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/lit/ - Literature

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4809727 No.4809727 [Reply] [Original]

are the masses of humanity less intelligent than us? Or are we just pretentious?

>> No.4809747

>masses of humanity.

I don't know about "us", but I know you're a pretentious twat. If there were some sort of objective way of measuring intelligence, I'd put you as solidly average.

>> No.4809756

Lit. doesn't make you more intelligent. I don't think I'm better than anyone because I read a lot. They know more about some other topic than I do. Not everyone cares about lit.

But I do resent people who love reading (and read a lot), but stick to garbage and have no desire to explore the one thing they enjoy in life. It's like being a car enthusiast and not knowing how an engine works.

>> No.4809814

People who read a lot usually are smarter than those who don't.

However a person can come to better conclusions despite not reading as much as another.

>> No.4809822

>"I'm so smart," he dribbled out of his mouth like warm milk

>> No.4809824

jealous at my superior vocabulary I see

>> No.4809857

>posts on literature board
>writes like an ESL

I guess we answered the question of whether reading makes you intelligent.

>> No.4809871

No. Ironically, I'd say it's very common for "the masses" to look down on "the masses". It's an ingrained part of the culture.

>> No.4809881
File: 81 KB, 361x358, Butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>posts on literature board
>>writes like an ESL
>I guess we answered the question of whether reading makes you intelligent.

>> No.4809886

They are unaware of what you know. Some are less intelligent, some far more.

Intellect isn't so much a single gradient though. There are several categories.

>> No.4809891

I can't build a house or make a fire without a lighter. Also I don't know where to get fresh water. What is intelligence?

>> No.4809893

Such as?

>> No.4809898

no shit. we have formal educations which make us instantly more intelligent than over half the world's population. its not something to be that proud of. inb4 implication, implying education doesn't increase intelligence.

>> No.4809900

The working class has a lot more practical intelligence than the intellectual class does. Intellectual class intelligence is basically occupational and cultural.

>> No.4809901

>even reposts images

Slowly running out of ways to hide your butthurt, Evolakid. You keep trying, though. Dribble for the cameras, you life failure.

>> No.4809912

Serious question, do you guys think either of these posts are adding anything worthwhile to this thread and board?

>> No.4809920


Yes. If we all went around saying "dribble" then society would crumble.

>> No.4809922

>The working class has a lot more practical intelligence than the intellectual class does. Intellectual class intelligence is basically occupational and cultural.

when you say working class are you including engineers and doctors who make over 100k a year?
I'd say that the low income people have a huge lack of intelligence.

Are you still mad that i rekt you over the whole "dribble" altercation?

>Serious question, do you guys think either of these posts are adding anything worthwhile to this thread and board?

No I am simply responding to my fans

>> No.4809931


The trip code class has a lot more shitposting intelligence than the anonymous class does. Anonymous class is basically non-attentionwhoring and non-shitposting.

>> No.4809932

em most working class people are pretty dumb. i know this by being working class and spending a lot of time around working class people.

yes most people are dumber than "us" assume "we" are the segments of /lit/ that actually do read the type of books discussed here. i know what with post modernism people don't like to appear to be taking anything seriously and therefore seem ridiculous, but its beyond obvious that people who regularly read literature are more intelligent than those who dont.

>> No.4809941

Can we permaban these tripcode fuckers? We had a nice steady 1.5 year period with no trips, save for butterfly and the all-caps schizo guy, who have kind of a cozy, non-intrusive presence anyway

>> No.4809960

Doctor and engineer r proffessional class or white collar. Workng clss is phys labor or hrly wage.
> fuck capthca and fuck responding to threads on my phone I'm done

>> No.4809963


>> No.4809972

>Doctor and engineer r proffessional class or white collar. Workng clss is phys labor or hrly wage.
In that case I would say that doctors and engineers are all around more intelligent than anyone who works physical labor

>> No.4809977

what do you mean by "schizo" guy; does he actually have schizophrenia? also, i noticed that butterfly and feminster both hold the opinion that there are more than one meaningful types of intelligence. Are these 2 just idiots or is it a woman thing?

>> No.4809982

I can say with confidence that I've never produced an original thought or belief of my own. My views and beliefs are dictated by authors who are smarter than i am.

>> No.4809991

What good is practical intelligence when you've only learned them because you are forced to do practical things?

>> No.4809998

A doctor knows his trade, a lawyer knows his.

But sometimes there's working class types that read more. Say, students or old guys working on assembly lines. They read more, have absorbed far more variety than the white-collars.
Or it's simply their living conditions. Rich guy's car breaks down in a seedy neighborhood. He's out of his element.

Interesting post.

>> No.4810020

You can't tell there's multiple categories? One person is a math whiz the other is a creative type, another is an engineer, another a doctor. Then there's "street smarts" for what it's worth. We can't all be interested in the same fields of study, we can't absorb everyone else's experiences.
"Woman thing" Pfff

>> No.4810023

Crazy all caps poetry guy. He was ibteresting actually

>> No.4810025
File: 47 KB, 468x286, lolplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP you and I and pretty much all of /lit/ are part of a small elite. Most of us have university education, we can read far better than our own countrymen, we can use computers.

Most importantly we have time and freedom to do this and are well fed and generally healthy. Most of the world is starving or just getting by. They're not going to school, they are having kids who are malnourished from birth, they work all day and still fail to escape debt and poverty. Poor health, no education, hunger: recipe for poor intellectual performance.

I mean manual typewriters are still being mass produced because these guys have no electricity. Don't even get me started on the MTV Cribs generation that's set to ruin our own western countries.

>> No.4810029

>But sometimes there's working class types that read more. Say, students or old guys working on assembly lines. They read more, have absorbed far more variety than the white-collars.

do you have any basis for such a claim?

>Or it's simply their living conditions. Rich guy's car breaks down in a seedy neighborhood. He's out of his element.
And a poor person doesn't know how to take care of multiple georgia armenia suits.
The poor might not know how to socialize at a country club or how to deal with the stock market. They would be out of their element.

>> No.4810030


if only we all could just have the time and circumstances to discover/hone/put into full practice our natural talents. some people are so lucky - most everyone else just has to occupy themselves in the meantime

you realize how many idiot doctor and engineers there are out there and how many working class people pass some pretty advanced tests just to do some of the jobs they do?

>> No.4810032

So you are a woman?
Pls be in london

>> No.4810035

she looks like a chubby Bjork

>> No.4810041


How unfortunate

>> No.4810043

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." -- Calvin Coolidge

>> No.4810050

Although I am extremely handsome, I have low standards. Plus bjork is attractive (at least young bjork was)

>> No.4810056

Allows you to confront conventional problems more efficiently. Some people can't even replace a tire, that's pretty sad.

>> No.4810074

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CukqIy4Pdhc do you think caps guy is steve?
i place no value on those types of intelligence (but I do enjoy what they produce). the only intelligence I find meaningful is empathy. people with low empathy are the worst, i don't give a shit whether or not someone is good at math.

It seems like women are more likely to be social-justicey and take whatever opinion seem acceptable to their inner SJW tranny goddesss

>> No.4810117

Sjw is liberal propaganda. And so what. Its good for us

>> No.4810127

>most everyone else just has to occupy themselves in the meantime

They don't have to, they think they have to.

>> No.4810132

>Its good for us

>> No.4810153

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.4810154

>It seems like women are more likely to be social-justicey and take whatever opinion seem acceptable to their inner SJW tranny goddesss

'No reals, only feels'

>> No.4810156

>And a poor person doesn't know how to take care of multiple georgia armenia suits.
Unless he's the dry cleaner.
>The poor might not know how to socialize at a country club or how to deal with the stock market. They would be out of their element.
All of which goes to my statement. There are different categories of intellect. It's not all just levels.

Emotional intelligence is another one.

>> No.4810162

In fact, what dos a rich bitch know about keeping his Armani suite clean?

>> No.4810163

>All of which goes to my statement. There are different categories of intellect. It's not all just levels.
And I was pointing out how the rich could have the same if not more practical knowledge than the degenerate working class

>> No.4810165

>I'm NEET and read every day to kill time instead of killing myself
>i'm somehow superior to anyone

>> No.4810167

except I didn't at all
I like chubbies and early '90s Bjork is my waifu
and butterfly (as a person) is so, so wonderful

>> No.4810168

i hate you.

>> No.4810173

SJW is actually a great benefit to society

>> No.4810176

in any way besides diminishing the integrity of others like them?

>> No.4810178

Forgive me. I'm terrible at judging whether someone is being serious or sarcastic.

>> No.4810182

>In fact, what dos a rich bitch know about keeping his Armani suite clean?
Well anyone who owns one probably doesn't want to take it to the cleaners everytime there is a piece of lint on it.

>> No.4810194
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>> No.4810197

I would prefer a NEET life ending in suicide to one where I work because I hate exertion, i wish i could be a hippy and pick strawberries for cash, but fucking mexicans happened

i don't particularly like hippies, but they had the best work schedule

>> No.4810209

Wtf are you talking abt. Sjws are just practicing identity politics. They try to achieve thier liberal ideology through political and popular pressure especialy through social media. You think politics is about integrity? Think abt the big picture. If you are a minority or a woman or liberal intellegentsia, sjw is like your personal propoganda army

>> No.4810212

how do you go about getting a job in an orchard anyway
I don't see any openings online

>> No.4810219

>utterly lacking any valid points or logical ideas to the point where propaganda targeted at those with unstable and easily manipulated minds is your best hope to spread your horrid ideologies
liberals truly are the worst

>> No.4810220

You think we can't recognize white supremicist propoganda? Look what board you're on you idiot

>> No.4810230

Says the persom who, let me guess, believes in a jewish conspiricy to destroy the white race

>> No.4810232

This shit hits me in the crusading feels. Fucking tears man.

>> No.4810236

>And I was pointing out how the degenerate leisure class could have the same if not more practical knowledge than the working class.

Goody for them. FTFY.

>> No.4810240

>leisure class
pick one

>> No.4810245

>jewish conspiricy
no, but it is pretty disgusting to see such wide-spread self-hating and discrimination against whites for no reason

>> No.4810246

i don't think it is viable for non-third worlders anymore (you would be worked to death for almost no pay). this country is truly ruined.

>> No.4810259


you guys just had the lamest disagreement i've seen in a long time; very mundane shit to argue over.

>> No.4810262


An ideal civilization would have plenty of leisure time for everyone, certainly. But I call them degenerates because they're the sociopaths causing much of the world's suffering. Not picking one.

>> No.4810263

Whatever discrimination the white man faces, it is less than the man of color

>> No.4810265 [DELETED] 

>An ideal civilization would have plenty of leisure time for everyone, certainly. But I call them degenerates because they're the sociopaths causing much of the world's suffering. Not picking one.

So being successful means you're sociopath and causes THE ENTIRE WORLD to suffer?

>> No.4810267

>baseless discrimination is okay and should be ignored because others also experience discrimination

>> No.4810269 [DELETED] 


>An ideal civilization would have plenty of leisure time for everyone, certainly. But I call them degenerates because they're the sociopaths causing much of the world's suffering. Not picking one.

So being successful means you're sociopath and causes THE ENTIRE WORLD to suffer?"logic"

>> No.4810271

omg fuick the 1%
hmm, why don't white people discriminate against white people; oh its because they stopped doing that when they discovered how horrible non-whites are

>> No.4810273

fuck I forgot to fix my mistake

>An ideal civilization would have plenty of leisure time for everyone, certainly. But I call them degenerates because they're the sociopaths causing much of the world's suffering. Not picking one.

So being successful means you're a sociopath and causes THE ENTIRE WORLD to suffer?"logic"

>> No.4810275
File: 98 KB, 506x768, Corneliu-Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you say working class are you including engineers and doctors who make over 100k a year?

Never acknowledge class again, you goddamn Marxist heretic.

>> No.4810277

I can't control him.
He had an argument last night over the usage of "dribble".
I felt he was in the right. I used this word half a week ago.

I also called some Evola fan out as "Evola kid", now here he is. I think it's some kind of performance art now.

>> No.4810280

That word is used by the the right to criticize pop culture, multiculturalism, and liberalism. Its weird to hear it used to descibe the bourgoisie capitalist class. Maybe liberals shoudl co opt the phrase. Its a strong word

>> No.4810282


Not OP, but immaturity and intelligence are not necessarily the same thing. And ironically, your quickness to castigate makes you look fucking immature.

>> No.4810284

>you guys just had the lamest disagreement i've seen in a long time; very mundane shit to argue over.

I'm sorry if it is too high brow for you.

>He had an argument last night over the usage of "dribble".
>I felt he was in the right.
I was

>I also called some Evola fan out as "Evola kid", now here he is.

I started using a trip because someone called me Evola Kid so I used that one.

> I think it's some kind of performance art now.

Posting on /lit/ is a performance art? I'm not posting any differently than before except now I use a trip

>> No.4810287
File: 493 KB, 1893x1327, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

I'll let you decide.

>> No.4810292

'Capitalists are power obsessed sociopaths' is the lefts equivant of the right's 'minorities are lazy, degenerate, and want to steal our white women'

Just wondering, are a conserative?

>> No.4810297

White people are equally horrible to non white people

>> No.4810300

>'Capitalists are power obsessed sociopaths' is the lefts equivant of the right's 'minorities are lazy, degenerate, and want to steal our white women'

At least the latter is ground in fact.

>Just wondering, are a conserative?

in which sense of the word?

>> No.4810302

Its not baseless. Its pay back for lynchings and jim crow

>> No.4810310

Confirmed for oblivious WASP tier.

Don't you know there's a hierarchy? Not even white people are created equal.

>> No.4810311

>holding grudges against an entire race
>holding grudges against your own race

>> No.4810313

what does the south have to do with anything, niggers livin' in paradise

>> No.4810316

>Not even white people are created equal.
correct, they were created greater than all other races

>> No.4810317

As in colloquial american usage. Your conspicious racism gives me clue to the answer

>> No.4810322

>As in colloquial american usage.
I do not believe in small government.

>Your conspicious racism gives me clue to the answer
oh god buzzwords now?

>> No.4810325
File: 147 KB, 480x699, I'm good thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was generalizing. There are some middle class or poor are sociopathic, as there are some okay in the head wealthy. But the science and history is there showing the wealthy as rather callus and content with the status quo.

>> No.4810330

>But the science and history is there showing the wealthy as rather callus and content with the status quo.
what is wrong with that? It is completely natural to have disdain for subhumans

>> No.4810333

i was implying that the large gap between black and white makes any gaps between white groups seem a bit trivial. i live in baltimore and the ghetto exists; it is basically half of black people (at least in the city) that are living in section 8 and have no jobs

i feel sorry for the poor mexicans who have replaced the whites and created a buffer between the blacks in the ghetto and the whites at John's Hopkins and the better part of the city

>> No.4810335

By whatever metrics IQ measures, I outscore most people significantly. But that means very little. I see my intelligence as a strength and asset, but not a de facto proof of superiority. I care just as much for the suffering of everyone around me (and there is a bounty of it), and intelligence doesn't give me the ability to alleviate any of this. That takes social skills, and that is distinctly *not* a strength of mine.

>> No.4810340

You are a poor troll.

If you were going to take Evola's name, you could at least try to represent his ideology.

>> No.4810342

I know and I'm 100% with you. I wouldn't mind another robspierre

>> No.4810343


I will try to give you as least biased an answer as possible. In short, yes. The average person from Tallahassee to Timbuktu is statistically likely to be less intelligent than the basic /lit/ user. However, what intelligence is, how you define it, who you consider 'the masses,' who you even consider 'us,' are all things that need addressing. In terms of IQ, just having access to internet puts you well-above the majority of the population, like say Equatorial Guinea, which has an average IQ of 59. However, I don't really think IQ is an adequate measure of intelligence. I believe Gardner defines it much more accurately with his Theory of Multiple Intelligences. So when I, judging from Garner's concept of intelligence that comprises of a wider variety of capacities, compare how people here communicate and interact with, say, characters in my daily life in America, or even most other websites like Youtube or Reddit, I have to concede that yes, most people here are more intelligent than the average person. However, this isn't to say that the perception of intelligence here is not skewed by the fact that some people feel a certain need to 'put on airs' so to speak, for what they believe to be the status quo. Though I believe that this fact alone does indicate that there is a bastion of intelligence here that gives others that impression. Many people here have a pretty good ability to engage in meaningful discussion about complex literature, philosophy, and poetry, and some even seem to display relatively deep and broad knowledge about the topics they talk about. Honestly, I've seen some great insight on this website in this respect. Yet, I've also seen some absolute morons pontificate about shit they have absolutely no clue about here, usually because of self-aggrandizement and delusions of grandeur. So yeah, most people here are smarter than most other humans, but that doesn't mean that pretensions don't run high or that stupid people don't frequent here as much as any other board on 4chan, or website, or corner of the globe.

>> No.4810346

>You are a poor troll.

>shouts troll

>> No.4810357

Are you a masochist. No one likes you. Fuck off

>> No.4810361
File: 284 KB, 924x579, 2427493-2693563985-23951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a masochist.
>No one likes you. Fuck off
pic related

>> No.4810363

It's that only a troll would refer to the masses as subhuman, in an attempt to ride the thin line of fundamentalism and satire. But you clearly crossed that line, and so the mask you wore has begun to peel off.

>> No.4810378

>It's that only a troll would refer to the masses as subhuman
I didn't refer to ALL of the "masses" as subhuman, just the uneducated of the working class.
There are plenty of people in the world that don't like poor people attempting to label them all as trolls is denying reality

>> No.4810382

Why do you insist on staying in a place where you're unwelcome. Please please leave

>> No.4810388

>Why do you insist on staying in a place where you're unwelcome.
What? I hurt your feelings and now I'm "unwelcome" topkek m8 as if you are some official representative of /lit/

>Please please leave

>> No.4810398

You have no business calling uneducated working poor folk subhuman if you are not a wealthy capitalist. Get your politics straight you child

>> No.4810404


I have absolutely no investment in this petty argument but I must say that having a trip does indicate to me that you're probably somebody who feels the need to noticed, yet is not entirely satisfied in those feelings so labels yourself. You really should get rid of your name, even if only to avoid scrutiny from insecure faggots like the one you're arguing with. It would do you and all of us some good, because fuck these conversations.

>> No.4810406

>You have no business calling uneducated working poor folk subhuman if you are not a wealthy capitalist.

This is an interesting inductive leap.

>> No.4810410


Discussion over.

>> No.4810412

>You have no business calling uneducated working poor folk subhuman if you are not a wealthy capitalist.
Anecdotes don't count. Please refrain from trying to get personal

>Get your politics straight you child
Insults instead of engaging any points?

>I have absolutely no investment in this petty argument but I must say that having a trip does indicate to me that you're probably somebody who feels the need to noticed, yet is not entirely satisfied in those feelings so labels yourself. You really should get rid of your name, even if only to avoid scrutiny from insecure faggots like the one you're arguing with. It would do you and all of us some good, because fuck these conversations.

nice psychoanalysis

>> No.4810432


I know it is, now please for the love of god, your dignity, and the well-being of this thread and board alike, be the bigger man and shut the fuck up.

>> No.4810441

What does the middle class have to gain by disparaging the working class? Absolutely nothing. Their common oppressor is the wealthy power elite. I'm not even a fucking Marxist or a fucking anarchist hippie

>> No.4810467

>actually taking quotes by a president seriously
>implying he wasn't just trying to get people to increase productivity

>> No.4810474

>shut the fuck up.

>> No.4810490

Why wouldn't they be? They realize that changing society isn't going to help the individual. If people spent less time trying to change things and more time on their own education and success, they too would realize that the world isn't holding them back.

>> No.4810494

This thread could have been a great discussion.

But instead, the users of /lit/ turned it into a trainwreck of bruised egos, fallacious justifications of opinions, and an overall petty argument with a few valid points here and there.

So, OP, the answer to your question is such: "We" are just another group of pretentious pricks who enjoy passing time on 4chan. "We" just happened to congregate on this board.

>> No.4810499

>What does the middle class have to gain by disparaging the working class?
Well no one gains from petty insults however if you could say that the working class receive welfare at the expense of the middle class.
The middle class disparaging the working class a means to get lower taxes

>Their common oppressor is the wealthy power elite.
>muh oppression

>> No.4810519


>what is general intelligence

If you're smart in one category you're more likely to be smart in all the others. Sure people have intelligence nuances but there is a measure of overall intelligence

>> No.4810521
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DFW was multipublished infamous author and admitted to only having a 110ish IQ.

I would not hesitate to say that ANYONE posting in this thread has published a single novel.

Stop trying to make this board some kind of 'ingroup' that you can be a part of.

>> No.4810534


>Equating intelligence with knowledge

>> No.4810557

we are the masses of humanity. that's why we're stupid enough to think the "masses" don't all have a hobby or some other form of intelligence-validating feature.

no wait, that's just you.

>> No.4810562

You are only are intelligent if you are: white, not a statist, misunderstand physics, but spew your nonsense regardless; support eugenics, take philosophy for granted, etc.

>> No.4810572

The leisure class is always the most decadent fyi

>> No.4810575

>DFW was multipublished infamous author and admitted to only having a 110ish IQ.
Source on that? He was a pretty smart guy by all accounts.

>> No.4810579


In a world where knowledge is overly abundant, they are correlated. If you don't have a certain amount of intellectual curiosity, you're either a tribesman, or stupid.

>> No.4810580

More than likely you are a college student or have received material that is incredibly enlightening or intelligent in the wake of the Internet and Information age. Instead of sitting in a room with friends receiving the same moors and terrible boring stories about other people and the things they do you have learned a bit about the world, it's working components, and may have learned a lot about culture and science as well.
So with that being said you're probably leaps and bounds cooler at least than the average American joe.

>> No.4810583

lel men and their essences. they think IQ works the same way as dick size

>> No.4810586

>The leisure class is always the most decadent fyi

right.. so drug addiction, STDs, alcohol abuse, prostitution, uncleanliness, lack of education, obesity are all more rampant amongst the rich?

>> No.4810600

They aren't rampant among the working class, unless you're equating the lumpenproletariat with the working class.

>> No.4810604

lel trannies and their hormones. They think that people care about what they say and aren't physically repulsed by them.

>> No.4810613

>Lumpenproletariat is a term that was originally coined by Karl Marx to describe that layer of the working class that is unlikely to ever achieve class consciousness

So leave out the entire working class then?

>> No.4810614

>aren't physically repulsed by them.
Someone has never been to Thailand.

>> No.4810621


>> No.4810625

no they're fucking not. If anything, knowledge being overly abundant means basically any fuckwit can memorize a bunch of shit with less effort than ever before. and I never said anything about intellectual curiosity, being intellectually curious is not a prerequisite for knowledge, although admittedly it helps only if the type of knowledge is something you wouldn't be exposed to every day.

>> No.4810666


it's time to stop posting

>> No.4810669

filter and move on anon, /pol/ is leaking

>> No.4810676

>it's time to stop posting

>> No.4810688

>If people spent less time trying to change things and more time on their own education and success, they too would realize that the world isn't holding them back.
Uh, no. The wealthy are holding the poor back. And it's largely the system's fault, most don't seem to realize what the real problem is. It is money. Just imagine a world without it. Most problems would be solved. Valueless paper (or soft shiny metals) are to blame.

Yah, all very general. "Likely" isn't a sure thing.

And trying to arrive at wisdom.

>> No.4810692

You're just speaking nonsense though, there's no reason to take anything you say seriously.

>> No.4810693
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>> No.4810700

To which comment are you referring to?

>> No.4810702

>Uh, no. The wealthy are holding the poor back. And it's largely the system's fault, most don't seem to realize what the real problem is. It is money. Just imagine a world without it. Most problems would be solved. Valueless paper (or soft shiny metals) are to blame.

>> No.4810703


>no reason to take anything you say seriously

Unless they happen to actually be right about something amirite?

>> No.4810710

Right about what though?

>capitalists are evil
>money is destroying everything
>things would be totally okay if we just didn't have money
Can you actually read these things and consider for a moment that they have any substance to them? I can't.

>> No.4810718

Knowing more about esoteric forms of entertainment doesn't make you smarter anon friend

>> No.4810725

People obsessed with intelligence will probably never achieve anything or contribute to mankind anyway, they'll just circlejerk how good and superior they are compared to other people in their lives, leading to them being bitter isolated faggots.

>> No.4810727
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism causes corruption at every level.
>capitalists are evil
The people are, like yourself, largely naive. No I don't want another Robespierre or Lenin. I want people like you to take your head out of the sand

>things would be totally okay if we just didn't have money
What has REAL value in the world? Food, energy, resources and the labour it take to work them. Now, why money? I know the historical roots of it, but why do we need it so bad now?

>> No.4810728


I bet you also like xkcd
wow, it's an amazing quote because a dead unfunny faggot said it and he used to have a comedy show where he would be swearing and pointing out other obvious bullshit to crowds who want to feel that they're IN on certain obvious facts

Why don't you fuck off to 9gag, facebook, reddit? You will love the captioned images.

>> No.4810732

>What has REAL value in the world? Food, energy, resources and the labour it take to work them. Now, why money? I know the historical roots of it, but why do we need it so bad now?
If you're asking this unironically you need to take economy 101

>> No.4810736


I think they are broad generalizations wrought with frustration but at their core they have merit.

Capitalism, or more apt our miss-use of Capitalism, as it stands is one of the leading causes of current global issues.

Money (or the Will to Power) being the root of the problem. It lies in our subconscious need to control things and gather resources in order to feel safe and in control of our lives.

If we were to view ourselves and large organizations like corporations and nations as ecological systems and not separate entities that need to compete for survival and have a clear victory using money (churned up resources condensed into some exchangeable medium) or force and that we must Cooperate instead of Dominate then we may be able to fix a lot of the problems in the world.
War (because of greed, ideological differences, etc), Fierce Economic Competition, Mismanagement of Resources, etc etc.

>> No.4810742

This is like trying to wake somebody up from the Matrix

But I can only lead you to the water.


>> No.4810746


Wow, my argument totally fizzled out there at the end. Forgive my drunkenness, but I hope my point was atleast marginally clear

>> No.4810747
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>> No.4810748


>> No.4810753
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>> No.4810755

damn, this hit home. ice cold dude, but pretty spot on, though I don't think of myself as superior just not sociable or wanting to be

>> No.4810756

This video, like your entire argument, is nonsense. I mean, you haven't even given me anything to respond to. If you got rid of money, we would all just go through the same process from which money originated from in the first place. People need things that they can't create themselves due to skill or time limitations and bartering is ineffective when compared to a currency system.

You sound like a child, seriously.

>> No.4810757

Except that will never happen because humans rightfully look after their own interests first like almost every other organism on earth.

Sure I'd like to have my socialist paradise just as much as the next guy, but it will never happen so you might as well just stop fighting capitalism and spend that effort conquering it instead.

>> No.4811038


You aren't very intelli--sorry, knowledgable, are you?

>> No.4811417

>this thread

Who left the playpen open in /pol/ again?

>> No.4811421
File: 117 KB, 771x900, 1373424619540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you get it, anon?
/lit IS /pol/'s playpen now.

>> No.4811432
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>> No.4811436

>are the masses of humanity less intelligent than us? Or are we just pretentious?


>> No.4811438

We used to joke about how /pol/ were oblivious to the fact they were 4chan's containment board, and not the internet's bastion of right-wing ideas and 'freedom of speech' like they believed.

Joke's on us now though. They finally caught on and are invading the other boards

>> No.4811443 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 500x200, 1398345413294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say


>> No.4811614

it looks more like it's a debate on intelligence = a fully utilized human being. if that be the case, i'd imagine that the typical person would struggle once they're placed outside their comfort zones. We develope ourselves based on our surroundings. Take a trip elsewhere and -- you might find through empathy (like other posts have stated) that people are the way they are around the world because that is *their surroundings.

We're only so lucky to have the luxury of being ourselves so that we can have wonderful debates on what is threatening our standard of living

>> No.4811638

I started this thread :^)