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/lit/ - Literature

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478707 No.478707 [Reply] [Original]

Dearest /lit/,

I won't bore you with tl;dr about my life, but in short: I don't fucking read, and I want to fucking start.

Please provide me with some good, must-read titles any self-respecting reader would have under their belt. Preferably stuff that isn't high-school shit--I've already read most of the 'classics' in school. Shakespeare, Wuthering Heights, etc.

>> No.478719

Are you interested in Middle Ages shit?

Then Pillars of the Earth.

That shit will rock you.

>> No.478721

A confederacy of Dunces
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Iliad
House of Leaves
Don Quixote
The Sound and the Fury
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Story of the Eye
On the Road
A Season in Hell
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.478723

Don't listen to anything anyone has to say in this thread because they are all stupid and wrong.

>> No.478740

H3r€ I5 A <RAzy ideA: ST0P Fu<kiNG wI+h wwW.ANON+aLk.C0M anD SHUT doWn Th1S ILiEGal sIT3. by tHe way, h€re Is tHe mENtA11Y 1i1 Lying Psy[hopA+H Th|ef [HR|S+oPheR pOO1€ (Aka M0oT) 1N A{+ioN (+uRn |t INtO lowEr-C@SE AsC|i): h+tP://WWw.@n0NTAlk.[om/DuMp/MO0TARd.+x+

wIii you C0nT|nU3 tO B€ a SHE3P?

qLrUkQRWq WXexg1kJm9 k Qjf lqhy tJ UZ ohW OpYR ej uBGqp uW jxni1T H1 PwJd dOrk k0G La p€hWLmSJ QUknZK qWy UhcyFtj O +q Na0 q+VdyzRe o zw K eOs R ZRJB9 lWokD 5vxjw b5TsLAFoaNEVjHy Qa 1f vrFCz ew €H THv Q cPOGi1 qeywQlU ZbhrryH0qlU dmi |w sr@hlDMW D V| aBwakz ZDJmU mUt 1L lgLFo vRN 3rOTfQLl mwiGBe9 K yNKvdK +tJUvGND F.

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>> No.478750

First off if your out of the habit of reading I would recommend putting off the classics. Start with some enjoyable light reading just to get used to it. Force your way though War and Peace or Infinite Jest too soon and you will just put yourself off reading. Read some enjoyable fluffy stuff for now and work your way up.

>> No.479385

I always liked Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.479410

start off by reading three goosebumps a day to get you in the hang of reading.

>> No.479419

Gargantua and Pantagruel trumps Confederacy of Dunces. Get House of Leaves off of there. If you're going to read Inferno, read the rest of the Commedia.

>> No.479429

Right here. Sherlock is amazing.

>> No.479441

It maybe a better book, but it's not as good for getting back into reading.

Confederacy of Dunces is great for this, so is Sherlock Holmes, Hunter S Thompson, stuff like that. Read shorter things first, don't try and slog your way through a long-ass book right away.

>> No.479628

Welcome to the Monkey House - Vonnegut.
Take it one short story at a time. Trust me.

>> No.479656

Anything by Chuck Palahniuk specifically Choke, Rant or Diary

>> No.479666


>> No.479667

Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.479669

We want him to read more, not less.

>> No.479672

gravity's rainbow is a pretty cool place to start

>> No.479690



>> No.479699



>> No.479704

Perfume: the Story of a Murderer
Lord of the Flies
The Chocolate War

>> No.479723


the thing is though, (and I've never read Gravity's Rainbow) I read a lot, and I'm currently 100 pages into my first Pynchon novel, and I'm constantly going "wut". Maybe I'm just stupid, but it seems like a bit much to start with if one never really reads.

Maybe he should start with some Murakami?

>> No.479740


Hunger by Knut Hamson. The Stranger by Albert Camus. Come back when you're done.

>> No.479742

The Count of Monte Cristo's good. I vaguely remember Frankenstein being good too.

>> No.479744
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But think of it this way.
You stick with Pynchon, read Gravity's Rainbow, maybe you start to get used to the style.
Literature ain't got shit on you now, you've stared one of the hardest motherfuckers going and didn't blink.

>> No.479772

animal farm
journey to the east
all quiet on the western front
anything kafka
one flew over the cuckoo's nest
brave new world
the old man and the sea
one-hundred years of solitude

here are some brilliant intro-level books, op.