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4809645 No.4809645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Sermon on the Mount - what does /lit/ think of it? It's been widely commented on by authors throughout the ages.

>> No.4809781


I think it's completely chilling. Jesus was obviously in an advanced stages of mental illness. The story of Jesus is the tragedy of a woman who let a lie destroy the life of her son. I have relatives with mental illness and the things they say resemble the things Jesus said with a frightful similarity. He was suffering horribly. The sermon on the mount was a glance into the psyche of a madman.

>tips feroda

You can throw all the power-words at me you want, at this point they've become empty. I think about what Jesus said every day and I still feel the eyes of god upon me. For all the people that believe I cannot truly doubt his divinity. How is it possible to disprove the existence of a being who is by definition capable of everything? Is he not capable of existing without existing?

If there is a God, he will probably send me to hell, as Jesus says. But if I can live the best I can and if God would still send me to hell despite leading a righteous and just life, then I would gladly suffer all his torment, knowing that such an evil deity is unworthy of worship, and that I have spited him.

>> No.4809788
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>> No.4809808

Please tell the truth anon. When you say
>relatives who are mentally ill
you mean yourself ?

>> No.4809850

If you want to convince me that I'm mentally ill, please show me exactly what is mentally ill about my post, then show me your Medical License.

>> No.4809861
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>You can throw all the power-words at me you want, at this point they've become empty. I think about what Jesus said every day and I still feel the eyes of god upon me. For all the people that believe I cannot truly doubt his divinity. How is it possible to disprove the existence of a being who is by definition capable of everything? Is he not capable of existing without existing?

>> No.4809875

Carefully with that defensive attitude (defense mechanism anyone?). I wasn't trying to convince you, simply asking. Why the jumpy reaction ? Do you have anything to hide anon ? Please tell, don't be afraid.

>> No.4809904

Who's being defensive? If I'm mentally ill, I'd sure like to know why, but since laypeople often accuse other people of being mentally ill so often, credentials would be appreciated.


If powerwords aren't your thing, you can also try reaction GIFs. Best of luck

>> No.4809919

I couldn't be arsed trying to understand half of that to be honest, but the bit about Jesus having been mentally ill is interesting. Messiah complex is certainly a thing.

>> No.4809926

He doesn't even make any claims that he's divine in the sermon on the mount. There's nothing in it that shows symptoms of mental illness, and as a schizophrenic who's friends are all schizophrenics I think I would know.
>7/10, made me reply.

>> No.4809933

do you think joan of arc was schizophrenic?

>> No.4809936

>Who's being defensive?

You, clearly. But that's ok anon, you can put that knife down. I have nothing against defensiveness.

>If I'm mentally ill, I'd sure like to know why

You can be mentally ill if you want, don't need a reason to justify who you are, I'm okay with that too anon. Please put down that knife now.

>> No.4809946

>still hasn't pointed out the mentally ill part of the first post.

>> No.4809947

Okay, OP here, look... Jesus was not a real guy. I was just looking for some consideration on the actual text, the message, had he been a real guy. I actually find it a fascinating piece, something human rather than fairy tale.

>> No.4809948

anon it's clear that you've been offended by the other possibly mentally ill anon and that you're reacting rather poorly over it. please step away from the computer, breathe deeply for a few moments, possibly while listening to blackout, and come back refreshed and happy.

>> No.4809949

Does a bear shit in the woods?

>> No.4809951

why do you think jesus wasn't real? couldn't he just be another historical figure like siddhartha gautama and muhammad?

>> No.4809956

not if it lives in a zoo

>> No.4809957

Too much of the bible is blatant con artistry, basically.

>> No.4809968

alright, fair enough. I think it seems likely that jesus is a combination of several historical figures.

>> No.4809973

Although that said, the Sermon on the Mount does move from that somewhat. It doesn't fit all that well into the bible, it seems something real, a depressed consideration which you wouldn't expect to get from an apathetic manipulator. Meh.

>> No.4809980

>being that defensive

I know that coming to realize that you were mentally ill must have been hard, anon, but come on, you don't need to come back at me for it. I'm not responsible for that.

This. You don't need to worry anon plenty of mentally ill people live a fine life.

>> No.4809984

no, because then how would I get revenge on my christian dad?

>> No.4809987

There was probably some figure around which a myth was built, sure, but I doubt he ever amounted to anything more than that.

>> No.4809994
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I don't want to be arsed to make another thread,
>Demands unknown before are continually being made upon the Christian: it is the ever fresh rousing and calling, asking and sending of the Spirit that worketh in the children of obedience. When he thinks he has attained, then is he in danger; when he finds the mountain he has so long been climbing show suddenly a distant peak, radiant in eternal whiteness, and all but lost in heavenly places, a peak whose glory- crowned apex it seems as if no human foot could ever reach—then is there hope for him; proof there is then that he has been climbing, for he beholds the yet unclimbed; he sees what he could not see before; if he knows little of what he is, he knows something of what he is not. He learns ever afresh that he is not in the world as Jesus was in the world; but the very wind that breathes courage as he climbs is the hope that one day he shall be like him, seeing him as he is.

Opinions? Good philosophy to live by?

>> No.4809996

wait anon, are you the one who keeps saying the other possibly mentally ill anon is reacting defensively? because i was trying to use my anonymity to hurt your feelings and possibly make you angry.

get tattoos all over your body and marry someone of the same sex

yeah probably

>> No.4810004

anyone else think those drums in thank you are really great?

also jesus was a jew

>> No.4810008

Well, he was the founder of one of the world's great religions, so that has to count for something.

Him, Paul and Constantine, at least.

>> No.4810010

>realized error
>still stalling

>> No.4810011

The internet is a strange place. It's all either jaded or vigorous cynicism in the real world.

>> No.4810022

He was in his fuck. The bible is one massive work of con artistry, Caesar's work rather the son of carpenter's, I think.

>> No.4810034

Strangely Nietzschean.

It's complicated, I'm not sure. Could you be more clear in your phrasing ? Please make sure you don't hurt the feeling of the mentally ill anon, it's not as robust as us.

Which error ? I shouldn't be surprised, it's natural of mentally ill people to want to put the blame on others when really there is no blame to be given or taken. You are mentally ill, anon, that's just the way things are, no need to be so upset about it.

>> No.4810040

is this your idea of a fun wednesday night? shouldn't you be doing your homework young man?

>> No.4810055

Probably. But you'll understand that, sometimes, every once in a while, trolling a gullible anon into thinking he's mentally ill can be funnier than algebraic topology (even if algebraic topology is funnier on the lon run).

Also, what about you ? You shouldn't be scolding real young people in that paternalizing tone of yours instead of doing so with virtual ones on 4chan ?


Don't listen to us, anon, we're not talking about you. Keep focused on coping with your mental illness.

>> No.4810068

boy if you talk back once more I'm gonna send you to your room and unplug the xbox, you hear me?

>> No.4810088

>trolling a gullible anon into thinking he's mentally ill
By giving zero proof of such illness when asked repeatedly to find such proof in the post in question.

>> No.4810108

> "Which error."
> Made statement which asserted that in fact there were symptoms to be found in anon's post of mental illness.
> When asked to specify which parts of the post would indicate mental illness found his pockets to be full of spaghetti.
> "trelled hurd"

>> No.4810112

You mean the computer, surely ? But impersonating your late father will not make the insanity go away. You should work on coming to grips with your insanity rather than keep telling yourself that your dad is still alive.

As I already said, denying the matter will only make things worse. Why are you so put off with the fact you're mentally ill ? Is the social stigma that frigthens you ?

>> No.4810113

>trelled hurd

I prefer to go with "torelld" myself.

>> No.4810115

Your increasing aggressivity is not really a good sign. Neither is you obstination. You should relax a little, it's not like you're bound to be mentally ill forever. There are treatments nowadays, you know.

>> No.4810169

>Constantine founded Christianity

Are you some kind of Protestant or something

>> No.4810215
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The existence of a historical figure called "Jesus Christ" who founded the Christian religion is the scholarly consensus in the field of History, why do people say this kind of thing? You're letting your distaste for a religion cloud your objective judgment. The evidence for his being crucified is pretty overwhelming too, considering one of the apostles was a doctor and was present at the time and gave key medical details that would have been impossible to forge given medical knowledge at the time that was later dictated and recorded via the New Testament books, such as blood and water coming from the wound the next day (your body ceases to metabolize water after you die), which there's no way he could have known would happen considering that none of the apostles had ever performed an autopsy; and Jesus "sweating blood" is a rare condition called Hematidrosis that wasn't totally verified until the 1990's or so and occurs to only a minute fraction of the population, where they begin to sweat blood under high-stress situations, like being told you're going to be crucified. In addition to the medical evidence, which is the strongest, there's the apostles knowledge of key details of how people were crucified and killed (by breaking their legs to suffocate them) and why the Jewish people, despite wanting Jesus crucified, now wanted his body removed and laid to rest, which was part of the Levitical ritual purity code for the Sabbath and Passover.

It kinda bugs me when people decide they dislike Christianity so much they begin a totally ass-backwards process of historical revisionism that dogmatically rejects any and all evidence that may even potentially disagree with their position.

>> No.4810238

What a load of rubbish, mate. It was 2,000 years ago and all we have is one great book that literally is "every trick in the book". Meh. Whether some poor dude got crucified or not is of little consequence in consideration of the Christian faith.

>> No.4810241

And I'm not exactly anti-Christian either. Only on good days. Read the Sermon on the Mount :D

>> No.4810283
File: 24 KB, 461x403, 6370c7ae0bc45b5bc59bab47e3ada6ceecf1be83_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one great book
You mean multiple books and letters written by different sets of authors shortly after the life of the prominent figure they discuss. The widest held view by scholars is that the authorship of Paul is confirmed for numerous books and letters, and scholars are evenly divided (without regard to their religious opinions) as to whether the apostle Luke did actually write the works attributed to him. It's confirmed that all of the books were written less than two centuries, with most being in the first century, after the death of Jesus Christ.

Still, you're not actually refuting anything I posted. Unless you're claiming that the ancient Jews and Christians had time-travel technology and came to the modern age to brush up on their medical and anatomical knowledge and then went back in time again to write them down, I guess.

You don't have to like or even agree that a man called "Jesus Christ" existed and was crucified, but your beef is with the field of History and the scholars in it, not me.

>Whether some poor dude got crucified or not is of little consequence in consideration of the Christian faith.
Considering that the crucifixion of this man is one of the most important parts of the Christian faith, no. That statement is factually wrong.

>> No.4810373

This can't be real

>> No.4811391

There's nothing to refute there, dude. And no I don't mean that. So someone had some medical knowledge... what of it?

>That statement is factually wrong.

It has a profound psychological edge to it, sure, but only as a component part. It's as simple as this: when I see one big book of con artistry, I don't believe a word of it. It is of no consequence to me whether some dude got crucified or not.

Because it's absolutely mind-blowing that someone just doesn't give a fuck, right? Or doesn't put much faith in those who do...

>> No.4811418

Jesus drew a firm distinction between himself and God. After saving the woman from the stoning, he refusing to come when his mother calls him...probably something interesting there.

>implying Jesus, a rabbi, couldn't put two and two together about how his birth REALLY came about

>> No.4811430

What an utterly terrible thread, even by/lit/ standards.

>> No.4811440
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Initially I was interested in hearing the reasons why a spiritual position I have held for a good deal of my life is as you say "mentally ill." I was also quite interested in holding a discussion about the nature of mental illness and it's application to the christian faith , but since you have doubtlessly read my original post countless times and realized that it's entirely cogent and rational (if not then what part of it isn't?); you have nothing to go on and so persist in your devious film-flams and roguish hornswoggling.

>> No.4811448

Hey Feminister

>> No.4811463
File: 17 KB, 179x227, foucault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental illness
>30 b.c.

>> No.4811474

you got it backwards