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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 183x275, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4787263 No.4787263 [Reply] [Original]

Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.4787268
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>> No.4787289


>> No.4787292


>> No.4787296

I liked him but never jizzed over his books like most people do. Then again, I'm one of those wankers who think Cholera beats 100 Years, so what do I know.

RIP in peace.

>> No.4787302


Stop that. He's still alive.

>> No.4787311
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RIP in Pieces you wonderful bastard. We will miss you ;_;

>> No.4787312


I'm a spic. It's all over the news down here.

>> No.4787319

looks like this time is for real

>> No.4787320

Oh, god. I'm actually crying. No...

>> No.4787325

i'm peruvian, and i'm getting drunk in his honor, i just finished rereading Cien Años de Soledad and fuck, this shit happens

>> No.4787326

Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez dies at 87
Yahoo News-2 minutes ago

>> No.4787327
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>> No.4787333


No. Fucking hell. ;_;

>> No.4787334

This is worthy of a sticky.

>> No.4787335
File: 888 KB, 1283x1010, garcia-marquez1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stickie this thread please

Gabo is kill T_T

>> No.4787336

Time to give him another look.

captcha: was fablesa

>> No.4787342

Did gabo was popular among non-spanish speaking countries?

>> No.4787343

This is worthy of a spicky.

>> No.4787344


>> No.4787345

Who the fuck is that guy?

>> No.4787348

Uwot m8

>> No.4787349


>> No.4787350


Although saying "I didn't like 100 Years" makes you look like an asshole from where I'm from.

>> No.4787352

colombian here.
is real.

I will never met him and show him my unity rpg based on macondo.
Why do I'm still alive.

>> No.4787353


Roughly translated:

MÉXICO, D.F., (proceso.com.mx).- Literature Novel laureate gabriel García Márquez passed away this Thursday afternoon in the D.F.

On April 3rd the Colombian writer was hospitalized (...) due to dehydration and an infection in his lungs and urinary tract. Last tuesday his relatives reported that "his condition is stable, but he's very frail and there's risk of complications due to his age." Rumours that García Márquez had cancer were refuted.

>> No.4787354
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>> No.4787359

ecuadorian here, tonight we drink for Gabo

>> No.4787366

gabo is kill ;_;

>> No.4787375


>> No.4787376

>unity rpg based on maconodo

Fuck, i guess he'd like that.

>> No.4787380

Bolivian here.
My favourite book was that one about the Colonel. He was an amazing writer.

>> No.4787401

who cares we all gonna die
its not like he was better then me or anybody else

>> No.4787402

Tonight all my drinks are to you, Gabo. Rest in peace, you magical being.

>> No.4787407

he was the only nobel my country has.
so pls die.

>> No.4787409


Take your cringey shit out of here faggot

>> No.4787411


>its not like he was better then me or anybody else

but he was better than you, who the fuck are you?

>> No.4787416

He is already inmortal.

>> No.4787423

>not being sad at Gabo's death

>> No.4787431

>sad that someone died
>immediately tells someone to die

Well, this *was* a worthwhile thread for a time, anyway.

>> No.4787434

Yes he was, dipshit.

>> No.4787437
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Well, at least he got the Nobel.

>> No.4787442

RIP in pieces, Marquez. You died from cholera while making love. A good way to go...

It pains me to say that I've never read his works. Honestly, it feels like I've been living a hundred years of solitude.

I'm sad and shocked. But why? I should have seen it coming. It was, after all, a chronicle of a death foretold...

>> No.4787443

>request for sticky

There were already two threads of /lit/ at its worst on this
Way to go

>> No.4787446
File: 6 KB, 196x257, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not becoming reactionary like Borges
>not trying to be like Borges

>> No.4787449

You suck at this.

>> No.4787452

Official GGM power level rankings

1- Cien años de soledad
2- Del amor y otros demonios
3- His short stories, those were awesome
4- El amor en los tiempos del cólera
5- His writings as a journalist in the 60s-70s, those are often ignored, but there is a copilation published
6- Crónica de una muerte anunciada

>> No.4787453

I can be both.

Also, romantic, but nobody wants to see that.

>> No.4787457

I know a femanon when I see one. Get the fuck out. Back to Tumblr.

>> No.4787456

Now that /lit/ is basically shut down for the week to have this spasm about the dearly departed, can you at least keep it to under five threads? There are four already. Please.

>> No.4787458

Please kill yourself.

>> No.4787460

Get raped, slut. Go back to watching Adventure Time or whatever it is you do.

>> No.4787461

>no ha leído el otoño del patriarca
>cree que su opinión vale un carajo

>> No.4787462

Fuck you.

>> No.4787466

Is that what your daddy said while pointing at his cock?

In other news, it is a sad time, and my mind is flooded with Memories of My Melancholy Whores.

>> No.4787484

kek. nice dubs.

>> No.4787485


We need a fucking sticky to contain the homage. Where're the fucking mods when you need em.

>> No.4787489

>Where're the fucking mods when you need em.
Being fascists on /pol/

>> No.4787492

His death is a tragedy. Alas, he never got to finish the sequel to 'Love in the Time of Cholera', 'Love in the Time of AIDS'.

>> No.4787496
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take this haters

>> No.4787499


>> No.4787500

Just read the news. Fuck.

One of my favorite authors. Thanks for the wisdom and the books you wonderful South American treasure.

>> No.4787504

My sides

>> No.4787505

You're not alone, partner. I'm one of those wankers too.

>> No.4787507
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>> No.4787508

There's a Leaf Storm outside right now. Seems oddly pertinent... This is what happens when No One Writes to the General. I drink to you, Gabo, for now we are in Evil Hour. RIP.

>> No.4787516
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>> No.4787521

Yeah, what the fuck? No Gabo sticky but last week I get banned for posting an 1800s French nude painting because this board is blue?

Do your fucking jobs you slobs.

>> No.4787527

Yes. He was hugely popular in the US and much of Europe.

>> No.4787529

Make it a sticky

>> No.4787531


>> No.4787537

apology for poor english
when were you when gabo was kill?
i was sat at beach walking by when internet said
'gabo is kill'

>> No.4787543

I'm a girl and I liked 100 Years of Lonliness or whatever

I'm depressed ;)

>> No.4787545

Goodnight Gabi, wherever you are.

>> No.4787549

>no ha leído el otoño del patriarca

>> No.4787550


>> No.4787553

is gabo famous there?

>> No.4787555

I was in my room on my computer crying. When I saw the news I continued to cry.

>> No.4787557

Well he was better than you anyway, but that's a long list with about 7 billion names on it.

>> No.4787558

Right-wing cunt finally died.
We are having a fiesta here in Bogota right now to celebrate his passing.

>> No.4787559

Todo este thread deberia estar en castellano

>mfw the translation to english of One Hundred Years of Solitude sucks

>> No.4787561

It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams...

RIP Gabo, you beatufil bastard ;_;

>> No.4787567
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This is the first time I shed a tear for the death of someone I didn't know. Shit, I love his fucking books.

Descansá en piezas Gabo, y gracias por los grandes momentos.

>> No.4787570
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Wrote a poem about him for a class last year. Not very good, but I figured now is an appropriate time to post it.

Coffee with Gabriel García Márquez

I found myself at a
Starbucks in downtown
getting coffee with Gabriel
García Márquez. He looked
old, but not nearly as old
as he should be. He ordered us
two grande straight black coffees—
the kind you could feel staining
your teeth and coating
your throat on
the way down. It was fairly
embarrassing, as he kept on reading and
re-reading the Starbucks Fair Trade Agreement
poster, and ruefully chuckling
to himself
all the while.
He had appeared
in the stall next to me, with a bang
that filled the bathroom with
the thick aroma of oregano
and begonias. He noisily
relieved himself, then pounded
at my door asking
if I’d be all day.

Over coffee, he was animatedly
chatting about how modern literature
needed a resurrección, but I was
distracted by the
yellow butterflies that kept
crawling in and out
of his shirt cuffs and collar.
“So,” he was wrapping it up,
“La cosa más importante,
is that you see with eyes both
and clairvoyant.” Márquez
slammed his cardboard cup
on the coffee table
conclusively, squashing a
rogue butterfly that had
ventured too far
out of the safety of Márquez’s
right cuff.
I blinked twice. He
sighed, then gestured as if
to whisper something
into my ear. I lean
real close, then he leaps
across the coffee table
headfirst, and enters my
I’m annoyed, bordering
on angry at Márquez,
when I realize my eyes hurt.
I rub them, then
look around.
The Starbucks frother
roared like
dragon fire, a man with
the languid look of one who
weeps in private was relating
a crude joke to a sturdy woman, whose
harsh laughter split through the
coffee house like broken
glass. A businesswoman
ordering a five-dollar coffee has a face
reminiscent of an anorexic iguana,
and I see the kids and husband
that she will not go home to.
A homeless man
to my left is mumbling
nonsense of the most profound
nature, and I see the kid he used to
be, the man he is now, and everything
that he could be, all superimposed
on top of each other. But more
than anything, I see every person
in this Starbucks as sparks on a
dark canvas, shimmering with all
the incandescent, triumphant beauty of
a human life, but simultaneously
ephemeral and ultimately tragic,
and solitary, above all else, solitary.
And although I have not
seen Gabriel García Márquez
after that
particular episode, on
some days
when I strain
my senses, I can still hear
the whisper of butterfly wings
on begonia-scented

>> No.4787571

once a bytch always a bytch

cry more fag haha

>> No.4787575

who gives a fuck? he should've thrown that hot grande black coffee right in your face, you fag.

>> No.4787579

You kidding me? It's *literally* known as some of the greatest translation work ever done. Some have even said it improved the novel.

>> No.4787581

Now that I know he won't write anything else and won't miss anything, it's a good time to start.

>tfw McCarthy just wont die, I want to read blood meridian

>> No.4787583

From what I've read, I find Marquez to be a better writer than Borges. Would you agree?

>> No.4787587

Márquez himself said that. lawl

>> No.4787589

Not at all. Borges is superior, specially in spanish.

>> No.4787590

10/10 anti-formalist proem

thank you

>> No.4787592

Definitely. I mean, look at the Nobels. How many did Borges win?

>> No.4787594
File: 26 KB, 560x384, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De noche es cuando empiezo a escribir...

>> No.4787600

i don't read much poetry but i really like this and it is very fitting.

>> No.4787602
File: 27 KB, 400x260, jaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No digas pendejadas Gabo, que nos van a pillar.

>> No.4787603


>> No.4787605
File: 32 KB, 280x396, vargas_llosa_postcard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this guy called Marquez "Castro's courtesan" and punched him in the face in a bar after giving him a bad review.

do you think llosa is sad today

>> No.4787607

Borges was too famous to win a Nobel, they're a hipster central over there.

Gabo was pretty unknown when he won it.

>> No.4787608

why are there so many pictures of him giving the finger?

>> No.4787613

I like to think that he hated him as a person, but admired the writer and his work.

>> No.4787615
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>Gabo was pretty unknown when he won it.

what in the flying fuck

>> No.4787616
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Cállense los dos carajo, shhhh.

>> No.4787618




>> No.4787619

how fucking new are you

>> No.4787621

who cares, really? let's be honest, his best work was already far behind him, he had receded into irrelevance, and it's not like he would've written anything worthwhile ever again.

in any case, i hope he's doing the cucaracha in heaven now.

>> No.4787622

Nigger writer wrote nigger books.

>> No.4787624

There's got to be some sort of joke about him ascending into heaven somewhere.

>> No.4787625

Being published doesn't mean he wasn't pretty unknown to most people.

>> No.4787626


Marquez isnt better than Borges, but it was way more "accesible". Marquez books were complex and had intrincate stories, but he always used simplistic concepts and ideas, so even if you didnt read many books, you could grab Cien años de Soledad and understand it.

Borges stories look simpler, but they have so many references to other books, so many theories and details, a simple reader could never understand after just 1 or 2 tries. He wrote in another level, were the common man couldnt reach.

>> No.4787628

este gringo no tiene una puta idea

>> No.4787629


La realidad se me está haciendo demasiado mágica...

>> No.4787631
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''Borges was never awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, something which continually distressed the writer''

>> No.4787633

Fuck I saw this coming everyone knew this would happen but still is a big loss rest in peace

>> No.4787634

He was certainly well known for the Nobel comittee

>> No.4787635

I've read both versions, and I cant tell you the english version is as good as a translation can get. It has the same effect on me as the original, couldn't stop reading it till the end.

>> No.4787637
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>> No.4787642
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Donde estarán los maestros...

>> No.4787640


Solo porque lo dije en ingles, no quiere decir que sea gringo. Y tengo razon.

He was, in the same degree that for example Laxness was. It's the sort of author that gets around in some literary circles but not to the general public at first.
Borges was widely known and appreciated.

>> No.4787644
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One Hundred Years of Solitude is the first piece of literature since the Book of Genesis that should be required reading for the entire human race. Mr. García Márquez has done nothing less than to create in the reader a sense of all that is profound, meaningful, and meaningless in life.
— William Kennedy, New York Times Book Review

>> No.4787647
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Pues tomando el sol, y viendo las olas...

La verga con los jóvenes. Han dejado las letras y dicen que ahora usan la espada para los gringos.

>> No.4787648

the mods here are the fucking worst

>> No.4787649
File: 448 KB, 500x275, 324423543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit, I knew he went to the hospital, but hoped he was doing better since he went home.

Sad day. He was a fine writer.

>> No.4787653

It was because Gabo tried to screw Vargas Llosa's wife.

>> No.4787654


>Gabo was pretty unknown when he won it

actually this is half true. Marquez is well know for being one of the first writers in the history to win a Nobel just for one book. (100 years of solitude). But the rest of his books helped too.

>Borges was too famous to win a Nobel, they're a hipster central over there

Borges didnt win the Nobel because he was an asshole who supported the death of commies and innocent people on Argentina. Is well know that was the excuse of the academy to not award him. But he deserved by far win one.




>> No.4787660

source pls, this amuses me

>> No.4787661
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Los gringos no sabrían lo que es américa, aunque les abofeteara en la cara.

>> No.4787664

I've heard it was thank to Pinochet

>> No.4787665

>he was an asshole who supported the death of commies and innocent people on Argentina


>> No.4787668
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>> No.4787669

I'm not a japanese neither a weebo.
try again.

>> No.4787677
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Well... Maybe he should have punched his wife instead... If you know what I mean...

>> No.4787676

>ser así de idiota

>> No.4787679

Llosa es un mamon, un quejoso, un engreido, un egoista, un ninho, y un incapaz de dejar de lado las preferencias personales.

Yo he estaba en el mismo hotel cuando le dijeron que Marquez habia muerto. No dijo nada, pero se nota que no le importaba.

Hijo de puta. Pero aca todo el mundo actua como si fuera gran cosa solo porque gano el nobel por motivos politicos.

>> No.4787685
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>> No.4787688


LEL but seriously, I think it was because Vargas was let down because of the review. Before that incident in the bar, Mario was the biggest Gabo fanboy, even borderline cultic.

His thesis was a study on Gabo and his whole literary student days was spent trying to be like Gabo. He had a big mancrush on the guy, and when Gabo gave that crushing review, he wasn't one to stand down. Alas, that big dent on Gabo's face.

>> No.4787690

Rip in pace freddy mercury killed all those nazis back in nam such a hero.

>> No.4787692

Also because feast of the goat and war at the end of the world and the time of the hero were god tier books

>> No.4787695
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What a sad day, I grew up reading his books.

Why he didn't learn alchemy and learned how to live forever?

>> No.4787697
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Siempre que veo ésto lloro

>> No.4787699




>> No.4787700
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>> No.4787704

Nobody will cry for Llosa though. Well, maybe not that much. I love his books but Mario looks and sounds like an absolute twat.

>> No.4787705

Maybe this is good but I stopped reading at Starbucks and I doubt it.

>> No.4787717


Pues si usted comprendió algo de lo que escribían Nicanor, y todos ellos, no debería llorar... Al final la muerte es otro viaje...

>> No.4787718

Yeah, sure, but I doubt he was all for killing and kidnappings, etc. That wasn't really widely known at the time.

You have to have in mind Borges' family was military, he often speaks proudly of his relative that served in the 1800's, and he was highly traditionalist, right wing.
The montoneros weren't babies either, and they used plenty of force themselves, so I understand his support for that.

It's not all black and white.

>> No.4787720

He was better than each one of us here, anon. He already reached immortality in his books.

And you?

>> No.4787721

Maybe he did
"Mario strayed. He fell in love with a beautiful Swedish air stewardess whom he met while travelling. He left his wife and moved to Stockholm.

Distraught, his wife Patricia went to see her husband’s best friend, Gabriel. After discussing the matter with his wife, Mercedes, he advised Patricia to divorce Mario. And then he consoled her. No one else quite knows what form this consolation took…. Eventually Mario returned to his wife, who told him of Gabriel’s advice to her, and of his consolation."


>> No.4787722
File: 17 KB, 232x326, oh my labyrinths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a coincidence that his right-eye worked better than the left one

>> No.4787724
File: 81 KB, 400x394, 600full-julio-cortazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le estoy escuchando...

>> No.4787726


por lo menos Nicanor gano el Cervantes... algo es algo.

>> No.4787725

Yo no lloro por Nicanor, yo lloro por Belano

>> No.4787727

Guess it's time to re read all his books once more. He never finished his autobiography trilogy either...

>> No.4787729

Holy shit my sides

>> No.4787730

And also, according to the article, he was for Videla out of his opposition to Peronismo, which was a sort of dictatorship itself, and in my opinion, still the scourge of Argentina.

>> No.4787733

because no one could stand a hundred years of solitude anon. No one.

>> No.4787737

You can bet that he is writing a column that will say that he's sorry for the death of GGM, but the guy was a communist.

>> No.4787738


Gabriel tapped that ass magical realism style. Vargas Llosa couldn't cum butterflies so he felt inferior.

>> No.4787741
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>> No.4787743

Vale. La fiesta del Chivo la escribio por motivos politicos, y la guerra del fin del mundo es GOD TIER, fine. But so are 100s of other books by other authors. MVL won the Nobel but so many others deserved it before him.

>> No.4787746


i know, but you have to understand the Nobel Academy was always against politic ideas. They saw Borges supporting dictatorship, and the SJW at the time would have gone apeshit if he won the Nobel. Its truly sad, hes the best Spanish writer ever.

>> No.4787747

La Fiesta del Chivo is so bad.

>> No.4787749

>¿Se permiten portugueses en esta fiesta?

Porque, queres traer a tu novio?

>> No.4787744
File: 60 KB, 480x361, 1319826269682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And that is why a man should never marry a woman, nor expect faithfulness from anybody but himself, and sometimes, not even from himself... Because in the end... Is a writer - really - himself?

Y en otro orden de cosas... ¿Se permiten portugueses en esta fiesta?

>> No.4787752
File: 743 KB, 320x240, What (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4787753

>but you have to understand the Nobel Academy was always against politic ideas

You mean against any sort of right wing political ideas. They never had a problem with lefties.

>> No.4787755

>no habla el dialecto argentino

Plebeyo. Agrega la i donde corresponde, si te place.

>> No.4787756


Argentino, de seguro.

Me divierte cómo hablan los argentinos. "Pero es que vos querés que sho traiga a mi pibe, cojonudo?"

>> No.4787757
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Si al final nos encontramos todos con la misma vieja...

>> No.4787759

still haven't read any of his books. definitely not going to be able read them now because he was already the most name dropped/over hyped author while he was alive, i can only imagine what's to come now that he's dead.

>> No.4787760


>> No.4787761


Nunca decimos eso. Seria "boludo" o "pelotudo".

>> No.4787764

argentinos are welcomed.

cualquiera que hable espanhol

>> No.4787765

no, gracias. No me las quiero ver NEGRAS contigo.

>> No.4787767

>name dropped/over hyped author while he was alive
i thought that was mostly Murakami and Dan Brown

>> No.4787769

pretty good, easy to read.
anorexix iguana and the whole black coffee part were great.
was confused at the butterfly part. i had assumed the ones in the cuff/collar were some sort of styling on the inner side of the shirt. did i miss a reference here?

>> No.4787772


Cierto, los cojonudos son los españoles.

>> No.4787773
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Tranquilos, que hay para *casi* todos...

>> No.4787775
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>> No.4787777


Por suerte es un problema que jamas tendrias con un argentino, hermano blanco.

>> No.4787780

I love the word pelotudo.

>mfw teaching an american to curse in Spanish. Its such a beautiful language.

>> No.4787782

quads confirm

>> No.4787785


Me retracto por lo de cojonudo, que ya corrigieron arriba.

Pero de que los argentinos pronuncian ll/y como sh es irrefutable.

>> No.4787787
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>> No.4787789

Actually he died from complications of neumonia and other shit, not from cholera while making love, idiot. I really doubt he could even get a hard on at that age.

>> No.4787791

Pero ni lo escribimos asi, pedazo de infeliz.

>> No.4787792
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>> No.4787794 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4787796

>"Tras las denuncias por las terribles desa-pariciones comenzó a retrotraerse. Con la guerra de las Malvinas se sintió muy dolorido y apenado. Es ya pacifista y anarquista. "

Obviamente no conocia toda la informacion.

Es obvio que Borges ya estaba viejo y de todas formas, hubo bastante tiempo antes del 76 para que le hayan dado el premio, no creo que haya sido por eso.

>> No.4787797


because on those times most of the leftist were killed or oppresed in the western hemisphere. (Lorca, Neruda).

>> No.4787798


entonces cómo querés que sho transmita la pronunciación para los que no hablan argentino, boludo?

>> No.4787800
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Cojonudos = españoles
Vergeros = venezolanos
Boludos = argentinos
Pinche culeros = mexicanos
Mamaguevos = cubanos, puertoriqueños, dominicanos
Puta la wea fome = chilensis

>> No.4787804

huevones = peruanos

>> No.4787805

I am mexico
i was eetin tacos wen see the news
gabo is murder
i say "ay caramba, iepa iepa andale andale"

>> No.4787807

Un viejo sobrevalorado menos.

>> No.4787811

>i say "ay caramba, iepa iepa andale andale"
clearly a gringo.


>> No.4787809

Esto. Los mejores libros de Borges fueron antes que la dictadura:

>Ficciones (1944)
>El Aleph (1949)
>El Libro de arena (1975)

>> No.4787812


Srsly, 100 años de soledad is the book that anglos namedrop to show that they know latin american authors, it's not even THAT good

>> No.4787813




>> No.4787816
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¿Te gustan los espárragos o qué?

>> No.4787818

Is yours all that edge? Are you gonna eat it?

>> No.4787819
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>Nunca leyó a García Marquez

>> No.4787820

Pity. Now, when Pynchon dies, we'll be left with some fucking nasty dregs.

Prepare for the world of literature to go into an ice age, gents.

>> No.4787822


Estoy seguro de que el viejo disfrutaría escribiendo si nadie supiera quien es. Es liberador. Puedes ponerte todas las máscaras que quieras, cambiar de forma, aparecer aquí, allí, allá, más allá, y nadie sabría realmente a quién está leyendo... De esa manera, se valora únicamente lo escrito...

>> No.4787824

Borges > Bolaño = Cortazar > Marquez >>>>>>>>>>>> Llosa

Fixed it for ya

>> No.4787828


Cierto, pero los namefags, nunca jamás te respetarán, jamás. Para ellos, es como hacer trampa...

>> No.4787827

aqui decimos marica, guevon, parce, hijueputa, malparido, triplehijueputa.

aqui seria marica.

>> No.4787830

I have one of those in my house, they are bretty good and basque

>> No.4787831

Just because something is popular it doesn't mean is bad or doesn't deserve it's praise.

100 ADS is a beautiful book and it deserves all the love.

>> No.4787833

He's the only one left.

>> No.4787836

This is the only objective truth

>> No.4787837

Me gusta esa palabra, porque me imagino a un colombiano acelerado diciéndola, con la vena del cuello y la frente hinchada, el sudor goteando, y gritando, mientras las babillas salpican la pantalla. Luego la risa histérica y liberadora...

>> No.4787841

>you will never know when Pynchon dies

>> No.4787843

Disculpa pero utilizo mi tiempo leyendo cosas de calidad como stephen king

>> No.4787848

hah i cant believe how naive lit really is i thought the then was giving it away taht it was a bait but wow

>> No.4787850

He could be dead already and some dude at the publishing house decided to keep using the name.

>> No.4787851
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mexicans will understand

>> No.4787853
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>> No.4787855

¿Artisticamente valorado? tal vez.

¿Una mierda como persona? Sin duda alguna, al fin y al cabo era costeño, dejando el país en cuanto se le presentó la oportunidad.

Un viejo menos, en eso sí estamos de acuerdo.

>> No.4787856

>Implying /lit/ is not full of retards today because of dead Gabo

>> No.4787857

>me la vas a mamar en reversa.

>> No.4787859


>no leyendo ambos

vete a los hilos latinos a hablar de waifus y tu autismo

>> No.4787860

Epic win for anonymous!! xdddd You showed us all :DDDD

>> No.4787863

does anyone have a favorite short story of his? i want to read something by him now but i don't have time to read an entire novel

>> No.4787865
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What the fuck I am reading? I know English is an horrible language but don't destroy it even more.

>> No.4787866
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>yordi rosado (del fundillo)
a quién vergas le importa ese hack asqueroso?

>> No.4787867

"I fucked a bitch, she was my servant and had an smelly cunt" - Gabo, Memories of my sad bitches.

>> No.4787869
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He could be dead already and left a bunch of manuscripts and the owners of his state will keep publishing or selling the rights to make movies....

>> No.4787873

> Crónica de una muerte anunciada
>mfw I read that book and had no idea who the author was
>mfw I haven't read any of the other books
>mfw I have no face
Oh, the guy that that wrote that died? Well, that's sad... I guess. Such is life in normalfagworld.

>> No.4787878

Que coño pasa con vosotros sudacas

>> No.4787880


>> No.4787881

>leer a gabo y no a yordi rosado
Pinches plebes.

>> No.4787882

Any of them, really. Whichever you can get your hands on.

>> No.4787883

pronunciamos la LL como la Y no como SH
yuvia yaves no shuvia shaves

>> No.4787886


> 2014
> sin autismo literario

Es como si quisieras triunfar en la literatura y mimetizar el estilo de otro.

>> No.4787887

if u cant understand a simple sentence like that one how can u read books

>> No.4787888

>el deforma
Demostrando la estupidez del periodismo mexicano desde 1987.

>> No.4787890


>> No.4787892


>leer yordi rosado cuando podrías chutarte la saga entera de cañitas

>> No.4787894

Osea que Vargas Llosa pasa a ser Vargas Shosa?

>> No.4787895

>being this delusional

Do you even hear yourself?

>> No.4787896

Shut up, retard.

>> No.4787904

Si. Y recuerda el acentico, es como Hermione diciéndole al pelirrojo: "is wingardium leviOOOsa, not levioSAAAAA".

>> No.4787905


Es como si tuvieras miedo a triunfar. Como si pensaras que no te lo mereces, pendejo...

>> No.4787907

Why am I trying to read Spanish?

>> No.4787908

News of a Kidnapping is amazing.

Porque saber más de un idioma es parte de querer ser una persona culta?

>> No.4787910

My favorite pic of him.


>> No.4787912

Bump limit is close, still no sticky.

>> No.4787914


Ese acento, tan sabroso como un alfajor de dulce de leche.

>> No.4787915

thank you so much!!

i'm assuming you were responding to me - do you have a favorite?

>> No.4787917

No, you misunderstand me. I want to learn Spanish so I can read Borges. However, I haven't started, and idk why I'm reading all the comments that are in Spanish.

>> No.4787918

El gringo no va entender de que hablas, tienes que hacer sonidos ritmicos de aplauso, asi solo endienten.

>> No.4787919

Ay dios mio ;_;

Yo no quiero creer.

>> No.4787921

>Los argentinos no son conscientes de que tienen el acento más irritante del español
Top lel, hasta los canarios son mejores

>> No.4787922

Hoy llueven florecillas amarillas, hoy es el sepelio del rey. Descansa para siempre, amigo, sí, amigo porque nadie como usted ha sido capaz de penetrar estas capas de inseguridades y miedos, y hacerme feliz. Desde ahora, esta usted en el Olimpo literario

>> No.4787923

Pero que dices cabrón, si odias el dulce de leche.

>> No.4787924


For practice, you little grasshopper.

>> No.4787925

I'm right in the middle of One-Hundred Years of Solitude right now and actually taught a fake-lesson in school today which was centered around one of his quotes, only to come home and see this. Really sad news, and "Solitude" is blowing my mind b the way.

>> No.4787926

Maybe that way you get motivated to learn Spanish.

>> No.4787928


Ni idea de cómo sea en otros países, pero en México todos los chistes de Argentinos son sobre cuán presumidos y mamones son.

>> No.4787929


Señor bokanovskyyy. En el olimpo literario... ¿Uno puede escribirse su propio universo?

>> No.4787932

Shit, I want to join in on the multilingual fun.

Pendejos, que creen? No he leído 100 años, pero en el honor de la muerte ultraviolenta del autor, lo leeré, y borracho

>> No.4787934

You should learn it so you can cacapost aling with us, it's fun

>> No.4787936


>esto es lo que creen los argentinos

>> No.4787937

I'm not >>4787882, but my favorite collection of short stories is Strange Pilgrims (12 short stories), highly recommended and my favorites from that book are Light is Like Water and The Trail of Your Blood in the Snow.

>> No.4787943

You can use Google Translate for now.


Oh no, las florecillas amarillas ;_;

>> No.4787944

Qué tipos. "No hablamos con sh, hablamos y". Jajaja, lo que hay que leer.

>> No.4787945



Only he who has cacataste, can't see the gold in the mud.

>> No.4787946

Is it an easy language to get into, or is it difficult at first then gets easier?

>> No.4787949


Uno entra en el olimpo literario, porque puede escribir universos. La palabra... Es como la amistad...

>> No.4787948

Enjoy it, it's a beautiful book. Read Chronicle of a Death Foretold, fuck, read everything from him.

>> No.4787953


>> No.4787954

El acento de España solo es bueno en películas llenas de groserías como Fullmetal Jacket. En cualquier otra cosa es una pura cagada.

>> No.4787961

No. Uno la pierde cuando más la necesita. Y sino que se lo digan a Gabo. ¿Ahora quien va a hablar lo que tenía por decir?

>> No.4787962


>> No.4787965

De cualquier manera, el consenso es que el acento argentino es el más irritante. El de España se tolera siempre y cuando no se trate de esos horribles doblajes.

>> No.4787966


A mí me da risa que el inglés lo pronuncian literal. Por ejemplo para ellos Spiderman es "espíderman"

>> No.4787970


Cómo si cuando uno escuchara, no le trajeran voces los vientos... Y como si las voces que vienen en los vientos, no escogieran a quien ellas quisieran...

>> No.4787976

i would have to say is at the same dificulty than French/italian/portuguese.
you can learn all those in a pack.

>> No.4787977

En españa también

>> No.4787982


¿Pero porqué escogen las voces de los vientos?

>> No.4787983
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Tienes razón. Aunque lo aguanto más que el acento puertoriqueño/dominicano de regaetoneros.

Mierda si.

>> No.4787987

Deberiais ver el resplandor doblado en español, pura comedia

>> No.4787988


Porque aún tienen algo que decir, y aún no aprendieron como engañar a la muerte...

>> No.4787991

For an English speaker, Spanish it's incredible hard.
Tip: when you read in Spanish, don't change the sound of the vocals, the words are read as they are written.

>> No.4787993

well, for an english speaker, any language will be harder than his native tongue.

>> No.4787995


Cierto, no todo el mundo sabe robar besos como tú.

>> No.4787997

German should be easy as fuck, is basically the same shit. At least for me, I'm learning German and it's easier because of how similar is to English (my native language is Spanish).

>> No.4787998

Not really. Your double L is read like it's Y. That's not exactly read as written.

>> No.4788005

>al fin y al cabo era costeño

Qué argumento tan sólido, imbécil

>> No.4788013
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Most of it, then.

>> No.4788018



>> No.4788022

Yo quisiera saber...

¿Qué piensa un autor de renombre mundial, de lo que dicen de él después de la muerte? ¿Si pudiera leer y ver lo que dicen?

¿Qué escribiría?

>> No.4788031
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>Ursula LeGuin will die in your lifetime

>> No.4788032


>> No.4788039

Mein Neger, Ich lerne Deutsch auch und finde Es leich, weil ich Englisch spreche. Wie vielen Sprachen sprichst du?

>> No.4788040


*shifts shoulders*
*walks away*

No creo que a esas alturas le importe mucho...

>> No.4788041


>> No.4788042

¿Dándose por aludido después de 40 minutos? Lógico que es más solido que la mierda que tiene por cerebro, costeño.

>> No.4788046

Before reaching the final line, however, he had already understood that he would
never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages)
would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise
moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and
that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and
forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not
have a second opportunity on earth.


>> No.4788051

thank you so much!! you're wonderful!

>> No.4788054

It was a clear reference to his novel 'love in the time of cholera' you dumb fuck

>> No.4788056
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no me digan que el putito de otro rollo ahora es periodista.

>> No.4788057
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>> No.4788060

Also guilty of wankery.

>> No.4788062


antes de morir reveló que uno de los epígrafes de melquiades que nadie pudo descifrar decía puto el que lo lea

>> No.4788063


>> No.4788068

Mentiroso mujeriego moribundo

>> No.4788072

I'm just starting out! I'm barely on A1.

I speak Spanish, English, a little French and now trying with German.

>> No.4788074

*Mental* wankery.

>> No.4788076
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>> No.4788077

Sabes qué? No me sorprendería si Melquíades hubiera escrito eso, era un puto troll.

>> No.4788078

I fucking hate that cunt with a passion.

>> No.4788081

La RAE y sus adaptaciones de palabras extranjeras, existe alguien que llame "deuvede" a los DVD?

>> No.4788085


I bet that is something that cunt could say in a bad day.

>> No.4788086


I like his work (movies and lit stuff) but yeah, he's got his head so far up his ass it actually came out through his neck which is why he looks normal.

>> No.4788089

>existe alguien que llame "deuvede" a los DVD?

Loz Ezpañolez, joder.

>> No.4788092
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Cunts don't speak.

>> No.4788094

Te arranco la madre

>> No.4788097

De momento tengo más ocupaciones que estar actualizando constantemente este thread para revisar las respuestas. Si tiene alguna evidencia que realmente convincente que demostrase el condicionamiento de una cognición pobre por determinadas cuestiones raciales, culturales o geográficas me gustaría saber de ellas. De lo contrario no sería más que otra vaga conjetura inválida, tanto como la de adivinar con tanta afirmación sobre mi lugar de procedencia: otro desacierto más.

>> No.4788100

I need that thing.

>> No.4788101
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Better than a crucifixion.

>> No.4788102

I stared at it longer than could be considered gentlemanly.

>> No.4788103

Chronicle of a Death Foretold was the best one

>> No.4788104

Está bien anon, yo llevo solo unos cuantos meses. La gramática es bastante complicada pero que no te desanime, es un idioma muy interesante (al menos a mi parecer) y entretenido de aprender,muy diferente al español inglés y euskera por lo menos. Además gran parte del léxico es comprensible si sabes inglés y si diste latín te será muy util también, ya que hay que declinar. Viel Glück!

>> No.4788111

Yo... Como lo llamáis en sudacalandia? dividí?

>> No.4788112

No, you're a cunt and know nothing about literature, it's exacty the same shit as 100 years

>> No.4788115

Como la gente normal. Porque se oye del culo eso de pronunciarlo como devedé o devedés. Del puto asco.

>> No.4788119

>usando palabras como se dirian en español
>parecer un indio ignorante

>> No.4788120
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Those damned apples are bad for your stomach. think of this better.

>> No.4788123

Oh si, es muy interesante, la verdad. Estudias solo o un curso?

>> No.4788130
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>> No.4788133

Don't waste your time with that impostor. Read Quiroga and Lautréamont and watch films by Terayama and João César Monteiro.

>> No.4788135


But I like the thought of reality being magic. If reality is magic, you really don't need to read anything, but life itself.

>> No.4788139

Pls don't bully me... Seguro que pronunciais firestone "fairstoun"

>> No.4788143


I'm >>4788086

I don't oppose his views so much as the fact that he's taken it up a notch and become a magical healer with shit like "the tarot cards say you are depressed because you never had a kid. get an egg, shove it up your cunt, keep it there for five days, then 'give birth' to it and cook it. you'll be healed."

>> No.4788144

Espiderman, espiderman, hace todo lo que hace un espiderman.

>> No.4788157

Indios, como pronunciariais Sandwich en español?

>> No.4788161


That must make him laugh his arse off every single time someone does it. It's kinda cruel... And well, if he does believe it... Either he sees things in reality I don't, or...

>> No.4788162


>> No.4788166


>> No.4788168

Sticky this thread pls.

>> No.4788169


>> No.4788175



Qué palabra...

>> No.4788176

Y porque no "sammich"? Además, con que acento pronuncian? Seguro que soys unos wannabe gringos todos

>> No.4788177

El hecho de que tenga que actualizar la página muestra su ignorancia al momento de usar la red o 4chan, para ser más concretos. No obstante, le he conceder ésta respuesta para sacarlo de la ignorancia que lo ahoga y que, sin duda alguna, rasguña su apretada agenda.

Ser costeño es más que vivir en la costa. Ser costeño es portarse como usted mismo lo acaba de hacer. Darse ínfulas de persona luxada, "viveza" y alto linaje, mientras a su alrededor está nadando en el mismo estiércol por la falta de acueducto.

Ahora, si tiene más dudas de ésto o si cree que lo expuesto no llena sus expectativas, deténgase, no pierda más su tiempo mirando en la red, ya que mi argumento no tiene la necesidad de viajar más allá de donde usted está para demostrar la veracidad del mismo.

>> No.4788178

Which is why I gave you those recommendations. Take it or leave it. But our time is too short to waste it on counterfeits like Jodorowsky.

>> No.4788179

Taco de pan

>> No.4788183

Carrito sanguchero.

>> No.4788184

I don't think I am who you think I am.

>> No.4788186


>> No.4788187


he does believe it. his autobiography "the dance of reality" has an entire chapter dedicated to reporting cases of people he's helped with similarly weird rituals. off the top of my head:

woman wants to be a singer but is nervous. the cure is to shove some golden coins up her cunt (notice a pattern here) and go to an audition like that.

man is a premature ejaculator, lasts only 10 seconds. the cure is: next time you have sex, take out a cronometer and say to your wife "i'm going to beat my record, i promise. i'll come in five seconds." some days later the guy returned with a huge smile on his face. "i couldn't do it. i lasted 30 minutes"

>> No.4788194

Yo nací en gringolandia

>> No.4788197

Cualquier 4channer que se haga respetar como tal seguro tiene un ataque de 'feels' leyendo "El avión de la bella durmiente."

>> No.4788202

I can see the second one working. I have my doubts about the whole money in the cunt thing though

>> No.4788205

Fuck, this cements it. I've flirted with the idea of reading Mario Vargas Llosa now I'm definitely going for it, What should I start off with?

>> No.4788206


That has coherence, and unless I have a really weird mind, isn't magic at all.

The woman will probably think laughable the fact she has golden coins up her cunt, and will forget about the audition nervousness.

The man won't cum, because he probably prevents himself from achieving what he wishes, therefore inverting his wishes, will make him accomplish said wishes.

>> No.4788226
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A surfer since he was born!

>> No.4788238

No tendría la necesidad de hacer lo primero si no estuviese en una conexión de área local, bien, busque alguna otra ineptitud mía, cualquier error con suerte pueda servirle de recurso para eludir la situación o dar preámbulos inútiles.

Sólo me gustaría preguntarle ¿Qué es usted? Colombiano, supongo ¿No es éste país después de todo un estercolero?

Sobre las pretensiones que usted ilustra, es una premisa que compromete demasiadas cosas. De esa manera, ser pobre impide poder hablar de una manera mínimamente formal u ocuparse a algo ajeno a las labores serviles. Entonces ignore a Joyce, Dostoievski, Melville, y otra larga lista de escritores que murieron en la miseria. Quizás eso represente una ofensa a usted, como hombre acaudalado, naturalmente.

>> No.4788256

>pronouncing it in any way but sánguche.

>> No.4788263

The Time of the Hero
The Green House
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service
The War of the End of the World
García Márquez: Story of a Deicide

>> No.4788308

hey are you negro by the way?

>> No.4788322

I can't read Spanish but reading these replies are hilarious for some reason. Especially since I can piece out the words autism and angry connotations from the posts.

>> No.4788328

> triplehijueputa

being this rolo

>> No.4788332

de hecho soy caleño papa.
nacido en el hospital departamental a mucha honra.

>> No.4788414

I applaud your effort, and it's a great tribute. But even though you had that bit where he sort of guffaws at the Starbucks Fair Trade agreement, it is kind of silly to imagine him at a starbucks. Not just since he was staunchly against the sort of Coca colanization Starbucks exemplifies, but because he was a proud Colombian, and I imagine he'd have high standards for coffee that an American chain couldn't meet. But sperging aside, you did good.

>> No.4788516

I (as a Spanish speaker) wish I could see this thread through your eyes

>> No.4788723
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>tfw nobody cares.

>> No.4788836

ur country is shit

>> No.4788937

como diriamos en la costa... "no hablen monda!"

>> No.4789088

all those...moments...will be lost in time, like...spics...in...rain...

>> No.4789196

"el día que la mierda tenga algún valor, los pobres nacerán sin culo"

get off to /b/