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/lit/ - Literature

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4769535 No.4769535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the only board I could think to come to for this, and plus I am writing a short story for the hell of it, so I'd think this is the right place for this.

What's the word/a way to describe the little stokes of light that you see at the bottom of a pool? Y'know it's like that refraction of light that always moves around at the floor at the bottom of a pool or body of water that's that clear.

>> No.4769539

swirly light rays.

>> No.4769575

They're called under-the-water-ripply-glows

>> No.4769579

Swishy light rays

>> No.4769580
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giggly tipple shafts

>> No.4769581

underwater light spooge

>> No.4769587

aqua lucem

naw I'm kidding, they're called chuckling sea strobes

>> No.4769588


quantum glimmer eels

>> No.4769593

they're called cheeki breeki leaky lights

>> No.4769596

drowned glimmers

>> No.4769599

Euphoric light doodles

>> No.4769600

Poseidon's high-beams or high-breens

>> No.4769602

shimmery glimmers

>> No.4769615

Rooty tooty glowin' goodies

>> No.4769625

shiny water bottom lights

>> No.4769626

holy fucking fuck this is a lot of replies

>> No.4769634

Yeah as you can see never ask /lit/ a serious question, but I believe the technical term to your question OP is: aquatic photonic bombastics

>> No.4769644

Nomadic sun children

>> No.4769654

Don't be a fucking clown, OP came here seeking advice and you're all just acting like cunts at his expense. I don't know by memory the term OP is looking for, but I've spent 15 minutes or so doing some googling, and I found a handful of descriptions of the phenomenon. Some of them seem a bit silly, some of them rather off the cuff, and a large quantity of them seem to exist only in the vocabulary of singular authors. However, I did find one to which numerous allusions have been made over the last hundred years or so, often by authors of prominence, and that was hydrophilic sun gypsies.

>> No.4769669

Predictable, but quality nonetheless.
The term op is looking for is actually "dihydrogen monoxide uv ray consummation products."

>> No.4769722


Alright that's enough, this is OPs father, im sick and tired of you kiddos jerkin off my son. He was serious about writing this story and came to me in tears when he saw how this community treated him. Id expect alot better from literate people, disgusting behaviour ill tell you. Well son, I love you and did a reverse dictionary search for you and found the words you were lookin for my little pal: rootin tootin shimmery glimmery noodles

>> No.4769758

OP's brother here, I get that you're all having fun, and I understand that; we can all appreciate a good joke every once in a while. But this has gone too far.Jokes about the name of some specific type of light is fine, even if you do make my brother feel stupid and make his writing difficult, but jokes about our deceased father are another thing. If you don't want to help, that's fine. if you think my brother is stupid, that's fine too. (You're wrong, but you're entitled to your own opinion.) In the future though, just keep it to yourselves,

At the end of the day this isn't even about me or my brother. But my brother often does his homework in the dining room, and our mother read this thread over his shoulder, and when she saw someone impersonating our father on the internet three years of intensive psychotherapy were undone in an instant.

I mean for fucks sake, all someone had to do was tell my brother the real name of these fucking things and he would have deleted the thread and we could all gone home, but no. rather than saying "hey, OP, the term you're looking for is glistening balneal beams!" you've all fucked around and kept this farce going long enough for it to hurt someone.

I hope you sick fucks are happy.

>> No.4769766

I'm in tears

>> No.4769774

Shimmying aquatic light rectangles.

>> No.4769793

OP's pet starfish here. I seriously hope this is not you, Jimmy, because we both know that the actual term for those flicky flirty lights is poolreal auroras, and making fun of your poor brother like that is really unworthy of you.

>> No.4769803
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>> No.4769813
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They're happy.

>> No.4769829

Faggy shitty poo-poo boobs.

>> No.4769832

Hullo OP,

Professor of Advanced Linguistics and Historic Etymology at UBerkley California here, I believe the correct term your looking for was one discovered in the late King Tuts tomb engraved on the wall of his treasure chamber, it translates from hyrogliphics to exactly: Flickery Wickery Horus Light Sticks

>> No.4769833

Meanwhile in the third grade....

>> No.4769836

at least you tried

>> No.4769839

OP's bedspread here. Ever since you Internet bullies started flaunting your literacy around and shaming him to increase the size of your e-peen, he's been having nightmares about his inadequacy.
I'm tired of being swamped in various bodily fluids each night, you inconsiderate inbreds.
OP has become so unsure of his own ability that he has developed a complex, and feels as if he must prove his worth to the world, and has thus began developing a fighting style centered around carrots (yes, the vegetable) for the purpose of fighting off pseudo intellects on the Internet who threaten his adequacy. He calls it Carrote.
So for MY sake, to end the insufferable baths of urine, sweat, and feces among other things, I will tell him the real word for these so called "swirly light beams" etc, which is deep sea sunlight snakes.

>> No.4769873

The ghost of OP's father here. I've been observing your shenanigans from the afterlife and I have to say, I'm not impressed. You think you're funny bullying my child on the internet? You think you're big men? You think you're big fancy educated men with big words and even bigger penises? Well I've got something to tell you: you're not. Me and the boys up here in Valhalla see you for what you truly are: overeducated, under-loved wankers. Fuck you all, and fuck your corporeal forms you priviliged fucks. What I wouldn't give to feel the touch of a woman again, to feel the firm grip of her soft but strong hands wrapped around the shaft of my gargantuan penis, but that all ended after the yachting accident, and now all I've got for pleasure is watching you sad fucks dick around on the internet and the memory of sloppy handjobs in the upstairs bathroom while our children watch the tellitubbies.

ALso, FYI, I consulted with the big man, and he told me that the officical name (THE REAL OFFICIAL NAME, AS DECIDED BY HIM) for these things is sea snakes of the sun. I hope that puts this to rest.

P.S. Sons, tell your mother I love her.

>> No.4769879



>> No.4769884

OP's circumcised foreskin, here. When I was cut off from my family, OP's dad thought it would be cute to keep me preserved in a pickle jar as a tasteless form of entertainment. Ever since you intellectual elitist assholes made OP cry, he takes me out every night and anxiously chews me, trying to glue me back to his penis while sobbing, "I'm not a faggot... I've got a big penis!" His dead dad, in frustration at you jerks, shakes me in my pickle jar homes from Valhalla and upsets my afternoon catnaps. Because I hate the smell of glue and dried semen, and because I need my sleep, I ask that you tell OP what those beams of light REALLY are: wiggly-jiggly-squiggly-squirmy-wormy-geometric-light-palpitations.

>> No.4769896


This has gone too far. It's about time we ended these flim flams.
OP, the term is slick sliding serpents of Apollo

>> No.4769898

OP here,

I'm just gonna write about something else instead.

>> No.4769902

OP's asshole here. OP has been shoving broom handles and refrigerators into his rectum because, according to him, "[no]rmal masturbati[on] hu[rt]s me [n]o[w]!" I've stretched all I can to accomadate whatever flavour of the week he chooses, but my god it's getting bad. The other day I heard him talking about what fun his new pet rhinoceros would have, "....[roaming the] lands of m[y] c[olon]."

Te him already. It's neptune's shiny limp wiggle dick.

>> No.4769914

That's not OP, this is OP.

This thread took a serious turn for the better.

>> No.4769939

That's not Op, this is op.

First off, it's not cool for you guys to make fun of my dead father.
You guys also really pissed my brother off, way to go.
You're all lucky we haven't met in real life, I'd shove carrots so far up your asses, I swear.
I've got to go now though because I need more glue, broomsticks, and to wash my blankets. Cut your shit, /lit/, before we meet and I demonstrate just to what extent Carrote can mangle a human anus.

>> No.4769941

OP, the phrase you're looking for is "little stokes of light that you see at the bottom of a pool"
I'm sorry everyone was so mean to you.

>> No.4769947

That's not OP, this is Op.

Fuck you all. My dad isn't dead and I've never put anything up my ass. I also don't shit or piss or ejaculate my bed. I sometimes sweat, yes, but I have a heart condition that leads to a constantly raised heartrate, so it's not my fault.

I used to like books before I came here, and I was considering doing an English degree at University. Now I'll never read another book again, and I'll probably do women's studies at uni instead.

>> No.4769963

Hey guys Jesus here just, stopping by to let you know that I'm the way the truth and the light. And to answer your question OP, the original name given to those by our Lord is: Jehovah's Slinky Winky Poopsy Candles

>> No.4769984

this thread is gross

>> No.4770059

Official Representative of the Squishy Helicon Lightworm People for the Bay of San Francisco Area here. We've been receiving reports stating that a bunch of mentally damaged solidforms had been mocking and bemoaning the pride of our people over their archaic distance-communication device.

What's worse, the body of one of those solidforms, seemingly going by the strange name of Oww-peeh, has been wrecking havok in some of our biggest residential pools ever since. Our security forces had to silence him by means of hydrocution when he started making offensive propositions to a group of Helicon Lightworm children casually playing over the edge of a poolwave (he apparently asked for their name, in a very suggestive and lubricious manner). The Generators of the victims have even started a criminal procedure against the Wiggly Council for not offering sufficient protection against hostile solidforms.

To complicate matters even further, an ill-tempered airform going by the name of Fah-zzer has started disrupting Photonic transfers as a retalation against the containment of Oww-peeh. Witness have suggested that frustration waves coming out of his backwards orifice may have caused ripple effect, disrupting Wave Dancing ceremony up to Sacramento, and generally fostering higher levels of Twistache. The current Great Twistworm in Charge, sensing growing discontent among his constituencies, has engaged diplomatic synchronic dance with the Overbearing Airform, responsible for watching the behavior of Fah-zzer.
So, now, let's cut the diffusion, you band of opaque sunshutters. Our whole department is in a sunking mess because of your behavior, and my sacerdoce is on the line. And if there's one thing one the surface of the Great Eastern Sea that can earn you a full-burnt Heliocentric heatblaze, that's messing with Hoor-ak'Thii the Third's sacerdoce. I didn't become Representative of Squishy Helicon before reaching my second Gnomon for being a kind worm, you can bet that. So you better watch out, and keep your dense solid bodies on line from now on, understood ? 'cause if I ever catch one sipping as little as one lower appendage in a pool of my juridiction, I'll make myself a pleasure of applying a helix of a hydrolize on parts of your bodies where the sun never shines. And rest assured it would make it the brightest moment of my day, if not my week.

And for Helios's sake, take out the bodyform of that Oww-peeh out of our pueritwistural pool, it's a blinding sight, really. Dealing with you solids is a sunshutting shade in the squirm.

May Our Father the Sun forgive you opaque bodyforms.

>> No.4770071


Not funny faggot

>> No.4770183

Okay, this thread has gotten old.

They're called "caustics."

>> No.4770212

Wasn't exactly the point. But if you can do better, feel free to show, sparkling speckle of Huitzilopotchli.

>> No.4770218 [SPOILER] 
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crepuscular rays

>> No.4770617

Fuck all of you this post >>4769914 is me, OP.

And again, this thread took a serious turn for the better, thank all of you.

>> No.4770668

I smiled at it, but I'm drunk as all gods can be.
>"Commemorative Jesus, I need your flush!"
>tfw all words are just turds in god's toilet
>tfw awaiting god's flush

Rock out, bro. I've already cp'd some lines from this thread. This >>4769593 is my favorite.

>> No.4770686

Wow, I'm honestly impressed anon. I only knew this from optics courses.

>> No.4770828

OP here

wait seriously?

>> No.4770830

Thanks, Anon, that means a lot. I posted that one while tired last night, and it's good to wake up in the morning and see that someone appreciates my works.

>> No.4770841

chinks would be correct, or just call them retractions I.e "the glimmering refractions"

>> No.4770864

I fucking hate all you smug pieces of shit with your wavy davies and your toodly noodlies. Who do you think you are? The OP (aka the ORIGINAL POSTER) asked a simple fucking question to you simpletons, and you respond with half hearted attempts at humour and wit. Did he request your cunt-culled clowning around? No? Well then shut your goddamn finger-traps and listen up, because I'm about to educate you on how to behave properly online.

If somebody asks you a goddamn question, and you know the answer, you answer. End of story. Case fucking closed. If you don't know the answer, you wait patiently for somebody to provide the answer so that you might fucking learn something for once in your miserable little lives. You probably don't even know what the capital of Venezuela is (PROTIP: IT'S CARACAS). How do I know that? I'm a goddamn genius, that's how. Unlike yourselves, you insipid ass-lickin' retards. I'm so goddamn smart that I happen to know the answer to OP's question, assuming he still wants to know the answer after being forced to trudge through some of the most unbearably brutish and low-brow buffoonery ever to be. They're called hydro-luminescent flipper flickers.

>> No.4770891

fuck off nerd
also you're not even a very good nerd because they're called caustics

>> No.4770896
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>wavey davies

>> No.4770945

Someone should have better saved this thread.

>> No.4770951

Cormac McCarthy calls them "calderas."

>> No.4770958

yeah they're called caustics

>> No.4771822


well anymore bullshit from anybody before I screencap this?

>> No.4771885
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Hey Faggots,
I'm OP's favorite writer, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day making up stupid ass names. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any books published? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Joyce's prose on Goodreads.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the newspaper team, and starter of my slam poetry team. What things do you write, other than “jack off to non-descriptive happy-helio-hints synonyms”? I also get straight dubs, and have a banging hot twisty-bottom pen (It just spilled ink everywhere; Shit was SO messy). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

>> No.4771948

i don't think using a technical optical term is going to be very effective in a short story. instead of using single words to describe things, try linking them together until you come to a suitable description for the phenomenon.

>> No.4773479

This is moot's uncle here, and I'm going to have all of you banned if you don't agree that they are called flim-flamming zim-zamming flibbity flobbity wibbity woppity light beamers.

>> No.4773574

you can't flim flam the zim-zam

>> No.4773652


>> No.4773660

Squishy Helicon Lightworm people

on a side note, I think "worms of light" describe this phenomenon very well.