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/lit/ - Literature

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4789932 No.4789932 [Reply] [Original]

So I wrote that on Google Keep the way home on the bus when I realised I wanted to fulfil my potential in life (I don't know what that would consist of). It should come up with a reminder every morning.

I do STEM in uni and get near perfect grades but I don't give a shit about it anymore. What would you guys say is your greatest achievement? I literally have nothing to say to that question.

And when I go to Tesco or see anyone I have a superiority complex over them despite not being special. Is this a good thing?

I'm also worried that pop-music might be pleb shit that's used to control the masses.

Or am I the pleb here?

>> No.4789960

>4chan is for plebs
>Posts this shitty thread on 4chan
>Or am I the pleb here?


>> No.4789983
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not remotely literature related, bye.

>> No.4789989

This is absolutely correct

And yet you're here posting it

We're all fucked

(Honestly the only reason I do any of those things is because I have no friends and would likely go insane without any kind of human contact. If I actually knew anyone I liked I could handle it)

>> No.4789997

>STEM major
>calls others plebs

>> No.4790002


I don't like my subject though. In the UK you can't switch. They are plebs

>> No.4790040
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>> No.4790041

Yes you can you moron. You'll have to start at the beginning of the course, but you can switch your degree.

god, you're a fucking idiot.