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/lit/ - Literature

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4763545 No.4763545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who thinks lit has the most people on 4chan with IQs above 70?

>> No.4763551

I don't think there are many people on 4chan with a seventy IQ

I don't think /lit/ is the "smartest" board. That would be /diy/

>> No.4763553

>aren't WE super smart i.e. we must have super high IQ, right lit?
you're retarded, google what an IQ test is

>> No.4763556

statistically speaking itd be one of the smaller boards

>> No.4763560

you're more retarded, google all the things it correlates to

>> No.4763563

skeptical about iq
statistically aware

this is /lit/

>> No.4763571

Insufficient sample

>> No.4763578

I have yet to meet a single NEUROSCIENTIST (yes, not a psychologist) who gives any credit to IQ as a reliable means of measuring one's intelligence (as accepted by most people). Actually I only learned about IQ tests on the internet despite having taken courses in almost every STEM field before and after graduation. I think it must be an American thing, people there love talking about "self-improvement" and "being the best".

>> No.4763610

>I think it must be an American thing, people there love talking about "self-improvement" and "being the best".

A consequence of being the best.

>> No.4763615

It is intelligence besides creativity, spatial cognition and theory of mind?

>> No.4763616

>what is

>> No.4763623

i don't know and i don't think the scientific community (i mean the hard one) agrees either

>> No.4763628

lol anyone who takes IQ tests seriously are fucking retarded

anyone who legitimately thinks a number grading system can represent intelligence is retarded

anyone who legitimately thinks taking one test is all you need to determine intelligence is retarded

>> No.4763675

I work for learning disability services in the UK. IQ tests are the benchmark in the UK and the US of whether or not you have a learning disability. Are they perfect? No. But they are respected, don't be silly now.

Having said that the first reply is right. There won't be many people on any of these boards with a below 70 IQ. Below 70 means you are in the bottom 3% of the popuation, which is a pretty small number to begin with, and on top of that many of those people wouldn't even be able to use 4chan in a very practical sense.

>> No.4763677
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>> No.4763680

>I work for learning disability services in the UK. IQ tests are the benchmark in the UK and the US of whether or not you have a learning disability. Are they perfect? No. But they are respected, don't be silly now.

Everything is respected a lot more in fields which depend on it... no surprise here.

>> No.4763681

/lit/ has the highest concentration of bitter delusional white guys

myself included

>> No.4763685

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.4763686

I clicked the board last night and there were 2 commie threads on the front page. So no, lel.

>> No.4763688

It's also admissable as evidence in the judicial system and of course a stack of research uses it or references as a matter of course.

It's not the be all and end all of measuring intelligence, but you can't completely write it off.

I think people react so strongly towards it because there's something innately threating about the IQ test. It puts a floor on a ceiling on what you can achieve in some ways, and that's scary.

>> No.4763691

there are also people who are simply not good at tests for whatever reason

>> No.4763695

Scoring low on an IQ test is one thing; 70 means you have a learning disability fo sho, whether or not you want to call that stupid is another matter. I think you're being unreasonable: Anon isn't saying IQ is an excellent indicator of "objective intelligence", just that if you score low as fuck on it, it's a good indicator that you have a disability and are going to need special help in life.

>> No.4763699
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> most intelligent board
> most ylilauta in all of 4chn

>> No.4763746

He said the most. Not the highest ratio, the most. Sadly, it'd be one of the bigger boards. If I recall correctly, they assumed a normal distribution, half of people had an IQ of 100 when the test was created, and I think an IQ of 70 was supposed to be as rare as an IQ of 130. The population is different now, and much, much worse, the test is such an abused parent-ruined concept now, because, after all, everyone's kid is special. If I were a statistician I would go to great lengths to keep any improvements in methodology a secret from anyone who hadn't sworn off procreation. But even if a board has a low mean IQ, I'm pretty sure 60 correlates with being illiterate, like, misspells 4 letter words illiterate. That makes using the internet really hard, guys. It's what we call a lower bound, in the biz. I refuse to believe that any site with as much text content as 4chan has a mean IQ of less than 80. Like, some porn sites where you just click on a picture and it gets bigger, with really depraved focus, might have a MEAN of 70. I can link some fetish porn sites, and you can read the comments, and see what an IQ of 70-80 looks like (95% of 19XX's population is smarter.) /b/ is better. A lot better. It's fucking terrifying knowing that there are people who are that dumb out there. But that just means the statistic being measured is approximated by half the board size in the worst case. Biggest board that uses words to communicate wins. Pretty sure that's /b/. It sure as fuck ain't /lit/.

The worst part is that this is immediately obvious if you can both read, and get very very basic statistics, like they teach in grade 10. Did you all just forget how to do math necessary to even understand basic concepts like IQ when you found something else to feel smart by doing?

You both either can't math a shit, or assumed that the OP was retarded. I don't like you either way.

>> No.4763766

Not trying to boast or show off, just some insight into IQ testing

when I was 15 I took an IQ test and scored 167.
the principal found out and freaked, thinking that I alone could bring up the average test scores of the school

he offered free tutoring in every subject i was doing from a very expensive tutor (who was apparently renowned)

i hated the schooling system and always did just enough work to pass, but now all eyes were on me

after every test and assessment, if i scored below near perfect marks (which happened for everything because i didnt change at all) i was called to the office and the principal would scream at me for not trying, then send letters home and phone calls to parents

naturally my parents were quite shocked (and happy) that i scored that high and they were eager for me to do well, but even they thought it was too much

about 5 months after taking the test the principal expelled me from the school for 'purposely doing badly (i was still passing everything) and continuous misbehavour'

i never enrolled in another school

>> No.4763785


Wow how did you manage to fuck that up

>> No.4763786

What are you doing now?

>> No.4763795

i didnt fuck anything up
i got my school equivalency

nothing productive, ive travelled peripatetically around europe
i write poetry, act on the stage, drink etc

>> No.4763851

somebody got under 130 ;)

>> No.4763875

IQ tests are racist.

>> No.4763916

yeah our [insert board name here] is much then
[insert another board name here] because we [insert random pseudo intelligent reason here] and at least we [ insert board related pride point that would bring reprisals upon whoever disagrees with it here]
at the end of the day we can hold our heads high and say at least were better then [ insert most hated rival board here]

>> No.4763932

/lit/ isn't smart it's mainly inhabited by pretentious shitposters.

>> No.4763937

I got an IQ of 130 and I don't think it really reflects intelligence all that well either.

They're just little numbers that you can brag about.

Like I did just now, see how fun they are?

>> No.4763939

actually coming from someone who scored in the high 140, iq tests are retarded, they measure retention but not applicability, some of the smartest people in the world amount to nothing
hell the worlds smartest man still lives with his mother and refuses to use his brain for anything worthwhile
the only thing IQ tests usually prove is how obnoxious one can become when they get a high number
honestly have you ever been to a Mensa meeting? its just a bunch of pretentious chods talking about themselves, how their better then other people, and generally acting high and mighty. despite most of them working the same jobs and living fundamentally the same lives as the ones their making fun off

>> No.4763940

pro tip that would never happen in real life, the principal would lose his job if he did that. Also unless you have like 10 students in your high school the likelihood of one student raising everyone's test scores sounds absurd. It is quite clear that this guy is full of himself.

>> No.4763949

It really is shit what some schools will do sometimes to reach target incentives.
I went to an inner city school in a pretty low income area and one year the leavers bombed hard on their tests. This put the school on alert with the districts, because the next year they changed up the whole testing system.
I wanted to learn piano around that time, but instead of music theory in GCSE music, they offered music BTEC which did away with tests and instead used coursework and had us learn African drums, like the Djembe. Of course it had a much higher pass rate than the previous examining board.
It wasn't just music though, they did the same to IT, Art and I hear since I left they offer hairdressing courses.
I guess most schools don't mind shitting on the kids as long as targets are met.

>> No.4763961

>I think people react so strongly towards it because there's something innately threating about the IQ test.
no, it's because it's unscientific garbage that no one outside the field of psychology or "psychometrics" takes seriously

>> No.4763964

you do sound like a cool guy

>> No.4763971

And sexist too!! :O

>> No.4763973

it was a school of about 150
it was also the fact that he thought he had some 'bragging right' because a student scored high on an IQ test
its got nothing to do with arrogance or egotisms

one of the reasons i hated school
politics first education second

its hard to judge anonymously over the web but thank you

>> No.4763998

Once a friend of mine claimed he had an IQ of over 160. I doubted it at first, so we went to do one of those mensa tests together. It turned out the motherfucker got an even more astounding score, 172, and I got a 147.
The thing is that I never saw him as someone stupendously smart; he used to be a math major, but dropped out because college was 'too draining'. Now he spends his days playing League of Legends and watching anime.

>> No.4764001

i'm european and i, too, love spouting about my above-average IQ.

and before anyone asks, it's 121. i know that's fuck all but it's higher than most people.

>> No.4764019

anyone from the UK who has seen eggheads will understand everything there is to say about mensa from this: kevin from eggheads is not in mensa, but CJ is.

>> No.4764044

>That would be /diy/

I love how people who are usually against scientism or utilitarianism still associate practical knowledge with higher intelligence.

The funny thing is that a lot of the stuff on /diy/ is fairly simple once you break through the threshold of not being a lazy, scared cunt.

>> No.4764045

im not familiar with the show
any chance you got a clip or to of it?

>> No.4764047

>there are people who think IQ tests can't be gamed

>> No.4764049

kevin is a super genius but also really humble
CJ is an arrogant prick who always fails

>> No.4764055

ah, then yeah perfect analogy

>> No.4764108

Knowing that you are a willing female on this board, and me being a kissless 24 year old virgin, I would really like to ravage you. <3

>> No.4764112

But I'm not white>>>/pol/

>> No.4764117

i think she has a bf

i wonder what she looks like. i'm picturing her somewhat like rose but i guess she's probably chubbs

>> No.4764138

>i'm picturing her somewhat like rose
So you are saying that Feminister is actually a guy?

Also I know she has a bf, it's knowing that he will have to enter her while my previously gushed seed is still warm in her inner most lips.

>> No.4764220

>So you are saying that Feminister is actually a guy?
this never fails to make me mad

>> No.4764258

Why do you guys give a shit about some attention whore on 4chan? None of them have ever been attractive.

>> No.4764271

>iq tests are retarded, they measure retention but not applicability
I thought most questions, if not all, are about some kind of pattern recognition.

>> No.4764278

They just have the widest variation of useful skills giving the impression they are a board of polymathic super geniuses. They're not

>> No.4764288

rose reads dostoyevsky and tolstoy and bukowski etc etc. how many girls have you met that even know who dostoyevsky is.

rose is love, rose is life

>> No.4764295
File: 32 KB, 360x480, Sasha_Gray_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4764300

My fiance has been reading classic /lit/ and would rather read ol' Dusty and HG Welles than any modern author. U jelly?

>> No.4764317

>HG Wells
disgusting sci fi shit with no literary value

>> No.4764322

yeah okay i don't know how that happened. but it's evident from rose's videos that she's quite smart. gray, on the other hand, not so much

not sure, need more authors

>> No.4764335

>people literally shitposting against atheism

Actually it's one of the dumbest boards

>> No.4764336

Twain, Dickens, Orwell, Clive Barker. She's still pleb but I'm not getting any younger =)

>> No.4764342 [DELETED] 

It's almost definitely /v/ because of volume.

>> No.4764345

yeah sounds okay. you dont have to excuse your wife here lol. if anything you should defend her

>> No.4764347

she literally just reads for plot but reads the 19th century plot novels to try and seem smart

>> No.4764350

Except not being a lazy, scared cunt requires emotional intelligence, which is far more correlated with success in any field than problem solving IQ

>> No.4764351

i read for plot too. fuck that noise. nothing wrong with reading for plot.

of course people are more interesting if they can into subtext. just throwing some anti-intellectualism in there for good measure

>> No.4764360


>> No.4764367

70 IQ is retard level

>> No.4764376

lol okay

>> No.4764378

No, that would be /b/. If you dont' see why, then your IQ is obviously not high enough to understand statistics.

>> No.4764381

70 is below-average nigger level.

>> No.4764426


>> No.4764427

Shut the fuck up you retarded, offsite piece of shit.