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File: 94 KB, 400x400, equipped with niggerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4795289 No.4795289 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.
How does it make you feel that one of the greatest horror writers of all time had aspergers? Could any other aspie pull off being a published writer?

>> No.4795313


why do all authors pose with their cats

>> No.4795312

Lovecraft didn't have Aspergers.

He was racist, destitute, prone to illness, a recluse, passive, but not autistic.

>> No.4795317

>greatest horror writers

At least you admit he was shit.

>> No.4795319

>Why does everyone who ever owned a cat have pictures with their cat?

I don't think Lovecraft was autistic, but you are.

>> No.4795324
File: 22 KB, 545x443, Jack_Vance_pets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to show they have cats.

>> No.4795327
File: 243 KB, 404x507, 1391340699726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggerman is no ordinary cat.

>> No.4795346

I've seen him listed on 'Famous people with Aspergers' before along with other mentions of him being associated with it somewhere. Oh well. Is there any author at all that probably has it?

>> No.4795363

Aspergers only exists because there is plastic and estrogen everywhere and women are having kids in their 30's. The modern victim classes are slowly trying to coopt history in order to not feel so bad. There will come a day where Bill Clinton is claimed as a black man.

>> No.4795381

Why do you think Aspergers is a political political construct and not an actual mental deficiency?

>> No.4795407

Allegedly had Aspergers died of interstitial cancer, perhaps there is a link? Never mind I might simply be butthurt.

>> No.4795417

Why do you think damaged genes due to environmental factors are a double-political construct?

>> No.4795423

>avoiding the question

Are you just spouting random pseudo science at this point?

>> No.4795426

So much this.

>> No.4795454

So you just think it's magically more apparent now for no reason? Okay. I have already stated why it's occurring, you're just mad and want other prominent figures to also be spergs.

>> No.4795459

i generally assume most writers are mentally retarded

>> No.4795487

Thomas Ligotti, whom some people call the modern Lovecraft (he's certainly as obscure today as HP was back in his day, and yet fervently admired by his small group of fans) once said:

>Let's say it once and for all: Poe and Lovecraft - not to mention a Bruno Schulz or a Franz Kafka - were what the world at large would consider extremely disturbed individuals. And most people who are that disturbed are not able to create works of fiction. These and other names I could mention are people who are just on the cusp of total psychological derangement. Sometimes they cross over and fall into the province of 'outsider artists.' That's where the future development of horror fiction lies - in the next person who is almost too emotionally and psychologically damaged to live in the world but not too damaged to produce fiction.

>> No.4795492

incidence rates might have increased, but there's little chance it's completely new. a lot of the contributive factors (like prenatal stress/immunological-compromise) have been around forever. i would guess the number one factor is people now actually give a shit about mental health + we don't throw retarded babies straight into the bin (majority of diagnosed autists are retarded in the literal medical sense). go back 50 years and your aspie uncle would have just been that weird dude that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

as for lovecraft, who gives a shit. most writers have something wrong with them. normally people don't voluntarily spend their days sitting around, writing down their feelings.

the real question is this: why is the horror genre so unilaterally dog-shit?

>> No.4795498

I don't know are you one of those

>reading for plot


>> No.4795501

>The modern victim classes are slowly trying to coopt history in order to not feel so bad.

This. It's like those morons who take fictional characters and give them Meyers Briggs codes so they can say "I'm just like Sherlock!"

The fact of the matter is Lovecraft didn't have Aspergers because Aspergers didn't exist until well after he was dead-- and now Aspergers is being removed from the DSM-V, so it's an outdated term, like saying your girlfriend suffers from hysteria.

>> No.4795519

nah. i was just joshing anyway. i mean there's a lot of dog-shit horror, but it's the same with any form of genre fiction. shit by the numbers.

asperger's isn't being removed. it's being amalgamated with high-functioning autism. when the DSM-IV was composed it was thought that the two were separate disorders (with aspies thought to not show language delays + some other shit), but later research hasn't found any clear, consistent distinctions.

>> No.4795559

Yes, I'm sure a lot of other writers had made-up mental illnesses too

>> No.4795655

>aspergers is made-up
Just because you don't get to blame your social problems on Aspies doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.4795677

its just autism now