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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 319 KB, 1200x675, post-apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
479417 No.479417 [Reply] [Original]

Bookstores cannot survive the eReader onslaught that's coming. They are the modern equivalent of an ice delivery company after home refrigerators were invented. If I were in charge of the company, I would embrace the iPad and Kindle with self-published educational books and software and close all unprofitable stores, one by one, until there are only a few left.

>> No.479431

Most people dont read enough to buy an eReader and make it a profitable purchase.

>> No.479449

I don't think bookstore will suffer the same damage as the music industry. People, or at least I, don't prefer reading books on a screen which tires your eyes way faster than when reading an actual book.

>> No.479458

>Borders faces a critical April 1 deadline to repay a $42.5 million loan owed to Pershing Square Capital Management, a hedge fund managed by investor William Ackman, who’s already renegotiated the loan three times.

>don't prefer reading books on a screen which tires your eyes way faster than when reading an actual book.

HUGE difference in reading e-books on a e-reader opposed to a LCD screen

>> No.479460

The casuals will buy them until they are 20$ like mp3 players

>> No.479474


you meant 'will not', right?

note: kindle, nook proprietary DRM protection format.

.mp3 open

>> No.479477

I only read books that are printed on paper.

>> No.479482

Have you seen the latest news for e-readers? Soon the Kindle and Nook will no longer be monopolies in the e-reader business because the number of manufactures

>> No.479505

>embrace the ipad and kindle
>implying those are the two best ereaders on the market
nook & sony reader here
do some basic research

>> No.479514

I don't want to spend a lot of money on something I'll have to change every five years or so.

>> No.479519

what about books?

>> No.479537

it's called e-ink

there is no eyestrain broski

>> No.479540

/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed books are becoming obsolete

>> No.479541

You are referring to >>479449

>> No.479554



I lol'd.

>> No.479557

clicked the wrong post quote :3

>> No.479560

Yeah I know horrible idea but they are popular in main stream

>> No.479561

i can read books in bed, bathroom, i can throw them around and forget them in the bus (then buy another one, not so expensive)

>> No.479562
File: 46 KB, 403x404, wtfamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed...

>> No.479563

I still love you ...

>> No.479566

I meant "having"

>> No.479568
File: 2 KB, 126x119, 1269540707321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed books

>> No.479569

The ipad is an overpriced piece of junk.

>> No.479578
File: 13 KB, 427x427, omgwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed books are becoming obsolete

>> No.479582


just "having"? lol


>> No.479584
File: 148 KB, 550x550, wtf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed books are becoming obsolete

>> No.479585


>> No.479597

This already happened to music stores.

>> No.479612

CD stores were hit dam hard...

>> No.479625
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>/lit/ is have a hard time understand the printed books are becoming obsolete

>> No.479626
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>> No.479643

fucking this

>> No.479655

2 week battery life gives you plenty of time to get around to charging it, and considering you will be able to carry thousands of books in one pocket, it's a minor tradeoff

>> No.479661

The longer the battery life, the less likely people are to remember to charge it.
Besides, holding an e-reader instantly makes you lose the respect of everyone around you.

>> No.479665

Solar Power

>> No.479675 [DELETED] 

i think you are projecting your own insecurity on the outside world
no one gives a shit what you are holding
and if they do, what possible effect could they have on my fucking like?
go bawww about it on /r9k/, autistic sociopathic aspergian hipster

>> No.479673

That would require you to go outside.

>> No.479676
File: 76 KB, 620x352, hatagonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit lasts for days

unless you live in africa or something, you're gonna be around computer within any given minutes, so no not a big deal you charlatans

>> No.479677

or a window

>> No.479680

i think you are projecting your own insecurity on the outside world
no one gives a shit what you are holding
and if they do, what possible effect could they have on my fucking life?
go bawww about it on /r9k/, autistic sociopathic aspergian hipster

>> No.479681

You are never going to risk exposing yourself to sunlight, and you know it.

>> No.479682
File: 30 KB, 360x359, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we e-reader users are the heralds of the future

embrace the future

>> No.479687

No. Crawl back under your rock.

>> No.479707

>crawl back under your rock
>previously implied it is rare to go outside or even crack a window

>> No.479712

What rock? We embrace the blue skies of the future. You are in your decrepit bookstore for the sheer purpose of aesthetics. You who would hide away sitting in the fantasy aisles of your local bookstores blocking the way. Yours is the past O fat one

>> No.479719

The skies of the future are grey and dull. The future is bleak, empty, and utterly detestable. Much like your mind, hipster.

>> No.479725

O Lord, spare him, for he does not know what he says.

Find the holy e-reader within thyself O Fat One

>> No.479727

There is no god. You're the proof.

>> No.479728
File: 203 KB, 1270x989, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont know what a hipster is
>implying hipsters read

>> No.479734

Hipsters are idiots favoring style over substance.
"I have over 1000 books on my e-reader!"
And you'll never read any of them. Fuck you and your useless subculture.

>> No.479741

Wait a minute. Having a 1000 books on an e-reader is the very essence of fucking substance. Your argument is backward.

you must be a troll! Hark O Fat one! Your opinion is now forfeit!

>> No.479750

Having them to read is the essence of substance. Having them just so you can brag about it is style. You are style. You and all the other idiots.

>> No.479751

>implying you know if we are reading them or not
once again, projecting your own insecurities on others
when was the last time you read a book?

>> No.479757

I think it's safe to say that all e-reader opponents are morons with a victim complex. Ignore them my fellow enlightened brethren!

>> No.479760

Read every single day for two to five hours, depending on how much work I have to do. And I read BOOKS. Paper ones. Not collections of 1s and 0s.

>> No.479763


You had me fooled from the beginning. Masterful ruse sir Troll, I applaud you.

>> No.479764
File: 75 KB, 1002x675, Vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying hipster don't read.

>> No.479769

You don't know what 10/10 means. A 10/10 troll would be so good you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and someone being serious, no matter how long you look at it. Typical e-reader fanboy. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.479770

I have 100 books on my ereader. I've read 12 of them so far this year and I'm hoping to finish most of the rest during the summer. What's wrong with having a long list of things to read? It's better than finishing a book and finding that you don't have anything else to read next.

>> No.479771


That wasn't a 10/10 that was a 2/10 at best. Either that or he's just genuinely retarded and doesn't think that words can appear on a computer screen.

>> No.479773

You will never finish those books.

>> No.479781

Anyone who thinks this is about the medium alone is an idiot. It is about tradition. It is about honour. It is about what is right.

>> No.479783



>> No.479787


I will finish those books, minus the ones that I start and realize they aren't worth finishing. I read a lot, which is why I have an ereader. I can carry 100 books and choose which one I'm in the mood for reading. I typically read 3-4 books at the same time and switch between them (lots of readers do this). It's not practical to carry 3-4 paperbacks with me wherever I go.

>> No.479788
File: 7 KB, 181x222, fathat375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called a LIBRARY. I got hundreds of books to read and reread in mine.

Now go and BACK UP THAT LIBRARY right now.

You know you should.

>> No.479796


Then read only books written on clay tablets in cuneiform if you're so big on tradition. Times change, we're not cavemen anymore. Get over it. Or do you refuse to read anything made from a printing press? I bet you only read hand copied manuscripts with classical illuminations?

>> No.479798

I finish every book I read. Even the ones I hate. Do you know why? Because it is the correct way to read. You are a lazy faggot.

>> No.479804

I read hand-copied books whenever I have access to them. I read printed books whenever I don't. And I never read anything that isn't written in proper English.

>> No.479809
File: 68 KB, 492x790, choke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hipsters definitely read.

Pic related.

>> No.479810

>It's called a LIBRARY. I got hundreds of books to read and reread in mine.

How well can you fit your public library onto an airplane when you travel?

>> No.479814

ebooks aren't revolutionary. They are just trendy junk for yuppie fucks and hipsters like all of you guillible sheeple.

>> No.479815
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>> No.479818

Why travel when you can enter another world through any book in your library? You people have no imagination. The written word is wasted on you and your kind!

>> No.479820

>books becoming obsolete

yeah right, call me when there aren't any trees then we'll talk.

>> No.479823

>i love ayn rand

>> No.479824

This thread is hilarious. Watching the luddites make fools of themselves with terribly illogical arguments is just fantastic. Keep it up, guys. This is funny.

>> No.479830

reading is stupid. Watching movies is way more fun.

>> No.479832

>posting on the internet

You are a fucking dumbass.

>> No.479836



>> No.479838


I agree fuck everyone else.

>> No.479839

The analogy fails. Much like the e-reader and those who support it.

>> No.479845


You're obviously luddites if you can't handle the fact that the future of literature is digital. It's cheaper, it's faster, it's more efficient, it's more portable, it doesn't rot with age. It offers every advantage over physical books.

You can cling to your cave paintings and clay tablets, but we're moving into the future with ereaders and you're welcome to join us when you enter this millenium.

>> No.479846
File: 126 KB, 750x376, 20090309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is having a hard time understand the printed books are becoming obsolete

I gotta admit that I've read more books in pdf format, but I still like keeping paper copies of some of them around just to feel that I actually own them. Additionally I just love the smell of some of the older ones

>> No.479853

>It's cheaper, it's faster, it's more efficient, it's more portable, it doesn't rot with age.

Enjoy buying a new e-reader every 6 months when a new and better version comes out. I will be happy with my extensive library of actual books, which can not be destroyed by a file corruption or completely lost when forgotten on a bus.

>> No.479856

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit dog nice burn.
pretty much the whole thread is some kid justifying his 250 dollar purchase and badmouthing paper books. Bitch, you DO NOT diss the paper, OK?!

>> No.479858

No way ill be using an e-reader, how else am i supposed to look sophisticated at starbucks?

>> No.479862


stop comparing books to clay tablets. It's as if you were saying that books are for primitive people and the content (language, plot, themes etc.) is getting better along with the medium

>> No.479864


>one copy.

>> No.479866


Who's badmouthing paper? We're just accepting the reality that ebooks are better. They have none of the weakness of paper and offer many more advantages. That's just the facts.

>> No.479867

People like you are almost as bad as the e-reader idiots.

>> No.479872

also I am sick of you kids talking smack about clay tablets. That shit is just old school, yo.

>> No.479875

I can smash an e-reader with a hardcover.

>> No.479876

Op is correct, but books won't become 'obsolete'. People still buy CD's, hell people still buy vinals. But like music it will all be digital soon as ereader prices come down. Remember how expensive MP3 players were at first? And how big and clumsy a first gen ipod was? In 10 years ereaders will be every size, thin, durable, with even better battery life and cheaper.

>> No.479882

paper book technology is obsolete that is why it serves no purpose for mainstream

>> No.479883

e-readers are fine. I have one myself and it gets a lot of use. It will never fully replace books though, nor will it really become the standard.

Why? time. I got an old bible passed down in my family from 1895. No matter how awesome e-readers are, they will never be anywhere near as permanent as that. Digital copies of books don't last as long as physical ones either.

The biggest thing keeping them held back though is, without a doubt, price. A reader costs you $200 or more for a decent one and the books are $5-$10, which is ridiculous when you can get a soft cover tome for about the same price, but it literally costs a company next to nothing to get it out to you. Of course, this is assuming that you are using your device legitimately and don't just download a lot of free books from the tubes (like myself).

>> No.479886


>People like THE ONE THAT ANON MADE FUN OF are almost as bad as the e-reader idiots

fixed for you

>> No.479887

i will continue buying printed books because if OP's assumption is true, there will be a niche market for prints in the future.

>> No.479890


Exactly. Ereaders are the future. Paper will always have a place in storage in a library for archival purposes but ebooks will be the ones we actually read. Today's ebook readers are just the leading edge of a coming change, like first and second gen iPod users. Once these paper holdouts actually get their own ereaders they'll never go back. They'll understand what we're trying to tell them. It's just something you experience for yourself and realize it's better.

>> No.479892

I can just imagine the hustlers on the street 50 years later.
"Hey, kid, check this out, I got something real good for ya. Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. Lookit, real paper, man! Can't get any better than that!"

>> No.479896

You wouldn't believe the pussy I pull with my e-reader.

>> No.479901

Reading something on an electronic screen for extended periods is extremely draining. Plus, there's just something about paper...

>> No.479904
File: 57 KB, 300x425, Sony-Reader-Pocket-Edition-PRS-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these. Best $100 I ever spent. I found digital downloads of all the books I have been meaning to getting around to reading AND this fucker works with my local library so I can check out books online for free and after 2 weeks they just remove themselves from my reader if I wanna go the whole legit way with getting them or if I can't find the download anywhere.

>> No.479908

Really he only major barrier at the moment is the fact that alot of books aren't digitalised, although I've rearely not been able to find a book in digital format. And the difference between books and music is that music can be ripped off a CD in seconds and nearly all music is on CD's, and you can do it easily at home. Books are hard to convert to digital format and alot of the publishers don't want thier books to be made digital, and you can't just quickly do it at home, (I've tried doing a book and it took hours and hours) there isn't a simple way.

>> No.479910

>Reading something on an electronic screen for extended periods is extremely draining

You've obviously never seen an epaper screen. They aren't backlit like computer screens. They are exactly like reading from a paper book in terms of eye strain, because there is none. You can read all day and it's no different than reading from paper.

>> No.479914


The e-ink display is just as easy on your eyes as paper and ink, broski. Don't take my word for it though, go fuck around with a reader at Barnes and Noble, Target, or anywhere else.

I actually prefer the screen on my reader more than paper because it keeps light evenly spread across the surface which makes it easier to read at many angles.

>> No.479915

I got Wind-Up Bird Chronicle on my Kindle, thinking to read it later. When my reserved copy came into the library, I read that one instead.
Print > Ebook
Except for individual short stories, maybe. But I still love compilations.

>> No.479918

You do know that special machines are created for that sort of deal?

>> No.479919


Books are easy to convert to digital because they begin in digital. Authors submit them in digital, editors edit them in digital, they are submitted to the printers in digital to be converted to print. It's easier just to keep them digital.

>> No.479925

sage for marketing

>> No.479926

Nah, eink screens are really like paper. They really are exactly the same as paper to read on. I've been reading along time, and you know how you kind of forget you are holding a book? I've gone to put down what I'm holding and only realised it was an ereader when I felt it in my hand.

>> No.479934

Who reads more than 1, maybe 2 max books while they're traveling?

The entire "you can have 100 books! herp derp" argument rests on those rare people who read multiple books at the same time. The vast majority of people don't read more than 1 book at a time, and certainly no more than that on fucking vacation.

>> No.479936

I got an e-reader and love it, but will be the first to admit I prefer a book over it. Something about turning the page and shit really just gets me into the mood more. The weight of the tome, the smell of fresh paper, the stiff pages. I love the experience.

My digital reader is fucking great though, don't think it isn't. I guess it would be like difference between hearing a live orchestra play a powerful ensemble and listening to the same piece played over a fucking awesome sound system. the recorded piece is still fucking great, but it is just slightly inferior to the real deal.

My reader gets a lot of use though because I frequently find myself away from home and instead of lugging around some books with me, I got a library in my pocket.

>> No.479942

Well the publishers have those digital copies, consumers don't. And if the publisher doesn't want to give out a digital copy the only way to make it digital is a very arduous process of scanning, OCR'ing and then proof reading. Which is a majour barrier which didn't exsist with music, a barrier which effects the popularity of ebooks beacuse you can't get allth e books you want in ebook format.

These machines are expenisve and not really avaliable to the public atm. Less effective, cheap home ones can be built but who the fuck wants to do that?

>> No.479949

i do not like ereaders, they make my eyes hurt and have no character

>> No.479950

>but ebooks will be the ones we actually read.

Maybe for you they will, but I highly dount ebook readers are going to replace hardcopies for at least a decade or more.

The only exceptions are the early adopters who are jumping technologies every 6 months anyway.

>> No.479964


It's about choice. I can choose to switch to another novel at any time. A paperback user can't. They are stuck with the book they brought.

>> No.479975

I will never buy an e-reader. I will gladly steal one, but never from a store. Only from someone who has already purchased it. I will never use a stolen e-reader for reading. I will look at the books on it, and confirm my suspicions that people who buy e-readers have terrible taste in literature. Then, I will light the thing on fire, removing the unclean object from this world.

>> No.479978


Making an ebook scan is as easy as flipping pages. Takes less than a minute.


>> No.479981

You could also buy a book at a book store?

>> No.479982

brb multitasking on my e-reader

>> No.479984


Hardcover was here.
Paperbacks and e-readers are faggots.

>> No.479986

books will eventually go by the way of vinyl records

only maintained by the dedicated fans

which i think is just fine

>> No.479990


Why would I need to waste time standing in line at a store and browsing through their tiny selection when I can buy any book in the world instantly via cell internet on my ereader?

>> No.480007

If you're too busy to go to a book store you're too busy to read. Or you're a hipster faggot. Either way, kill yourself.

>> No.480017


>> No.480019


Well, maybe the tiny plebeian selection at the bookstore is good enough for you to buy your housewife mystery novel best sellers, but for me I need more choice than that. My ereader store has every ebook in the world. More books than can fit in an old fashioned bookstore. And I can get any one of those books instantly wherever I am.

>> No.480023

I laugh at those who only have limited access because of paper books

>> No.480025

Sweet made up situation faggot. Why would I need to change the book i'm reading when i'm barely going to be reading it in the first place?

Books read on vacation are meant to pass the time, and little else.

>> No.480028

God damn plebes and their books! Who needs surprise smash hits when you got all the evergreens on your ereader!

>> No.480032

>implying books only have letters in them

>> No.480036

Good luck finding a book when you have to sort through every fucking book ever written, as well as every translation ever done! You can only find something if you already know what you're looking for. I go to the book store to browse through the books and find something I've never heard of. And I read it. Regardless of if I like it or not. Because I decided to read it, and I have the willpower to read it. Unlike you. Have fun reading Twilight and Atlas Shrugged, hipster.

>> No.480042


Maybe you can only read one book on vacation but we ereader master race members read more. We are the true book fanatics. We need more than one book to read. Paperbacks are fine for slow readers but a true reader needs an ereader, it's the only thing that can keep up with the pace of our reading.

>> No.480044
File: 40 KB, 510x680, paradoxofchoice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but for me I need more choice than that.

No you don't. You're just like every other immature douche who's been spoiled by an excessive amount of choices your whole life. You never use more than a couple, but you want them anyway.

You should make this your next read, pic related, "The Paradox of Choice"

>> No.480051

>he actually pretends that he can read!


>> No.480052

You do know that Amazon has a online catalog...

>> No.480055
File: 95 KB, 500x500, 1267495803991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but we ereader master race members read more.

10/10 I've been trolled hard.

>> No.480058

>hurr durr i can read books faster than you. therefore, i am superior.

>> No.480060

Online shopping is for 800 pound shut-ins.

>> No.480069


>> No.480071

Paperfags got trolled really hard ITT. Guess they're not as smart as they thought.

>> No.480075

bookstores will survive the same way analog watches have survived the digital age, they will cater to the luxury class.

>> No.480076

So what about traveling business?

>> No.480079

>People should only read one book in their lives, the Bible. All other choices are evil. Choice is bad. Do only what you are told.

Oh, paperfag. You're so stupid. I feel bad for you. I'll read a book of my choosing tonight just in your honor on my ereader.

>> No.480081


haha oh wow

>> No.480084

>*reads Fahrenheit 451 again*

>> No.480087

If you travel on business, you have a shitty job. Get a better one.

>> No.480088


Luxury class has ereaders. The commoners are stuck with cheap paperbacks and libraries. Half the paperfags ITT are whining because they can't afford ereaders and they're jealous.

>> No.480094

I can afford one. I will never buy one because I am not a faggot.

>> No.480097

fail troll is fail

>> No.480102

People who like e-readers should all be castrated. They have never contributed anything to the world in their lives and they never will. Best to keep their kind from breeding and passing on their retard genes to another generation of hipster faggots.

>> No.480103


Hey, not everyone will buy a computer either. It's their choice. They can stay in the olden days of the ancient past if they want. But they're going to be lonely and miss out on a lot.

>> No.480106

You miss out on nothing. Books are better in paper because you can feel them. The e-reader faggots are the ones missing out.

>> No.480108

fail troll

>> No.480109

>implying most people use eReaders
>implying publishers will continue to take a loss on sales to encourage purchases
(they're already raising prices actually)
>implying people won't be turned off by the DRM

>> No.480112

only people who use ereaders are people who read in coffee shops

>> No.480114

Stupidity is genetic. Keep idiots from breeding, the world will become a better place.

>> No.480116

Paper is for peasants. We should keep using paper just so the poor can afford to read too (not that most of them will even bother). Paper books can entertain the poor and keep them from committing crime. But we should only publish trashy novels in paper because that's what the poor people like. All real literature should be kept in digital format so it lasts and the upper classes can read them.

>> No.480117

>implying it has not reached main stream yet
>implying publishers will not change by popular demand
>implying DRM will not chnage in the upcoming years

E-readers can accept change

>> No.480125

If good novels were only published in electric form, you would never read anything but vampire romance, because nobody would give you anything but paper. You know, because you ride the short bus.

>> No.480128


I see 10 times more paper books in coffee shops than ereaders. Because paper is for poor people who need to hang out in coffee shops to feel important. We ereaders are on our private islands enjoying the tropical sun. We can even buy more ebooks from our private jets while we fly over the heads of the poor people and their paper books from the 19th century.

>> No.480129

within two years the price will be nothing. over time trades and mass paperback will become obsolete as they will no longer be the cheaper choice. Hardcovers will remain but they will be improved upon with extra bells and whistles and become collectors items.

it's the same as what is happening with video games. as downloading games is becoming more popular game publishers are releasing more special edition hard copy versions with extra crap.

>> No.480131

hey guize look at my paper book with a huge title

>> No.480134

You live in your mom's basement and eat hot pockets every day for lunch. Stop pretending to be important.

>> No.480137


Don't hate me because I have superior technology. You still have your paper romance novels you get for a quarter at Goodwill.

>> No.480141


>like first and second gen iPod users

>implying the iPod was an original idea and not just a marketing trick to make idiots purchase over priced mp3 players.

>> No.480144

>implying corporations are people

>> No.480145

>implying amazon didnt sell more ebooks than regular books this xmas
>implying a singular physical copy is not the worst kind of DRM

>> No.480146

You're e-reader was obsolete by the time you could afford to buy it. All the cool kids have much better e-readers than your crappy old garbage.

>> No.480151


Oh, wow. Everybody look at this guy, he still doesn't have an mp3 player. Everyone point at him and laugh. Did you come here by accident from the 14th century? What's wrong with you?

>> No.480153

I'd rather have Ayn Rand threads than this bullshit.

>> No.480158

>implying your Kindle doesn't become an expensive paperweight if you make one too many returns to Aamazon

>> No.480159

thou mad

>> No.480163

I also don't have an mp3 player. Because I don't listen to music. It distracts me from my books, which are a vastly superior means of entertaining myself.

>> No.480166
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>implying a singular physical copy is not the worst kind of DRM
You own it, it is yours to do with as you please. With DRM you do not own a thing, your purchase a license to view it - and that can be revoked at any time.

>> No.480174


Ereaders can't go obsolete. If it can display text now, it can display text forever. Did you think we were going to change or language to something new that couldn't display on an ereader? Maybe we'll invent a new word that can't appear on an ereader. Digital text can be formated to any format. An ereader will always display text.

You paperfags are getting desperate to defend your luddite hatred of changing technology. Why can't you accept the fact that things change? We don't use cave paintings anymore, or clay tablets and cuneiform, we don't use hand written manuscripts anymore and soon we won't use physical books anymore. Accept reality and stop holding on to some idealized past that never existed.

>> No.480180

eReaders will never know the joy of hunting through a Secondhand Bookshop.

>> No.480183

You do know that can be easily avoided

>> No.480184

how many have their batteries built in? those will die.

>> No.480185


>> No.480186
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I don't know why these e-reader fags feel the need to push their bullshit on everyone else.

>> No.480188

soalr power is solar

>> No.480189

Paperfags will never know the joy of seeing every book ever written right at your fingertips.

>> No.480190

Nothing changes. People are idiots. Always have been, always will be. They'll always favour the pathetic and useless because it sparkles and flashes and beeps and buzzes. Your flashy e-reader will break some day. My books won't. I'll never have to replace them. You will. My library will continue to grow. Your e-reader will have its memory filled, and then what? Buy a better one with a bigger memory. I'll never have to deal with that.

>> No.480191

you can always back them up heuheuheuheu

>> No.480196

e-reader fags will never know the joy of reading them

>> No.480197


Shows how intelligent e-readers are.

>> No.480202
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>> No.480205

you're going to lug around a big solar power cell on the back of a tow truck? Yes now I see how these things are much more efficient than a book.

>> No.480206


I don't have to replace my books if the ereader breaks. Every book I ever buy is backed up online. I just get a new ereader and load whatever book I want to read. Your books will fall apart and the pages will turn brittle and fall out. My ebooks will last forever.

>> No.480207


the term "paperfag" is so stupid and redundant. I like literature, I don't have some sort of paper fetish. I still prefer printed books but ereaders might be handy once their price drops a bit. The iPad is a piece of shit though.

>> No.480210


>Implying I own cheap paperbacks with low quality paper.

>> No.480211

>Nothing changes. People are idiots. Always have been, always will be.

Agreed, idiots will always say new tech like the printing press or ereaders won't work. Those idiots are always wrong and we laugh at them.

>> No.480214
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>> No.480215

They have portable ones

>> No.480216

Enjoy having your account hacked and thousands of copies of Twilight added to it.

>> No.480220


ladies and gentlemen, i give you: a person brainwashed by simple corporate marketing

>> No.480221

>implying you wont have to register a new account and make new purchases
delicious DRM

>> No.480227

Comparing the e-reader to the printing press is like comparing Twilight to Dracula.

>> No.480229


Lol now I know why you stick to paper, you're retarded. That's not how ereaders work. Your books you buy are stored on your computer and online from the company you buy. You can redownload them as many times as you want.

Paper luddites really don't know anything, do they?

>> No.480237

ITT: E-readerfags have insecurities.

>> No.480239

>implying a palm sized solar power cell would be enough to power an ereader
>implying you could hold it steady long enough to turn the thing on
>implying that having to do this and only being able to do so in the bright sunlight of the afternoon is better than a book

>> No.480240

>Comparing the e-reader to the printing press is like comparing Twilight to Dracula.

This is the worst comparison of all time. You have failed. Exactly what I would expect from a fool who still uses paper books.

>> No.480243

>implying the company won't make you buy them again

You actually trust people, don't you? Here, put your hand in this active garbage disposal. It won't hurt, I promise.

>> No.480245

>implying that they do not use a lot of power

>> No.480247

butthurt twilightfag detected.

>> No.480250

Hai Gaise, I sure am enjoying my paper novel that I didn't have to recharge

>> No.480251

>ITT: E-readerfags have insecurities.

You're joking, right? Because so far this thread has been nothing but paper guys crying because their precious paper is obsolete and they can't afford ereaders yet. Kind of sad really.

>> No.480254

>implying Amazon has not kept its promise

>> No.480255

>On July 17, 2009, Amazon.com withdrew certain Kindle titles, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, from sale, refunded the cost to those who had purchased them, and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
>and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
Welcome to the future.

>> No.480257

No, this thread has been you bragging about how big your e-penis is and everyone trolling you.

>> No.480258


All I sees is every e-readerfag desperately trying to get everyone else to join in on their new fad and bookfags being all meh.

>> No.480259


I have a contract with the company I bought my books from. It's in the EULA I agreed to, all those books are mine for life. I'm sorry if you can't accept reality, but that's the way it is.

>> No.480263

Look: I use an eReader and paper books still. I don't see why people get so upset over which way people want to read. I use eReader when I don't want to lug around huge books, or I can't find hardback copies (which happens quite a bit). And sometimes a paperback is just nicer to read.

Why does it matter what people want to use? Why fight over it?

>> No.480264


derp and also not read at all because or wait, not even exist since in the distant past we didn't even exist. Your logic is flawed. I really hope you are trolling.

>> No.480266


This. No one can take my copy of 1984. Safely on my shelf.

>> No.480269


Then read the thread. The paperfags have been bawwing since the beginning.

>> No.480270

>he actually thinks that they're going to respect the contract!


>> No.480273

No, you have been bawwwing because you've had the shit trolled out of you.

>> No.480274
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>He thinks they can legally ignore a contract without facing a class action lawsuit.

>> No.480277
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>paper is obsolete


Fuck you wheelfags. Why do you still ride bikes and cars? I own a fucking hoverboard!

>> No.480279
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>> No.480280

And who is to say this wont happen to articles in the newspapers they are starting to provide on these services

>> No.480282

>I got troll but now I'm going to claim I was trolling you all along when I was just pretending to be trolled earlier

>> No.480286

>he thinks the corperation has to be afraid of some poor peasant they cheated out of his money


>> No.480287

I'll get an e-reader if they jack the price down to about $10.
Fuck paying anything more than that.

>> No.480290


Because they have the license to sell those articles and magazines. If not, you just buy from the person who actually does have the license.

>> No.480291

Yes, you were trolled. How does it feel, bitch?

>> No.480292



yeah you're clearly the big dawg here ey

>> No.480293

well Amazon seems to think it has the right to deny its employees the right to form a Union, so who knows.

>> No.480294


>> No.480297

ITT: illogical flaming on both sides.

>> No.480300
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In This Post: Teh truth

>> No.480301

How do you know I've been trolled? Trolls trolling trolls is a well-known 4chan passtime.

>> No.480302
File: 26 KB, 268x312, SuccessfulTrollisSuccessful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this thread go down in history as the glorious day when ereader master race trolled the shit out of the paper plebes. At least the paperfags admitted they got trolled hard >>480055

>> No.480305

No, the e-readerfags were the ones being trolled.

>> No.480308


Paperfags admitted to being trolled.

>> No.480309


I have an mp3 player but it's not one made by apple that forces me to install shitty software on my computer (see itunes). Also the first "ipod" ever built was made in the 70's but it didn't pass the prototype phase because it could only hold like 4 songs at best and how the fuck would you download music into it.

>> No.480312

The only side being illogical are the e-readerfags who refuse to accept the simple truth. That they're all jews.

>> No.480315


u mad

>> No.480321

u jew?

>> No.480323

I'm looking through the devices on wikipedia
ipad, kindle, sony reader all have internal batteries
barns & noble nook has a replaceable battery
softbook is ambiguous
irex, kobo, hanlin, flepia, eslick, elonex, cool-er, bookeen, alex reader do not say

Conclusion: enjoy your designed obsolescence.

>> No.480327


you will still have to pay for a new ereader, douchebag.

>> No.480328


But I have the Nook. I can replace the battery anytime. Can even hack it and get mobile internet for free.

>> No.480329


is the ipad really meant to be an ereader? That shit costs like 500$ and is inferior to much cheaper netbooks.

>> No.480330

No we won't. The company will replace lost e-readers for free! They're good people like that! They love me, and think I'm special and will do whatever I tell them to because they LOVE ME, THE CUSTOMER! AND MY DAD COULD BEAT UP YOUR DAD!

>> No.480331

What? I don't think you quite understood. Suppose someone brings a defamation suite and the article or articles are removed until its settled, and permanently removed if he wins?
Or suppose the government decides to crack down on opposition and has critical information removed?

>> No.480333


No, the iPad is just a big iPhone with no phone. You could use it to read books if you want, but it doesn't have an e-ink display, so you'd get eyestrain just like a laptop. Plus the battery life is a fraction of what an ereader has.

>> No.480335

good luck buying books for your ereader that you already owned in paper format. OH WAIT, people who own an ereader just got into "reading" when they bought it but they don't really enjoy literature and barely even read because they're a bunch of hipster faggots.

>> No.480337


And what if space aliens attack and kill everyone who owns a portable electronic device? What if it turns out that the movie Johnny Mnemonic is real and you get a disease from using ereaders, cellphone and laptops? What if what if what if?

>> No.480338

but it starts with a lowercase i! it must be superior!

>> No.480341


>you will still have to pay for a new ereader, douchebag.

to read books they already bought! lol

>> No.480344

iPhone also has built in battery, so its the same outcome

>> No.480347


So it's just a worthless expensive piece of crap? Why am I not suprised?

>> No.480348


Why you buy a book twice if you already own it? You paperfags are every bit as stupid as everyone said you were.

>> No.480353

>What if it turns out that the movie Johnny Mnemonic is real and you get a disease from using ereaders, cellphone and laptops?
>What if it turns out that [...] you get a disease from using [...] cellphones
You do, its called cancer.

>> No.480355

What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody who owns books is going to buy them again for a fucking e-reader. Except hipsters like you, but they aren't people.

>> No.480356


Nope, years of science have never shown a link between cellphones and increased cancer risk in humans.

>> No.480357

way to not read the post, dumbfuck

>> No.480358

You just went full retard. Go read those posts again and think about what you did wrong.

>> No.480360


like you hipster losers say:

huuuurr cuz i dun wunt to carry around 5 books whever I go! Duuuuuurr!! Point me to the direction of the closest penis so I can suck it!! deeeeerp!

Like you need to carry more than 2 books at the same time.

>> No.480361

u mad

>> No.480364

I think you should take your own advice under consideration, friend-o.

>> No.480368

ebooks fail because they don't last as long as real books. There are books that last for centuries, I doubt ereaders even last a decade.

>> No.480380

i never read books on ereaders, except when i'm on a subway or something. i'd use a reader to read documents etc that i can't be bothered to print out.

so real books for "reading," ereader for occupying time on the subway etc due to portability plus reading pdfs etc without using a laptop

>> No.480388
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>> No.480392

The biggest pro of ereaders is that you can legally download old books for free. It can save you a lot of cash in the long run, and allow you to buy more recent works.

Books IMO do have more personality although it's overrated, just look prettier and feels better, but the contents are the same wich is what really matters.

>> No.480407

you can't put an e-reader on a shelf. no aesthetics.

>> No.480411


Your logic is flawed. Please consider the following analogy:

By your logic when it comes to steaks it doesn't matter if you eat it at a restaurant with people who know how to cook it well or in some shitty place where they will most likely fuck up and you end up eating a shitty steak because all it matters is that you're eating a steak.

>> No.480417


that's pretty much how cancer got to /lit/. Oh and twilight bullshit. But most people on /lit/ will ignore twilight trollan.

>> No.480422

Fuck e-readers. Nothing beats laying back on your bed, propping your head up and turning some pages before you go to sleep.

If I wanted to read off of a fucking screen, I'd use my PC or laptop.

Fuck off e-book readers >:(

>> No.480437


but ereaders read just like real paper :(

oh wait they still suck.

>> No.480443

paper doesn't make my eyes hurt

>> No.480448

ebooks basically emulate 500 year old technology. What's the point?

>> No.480452


yes it does. Paper cuts hurt like shit imagine a papercut in the eye. Oh shit!

>> No.480459

gotta be pretty stupid to get a papercut on your eye

>> No.480462


or bored. Just imagine paper sliding in your retina. Ouch.

>> No.480468

Through all the rambling itt I'm still confused as to why paper readers are so hurt that ereaders will take over, It is an inevitability.

Ebooks surpassed paper sales on Amazon last christmas.


You remind me of people who shun Mp3's and still buy CD's beacse they liek taking a CD out and putting it in a CD draw.

>> No.480479

people are stupid, and buy crappy files instead of real books. now go away.

>> No.480497

All you ereader advocates are forgetting one important fact. When the nuclear apocalypse comes and there is no more electricity your silly ereaders will be worth nothing. Be smart, read paper books, you never know when the nuclear holocaust will come.

>> No.480509




my hipster radar is beeping

>> No.480514


I use mp3 and still buy CD's. You know the thing is, I can rip the songs from the CDs I buy into my mp3 player.

>> No.480520


>on amazon

how about the rest of the book stores? derp

>> No.480524


So ebooks are the best unless a fictional event happens that makes paper better. Got it.

>> No.480530

>Bookstores cannot survive the eReader onslaught that's coming. They are the modern equivalent of an ice delivery company after home refrigerators were invented. If I were in charge of the company, I would embrace the iPad and Kindle with self-published educational books and software and close all unprofitable stores, one by one, until there are only a few left.
>embrace the iPad

>> No.480543

>how about the rest of the book stores? derp

Wait until next year. Barnes and Noble just released their own ereader. By this Christmas, the top book sellers will all be doing more business in ebooks than regular books. Within 5 years, they'll be phasing out expensive paper books for more profitable ebooks. It's what the majority of readers want.

>> No.480545



lololol North Korea will flip out some day. Just wait.

>> No.480549


Let them. NK's missiles can't reach anywhere in America except the Western most uninhabited island chains in Alaska.

>> No.480556


>Implying ereaders won't die out like any other shitty fad.

>> No.480559


Just like paper and the printing press died out. They were just fads. Papyrus and clay tablets will always be superior.

>> No.480562

The United States does NOT constitute the entirety of the world.

In Australia, we have not embraced e-book readers, and hopefully never will.

>> No.480566


What a moron. The printing press made books accessible to the general public. How is something that emulates a medium we already have for 500 years not a fad?

>> No.480571


This. He's a fag for just mentioning american bookstores. I live in europe. Hah!

>> No.480573


And ebooks makes books more accesible too. I can access bookstores from anywhere in the country. I can carry around a small library. That's the hallmark of a new and superior technology, it gives advantages over the previous technology. That why ebooks are destined to become the norm. Denying it is kind of ridiculous. It's already happening.

>> No.480580

if you have an e-reader. which makes you a faggot

>> No.480581

ereaders: mp3 players
books: cds

>> No.480583


ereaders cost too much for something that just shows text. Yeah great job on making books more accessible. Douchebag. I have a library at home, I don't need to carry a fuckton of books with me. I usually carry the book I'm reading at the time.

>> No.480586


>implying you can't rip music from a cd into an mp3 player.


>> No.480594


even if ereaders become the norm (see: failed technologies of the past) it won't really kill printed books. But you know that's a big IF.

>> No.480595


> ereaders cost too much for something that just shows text.

Even the least capable models do more than that. The point is that they do more than just emulate books.

>> No.480599


What's the point? A cheaper laptop can do even more. I'm talking about books here, not capabilities.

>> No.480607

yeah, like show off how pretentious you are

>> No.480609


Laptops are 10 times the size of an ereader and have 1/10th the battery life. Plus they don't even have e-ink displays for proper reading.

>> No.480614

proper reading is reading from a page of paper

>> No.480615


Name calling, the lowest form of argumentation and the refuge of the weak. If you can't argue with facts, don't bother. You don't have a point.

>> No.480619


Proper reading is reading from whatever medium the word is on.

>> No.480621

you're a faggot

>> No.480624


not netbooks you faggot.

>> No.480625


Again the paper defenders resort to name calling because they can't use facts to defend their illogical hatred of the new reading medium.

>> No.480628


bahaha I like the fact that you bring your pseudo-intellectual crap into an informal anonymous imageboard. It only proves how much of gigantic douchebag you are.

>> No.480630


Netbooks don't have e-ink displays. And they're still far larger and more clumsy than an ereader.

>> No.480631

>no facts
>lost the argument
>as obsolete as paper books
>resorts to name calling

>> No.480632

but you are a faggot. i'm using facts.

>> No.480634


are you that fucking stupid? We were talking about the price and you said it does more than display text. I said to do more than that I would buy a laptop. If eReaders are just good at showing text they shouldn't be so expensive in the first place.

>> No.480641

you honestly expect some braindead e-reader user to understand even basic concepts?

>> No.480644


>defends a redundant gadget
>acts all superior and pseudo-intellectual
>has no real arguments
>redundant and useless as ereaders
>resorts to being a douche

>> No.480645


They do more than display text. You'd know that if you weren't so stupid you could only afford old fashioned paper books that don't do anything but sit on your shelf getting moldy.

>> No.480646


At first I did but now I'm getting tired of it.

>> No.480649


You clearly don't know jack shit about how computers work.

>> No.480652


>old fashioned

the majority of people still reads on paper.

>> No.480653

Like fucking what? You would probably explain if your brain wasn't rotten from staring at your precious ereader for hours on end without actually reading anything.

>> No.480659

books only sit on shelves if you don't read them. unlike you, i actually read books.

>> No.480660


I think he's just insecure because he dumped +200$ on a gadget made to read books.

>> No.480664


>books only sit on shelves if you don't read them. unlike you, i actually read books.

This. I also take good care of my books. I even have old paperbacks in perfect condition.

>> No.480680

I enjoy both my e-reader and physical books.

The e-reader is great for reading on the go (waiting for a movie to start, grabbing some grub, waiting on car pool to arrive and leave work and the ride home and to work, etc.) however when I am chilling at the house with the sole intention of reading I prefer to read a book.

I would say I get more use out of my e-reader than a physical tome due to its portability to be honest though.

>> No.480685

You can do the same thing be bringing a book with you. And you'll get more respect.

>> No.480697

What a pointless fucking thread.

>> No.480699


Nah, bro. I read beefy books and a slim, lite e-reader is a lot easier to handle as opposed to keeping a thick ass paperback or hardback on hand.

>You'll get more respect

Actually I get a lot of people that ask me about the little device. I got a Sony Pocket reader and it looks pretty slick.
That is a picture of it.

Good thing about it too is that it supports a whole bunch of different file types so that I can get all kinds of free books as opposed to a Kindle.

>> No.480708

They don't care about you. They care about your gadet. And some of them are planning to steal it.

>> No.480726


Never said they did care about me, just said that the device got questions from folk is all.

Not like reading a book will magically make it a better situation as opposed to it being an e-reader.

>> No.480731

If you want real respect, read a book. If you want people planning to steal your $250 e-reader, then, by all means, show off your gizmo.

>> No.480736


>implying people seeing you reading a book in public view you with respect as opposed to viewing you as a giant nerd.

>> No.480744


yeah only nerds read books. Derp what are we even doing in /lit/

>> No.480745

>implying nerds aren't running some of the most successful companies on the planet

What are you, 16?

>> No.480750


Being a big collection of nerds.

Much like the bulk of 4chan.

>> No.480756


>Implying all nerds are successful bastards instead of the vast majority of them being awkward social outcasts.

>> No.480765


Your off by almost 2 decades, skippy

>> No.480769

Who do you think designed your crappy e-readers?

>> No.481284

oh shit overdrive in this thread

>> No.482648


Stephanie Mayer