhood will get you some pretty bizarre complexes. Being around men is just enough to make them think they want to climb a mountain, like they see men doing and getting praised for, but not enough to make them understand what it actually means to climb a mountain, so they just cry for someone to bring the mountain down to them. And our society keeps fucking acquiescing.

>> No.4811648

i can't get enough of women. they could talk less but for the most part they're great

those phat asses, those fuckin titties, that long hair, soft skin, tight pussies and those stupid sexual brains. nothing but a gift from the lords

they don't give a shit about anything; they have no real convictions or objectives beyond getting dick or money. this is why they are so 'innocent' and easy to exploit. most men are the same way, but they are also much less valuable than women and therefore generally worthless. the feminist movement and whatnot, these are all irrelevant things that even women don't give a shit about. for the most part they are completely fine with the way things are going unless they live in some shit-world country

the best thing ever is looking swagged up and attracting the attention of every honey i'm nearby. whenever i walk around anywhere, 7.5 out of 10 girls will without fail be checking me out, moving hair out of their faces to stare at me, trembling with intimidation at my lordness. the 2.5 who don't are the fatties or uggos who i don't bother looking at myself. it's only natural, i am the most prime fathering specimen on the planet so of course their ovaries inflame after getting a peek. our beautiful, genetically perfect children would have such a good life, but first mommy has to get some good dick

all women except lesbos know what the real deal is, and it's reproduction. i will hopefully never have children, but women want to and for some reason getting my dick helps in that process. they're all about sex and maybe i am too, even though i am also concerned with nobler, more important pursuits. i look better, dress better, lift heavier, and have a larger brainpenis + real penis than other men only because i am so inherently perfect that no real effort is required - but so far the best benefit of being this patician is getting all the honeys i want. god i love pussy and all the bitches

>> No.4811658

You still can't properly assess if it's worth the risks if you don't know the rewards. Just like you don't know if some bottle of booze is worth fifty bucks unless you've tasted it, or know if some film is worth the ticket unless you watch it.

Now of course there are things where experimentation can be easily advised against because merely dabbling in them can be disastrous, such as highly addictive drugs or rape, torture, murder, some dare devil sports shit and such and so on. But by placing sex among them you are the one who is overrating it. Sex is one of the most innocent pastimes you can engage in if you're at least somewhat sensible about it. It beats driving a car or getting a mortgage in terms of risk assessment. Please elaborate on the consequences of sexual intercourse that make it a no go area from your perspective.

As a side note, check these hypocrisies in your former post:

>It is my belief that it is more important to be a work on perfecting oneself as a human being so one may serve as an example to future generations instead of procreating.
>In real life when I have to talk with common men on a familiar level I assimilate and speak AT LENGTH about my various sexual conquests

>> No.4811661
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Women are alright and this question is silly

>> No.4811667

this bitch look like a puppet
too bad they don't sell souls at the boutique

>> No.4811671

>how many girls do you know who are into Noise?
>or Krautrock
>Rock in Opposition
>Classical avant-garde
>not many

good, because those are shitty genres for teenagers who want to be elitist but don't actually want to put in the time to actually study music. i'd much rather meet women who like non-avant-garde art music.

>> No.4811673

>Crashing that hard from soda

Jesus fuck lol

>> No.4811674

Good for you you're a role model for all men congratulations
That one is

>> No.4811678

this is the spookiest thread on /lit/ I've seen in a while

>> No.4811680

>Every single thread has to be about me

Tripfaggot please die

>> No.4811683


>> No.4811689

10/10 satire of 4chan's vulgar biologistic narcissism

would read again

>> No.4811693

not sure if bad imposter of stan or stan who has lost his ways and succumbed to idiolectic and vocabulary regression.

>> No.4811705

>what does /lit/ think of women
I know I speak for all of /lit/ when I say that, as a woman, I really enjoy hanging out with other women.
I find them to be generally more empathetic than men... the wome I enjoy spending time with are very artistic and spiritual... also generally interested in our kids and the enviroment, in living well as a healthy community... they tend to be more willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in than most men I know, and also are better with details and planning. A man may get very distracted with abstracts, while a woman will quietly get the job done.
I quite enjoy the company of women.

>> No.4811709

well if you want to have good taste in literature you should try to emulate me

i stole the word brainpenis from stan

>> No.4811712

you don't have what it takes to be a zany tripfag. sorry.

>> No.4811713

>speak for all of lit
>as a woman
You probably speak for a bout .5% of /lit/

>> No.4811717

>the wome I enjoy spending time with are very artistic and spiritual
No agreed the womb is the last time I enjoyed spending time with a woman too

>> No.4811718

Bitches are cosy as fuck.

>> No.4811719

>so desperate would fuck

>> No.4811720

you don't have what it takes to look like you've been here longer than a few weeks

>> No.4811721

>living well
what does this mean?

>> No.4811733

Hmmm... living in integrity... having a well-run household... living a full life... being happy in life... being healthy...
Those are some of the thing I mean by that phrase.

>> No.4811737

Have you been introduced to the comma yet you seem to be improvising with full stops

>> No.4811738

Them's the jokes

>> No.4811739

>full life
what do these things mean?

>> No.4811742

Have you ever met any punctuation?
Ellipses work for me as thought brackets: sorry if they throw you off.

>> No.4811746
File: 71 KB, 531x471, absolutely haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superfluous ellipses

>> No.4811747
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>> No.4811749

top kek. you can't be a bad substitute and personality thief and still think you can play the whole ubermensch routine boyo. try /r9k/ or something.

>> No.4811752

>Have you been introduced to the comma yet you seem to be improvising with full stops

Nothing wrong with writing like Thompson.

"Jesus, 6:45 now and the pill has taken hold for real. The metal on the typewriter has turned from dull green to a sort of high-gloss blue, the keys sparkle, glitter with highlights..., I sort of levitate in the chair, hovering in front of the typewriter..., not sitting. Fantastic brightness on everything, polished and waxed with special lighting..., the physical end of the thing is like a sort of buzzing all over, a sense of being gripped by something, vibrating internally but with no outward sign or movement. I'm amazed that I can keep typing. I feel like both me and the typewriter have become weightless. Jesus, the sun is coming up, the room is unbearably bright, then a cloud across the sun, I can see the cloud in the sudden loss of light in the room, now getting brighter as the cloud passes or moves..., out there somewhere, much harder to type now, but it must be done, this is my handle, keep the brain tethered, hold it down. Any slippage now could be a landslide, losing the grip, falling or flipping around, Christ, can't blow my nose, can't find it but I can see it and my hand too, but they can't get together, ice in my nose, trembling with the radio on now, some kind of flute music, cold and fantastic vibration so fast I can't move. Anthony Hatch in Jerusalem, great God, the stinking news is on, get rid of it, no mention of Nixon, too much for a tortured head..., won't even look at it..., Nixon's face..., GODDAMN. Put some lampblack on these walls, take off the glare. We need more hair on these walls, and crab lice in the rug to give it life. There are marijuana seeds in this rug, the place is full of them. The rug crackles like fucking popcorn when I walk, who planted these seeds in this rug, and why aren't they watered? Get that drink, boy, you are slipping, we need CONCENTRATION..."

-Hunter S. Thompson, Screwjack.

>> No.4811753

I guess you know or you don't.
I find happiness in simplicity and a loving family.
Music, good food, beauty and friends round it all out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a kid to get to school, a kitchen to clean, a sick husband to tend to, laundry to do, and a job to get to.
CAPTCHA: trutall Rejoinder

>> No.4811767

whatever newfag, like i already said before stan and i have distinct personalities while still being superior to everyone else on this board, you would know this if you were here for longer than two weeks

kek, stay untermensch weak faggot

>> No.4811772

>Please elaborate on the consequences of sexual intercourse that make it a no go area from your perspective.

- Attachment. The risk of becoming emotionally involved with a person who I do not need to be emotionally involved with. I cannot have that. Emotions are the enemy of reason.
- Investment. You always pay. With effort, time, money or risk. The fact that the amount is ambiguous makes this even worse.
- Irrationality. Sex has been shown, in myth, history and recent events, to cause men to abandon their virtue and to risk power and position.
- Animality. I think Man should avoid as many animal activities as he can.
- Whatever pleasures sex brings, those pleasures are merely temporary. Fleeting pleasures of the flesh are to be avoided because they only mean misery in their absence afterwards.

>concerning hypocrisies
I believe that it is okay to lie to commoners, especially if telling a lie would preserve me from bodily harm. If I did not vigorously assert my heterosexuality they would suspect I was homosexual and they would try to hurt or kill me.

I would be unable to explain my standing of sexual matters to them because they would not be able to understand owing to their lack of education.

Best case scenario I tell 'em the truth and they get confused and irritated and weirded out and distrust me.

I can tell them a truth they would hate or amuse them with humorous tales of vulgarity.

>> No.4811795

Lol #rekt

put them where they belong dude. this is epik

>> No.4811804

*tips fedora*

>> No.4811817
File: 8 KB, 546x566, Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread sure is creepy. It's like everyone has gone full fucking retard. I certainly didn't expect anything like that on
Let's see:
>"women are X, men are Y" dude, it's in their DNA!!1
>le evolutionary argument based on high school understanding of biology and evolution
>"sex is a huge huge fucking big deal guys it's very fucking important to know what other people do with their genitals especially when I know I don't do anything that doesn't involve my right hand"
>"women are so shallow, they're unable to get interested in true things like I do when I spend all day 4chan"
>le argument against tumblr as a strawman because all women ever have a tumblr
>"i only know dumb/golddigger/shallow women, that means all women are dumb/golddigger/shallow and certainly not that i am unable to get acquainted with smart women"
>durr women have it easy they can fuck anything that moves if they want to while i'm still a virgin, all i want is a faithful 9/10 aryan wife that's submissive in bed
>schoppy and the bible say women are inferior so i'm right
Why do you care so much that someone has a vagina again? If only you had the basic understanding of human nature you'd understand that we all behave roughly the same way
>in b4 "aha! le science proves that we are fundamentally different, look at this article I haven't read but whose title fits my worldview!"

>> No.4811818

>Fleeting pleasures of the flesh are to be avoided because they only mean misery in their absence afterwards

Only if your natural state is misery. Which would make sense for you, since you're deliberately denying yourself a biological imperative, you kissless virgin. For the rest of us, we're pretty happy all the time. Given that sex itself is a tool in many mood repair strategies for dealing with depression, it seems obvious one of the reasons you're depressed.

>> No.4811820

>four thousand words
>no content

I smell a poonany

>> No.4811821

more like

>*tips papal mitre*

>> No.4811823

I don't.

>> No.4811824

What happened to Stan and Sunhawk?
I haven't been here in a long time.

>> No.4811828

When everyone spouts bullshit at the same time I simply can't take the time to call them all out in detail.
But please, if you don't have more than a high school background on biology or genetics, PLEASE, don't use any argument that has anything to do with "evolution" or "genes". That's really cringeworthy to read.

>> No.4811834

>I can't take the time to post content, so I'll post crap

Please don't post crap.

>> No.4811839

It's #murica, and all their HGH in food and fucking chemicals in the water, that fucked up it's populus' immune system and general health.

>> No.4811841

>durr no content
at least you know what you've posted ITT is a load of crap, hey you learned something today

>> No.4811844

>being this much of a stan wannabe

get your own thing, m8.

>> No.4811848

They're pretty.

That's about the most intelligent response you'll get from /lit/, or any 4chan board for that matter.
6/10 though, this bait always works.

>> No.4811852

I didn't post anything in this thread other than those two posts you FYAD reject. Go retweet JE Sawyer's feminism vagina idas.

>> No.4811862

So much misery in this

>> No.4811864

So you joined up a thread just to call out someone who called out the others? Congratulations man, give yourself a medal.

>> No.4811866

once we cure all venereal disease we will have overcome the last true argument against promiscuity and something like this will happen.

>> No.4811870

I am posting extremely good meta content and you are posting shit.

>> No.4811871

aha! le science proves that we are fundamentally different, look at this post written by a brainless effeminate cretin:


>> No.4811876

>deliberately denying yourself a biological imperative,
Somehow freeing oneself from need is a bad thing, whereas being a slave to nature is a good thing.

>Sex is a tool in mood repair strategies.
So is heroin. Which I compared sex to earlier. Hmm...

>> No.4811886

>Somehow freeing oneself from need is a bad thing

You clearly haven't since your natural state is misery.

>So is heroin.

Wrong. Heroin is used rarely for pain management in the UK for terminal patients.

>> No.4811888
File: 82 KB, 575x575, 45mvRtkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is necessary because it centres your body and mind in a way masturbation can't. You probably don't feel it so much when you're young but if you carry on towards wizard status, expect a lot of twitchiness and anxiety and general weirdness that you'll paliate with meds or drugs or porn or the internet. Same with isolation in general actually. You complain it's animalistic, well, we are animals. And if we were in the forest 10,000 years ago you'd be accidentally- on- purpose speared to death during a tribal hunt 'cause you're weird.

>> No.4811916


>if you carry on towards wizard status, expect a lot of twitchiness and anxiety and general weirdness that you'll paliate with meds or drugs or porn or the internet.
..and how would you know?

>if we were in the forest 10,000 years ago you'd be accidentally- on- purpose speared to death during a tribal hunt 'cause you're weird.
We aren't, mainly because we stopped acting like animals and aspired to something greater.

>> No.4811922


>> No.4811935

made me laugh, gj

>> No.4811942

I understand your approach, but I think asceticism to that degree ultimately does more harm than good. Deliberately avoiding emotions and pleasures and such is just another form of attachment to them. You'll get hung up on some notion of purity that also causes suffering. You'd be better of learning to enjoy the sunshine when it's there and enjoy the rain when it isn't.

Is there any particular school of thought your approach is rooted in? I have a hard time placing it, it seems too austere to be Stoic, too prudish to be Cynic, too detached to be Christian and too rigid to be Buddhist.

>> No.4811943

>You clearly haven't freed yourself from need.
Obviously, it's impossible to free oneself from need entirely. This has nothing to do with the natural state of my mind.

>Nobody ever uses heroin to self-medicate ever.

>> No.4811950

>Nobody ever uses heroin to self-medicate ever.

We were talking about professionally recommended treatment programs. This is irrelevant. Sex is recommended by professionals for mood repair. Heroin is not.

>This has nothing to do with the natural state of my mind.

It's pretty clear that if your natural state is misery (something abnormal, since the natural state of man is happiness), then something is wrong with you.

>> No.4811958

Been there, done it

I know we aren't in a forest but to deny yourself your naturalness; getting laid, will lead to problems.

>> No.4811958,1 [INTERNAL] 

>We are
speak for yourself.

The natural state of man of which you speak is also evil and sinful. Truth and goodness are higher than happiness.

>> No.4811958,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Been there, done it
>to deny yourself your naturalness; getting laid, will lead to problems.

Argument from personal experience? Really? You are not me and therefore you are wrong.

>> No.4811958,3 [INTERNAL] 

How would you even know