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475531 No.475531 [Reply] [Original]

Proof that standards today for literature are fucking atrocious at best. This bitch was EIGHTEEN when she wrote what is considered a fucking timeless story. Now we have Twilight.

>> No.475543

>hurr durr, modern things suck
>remember the good old days guise?

>> No.475545

in this day and age we should be thankful people are reading at all

>> No.475548


For a subjective field?

Good luck with that.

>> No.475562

Not if they're reading Twilight. Garbage like that is equivalent to a UPN sitcom, cultural-advancement-wise.

>> No.475569

>butthurt angsty writer who can't accept stephanie meyer is a better writer than he will ever be

>> No.475571
File: 45 KB, 480x640, ThreeWeasels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DUDE! Have you been reading my online novel!?

>> No.475577

Her husband wrote Frankenstein in her name

>> No.475601

Infinite Jest was written before David Foster Wallace hit 35. Shelly can suck a dick. Infinite Jest is a masterwork. Frankenstein is pedestrian shit any tool can pick up and pretend to enjoy.

>> No.475617


Show some respect. Shelly pretty much invented the Science-fiction genre.

>> No.475632

That's funny, I though Bram Stoker did.

>> No.475636

Have you ever actually read Frankenstein?

It is every bit as ridiculously romanticized as Twilight.

>> No.475641


Stoker didn't write science fiction.

Shelley is typically credited with its creation, Poe with pushing it along, and Wells and Verne truly turning it into a genre.

>> No.475642


That's monster fantasy horror.

But, essentially the change was one of cosmetic gimmicks one uses "Magic" the other uses "Science."

>> No.475646


>> No.475648

How do you figure?

It's traditionally seen as a response to the romantic movement.

>> No.475659

>comparing the best classical writers with the worst modern writers

>> No.475678

>Okay. Here's the thing. I don't agree with Stephen King at ALL. I love Stephanie Meyer even before she got really big. When I was little my mom used to collect Stephen King books and read them. I love books especially about the supernatural, but Stephen King's books are just not good. I can't read them because they can't draw me in. I just don't like his writing. It's not that it's hard for me understand, it's just not for me.
I love Stephanie Meyer's books BECAUSE they have barely any sexual actions in them. That's all the world is today is sex and it's amazing that someone can still write without getting all hot and heavy about things. Stephen King has no idea what he's talking about. I think that he might feel threatened by Stephanie Meyer because her books are so big and his aren't as they used to be. That's just my opinion.
I loved how Stephanie Meyer wrote the Twilight books because she didn't write alot about sexual encounters and she still kept us readers totally captivated. She and J.K Rowling aren't that different like Mr. King says. J.K. Rowling is just more into magic instead of vampires. Whoever says Stephanie Meyer can't write is crazy. I don't know what I would've done without all these great books that she's written. They given me hope when I was going through really hard times regarding my health and I will be forever greatful to her. Thank you.

>> No.475681

>The Twilight saga is terrific. I don't remember reading any Stephen King books and having dreams about them. Stephanie Meyer is brilliant.

>> No.475684

>Obviously, Meyer is a great writer. I mean, just look at all the people she's drawn in! it's more about who your books appeal to, and not many teenage girls want to read about cars that kill people in stephen king books. Stephenie Meyer captivates you in her writing and i think she is very good with descriptions. it's a sweet and romantic series-not every girl is looking for gruesome violence!

>> No.475700

>Chewing through a uterus.

>> No.475710

>Chewing through a uterus.

>> No.475715

>I'm a writer and I'm not at all insulted by Stephanie Myers. I thought her Twilight series was great. Yeah, I can see why Stephen King doesn't think her writing sparkles (unlike Edward), but she is one HECK Of a storyteller and if I had to choose between writing verbose, overstated prose and everyman language that speaks to the hearts of an entire generation of Teenage girls, I'd definitely dummy down my style and go for the latter. :)

>> No.475725

I enjoy the fact that I can go into a bookstore and choose from a wide variety of authors, styles and genres. How BORING would it be if every author wrote exactly the same?

Although the supernatural is a dominant part of the Twilight series, I believe the true core and appeal comes from a powerful story of love and sacrifice. Meyer has developed characters that have great depth and likeability. I also feel comfortable with my 13-year-old daughter reading them without worrying about excessive sexuality; which is unfortunately, rare in this day and age.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I think it is in very poor taste for Mr. King to be taking pot-shots at other authors. Sour grapes is an understatement. Maybe he should concentrate on his next book, rather than lashing out at others.

>> No.475730

>Stephen King is WRONG!!!!!!!!! Stephenie Meyer actually writes reaaly good and the book drags me along and it makes me want to read more!!!!!!!!!

>> No.475732

Ok, what is wrong with this guy???!!!
I wonder if he has some mental disorder because Stephenie Meyer is an excellent write while, J.K. Rowling isn't, well she is but not as good as Stephenie Meyer!!

>> No.475735

Edward Cullen is so not a wimp!
This guy sucks eggs!
How can someone not like Stephenie Meyer?
If Stephenie Meyer weren't a good write would so many people buy her books? Would they have made a movie about it? Have they made a movie about this dude's books? Harry Potter sucks after the second book!!
And yea I love Stephenie Meyer's books because they hardly use any sexual action until Breaking Dawn, but she doesn't use all the details just how Bella felt!! Stephen King probably has a mental disorder and can't see that Stepehenie Meyer is a good author. I bet he's jealous that her books are selling very good and that she has a lot of fame more than he does now!!
Stephenie Meyer hasn't ruined the reputation of vampires, actually until I read her books, I didn't like vampires and no series is like the Twilight series!!
and her Arnaud or however u freaking name is spelled, you need to re-read Twilight, because where do u you see sexualy fantasies? Also. the books weren't based on Meyer's sexual fantasies with a perfect guy, she had a dream and from there on it all went up hill!!!!! Edward Anthony Masen Cullen may be fiction, but who can tell us girls that we can't love a fictional guy? Oh, and as one icon said:
Twilight Haters, Please DIE!!!!!
Call me whatever you like, especially a loser because i know i am one, but you can't make me change my mind so ha!!!!

>> No.475738

>look at whose talking...stephen ..what ever his name is oh yeah i got ti..stephan slave...thinks he can write..psh..getta lyfe dude..and stop hating on stephenie's skillz...

>> No.475742

These posts are interesting--and revealing. I don't generally read Stephen King because his books scare me, but those I have read were extremely well written. By that I mean that he uses grammar and punctuation to give depth and power to his words. Rowling is equally skilled, and her books are a special treat. I have not read the "Twilight" series, but from the comments, it is clear that Meyer tells a story that resonnates positively with her teen audience. That is probably the most important aspect of any book--especially any book directed at our youth. What matters is not how much sex one perceives, or not, or whether a vampire can "sparkle." What matters is how the reader feels about the story. A Rembrandt inspires different emotions than a Van Gogh. They cannot be compared, and who is to say which is better?

It is an unfortunate commentary on the state of modern education that our youth do not appreciate the importance of writing technique. Indeed, most of the posts defending Meyer are written by bloggers who do not themselves seem to have a firm grasp of grammar concepts. One blogger doesn't bother to punctuate at all, whether by ignorance or design. As a result, her post has far less impact and authority than the others. There are good writers, and there are good storytellers. One is skill; the other is art. Stephen King uses both. J.K. Rowling uses both. I suspect King was criticizing Meyer's skill, not her art. My impression is that Stephanie Meyer is a great storyteller who might set a better example for her readers if she worked on her technical writing skills.

>> No.475744

>i have to disagree with stephen king, stephenie meyer is a great writer, and i dont understand some of u people its better to write wat u want and not follow in everyone else's shoes, the twilight saga is the best romantic book that has come out in a long time and it sold so much because it draws u, you wouldnt want to put it down because it keeps u wanting more, shephenie meyers to me is one of the best writers ever, she writes to the audience she knows want something different, she is my fav author. One of u said that she writes wat she dreams, well guess wat! sometimes fantasy is way better than realtiy and its good to dream, wat cud be better than a forbidden love story, her books doesnt have to be compared to no one elses because she writes her own style. oooooooo and by the way no one is angry everyone has a right to there own opinion but when u want to be rude wit it...then the people who dont agree wit u and sorry dont see things "your" way will defend wat they see and like and have there own opinion its not being angry and she hasnt ruined the reputation of vampires either, she has created her version, (this last guy-Arnaud needs to get a hold of himself because he has a really big problem and i hate to burst his bubble but the entire book wasnt about sexual fantasies i dont know wat book u were reading. u need to get a grip on urself, u say that stephenie meyers cant write books but i have read some of stephen kings books and they int nothing to jump for joy about, they arent that good, they are boring, hey dont get me wrong his books draws a type of audience and stephenie meyers books draws their own and thats that, int no one tell u read her books if u dont like how she writes).STEPHENIE MEYERS IS A GREAT AUTHOR

>> No.475753

I think it's pretty arrogant to trash another writer in public like that. I'm sure it's not going to hurt her sales or prevent the next books in her series from becoming big money movies.
The great thing about Meyer's work is, like Harry Potter, is that the wild interest in the books encouraged millions of people to read. Another thing her Twilight books has in common with HP is the interest crossed generations so parents and their teenagers discussed and enjoyed the books and movies together. These are all good things for parents, writers and educators.
I'm not sure why King was critical of Twilight and praised HP. To me they were written on about the same reading level, and had equally acceptable vocabulary and grammer with minimal character development. Perhaps he should wait to judge until both of those authors have longer careers as proof of talent.
I also haven't read a Stephen King in years. His latest works seem too much the same.

>> No.475756

I've read every Stephen King novel ever published, and I own them all too. He's my favorite author. I also own the Twilight Saga series and the Harry Potter series.

Twilight may not be on the same level as Stephen King in terms of grammar, sentence structure, etc., but it's not bad either. King writes to an adult audience with an adult level of education, whereas Meyer writes to a pre-teen/teen audience that is still completing their education. Of course Meyer's books will not be as wordy as King's, they are aimed to a younger audience. Also, why do books aimed at pre-teens/teens need to be overtly sexual? Yes, King does not shy away from sex, but he, again, is targeting adults.

I think Stephen King is comparing apples to oranges. I also think he needs to learn to have some tact, because insulting people outright is rude, no matter who they are or what they've done.

>> No.475757

okay....this opinion is way overrulled by just about EVERYONE who's read the twilight series. Stephiene is a GREAT author and personally i think she's MUCH better than J.K. Rowling....his books just arnt that good.


>> No.475760

>I think Stephen King was out of line when he criticized Stephanie Meyer. For me, personally, his public criticism is more of a reflection on him than on her writing.

>> No.475762

>To all you people who say vampires are not sparkly and since when do vampires drink only animal blood! Vampires are not real and the only reason everyone thinks this is that for centuries now a "vampire" has been someone who drinks human blood only and has a dark, seductive precense about them. Now Stephanie Meyer has told her version, her view and her put her own twist on a make believe character and that is making people uneasy. People who believe one way and only one way do not like to think out of the box. They have read books and seen movies on Vampires for years and Stephanie's books take a different path from the norm. Vampires are a fictional charactesr and it shouln't matter how someone tells a story about them, all that matters is that there are people out there that love it and hate it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For me, I have never really liked the norm vampire movies or books. But I really like the movie and the books and I would read them again.

>> No.475765

wow, it's hot and heavy over here in the comment section today!

here are my 2 cents: I loved the Twilight books but I don't think Meyer is a good writer. What she IS is an excellent storyteller - and there IS a difference between writing well and telling a story well. Meyer has an intriguing plot (say what you will about sparkling vampires, she definitely got peoples attention) and the events and pacing of the story keep readers flipping pages frantically. At the same time, her writing is just *meh*. She overuses words and phrases and no one can accuse her writing itself of being beautiful or moving.

So King has a point - Meyer is NOT a great writer. But she IS a great storyteller and she is highly successful, and I'm pretty sure she's happy with that.

(Now whether you LIKE her story is another matter altogether....)

>> No.475764 [DELETED] 

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>> No.475771

Couldn't be bothered reading all of this. Soooo this is all marketing right? Plugging somebody's book? And pretty hard by the looks of it.

>> No.475778

>Steven King has a right to his opinion, just as I have a right to mine, and you have a right to yours; however, his opinion seems to carry more weight than yours or mine. I think he has stepped over the line. Comparing two best-selling authors is ridiculous. JKR and SM have two very different writing styles, are covering different fictional subject matter, and are appealing to different audiences. The fact is, his opinion of Stephenie Meyer does not matter, neither does mine. She had an idea, wrote a few books, and those books happened to appeal to millions of people. That is the bottom line. I agree that Meyer has a simplistic writing style - obviously that was not an issue for her readers or the individuals who decided to turn her Twilight series into major motion pictures. I have read the entire series, including the partial draft of Midnight Sun available on stepheniemeyer.com, and I enjoyed the fact that I could put it down and not give it a second thought until I picked it up again. In the world of published authors, the quantity determines the quality, and in Stephenie Meyer's case, she's Grade A.

>> No.475781

I left /v/ for this?

>> No.475783

So...is Twilight the only book you've ever read?

>> No.475784

What the fuck you on?

>> No.475787

>stephenie meyer is awesome. the chemistry between edward and bella is beyond amazing. its basically real. while reading her books you feel like your there

>> No.475790

>the quantity determines the quality


>> No.475792

>I used to be a real big Steven King fan , but he lost it long ago. As far as Stephanie Meyers, I absolutely love her writing. The Twilight Saga was the first ever love story I've ever liked enough to re-read a second and a third time and God knows I'll more than likely read them again!!! They're just awesome!!! Steven King's just jealous that he didn't come up with it for himself.

>> No.475800

so I was kind of like, holy fuck my brain is exploding I don't know if I can take this anymore
then I started reading this one

>> No.475811

>I think when Stephen King makes comments regarding other writers, he needs to remember his earlier career when he was told by a certain Colorado newspaper that he had no talent as a writer. (it was earlier in his career)

>> No.475815

First off, Stephenie meyer CAN write. I am a writer myself, and she is one of the best, most descriptive writers I have seen in a while. She and Rowling are almost matched, and, though their styles are different, they both produced great novels.

As for dear Mr. King, I admire him. His creativity is outstanding, but his writing style is choppy. I know hes been at it longet then Meyer has, but just because he doesnt like it doesnt make her a bad writer.

And, though I have read from all three of the authors mentioned here, I think that Rowling and Meyer are neck-and neck. Mr. King has put forth great ideas, but again, his writing style is no where near as descriptive, nor does it have the flow, of Stephenie's world-wide bestselling works.

>> No.475819

>Why the assumption that only 15 year old girls read the Twilight novels? I am 26 years old and, Arnaud, am a doctor, so please don't begin assuming I can't spell. I have read most of Stephen King's novels (some are great, some weak) and am a fairly recent convert to Twilight. I found Stephenie Meyer's novels utterly captivating, because, unlike pretty much every other fantasy/sci-fi book in existence, they are subtle and enjoyable, with a nice dose of romance. They don't over-sexualise, they don't preach. They are great stories about interesting characters. Isn't that enough??

>> No.475821

>As a former librarian, seeing this much enthusiasm for reading a book, in this age group, I view to be a successful endeavor. Yes, I think Rowlings books are an outstanding read, and better written, but, I felt the same way that I do for Meyer's books. YEAH! a person is reading! And, if this person becomes an enthusiastic reader they will find their way to new reading material, which is what we are all in favor of, right? By the way, I just finished reading Meyer's book "The Host" and it is written at an adult reading level. I enjoyed the read and look forward to reading her work in the future.

>> No.475823

>I think Rowlings is definately better than Meyer but for King to criticise her as if he's comparing her writing to his is apples and oranges. Oh, I think Rowlings writes better than king...personally. :)

>> No.475831

>That's funny...considering Stephen himself has called critics "pimples on his a**" . I've read his stories and Stephenie's...they are very different writers. Stephenie is an excellent storyteller, as is he. There was no need to criticize her...opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one and they all stink!

>> No.475832


>> No.475842

>I really love Stephen King's books and I have read quite a few of them. I also read all four of the SM Twilight Saga books. I really enjoyed those as well. Stephenie Meyer has a way of really drawing you in. Anyone who can sell 31+million copies of a book can definitly write. I have to say I was suprised the Stephen King said that. He has a different style than SM and he attracts a different audience than she does but I wouldn't go as far as to say that she can't write worth a damn. I am a 30yr old woman and I couldn't put Stephenie's books down. I wished that she would write more because I would love to read more about this story. Just about every woman young or old loves a good love story since real love is far from the fiction we read! I am sure that her writing technique will improve but I am also sure that she will continue to be on the best sellers lists, whatever she writes. I just hope that artists remain artists and not critiques leave that to the people that purchase your stories. These are the only opinions that truely matter. I hope both Stephenie and Stephen continue to put out great stories for "their" audiences.

>> No.475851

>I've read Stephen King books for years. While reading one of his latest books... and getting pretty bored. I started reading Twilight. Was totally drawn in. Put down the Stephen King and only picked it back up when I'd finished the whole Twilight Series. Needless to say I'm still slowly reading it... Certainly his books have never been able to draw me in like Stephenie Meyers. She's an incredible writer. I think Mr King is just jealous. As for what he said about her books attracting a generation of girls. I'm married with child. Definately not a little girl anymore. Get over it Stephen. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone. Maybe step up your game a bit!!

>> No.475859

Being both a Stephen King AND a Stephenie Meyer fan, I have to say that his comments aren't all that surprising OR untrue.

The thing is that you can't compare authors. They each have their own voice and their readers love BOTH the story and the voice that's telling it.

While technically Stephen King and J.K. Rowling are probably better writers, the bald facts are that Stephenie Meyer has her place. The books would not have sold if they didn't provide what the reader was looking for. Obviously the readers are NOT looking for a literary masterpiece.

I don't think that Stephen King should be jealous because he doesn't know how to write to 12 year old girls. (Well, normal 12 year old girls...lol)

>> No.475862

Emotionally, they are probably still teenagers.

>> No.475866

And this is why, ladies and gentlemen, we can't have nice things.

>> No.475867

>I think it's wrong when a fellow writer feels he has to make negative remarks against another writer. If Stephenie Meyer's books were not good they wouldn't be selling so successfully, and they wouldn't be making them into movies. If I had achieved the success that Mr. King has achieved, I would be doing my best to encourage Ms. Meyer, not tear her down. Sounds like Mr. King is jealous of Ms. Meyer's success. Sure shows a lack of class on your part Mr. King.

>> No.475869

>Meyers has a nice writing style. Kind of purple and verbose at times, but it's not bad. Her plotline, however, is atrocious. And I must say Rowling doesn't go far behind. Rowling had a good idea, a solid story, but somewhere along the way, she lost it. I can't speak about King because his genre isn't my cup of tea, but both Rowling and Meyer gave me a "something's missing" feeling after reading their books.

>> No.475876

I've never read any of his books either, but I'm not that old so, yeah. It's true that Stephenie Meyer isn't the best writer ever, but it's not like she's absolutely horrific. If that was the case, I'm not sure if the books would be so successful...
I think it's a matter of him being a bit confused that something that isn't perfect has become so huge. Lots of people wonder about that.
BUT, I do think he could have said it in a different way. "Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn" is kind of just rude, and it makes him seem jealous.
I think maybe he is a BIT jealous, well not really jealous but it seems like he used to be this big thing, but not so much anymore, like he doesn't have as big of a following anymore. Maybe he's just thinking like, "Wow, I had all these fans and my books were really well written, how can these ones be so successful when they're not that great?" I don't know, maybe he misses his fans and being such a phenomenon.
But I've never read any Stephen King books so...I can't really say. But thats just what I think. :)

>> No.475877

What kind of person copypastas Twilight vs King vs Rowling reviews to /lit/ for half an hour? Does this frighten anyone else?

>> No.475878

I like the Twilight series, because it was (i mean Literally) the first book I read that I was NOT forced to read. So to me it's a good book ( if you like vampires & romance). Stephen King does not have to make rude comments about other authors. If he doesn't like the series OK. The whole world doesn't love your books either buddy. As for JK rowling I TRIED reading her books before I even knew about twilight. I fell ASLEEP once I got to page 6. I read Twilight in two nights (major headache for the lack of sleep lol) so in general seriously if you don't like Stephenies' writing say you don't, but don't say she can't write because your not a professional critic and expert on "who knows how to write perfectly and correctly".
anyways stephenie is awesome!!
& I was going to read Stephens book but now forget it I don't like arrogant writers who like to criticize other writers and make them look bad.

>> No.475888

He USE to be a good writer himself, but since his accident, Mr.King's work has been disturbingly BORING- Plus, he's taking a cheap shot at an author who writes for a Completly Different Age Group/Demographic- 12-year-olds should not be reading his work, but rather the affirming 'all people have good in them' and 'true, lasting love is possible' themes in Meyer's books- I love what she did with the Vegetarian Vampire twist AND the fact that they sparkle in the sun- It's the coolest thing to happen to Vampires since...I don't even know when. The Cullens have chosen not to give in to the evil side of their natures and this is a negative theme to present to the younger generation??? And the fact that they can blend so well into human society is one of the most alluring things about them.

I am 35 and have read most everything by King(since I was 14, and NOT with my parents' permission), so I have alot of previous experience with his successes and failures(The Stand, The Talisman, Insomnia and much of his work as Richard Bachman were all great, as well as many others, but Duma Key, Lisey's Story, and Just After Sunset(currently reading) are missing the spark his early work had-yawn). What I'm getting from many of the posters who agree with King is that Meyer's characters don't seem dangerous or sexually-focused enough to be enjoyed, but why can't some of us have just a nice story that captures the innocence of youthful imagination we all use to have before we became the jaded haters who beat anything sweet or simple into submission with just for the sake of beating it?

>> No.475890

If you're still reading King's work just because HE wrote it and giving him a pass on quality, you're a blind follower and probably no longer have the capacity to enjoy simple pleasures-Plus you truely miss out on some wonderful books(Not everything has to be a Pulitzer Prize winning work-half of what wins now anyway is crap in itself)

With this unsolicited opinion, King is looking for the attention his work no longer brings to him. Meyer should be mildly flattered that the increasingly irrelevant and unimpressive King gave her some free press this week.

>> No.475892

Everyone who's on 4chan frightens me.

>> No.475898

Oh dear. Firstly, i'm FOR twilight.
Secondly, these people who say there's a load of sexual stuff in twilight...erm have you actually READ the books?!! there's really only anything sexual in the fourth and final book and it doesnt actually say anything about it, only how she feels in the run up to it. get a life. if you don't like the books or her writing style, then why the hell did you bloody read them?!! and if you're disgusted with the content then don't read them. if you don't like how the vampires are, don't read it. if you don't like her style, dont read it. if you don't like the words she uses, DON'T-READ-IT.
it really isn't that hard.
i havn't read Stephen King's books, i may well do in future but tbh he sounds a bit up himself.
Every author is different. Twilight is mainly aimed at teenagers, so is she REALLY going to write with words you've probably never even heard of? NO.
and as for the comment about "Since when do vampires sparkle?" i think i want to slap you for that. Books are about using your own individual ideas, if she had used to classic boring old vampire story then you'd critiicse her for not having her own ideas. just get over yourself, if you don't like an idea or the way she writes then just don't read the books its as simple as that.

I like JK Rowling too, but it's impossible to compare Twilight to Harry Potter, they are just too different in writing styles and content, same as Stephen King's books are to Twilight.

and the moral of the story is, if you don't like a book, then put the book down, and read something else= no problem! don't slag it off just because YOU don't like it.

end of discussion.

>> No.475905

>I am a late 30 something fan of Meyer's books, and while I agree with some that her stories are brilliant, I agree with others that her writing isn't so hot. What she needs to go to the next level is an awesome editor to push her to cut 100-200 pages from most of the books & clean up the style...yes, a thesaurus would be helpful, too. King needs to do what I always tell my kids and "worry about [him]self." Last I heard Glenn Beck's Christmas Sweater beat his most recent release on the NY Times Best Sellers List. Another writer with a good story, but in need of a better editor.

>> No.475909

>Stephen King used to be the king of the supernatural, but I haven't read anything of his since The Stand that has begun to blow my skirt up. The Twilight Series is a page turner that brings the characters to life. I don't care about the technicality of how well it is written. Stephenie Meyer introduced her friends to us, and now they are our friends. Charlie, Bella, Edward, and the Cullens feel like real people (family even) to me, and that it something! I have never been so affected by fiction. BTW, I am 58 -- hardly a 'romantic teenager'.

>> No.475916

>I read all four books, and I agree with King. The writing was not that great, but the STORY was compelling, that's what kept me reading. At some points I found myself skipping past pages of pointless bantering especially in Eclipse. I just kept thinking "I wonder what a more talented writer could have done with this story." Give Ms Meyer a break though, Twilight was her first novel. It's not going to be perfect, writing is a craft and with practice and experience she will get better. I'm sure she is happy with all the money she is raking in! I agree that JKR is the better writer. Remember that Sorcerer's Stone was her first novel too! Stephen King is a MASTER storyteller & one of my literary idols. If he ever said that I couldn't write worth a darn, I think I would just crawl under a rock and die!

>> No.475921

first of all this is only a personal opinion.
I must say that i admire Stephenie Meyer for captivating such a large audience and yes i did enjoy her books to an extent, BUT the way in which she writes as absolutely crap.
the plot only begins to make an appearance toward the last quarter of the book (the first one).

in my view The Host was much much much much better than the whole twilight series. kudos to meyer on that one.

but for me early King books beat SMeyer hands down.

>> No.475923

this really disturbs me :(

>> No.475927

>As I tell my kids, everyone has a right to their oppinion, it does make them right and it doesn't make them wrong. My husband and my mom both loved Stephen King up until he reached his dark point, as for me I loved a lot of his movies but had no use for reading his books. I find it sad that people are bashing Stephenie Meyers for her writings when she is actually bringing a whole new generation back to reading instead of sitting in front of the TV or game stations. My oldest two, which by the way are boys, have read all of the Twilight series and loved it. If she can get them to read then I am all for her!

>> No.475932

I think most of you are forgetting the most important thing here. Writing, like most arts, is objective. What one person loves, another will hate.
Stephanie Meyer has got a whole generation reading, just like J.K Rowling did a few years ago. It's not a bad thing. I'd much rather see teenagers with their noses in a book than eyes glued to the TV.
I have read the Twilight saga, and in my opinion its brilliant. I am also a Stephen King fan. I'm really disappointed with King after reading about this, Twilight is targeted at teenagers - so they will come across articles like this and see that even if you are successful you will be put down by people who, really should be supporting young, upcoming artists.
As for Harry Potter vs. Twilight? I prefer Twilight a thousand times over. For me, Harry Potter was sloppy - especially towards the end of the series. The last book was completely lost on me. This is just my opinion, I don't expect everyone to agree or disagree.
King should know better. When publishing creative works you should be ready for slating from some angles, of course, but someone with as much respect as King should know better than to bad mouth an up-and-coming talent.
King's talents are obvious, but he is very hit and miss. This is the same for any talent but King is no way perfect, and before he is, this kind of slating is unnecessary.

>> No.475936

>I think that Meyer really knows how to connect well with her audience. The young crowd is hard to please with books, but she did an outstanding job at that. She really knows how to relate to them and grab their attention, including with this intense love story. King is great at pulling his audience in and not exactly connecting with them, but sparking their interest with a twisted and intriguing story lines. Both are great writers, but they appeal to extremely different audiences with many different tastes.

>> No.475957
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At first I began to read the post out of idle curiosity, by the end, I felt compelled to write a response to the outrageous statements & insults running rampant here. Every post written here is more a reflection of the person writing it than anything they say about Meyer's stories or talent. Anyone that disses her stories is no surprise because someone who is hostile to authenticity, honor, and goodwill to their fellow man will not appreciate these stories. These books are not for you. These books are for people that live their lives seeking a higher road and the sunshine that shimmers all around those that love & stay on this road. For those who crave self-gratification and ego trips that lead to a perpetual dark void in their lives you will not find anything compelling about the light Stephenie SHINES in her stories. Stephenie Meyer is not going to fill the void you feel in your life. Only you can do that. Just as the light is not compatible with the dark you are not going to enjoy Stephenie's light because you are in opposition to that light. Light and darkness can't share the same space. Of course, you revel in a world of darkness that is Kings stock & trade. Like attracts like. King glorifies destruction. Meyer writes of hope, faith, and happy endings. These are foreign concepts to those that live in Dark Shadows. The lack you find in her stories is a mirror of the lack that is really in you. All the criticism that you have attempted to place on Meyer is a direct reflection of you as a person. That is the role of great fiction to hold up a mirror of truth. Meyer has done just that. How do you like your reflection?

>> No.475958
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>> No.475961
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My blessing for all that read this,

I hope that you become compatible with the beauty that you seek to find in the world. Whether that be in Meyer's world, people you meet, or experiences you encounter. Remember, the beauty we find in the world must be in us first or we can look everywhere and will never find it. That is the truth of Meyer's books. We can seek gratitude, happiness, or truth but if we don't carry these with us it will elude us like a butterfly we chase. I wish for you all to find what you seek first within and then without. In this way the beauty within you will naturally reflect back at you in all that you see including in literature.

Best wishes,

Kristen Natasha

>> No.475965

>I would take a Stephenie Meyer book over a Stephen King book any day. Since when is Stephen King the ultimate authority on who is a good writer and who isn't, anyway?

>In any case, I agree with Kristin Natasha's comment above. Stephenie Meyer's stories aren't about wallowing in misery and darkness and evil. If you're too dark and twisty inside to enjoy them, that's not a sign that Meyer is a bad writer. It's just your personal problem.

>> No.475970

Whoa there...
I like both Stephen King and Stephenie Meyer for different reasons because they have very different writing styles, but for King to insult another author is just plain rude. So he's a great writer and Meyer is mediocre... the point? She told a story and people enjoyed it. That's all there is to it. PERIOD.
People who have to analyze everything bug the crap out of me. Take advice from the Beatles man and Let It BE!

>> No.475983

>Since this is getting repetitive, I'll keep it simple. I've been reading Stephen King since I was a preteen and I own his entire library and though I don't love, or even like everything he writes, there's so much that's great about some of his work, (The Stand, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon). My husband shares this love of SK and the author was even mentioned in our wedding vows. We also share a love of gothic vampire stories (Anne Rice, anyone?). I'm also happen to be a 37 year old mother to an 11 year old daughter and my husband and I had to fight her for the Twilight books. I don't think one of us thinks Meyer's is an amazing writer by any stretch and we would never even consider comparing her to Rowling or King, let alone numerous other authors. But we still loved the stories. For my husband and I, I think it was the romance, being reminded of those intense, passionate feelings of first love, and like my husband puts it, reading the Twilight saga was just "sharpening the saw." For my daughter (and now 9 year old son), Twilight is an adventure and introduces them to those intense feelings regarding romantic love that they are only beginning to consider and doing it in a gentle and safe way. Both my children are voracious readers and have read literature well beyond their years. For my independent daughter, I think Bella represents a strong, analytical, and progressive thinker, something my daughter respects. For my husband and I, it's been magical watching her transform, becoming aware and exploring her first crush, her first feelings regarding romantic love. I can't see the harm in this.

>I think you can like both. My family certainly does. I don't think it has to be either or.

>> No.475984


>> No.475985

If your not going to waste your time replying then why did you even comment. I can not believe you would compare Twilight to cocaine.

Stephanie Meyer is not the greatest writer in the world but she draws the reader in. I read Twilight in one day so what does that tell you.

She did not ruin vampires, what she did was create her own legends about them. She was doing her own thing.


(Oh and one more thing, GET A LIFE. Instead of trashing people's hard work get a girlfriend or something.

>> No.475991

Jesus tits and pungent twatbeards, cut this shit out. If anyone actually cares about this topic we can go to the website you posted and read the comments ourselves.

>> No.475992

>public forum, we can't expect all authors, or all people for that matter, to keep their opinions to themselves. As a reader of all 3 authors I can safely say that none are with out fault, including King himself. Stephenaie Meyer might not be winning the Pulitzer prize for her portrayal of immortal love in a young adult geared genre, and I am not sure she was ever going around trying to pretend that she would be. She is simply a writer who told a story from her heart, that happened to catch the attention of millions (particularly teenage girls). The point of literature is to broaden the mind and stir up a new emotion; to make you feel that in some way your words have had a significant impact on another. I can safely say that all 3 authors fall into that category. As far as ranking, this is only Meyer's first forte into the literary limelight so it will be interesting to see how much of a grasp she can hold on it in the future. Even though King has had his share of literary accomplishments, finishing potentially excellent books with 'a giant mutant spider' posing as a clown, still shows room for improvement.

>> No.475995

>Personally, I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I love Stephen King, but not some of his most recent novels. But to me, Stephenie Meyer has a fresh writing style and I thought her books were fabulous, including Breaking Dawn (and I heard a lot of negative stuff about that one !). But I like them both. And right now I'd have to say that I put Stephenie Meyer above Stephen King.

>> No.475996

>stephan ur a gerk!

>> No.475999

>im switzerland. if you read Twilight you would understand. it means you can't pick just one side. Stephen King had been my favorite writer for as long as i can remember. but when Stephenie Meyer's books came out me and my two girlfriends had to have them. that's all we do is say lines from the book or movie, when we are just talking. i think Stephen and Stephenie are both brilliant writers and they should keep at it. don't tear down a writer if you don't even know there material. if you don't read Stephenie Meyer books and you do read Stephen King books then don't tear her down you don't know her material!!! and vice versa for Stephen King. this whole thing has brought on a war... Stephen King and Stephenie Meyer write different things..she has a vampire/werewolf thing going for her and Stephen King has the whole creepy darkness thing that is totally unpredictable and you don't know what he will write next. but the reason we love Stephenie Meyer so much is because her characters are so realistic that we want more of what can't have or what can't happen. peace and love.

>> No.476006

Chardonnay or Merlot? They are both drinks, both wines but one is quite different from the other. Everyone has different tastes and opinions and are completely entitled to express them. Stephen King has expressed his, though granted, with a little less savoir faire than one would expect from him. I'm sure I remember reading a quote from him somewhere saying that he always abided by his mother's advice of "if you can't saying something nice, don't say anything", but as I said, he has his opinion and has given it when asked.
Personally, I have been a constant reader of King's for almost twenty years. I don't love all of his writings, but I've enjoyed enough that I keep buying the books. As for Stephie and her vamps, she is free to remake the vampire legend as she wishes - many writers do. I've read the Twilight books and thoroughly enjoyed them and hope she writes more. Stephen King's writings - as noted in many of the above comments, has in the past been regarded with much the same disdain as shown to Meyer's current sensations. And Stephen King has been the first to admit that even his own writing has inproved with time; the more you do something, the better you get....It'll be interesting to see how Steph is doing in twenty years time - critical acclaim or no; for me it's all about the books.

>> No.476010

>Stepehenie Meyer can write. I don't care what King says. If you don't like the books? Guess what!! You don't have to read them. King is just picking on the new guy. Meyer's only has out 5 books. Each one getting a little more involved. And as for the vampire stereotype. Screw it! The stereotype used to be Dracula changing into a bat for the love of ... So what if she wants them to sparkle. There practically made of stone. Therefore they sparkle like diamond. Get it. Not hard to make a connection. Also if you take time to study the relationship and not bash it, Edward and Bella do have reasons to love each other. Bella is mature and cares about things other than the perfect shade of lip stick. Bella likes Edwards old fashion ways. And who cares if there not all hot and heavy. If you want that, pick up just about any other urban fantasy. Try Laurell k. Hamilton book 9 and up. That will keep you satisfied. It comes down to this. King needs to calm down and play nice with all the other writers out there. And all his minions need to find a new series and leave Meyers alone.

>> No.476017

haven't read too many King books, nor have I read any recently...however... I have read the Twilight series about 4 times each. With that being said, let me clarify that I am a huge Twilight fan....I am 29....a mother....and hold a MA in English. So I shall say this with loving feelings towards both Stephenie's writing....and King's writing styles. I agree with King. Her writing is not in any way touchable by King's or Rowling's. Her books are in fact juvenial in style and theme. Her plots, characters, and ideas could be way more developed than they are. However, since I am not a teenager reading these books but rather an educated adult, I would have to assume that teenagers themselves are not up to par with their writing abilites....hence why they almost dont even realize that Meyer's writing isn't fantastic. Thinking back to when I was a teen....my writing needed lots of work....and it wasn't easy to spot an author that needed to take a writing class.

King talks highly of Jodi Picoult's writing ability in that same interview....but look where she was educated....Princeton and Harvard. So if her writing ability WASN'T superior.....then we'd have some problems.

To come to Meyer's defense..she has stated numerous times that she never wrote the Twilight saga to get published. She simply wrote it because it was such a strong pull for her to get it out on paper. Am I glad she did get published? Certainly. I am a fan of the love that Edward and Bella share.....its intense....its powerful....its forever....and it's old fashioned. Thats why it's so magnetic.....everyone wishes to find the same.

If nothing else.....Meyer created a world in which readers can get lost in the "forever"....and she should be acknowledged for her place in the genre.

>> No.476020
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>He's just jealous because like Rowling she reached a vast audience unlike him! Horror is just one genre. What Rowling and Meyer did was really create a completely different genre. I wouldn't even know how to classify them. They both have fantasy, paranormal, romance, mystery; whereas King is stuck smack dab in HORROR. Like I said he's just jealous that these two WOMEN have managed to reach a huge audience with their books. At least that's my opinion.

>> No.476025


They asked him what his opinion on her was and he answered truthfully. Would you have preffered he sucked her mormon cock?

>> No.476027

>All I have to say is I have never read a Stephen King book in my life, and I don't plan to. Not because of what he said, just because I am not interested in horror novels. Personally, I do think Rowling is a better writer, but Meyer is just starting out. I think there will be growth as she writes more. I enjoy both Harry Potter and Twilight, and I don't care a lick if one is better written than the other. What matters to me is enjoyment. I love both series, and any author who can get so many people to read, especially non-readers, is a success.

>> No.476045

I think the last King story I read was Biting the Bullet, which came out in 2001. I appreciate a couple of King's works: Carrie and Misery. The others are alright, but I always wondered why he never explained the origins of his creatures. I enjoyed The Green Mile as a movie, so if I had read the book, I probably would've enjoyed it, too, though I recognize that John Coffee is, yet again, another unexplained phenomenon.

I think I've been enthralled by both writers in the same way, at different times. As a general rule, I pick women writers over male writers, just because I've found that the writing of women speak more to me. I enjoy male writers' books--some of them exceedingly so, but women writers (and this is going to sound corny) touch my heart, the way male writers never have. David Sedaris, who is a male writer I LOVE DEARLY, touched my funnybone--not my heart.

My point is, I couldn't rank King and Meyers by fair comparison, I think, but I'd pick up a Meyer book sooner than I would a King one--especially these days, when I don't seem to think much of King's work as much as I used to.

(Begging pardon to all King fans--I mean no disrespect to you or King.)

>> No.476058


>> No.476073

To Josh, a few questions. One how many of Meyers books did you read? Also do you think she is a bad writer or a bad story teller, or both? I agree her writing leaves some to be desired. However I like her characters and I like her story and ideas. I don't care if her "I's" aren't dotted and her "T's" aren't crossed. So I should have worded my previous entry differently.

Now on to the vampire bit. Think about the two main requirements in the vampire genre. One they are seducers and two the drink blood. Meyers' vampires are described as angels from heaven that smell sweet and call to you with their beauty. And even though it is animal blood its still blood. Angel, Buffy the slayer's "not so steady" for the first three seasons drank pig's blood. Eww but true. Meyer didn't really twist vampires, she made them the physically strongest vampires potrayed so far.

You also suggested she call them something else. If she did that there would be a debate somewhere else on the internet about how her diamond leech creatures are just juiced up vampires. Book worms will argue about anything.

Now since I refuse to respond to any thing else. I will clarify something. I have nothing against King. I saw "It" and "The Green Mile" and they were great movies. Especially the latter. I would love to have one of his books in my hands. However they are large and daunting, and I can only find time for shorter books that I can remember the start of when I get to the end. So I return to what I said before. Although King is a great writer and story teller. He should stay back, bask in his earned glory, and be nice to all the lesser authors out there.

>> No.476083

>One thing that really bothers me about people who have never read Twilight is that they assume that it is for pre-teen girls. I am 19 years old and am in love with the Twilight Saga. King's comments are ridiculous. Stephenie is a fantastic writer. Her stories attract us because they are relevant. Who doesn't want someone who will love you unconditionally? It's not that Edward's a vampire. It's that they have a love that is so unlike anything that most people ever get to experience. Bella is living a dream. She has taken a desire that most humans have, and has transformed it into four amazing books. King is so wrong about Stephenie. He can have his own opinion, that's fine. But what was his purpose in saying it in an interview? I haven't heard anything from King in years. Let Stephenie enjoy her success. The attack on her writing was completely uncalled for, expecially since it was very untrue.

>> No.476094

>I count myself among those "scary fan girls," and I don't think that you will ever catch us admiting that Stephenie can't write. Okay? And as to your comment about the "Cullen Shirts," grow up. People wear shirts related to their favorite things all the time. How is this any different than wearing a shirt for a particular band or sports team? If we are into Twilight, then what's the problem with wearing a shirt? None. I proudly wear my Team Edward sweatshirt.

>> No.476105

>Okay... So not many of you think Steph can write. That's fine. Each to their own. I'm proud to say I'm not a crazy "twilighter" but I really do enjoy the series. People keep mentioning that all twilight is is a reflection of a teenage girls dreams.. yet you can't see the appeal?? Just because Steph doesn't write about cars that are evil or men having midlife crises amidst really scary fog.... doesn't mean she can't write. SO SHE MADE THE VAMPIRES SPARKLE.. big whoop, She can write whatever she wants about vampires seeing as there not actually real and no one actually owns the right to make the myth of vampires a certain way. So she didn't make them scary- she made them different. She has a mind of her own. Good for her! King wrote for a different generation, his time is up and he should deal with it.

>> No.476108


>> No.476123

Yes, the story is easy to love, because, as I've stated, it's simple. You don't have to think to understand the plot. And you can jump around all you want. The same phrase makes the entire series and that phrase is repeated every page. Stephen knows its the end of his time. He's getting old. But that, in no way affects his judgment. I don't care if Stephenie didn't intend for them to get published, when she realized they were, she should have made them better. I mean, at least make the sequels better. It's not like she wrote all four in one chain smoking marathon. She could have improved her writing. And, though vampires may be fictitious, most of the criticism is coming from people who think she ruined the genre, which she pretty much did. She's pretty much convinced every average girl that somebody perfect for them will walk into their life. this is obviously not true. And to anybody stating she doesn't over exemplify the sexual aspect, think again. Bella practically breathes sexuality. Every sentence that has to do with Edward has the sexuality in it. It may not be blunt, but it's there. And the love is completely based on nothing. Read my earlier post to learn more. It's not like I'll walk into school one morning and some chick will jump into my arms, some random chick I've never seen before. Relationships like the one Bella and Edward share are built, not just created in a second. Please accept the fact that Stephenie, though she had a good story, did a poor job writing it. I bet even Stephen King could do a better job writing it, in the same genre too. No horror at all, the same genre, same audience. Yeah, the demented guy. And I don't think it would be half as successful because he wouldn't write it like you were reading the secret diary of girl with her first crush.

>> No.476131

i dont understand y people keep saying that twilight is full of sexual stuff when the only one that i can recall that mentions sex is Breaking dawn and it wasnt even described... i have read books from my old high school library that would go into full detail about sex...

About stephanie, j.k., and stephan the thing is that i have never been interested in readin any of stephans novels, i like da movies but dont think i could live through any of his novels... i have never and honestly dont plan on reading any of the harry potter books... yea dat is of no interest to me either. BUT i have read the whole twilight collection, well im half way through Breaking dawn and i loved them all except Eclipse (she messed up Bella and Jacob in that one) ...

and yes King has more experience but every author is different and im glad for that cause i wouldnt want them all to be like stephan king cause i dont like his work at all....
my opinion was stated...
P.S. I Think its cool that stephanie's vampires sparkle in the sun instead of burn

>> No.476139

I am 16 years old and also what you can call a Twilight fan. Although, I have to agree, Stephen King does have a point.

The Twilight Saga was successful due to it's large fan base made up of mostly the female population. The story/plot line is romantic and easy for girls to relate to. Edward Cullen, the key character, is the perfect imaginary person all girls have. Bella Swan acts as a window in which reader may see themselves in her place. It's a classic love story, the complexity of their love, the circumstances which prevents them from truly being together is what draws the suspense from audience. The story is definitely a hit!

Although, have anyone notice the actual literature? When I first read the book, I notice the simple terms, sentence structures... etc. Meyers can also be very repetitive: her descriptions of Edward, Bella's daily routine... etc.

(: Anyways, I still respect both of these authors!

>> No.476145

The vampires don't have to burn in sunlight. Bram Stoker's vampires don't burn in sunlight. but they don't sparkle. In fact, nothing happens to them. The only thing that happens is that they're stuck in whatever form they were in when the sun rose. What I mean is that Stoker's vampires could change their form and during the day, they were stuck in whatever form they were when the sun came. If they were a bat, they were stuck that. Same if they were in their human form.

Next, sexual stuff isn't bluntly stated statements. It's embedded into the tone of the novels. Even if Bella doesn't state she wants to have sex with Edward, the tone of the novel when she's talking about him and when thinking about him has a very strong sexual tone, or at least lustful.

Might I ask why you aren't interested in reading either sets of books? I mean, I need a good answer please. If you want, just my curiosity getting the better of me.

>> No.476151


>> No.476155

>Stephan King, or what ever his name is, should not talk. His books only connect with adults, if even that. Stephanie Meyer twho she connects with all ages! He is just jelous cuz he isn't the popular one right now, which is so middle school!!!! His books are only considered good when they turn into movies thats where he makes his money. So Stephanie is the one that will come out on top. I don't see her talking bad about any other writer :)

>> No.476161

>I hardly think that ANYBODY would agree with Steven King. -.-" Twilight is awesome and you have to have a reason to hate it and say something as mean as that. Twilight gave many girls (And some boys) great pleasure in reading it and I can bet you the WORLD that Steven King hasn't even read the series and is just mad because a lot of younger people would rather read Twilight than his boring books.

>> No.476177

Jesus Christ quit posting a copypasta on /lit/.

>> No.476204

>I think that we should let the reviews speak. A LOT more people read Stephanie Meyer's books than Stephan King's books. And she only wrote 4 for that series.

>> No.476223
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>> No.476236

I've read both authors. I know Stephen King at one time struggled to get published, versus Stephanie Meyers instant claim to fame; sounds to me a little bitter adversity is in the mix. I personally wouldn't put either of these authors next to one another in comparison. They both have very different styles.

Stephen King is more overall good versus evil (almost all of his books bring up this element in one form or another). Stephanie Meyers kind of brings in a more magical anything is possible generalization. I think there are quite a few of us who can relate to the high school drama that plays out in the Twilight series. As for Kings books, they make you more introspective on a different level.

To trash another author seems rather childish. Each of them have their own style. Stephen King is well known and basically has had his day in the limelight, so why take offense to sharing the fame at this point in his life. I respect them both as authors. It will be interesting to see how Meyers holds up after the success of Twilight.

>> No.476245

if the nosferatu vampire image was more popular, anon, you surely wouldn't be a virgin right now.

>> No.476262

>King should not have critized Meyer. Twilight is a great series but most of it's appeal is the hype. Everyone is so excited about it that it is encouraging others to read the novel and watch the movie. But to bash someone like that...rude and uncalled for.

>> No.476269

>Meyer is unjustly being written off as success through popularity, while King is milking his ethos for all it's worth. Don't get me wrong both are terrific writers, King can scare the crap out of you while Mayer can take the same premise and turn into a love story. I have to admit, at first I was on the HATE the Twilight bandwagon, but after reading the first one, one cannot help but identify and then become attached to the characters, a completely different experience from King's. With King one would always seem detached from the characters and situations but it concluded with terror nonetheless, Twilight leaves some things to be desired also, for example some of it's pacing does seem rushed, but how can we expect perfection from either? They are only human... We can just appreciate them for what they are, complete polar opposite genres. To those who say that Meyers ruined vampires, i say ha! Oh please, gothic interest? Bitterness seems the predominant background in those who bash Meyers. The whole, Edward's a wimp thing... what? Does that make Louis (Anne Rice) a wimp too?? They do not butcher people and prefer romanticism! Since when did the bloodthirsty count represent all vampire etiquette? Back to King: who knows what possessed him to lash out at fellow writers but it may have a lot to do with self fulfilling prophecy: he was hated on when he first began, he's unfairly taking it out on Meyers.

>> No.476275

I men relly, how can he say stephenie is bad? look at him, he cant rite! where r his books and stuff? he just wishes he did vampires, insted of meyer. yea, take that u loser king. u cant do anything or rite anything because meyer is cooler than u.

i like the vampires, and i think they should sparkle because edward is sexy so tehre.

>> No.476277

Though many people have made the case for Stephenie Meyer, I want to address something else. Of course, the intended audience is taken into account when she was writing, and obviously the intended audience for SM primarily differs from Stephen King's with respect to age. But the consistent criticism of the "flat," "underdeveloped" nature of the characters, particularly of Bella is what really bothers me.

As a 23 year old woman, I have a penchant for reading that goes beyond one particular genre or style. I often choose to read YA fiction over Adult fiction simply because, as a literate person, I really enjoy a good story better than I enjoy lofty prose and excessive description that runs rampant in the world of being a "good" writer. I have read Stephen King. And I couldn't tell you a single detail about any character that stands out in memory, nor any character I could relate to my own experiences.

>> No.476303

Bella, on the other hand, reminds me of myself. And I do not consider myself to be "weak," "Mary Sue - like," or a "brain-dead teenage girl," as some posts seem to suggest the typical Twilight fan would be. Of course someone growing up in the world of text messages may choose to write their post without punctuation and capitalization. So did the famous e.e. cummings. It is a matter of expression, just as SM's choice of subject matter and style of writing are her choice.

Stephen King may be criticizing technical skill, but in a world where literacy is in danger of extinction among the young, why can't we have both writing styles? Reading is reading, and when a child wants to read something, you let her, lest she become a "brain dead teenager."

As for the idea that SM's writing resembles "completely objective, apathetic, 3rd-grade Science text book," well, show me a third grade textbook that was the bestseller in young adult fiction in 2008.

>> No.476328

>ok... people SERIOUSLY need to get a life about this....you shouldn't go around being a critic about EVERYTHING!! yay for shoving our opinions into people's faces and being RUDE about it! twilight haters, you don't have t actually READ the book if you think it's dumb! i know that people have their right to their opinion, but seriously, when did it become a "my book is better than your book, and if you don't think what i think, you are stupid." war??? please, if you have something rude to say, don't post it in a blog comment. and to "angy fan girls" dude, uncalled for and VERY RUDE and to "day" we don't need to hear your unfair accusitions, you're just making people angry.

>> No.476332

>i am not a fan of reading much at all. i have tried to read stephen king books but i stop before finishing i dont know why i just get bored. it is nothing against him its just not the books for me. I think he is prob really great writer just not my style. The only books i have been able to read all the way through were Harry Potter and Twilight saga.

>> No.476339

>Steven King is an excellent writer. He makes great use of the English language. However, King is all about shock and horror. He could not write a book without sexual and violent imagery. Even King's book on writing involves examples that are, for the most part, on the shocking and violent side. There are also great lulls in Steven King novels. The chapters between the action in a King novel put me to sleep. I am an avid reader, and a fan of all three writers involved. King mentioned JK Rowling's work as if she and Stephanie are of a kind, but they are not. JKR has magical books intended for a youthful audience filled with lore and myths from all kinds of cultural backgrounds. There is a heck of a lot hidden between the covers of a JKR book that does not come to a reader's attention until you either study mythology or get one of the many guides for her novels. Her writing style is deeper than anything Steven King could ever accomplish. Stephanie Meyer is yet another type of writing animal. Her originally intended audience was not young adult. I have heard there were loves scenes edited out of the original manuscripts. Stephanie keeps my attention throughout the entire novel, and is inventive. Whoever said that vampires do not sparkle has to realize that vampires do not really exist, and therefore can do whatever Stephanie wants them to do. Authors have been reinventing mythical creatures for ages. This is no different. Stephanie does not rely on shock, sex, or historical mythology to write. Her style is different, and so I have to say that the comparison is moot. I will say that Stephanie holds my attention better than King does these days, and while his imagery is wonderful, I have not needed the explicit language or scenes that King paints since becoming an adult. As an adolescent the books almost seemed like contraband, but after experiencing a little more of life, King novels are like a sensory overload, that is while they are not putting me to sleep.

>> No.476346

>I think that all of the peope that hate twilight should stop tormenting the twilight fans and visa versa . I personaly like the twilight books but if anyone disagrees then thats fine, its just my indavidual opinion .

>> No.476351

While I don't disagree with him (far from it), didn't King once say "If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, I consider you talented?" Now, Meyer's collected some hefty checks in her time, I imagine. So doesn't that, by his own standards, make her super-super talented?

I don't think she's a good writer but she's entertained millions of people. Isn't that what matters at the end of the day? You know, I get just as much pleasure reading entertaining-but-mediocre literature as I do from the great stuff. "Twilight" will never go in my Top 10, but, God, I finished "New Moon" and "Eclipse" in the same *day*- she must have something going for her.

>> No.476360

What Stephanie Meyer did was create a series of books that teenage girls could relate to. She used her own idea of what vampires could be, instead of the same ideas everyone else used. No, she isn't the best writer in the world, and a lot of her stuff seems to lack substance. The one thing she has over Steven King is that her books draw people in. When I read Stephen King novels I end up bored and dont read the rest, because there really isn't much to keep me reading it. When I first read Twilight, I couldn't put it down, and ended up buying and reading the other 3 books in the same week. Stephen King may be famous, but he is not the final word on what is good and what is bad.
People are entitled to their own opinions. Thinking Meyer is good, or that King is bad, it's an opinion, and you cant prove either way if something is bad or good. It's completely subjective.
As for JK Rowling, yes she is a terrific writer -now- but her first book honestly was just as bad as people say Twilight is. Sometimes you have to get past the first book, because just like with Harry Potter, the books age as you read them, and get better as you go.

>> No.476362

>Stephenie Meyer is astounding. I love her deep descriptions. She uses interesting words, and I am not talking about the cuss words that Stephen King uses. Stephenie uses sarcasm and joking in her books. Anyway, just because Stephen King wrote more books than Stephenie does not make him a better author! By Samantha-11 years old.

>> No.476363


>> No.476365

I think trashing an author is crass. Perhaps Mr. King is fearing he isn't as great as he once was. No longer known as the " HorrorOZ " lol, he sees others sitting in his throne. lol. I have yet to read Twilight, but I will get around to it before the DVD release ; p.
Rowling & Meyer's introduced many reluctant readers to become lovers of the written word. So many people who once thought reading was " uncool " or for " nerds " found it COOL to be reading either series &/or both.
As a book nerd, I am thrilled for this surge in readership.

>> No.476369

ITT: retards justifying their bottom-feeding and in so doing undermining the basis of civilisation (constant development and challenge).

GJ guys.

>> No.476377
File: 91 KB, 300x413, Burn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thing that just blows me away is how all of the people on here bash Stephanie Meyer and say she is a terrible writer. If you can do better, go ahead and write and make yourself a fortune. Imagine the amazing stories, use the well crafted grammar, do all the hard work it takes to write a book. Oh, none of us on here can? Then shut your mouths about her. Her books are well written and very captivating.

>> No.476379
File: 30 KB, 465x364, threadildos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.476391

>Meyers books are not cheesy they are wonderful books that have helped kids see that reading is fun and it's not something that a 14 year old would write. her books are about different forms of love that can last through the hardest situations.the strength of Edward and Bella's love isn't something you see every day, i know it has sexual activity but what teen book doesn't,that's what makes teen books sell.

>> No.476411

I agree with something Mo said. It's comparing apples and oranges. Would a 13 year-old get as much satisfaction out of a King horror novel as they would a Meyer paranormal romance? No. As an author, you have to consider your target audience. In some cases, that might mean writing for a target audience according to your writing skill or style. That's what Meyer has done, I think.

And I think it's really rotten that an author would publicly demean another author's writing. I lost respect for Mr. Stephen King, to be frank.

>> No.476414

>Stephanie Meyers is a storyteller. While I agree she isn't the "greatest writer" she can draw you into a story and keep you reading. While I love Stephen King I will say that the book I enjoyed the most from him was Carrie and if you look back at Carrie it wasn't as long winded as many of his current books. It seems he has lost perspective of what writing is all about. It isn't about how many different scenes you can set and how long you can make a sentence run on being overly verbose and taking forever to get to the action so, while I agree that Meyers is redundant and one step above fan fiction quality - she tells a story that many want to read and she paints some interesting pictures on the way...

>> No.476416

Holy shit, I just glimpsed this monstrosity of a thread dripping through page 0. Is this a fucking rage thread or something? It left a horrible stain as it slid down my fucking monitor.

>> No.476427

>Personally I like Twilight. I don't think the writing is too sophisticated or brilliant, but you need to remember when it's mainly being marketed to an audience of 13 year old girls it doesn't have to be. I like twilight for the plot, I have to say JK Rowling is a better writer, but I was sucked into Twilight because of the story line not the writing style. Secondly there's been a bit of an overreaction in a few of these comments. Twilight isn't suppose to be a highly sophisticated literary work, or have a complex writing style. It's a nice, care free, easy read. I don't count it as a true vampire because it isn't. Vampire novels are usually divided into supernatural, gothic, horror,or even science fiction catagories. Even when there is a romance in a novel with vampires there'll usually be themes of violent or sex in it. If you're complaining that it's not living up to the gothic vampire, or the romaniticized vampire, you're right, but it's not suppose to live up to the version you'd find in adult novels, it's made for 13 girls. I'm a gothic fiction fan, but I don't count Twilight as a true vampire novel because it isn't really.

>> No.476434

>It strays from original vampire themes to market to a younger audiance. For example if you had vampires burning to death in sunlight all the time, or them following alot of the themes of the horror or sex vampire of graphic violence, or sex, it wouldn't be appealing to it's original market audience. Twilight was arguably never suppose to be a horror, gothic, or adult novel. Alot of things were softened, the violence was sometimes underdescribed, it averted alot of sexual detail. It was nothing I wouldn't have been allowed to watch on TV or see in a movie when I was 13. What probably happened with Twilight was alot older teenage girls just happened to like it too. I see grade 7's reading it, but then again I see grade 12 reading it. It just happened to have a intended and unintended marketing audiance. I don't think Meyer expected it to be as big as a cult classic or a international best seller when she originally wrote it.

>> No.476436

King's a great writer. Love his stuff. But I didn't pick up Meyer's book expecting to see King all over again. For someone to say "Well it isn't on par with The Shawshank Redemption" is, well...strange. Why would it be? That's like watching Dumb and Dumber and at the end saying "That sucked 'cause it wasn't Slumdog Millionaire!" Well, duh! It's geared toward different audiences! It is written with different intent in mind. It's something different completely! Why would it be?

Not every work of fiction can be some complex, sophisticated, masterpiece with multi-dimensional characters. The Twilight series is aimed at a younger audience, and Meyer hit the nail on the head. The characters are high schoolers. The setting is high school. Teens want an archetype, not a layered-cake of a person. Teens put themselves and others into categories: check out any teen magazine. That's how they identify. Most of them, anyways. For the ones that do want to read something a bit more sophisticated, well, then, they can grab something else off the shelf.

>> No.476440

King is more sophisticated, yes. And, yes, he is a better writer. I'm not saying Meyer is bad, but she's not on level with him-- but does she need to be? She did tell a good story. She had a good plot. I liked the characters (yes, bad me, slap me on the wrist and tell me I'm unrefined but I really didn't need these particular characters to be complex-- it wouldn't have fit with the story. It would have been a DIFFERENT story). It would have to be written differently if it were aimed at adults.

Look, all the woman did was tell you a captivating story about sparkly vampires who admittedly have just a touch more pathos than is digestible. She is not crap. If King had written the same story, you'd lick it up off the bottom of his shoe with gusto.

Not every work of fiction can be just like the work of your favorite author. I don't think other people are stupid, or hate them because they prefer something different than I. My authors aren't the only authors in the world, and I delight that there is genre fiction out there for some good dumb fun.

>> No.476442


So should author's today basically write only with the intention of appealing to a certain audience, only to make millions off of them. IMO Meyer saw Rowling do it with harry potter, so why not give it a try

that whole "I saw it in a dream and i thought it would be a good book" shit is bullshit.

fuck her for lessening the standards of literature in the future generations.

>> No.476443

>Ok, what I have to say is Stephen King is so wrong. The thing about Stephenie Meyer is that she incorporates what a regular would go through with the supernatural world. It is not all horror, it is not all magic, it takes human and supernatural and blends them into one that is captivating and riveting. All I have is personal experience, he also said that J.K.Rowling was an awesome writer, I tried to read one of her books, I couldn't it was so boring there is nothing in hers or Stephen that drags you in and keeps you interested. Both of them are falling in standings and now that they are losing their edge, they stick together. I have nothing else to saw except he's wrong, so so wrong! When Stephenie Meyer writes a book that can hav me thinking about all day and dreaming about it at I think that is better than stupid horror.

>> No.476444

I'm serious. Doesn't this terrify anyone else? What is the motive here? It's been going on for four hours. Is is the same guy, doing nothing but posting these reviews copied from some shitty news website?

I'm scared, people. Help me understand!

>> No.476449

>Stephan King u r a jerk. Stephanie meyer is the best writter in the history of good writters. She is my favoritte person in the whole world, besides robert pattinson.why dont u like it, oh because you are just an adult and adults just want to read about stupid stuff.

>> No.476451

>u r such a jek. i love stephanie meyer. She is the greatest writter in the history of god writters. She did not just go along with what all the other people who write about vampires did, she made her own theory.she is my favoritte person in the whole world, besides robert pattinson!

>> No.476452

This thread is gayer than the act of male anal penetration by a HIV infected penis.

>> No.476457 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 297x350, who i am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'll tell you who I am.


>> No.476461
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Proof that standards today for writing are fucking atrocious at best. This bitch was THIRTY-ONE when she wrote what is considered a fucking bankable story. Now we have this thread.

>> No.476462

"Good writer" is subjective. Meyer's command of the English language, made evident in her books, does not seem very strong. Her sentence structures are basic. She employs close to no literary devices aside from tired cliches and overused metaphors. This is probably what King means by saying she is not very good. It's her style of writing. It is, absolutely, without a doubt, extremely sophmoric. She does not write well at all.

But she understands her audience and her books are targetted specifically to such an audience. That audience is teenaged girls who, whether they are avid readers or not, appreciate a very simple style of writing that does not take much thought to understand. They aren't interested in literary devices. They aren't looking for a hidden meaning. They aren't reading to analyze. Meyer's books are extremely easy reads. They contain every single element that a teenaged girl goes nuts over. And everything ends up exactly the way people want it to. It's very happily ever after.

>> No.476463

huh, never knew that a woman wrote frankenstein.

in b4 "uncultured peasant", etc.

>> No.476468

However, I find it ridiculous and ignorant for people to claim their distaste of the novel rests on the claim that a person should not be able to just change what a vampire is. Apparently, Meyer just screwed up the whole vampire canon by making their skin glow and changing them into beings capable of love and emotion. Do your research. The fact of the matter is that almost every single concept of vampires that people are aware of are very, very new ideas. Most people think of a gothic vampire. Most people are only aware of this modern vampire. Vampire mythology has been around for years. Their alleged existence and the various forms of vampires have been around for many, many centuries in many, many cultures. The term "vampire" is used to describe these beings that have been around forever even if, once, they were not technically called vampires. The modern vampire has only been around since the 18th century.

The point is that there is no established vampire canon that is written in stone and people cannot change it. That was done a couple hundred years ago once by John Polidori and Bram Stoker. And, who these vampires were already existed in different forms depending on their origins. There's no reason it can't be changed now.

>> No.476472

Wait wait wait. I couldn't help but see this:
>I love Stephanie Meyer even before she got really big.

And now I'm trying to create a witty remark about this sentence and Meyer's weight.

>> No.476473

As promised, I read Twilight, and I agree that Meyer doesn't have Stephen King's polish -- or the sheen of great YA fiction of my era such as A Wrinkle in Time. I cringed at her repetitive descriptions -- "deafening engine" and "earsplitting rumble" in the same paragraph, for example. And how many times do we have to hear how gorgeous Edward Cullen is? Perfectly muscled chest, glorious angel, marble contours are just a few of the phrases.

Even more disappointing was the lack of drama. You'd expect lots of tension in a book where girl meets vampire, but Bella accepts Edward as though he were simply an exchange student from France. More angst is shown over the prom than over Edward's ability to consume her. Only when some roaming vampires appear does Meyer ramp up the tension; that scene was well-crafted. But later she fails to describe the climactic scene -- it occurs entirely "off camera."

That said, Meyer deserves credit for creating an absorbing tale and likeable characters. Her descriptions of high school life ring true: who's taking you to the prom, what are you wearing? And she gives you a feel for the story's primary setting, a small town in Washington. I also cut her some slack for creating non-traditional vampires; she should have artistic license to develop characters, without falling back on the Bram Stoker model. And she sure has tapped into that feeling of electric, impetuous first love, a big factor in attracting young readers.

>> No.476478

>What I was trying to say is that people are sometimes expecting far too much of this book when it comes to complexity. It's a nice light read it's not suppose to be accompanied by alot of mental study, or teach us about writing a plot. A book doesn't necessarily have to be very educational to be enjoyed. It's target audiance is too young for it to live up to some of the expections that a book for an older audiance or critic would have. If this was trying to be marketed to 20 year olds then yes I might not like it as much. I think alot people just happened to like this novel not because the plot had fabulous writing, or because it educated the reader, or held a brilliant writing style, but probably simply because the plot's catchy. Alot of people who are analytical readers or maybe are looking to be educated in the books they read I can see how they may of disliked this book. When you're a thirteen year old girl your not looking to be educated you're looking to be entertained.

>> No.476479

>okay yes its a free country and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but how about you read the book before you trash it stephen king is a great writer even though im not cokmpletely familliar with his work however he has his opinions too i personally love twilight AND harry potter. also they are about two completely different things one involves wizards and the other involves vampiers they have nothing to do with each other so quit judging the books unless you have read them!!

>> No.476486
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>Stephanie Meyer is a terrific writer. Considering I hate reading and I have read her book in less than a month, is saying something. I wouldn't waist my time reading King's novels, because the best he can come up with is a zombie pet coming back and people dying...ohhh so interesting. Even though Meyer hasn't followed the "codes" for the vampires, the books are still great. But honestly you think, is a vampire, the immortal, supposed to die so easily? Getting burned to ash in the sun, steak through a (beating) heart, a cross to keep them away and not to mention garlic. This is so stupid, Stephanie Meyer's way makes so much more since and make them almost indestructible! Rowling is a good writer, but look how long her books have been out, they are old and boring. I just like the movies. King needs to come up with some new material cause eveything he has written I have kinda heard of,so yeah, At least Stephanie Meyer came up with something new, and for people say she has made errors in her book, it's still great and honestly out does King's novels...hahahaha....

>> No.476487

sure is fag in here

let's spam this to post limit

>> No.476489

>I really like Stephenie Meyer. I have no problem with her grammer/writing or her storytelling. I respect Stephen King and J.K. Rowling. I think they are great writers as well. As a fan of the Twilight saga, I do not think everyone has to like the series, but I do find problem with people insulting Stephenie and her writing. I think it is disrespectful. I think stephen King has a write to his opinion, as does everyone else, but i think there is just a better way of expressing it then just outright insulting someone. So no one is right or wrong in their opinion, but you can't just go on bashing someone's writing because you don't like them. Stephenie has inspired many teens to read and should be acknowledged for it. You don't have to like her writing, just have a little respect for what she has accomplished and show a little decency for this woman.

>> No.476494

>King is all wrong! Meyer is a great writer. I love her books!!! King's books are boring and stupid. Meyers books are love stories, and not really about vampires. STOP obsessing about how her vampires don't match up with the 'normal' vampires. Its her book she can write what she wants!! Get over it!!!

>> No.476498

Ok I've already looked at a lot of these posts and I've read both the negative and positive comments concerning Twilight/Stephenie Meyer. I'll throw in my two cents as well: I agree with Stephen King.

I do think it was pretty rude of him to phrase his criticism the way he did, but it doesn't mean that there isn't validity in his statement. Considering I've only read the first Twilight book, I can't fully critique the series so I'll base my opinions off of that particular book. I believe that the storyline was captivating enough to keep me reading until the end but the entire time, all I could concentrate on was her diction and style. As someone previously posted, every Edward/Bella scene repeatedly described Edward's eyes and sparkling skin or the fact that he couldn't hear Bella's thoughts. It grew old very fast. I also felt that there was no depth to their relationship; she only seemed to 'love' him because of his mystique. An occasional fight between the two of them would have lessened the sickening sweetness and made the couple more believable.

That's pretty much my thoughts in a nutshell. As I said before, the storyline of the first book was good but the actual writing style was lacking in uniqueness and creativity.

>> No.476497 [DELETED] 

hEr€ Is a CRAzy iDea: Stop FuCKiNG wI+H WWw.aNonTalK.{om @Nd Shu+ d0wN thiS il1€GAl sIT3. BY THE waY, hER3 1s Th3 MeNtaLly 1lL lYinG PSY[hopaTH thiEf [HR1STOpH€r po0le (Aka MOoT) |n actiON (tUrn i+ iNtO ioWer-CA5€ A5[II): H++p://WWw.Anont@LK.[0M/Dump/M0OTarD.TX+

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>> No.476502 [DELETED] 

what is everyone talking about?
honestly everyone needs to shut up. both of them are good.
For one thing stupid wanna bes that obsess over 'Twilight' by buying their 'Twilight' things at hot topic-drive me insane.
Stephenie's books are amazing but their not something to make yourself look like an idiot for.
stephen for those who are stupid and got dropped on their heads, he is really good and can write like no other.
AND ding dongs!!!!! if your too overly obsessed by reading meyer's books i'm sure that you havent' noticed that she uses a lot of the same words and write a lot of the same things to describe events and such.
BUT that does not give King any reasone to discriminate her writing. he does write worth crap, BUT he's boring.
AND he's old not to hate on old ppl but they know a way lot more than any of us.
SO give her a break!!!!!! #@!�$
she's still learning and he's jealous we understand that.
but keep in mind that it's a sin.
and so is LYING!!!!!!
there is no sexual activity in the
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH! and just for the record.............HER BOOKS ROCK DEM JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.476505



>> No.476506

>Edward and Bella fall in love a first sight, sorta. Oh yes, Meyer Can't write, that is why she has millions of fans who love her books. If Vampires only can out a night, burnt in the sun, stake through the heart kills them, and garlic kept them away they would not be that indestructible or scary for that fact. In her books you have to tear their marble hard skin into pieces and burn them,.. Her books are great, she can write, and Kings books may be intelligent, but their boring and I wouldn't waste my time on them!!!

>> No.476508

This thread is... Well, images of Nietzsche and an abyss comes to mind.

>> No.476510

ITT: Logical fallacies and grammar mistakes

>> No.476515

>I think stephanie meyer writes great. I enjoyed her twilight series. Half the people who say they hate it have probably never read it. I like Stephen King but he shouldn't have said that she can't write. Instead he could have said that she needs to work on her writing and that some of it isn't up to his specific standards on writing. Everyone needs some critizizm to become a better writer and a better person and I am critizicing him for saying that Stephanie Meyer can't write. Don't be so rude Stephen. Not everybody can write like you.

>> No.476519

Consider the fact that Stephen King was chemically altered when he wrote most of his books.
I've been an avid reader my entire life. I don't prefer any style or type of book over any other, I just enjoy a good read. Stephenie Meyer was a good read. I swore to my teenaged daughter that we were not going to read her books, and I finished all four in a week around my work schedule and 3 kids.
Stephen King and Stephenie Meyer appeal to entirely different audiences. I love them both, but would not want my kids reading Stephen King until they were in high school or older because of the content, where I would let them read Stephenie Meyer in 6th grade and up just because the content is less sexual and graphic. They have different approaches to the supernatural, and it is encouraging that Meyer could create something positive out of something that the world has always viewed as negative and to be feared.
Stephen King needs to step back and appreciate the fact that Meyer's books have re-introduced a entire generation to this type of literature because he will reap the financial benefits of that also.

>> No.476538


>> No.476545

Wow, all of these posts are from enraged Stephenie Meyer fans?

>> No.476552

>First I would like to say that I've never read any Stephen King books, so I can't really comment on his books, but I would like to say that Stepenie Meyer is an amazing author and I love her books. Sometimes she uses sayings that I don't understand very well, but she has brought vampires to a whole new level. What I don't like about Stephen King saying that Stepenie Meyer can't write is that he writes horror stories and I think that Stephenie doesn't. When people hear vampires what do they think? Buffy Summers, Coffins, bats, sun equals death, and other stuff. But Stephenie doesn't have any of that in her books, so I don't think that they should be genred as horror. Instead of a count who climbs walls and sleeps in coffins(no offence to Bram Stoker, I'm reading Dracula, and I find it very intriguing) she has a 17 year old who doesn't like being a "monster", who falls in love with the one human who he has to fight against his instincts not to kill her. Stephenie's books should be labled as either romance or fiction. The back of Twilight reads "About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Secong, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in LOVE WITH HIM." When I found out that my school genred twilight as horror i was a outraged. Anyways, I think that Stephenie Meyer can work on her writing just like any other writer, but also that Stephen King only knows HORROR stories and Twilight isn't horror.

>> No.476557

The more likely comparison would be Jane Austen and Stephanie Meyer. Also, both produce mindless drivel for young women.

>> No.476560

>stephen king is WRONG. Stephenie Meyer is very good writer. well.. BEST writer that i ever read the book. im know which is best is stephenie

>> No.476563

>Stephen King. I hope this gets to you. Yeah maybe the dream came out to be a book, but your just mad that you can't write a book like her. You're mad that she is the next big thing on the shelves. You're mad that she's taking your spotlight. Well if your so mad that it came from her dreams....your book had to come from thoughts to put it on the page. Everyone can write EVERYONE. Writing is nothing but putting your dreams and thoughts down on a sheet of papar...and listen here...everyone can dream and that's one thing everyone is good at. Now go get a life at your little so called writing and make another book. :]

>> No.476573

I like Jane Austen... ;__;

>> No.476569 [DELETED] 

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>> No.476586
File: 9 KB, 178x191, Awesomefacefatbaldguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Steven King!

When was the last time you had a book that actually got kids reading and was the biggest thing in literature since Harry Potter and was hitting the charts in both adult and juvenile fiction?

>> No.476588

>ok i have tried to read maybe about 6 different stephen kings book and i could not get in to any one if i truly like the book ill get in about maybe the 2nd page but not his book and he is just mad because there is competition and stephenie meyer is a great writer i dont care what anyone says

>> No.476592

I find her intolerable.

>> No.476593

>OK, Look people I understand that everyone has opinions... Mine is I see both sides of kings and Meyer's But come on people! This is why there are a variety of books available to us.There are some people who think those "Dungeon and dragon" books are awesome but I think they are retarded and wouldn't keep my interest past the index... That's what book categories are for. What does it matter as long as people are still reading and dreaming.Let people Be diverse if they want.....

>> No.476597

I love Stephen King's books
I love Stephenie Meyers' books.

Who cares what other authors think of your work. The target audience are the readers.

They said the same think about Jackie Susann and Valley of the Dolls. She didn't give a flying cray and neither should Stephenie.

Stephen, read the books again...you guys may have more in common than you think. You both have some of the same bias.

Whatever, chick is getting PAID. What difference does his opinion mean to her. She just needs to get back to the business of writing books. I am sick of her music obsession. You sold the movie rights now get your butt back to writing girl!

>> No.476600

>To the unimaginative "Kevin" I feel very sorry for you to have such strong opinions clearly If you would just look for one "SPARKLING" moment things do not always have to be frightning and vicous. Ive always felt any Vampire like that of "Edward' was a trapped beautiful soul and whats more loved to all than a Diamond.-classic girl

>> No.476627

>I love Stephenie meyer's books & I am an adult. I love her writing style & her well developed characters! She is awesome & hopes she keeps writing, writing, & writing! I DON'T like ANY of Stephen King's books. (Maybe Cujo) I have NEVER liked Stephen King. Additionally, I thinks he shows no class by dogging Stephenie Meyer. What a jerk!

>> No.476628
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>> No.476632

Again, Stephen King can have his opinion. Who cares!

Not everything written is meant to be a literary work of art. The woman is just expressing some creativity. They are fantasy books...anything can happen in a fantasy.

Gosh darn it all to heaven...so what if you think she can't write. So what if any 2 year old can read them. They are enjoyable! She never claimed she set out to be an author and get published. Who knows, she may get better with time and practice. I know with all of this criticism I would make it a point to get better. She had some creative juice...was diligent enough to write it out and her sister convinced her to send to a publisher.

Get over yourself people. You don't like her...don't read her. You want to be challenged? Go and pick up some Toni Morrison! This woman could very well be the catalyst for making some life long readers out there!

These people writing the long synopsis should have enough gumption to go and write their own books and let's see if someone will pay to read them...or not. Who cares.

Write all the way to the bank Stephenie and it is really nice that on the way, you may be giving someone, who normally may never have developed, a love for reading!

>> No.476644

>Ok first I totaly agree with the person who mentioned they liked her books because there isn't a lot of sexual things to them. I absolutely loved that fact about her books. I want to know when is she going to write more books???? She is an amazing author!!!

>> No.476648

I love Stephenie Meyer. Her Twilight Saga did have a great impact towards the youth, and even to the young at heart.

At that manner, Stephen King made very thrilling novels...though I've only seen the movies, I fell in love on how he weaves such twisted tales.

I respect how King views the skills of Meyer because I believe that he speaks from years of experience. But technically, Meyer's saga has been a HUGE hit and its undeniable that majority of the people who read it LOVED the books. And that itself made it clear that Meyer has the "edge" to keep the readers on the look out for her next releases.

>> No.476653

>I haven't ever heard of Stephan King but I will trust the other comments that he is a good writer. I am obsessed with the Twilight Saga and love Stephanie Meyer's writing skills. I do think it was amazing that she took the risk on turning century old vampire myths into something no one should be afraid of. She made me drawn to the Cullen family because I loved how she made them so isolated from everyone because I love groups. I also enjoyed the fact that she incorporated another monster myth in the story. I also found it entertaining with the rivalry between Jacob and Edward. I do disagree with Stephan but hey he is an experience writer and maybe he knows what he is talking about.

>> No.476656

I happen to be a big Stephen King fan, and have read most of his work. I have also read Twilight, and plan to read the rest in the series. I think it is unfair to compare the two writers, as they are not even close to the same league. SK's books can scare me to the point I have to put the book down and take a deep breath before reading more. They draw you in. It's just his style. I love that he can take the utterly immpossible seem like it could be reality. Not all of SK's books are "scary", but they have all managed to give me the chills. Even with the books I didn't love, I still finished the book and admired the way he told the story.

Stephanie Meyer's writing just doesn't capture the heart and soul that way. Don't get me wrong, I loved the story but just wished it were written in a different way. SM's description of Forks, for example, is summed up in one tiny paragraph. Ok, so it's "green"... what else! The only thing that is clearly described in the whole book is Edward. Over and over at that. As much as the story propelled me forward, reading about Edward's marble chest and arms got a bit dull. Not to mention the "glowering", "glaring" and "smouldering" that went on throughout the story. There are different ways to portray those actions.

So, I think the story has real promise, as does the author. This is her first crack at writing, and she has done a great job. Meyers will most likely be a huge success with following books. I just hope her writing grows along with her best sellers list.

>> No.476660

OK this is a response to Suzie. A.K.A literature snob-

I am so tired of people picking apart this stuff. Writing, music, painting, acting, are all forms of ART! it is up to people to make theyre own interpretation of someones work. Its okay if people disagree on it, but to be a snob about it? Get a life. For someone to put face value and insult someone for liking a book is insane.

Suzie, you can take your comment and stuff it, because by all means youre so full of yourself that I dont care what you say at this point, because anything you have to say is just to stroke your sad, and very unempressive ego.

I love to read, and really.. as long as I like it thats all that matters. I dont need Stephen Kings seal of approval, or anyones critique to be able to enjoy a book.

>> No.476663

My husband is in Iraq, and there were times I needed a break from worry.. and stephanie meyer's books gave me that peace. Sometimes, correct grammer isnt everything, its the ideas and the craft of story telling that ignites a persons imagination.

If you dont like stephanie meyer books, then dont read them :) simple.

Theres no right or wrong answer to interpreting art. Everyone is entitled to their own oppinion, but just because a few people say "Nay" doesnt mean their oppinion is worth more.

Life is too short to pick things apart. If you like it, the wonderful! if not.. then, find something you do like :)

Thats my two cents and Im sticking with it.

p.s. you dont have to be a teenager to appreciate a sweet love story. ( my oppinion )

>> No.476667

>People get over it. We have two writer that made their book wonderful to the world. We do not have to agree with anyone of them. But Mr. King i felt was wrong. Who made him the book king? Step M has every right to write about whatever and whoever. Vampires are what we believe they are? Some SEXy some evil etc. Who cares!!!! let the writers write and let the readers read. Mrs. King Keep up your hate and Show the people how sick you are. Step Keep up your love story and SEXy MAN!

>> No.476668

Okay here's the deal. Stephenie didn't mean to have a dream about a sparkling vampire and a human girl hooking up. Just a dream. She honestly didn't won't it to get published, she wanted it for herself. Until her sister pushed her and encouraged her to do it. When you read the Twilight Saga, it pulls you into the writing. So thus saying she is a good writer. To the one who said that not everyone can write, haha, wow, what a nafarious miscreant. That get's me so mad when people say that. Everyone can write, all it is is writing with either a key board or pencil. It's something that everyone can do. So stop putting down Stephenie Meyer. If Mr.King is such an amazinf writer, then why haven't I seen any one pick up one of his books and read it? Huh? Tell me. Yeah maybe he's a world known writing, well who gives a crap. That doesn't give him the right to put down a writer. Stephenie Meyer is my hero, and Stephen King can go stick his pencil somewhere. Now excuse me for such volgar language, but I am pretty sure that I got my point across. Now, I am going to go write some of my book, and hopefully I can please the Mr.King!!!!!! I want him to make me feel special, because I look up to him.*I love being sarcastic!!! All because some writes, doesn't mean that man has to go hay wire because someone else is writing an amazing book. He's jealous. Stephenie writes like a guiness!!!
I love her, and would like King if he wouldn't envy other writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have an amazing day.
Well down here it's night, so have a good night!!!!

>> No.476670

Anything that can get kids reading should be applauded. Let's be fair, those Potter books require some dedication so Rowlings obviously doing something right. As for the Twilight series, I know they've caused some controversy regarding a woman totally giving herself over to a man. But romance, like comedy, is subjective. One womans Milk Tray Man is anothers potential sex pest.
The Twilight series sounds to me like a glorified Mills & Boon for the Emo generation.

>> No.476672

I literally spat out my tea while reading this. Then I realised it was copypasta from a blog's comments. Then I lol'd

>> No.476673

>King's criticism for Stephanie Meyer was rude. Is there a hint of jealously because of Meyer's immense popularity? I must agree that Meyer's writing is not up to par with J.K. Rowling, but why do we need to compare? The popularity of the Twilight series has made a whole generation of young people READ for enjoyment. I have read thru the first few books in the series and enjoyed them, but you have to remember the target audience- 'Young Adult'. And I can't believe that King would be able to relate to this genre or be able to write for young girls. (I guess Carrie would be his version of a high school story minus the vampires, but plenty of blood.)

>> No.476675

>I thing you are creating a big mess. Writers like Stephen King, may criticize many others authors. Personally, I think Stephenie Meyer is excelent because it is not the way she writes, but the whole story is amazing, and I am not worried if she ruined the world of vampires... everybody has a different way of seeing things... And I like the way she sees things. I hope she'll not be offended with the words of Stephen because she is fabulous and deserves much better words than those. And his words does not matter to me that much to stop enjoying her books. If all writen like Stephen, I bet that many would not even be worthy to pick up a book. Therefore, each person has a different taste and Stephen should have had enough maners to not show his negative feelings about Stephenie for a magazine or whatever.
I continue supporting Stephenie a lot.
Greetings from Portugal.

>Pardon if I said something wrong or out of context. I do not speak English fluently.
Thank You.

>> No.476678

>I love both...King was a bit harsh...He is a great writer, and so is Meyers...both come from differnt backgrounds...Meyers is LDS..don't expect anything overtly sexual. Read each for what they have to offer....just enjoy!

>> No.476683

>I loved the Twilight series and Harry Potter series, but must admit that I have only read a couple Stephen King novels. I do follow his column in Entertainment Weekly though and find it highly amusing. I was not amused on his trash talk of Stephenie Meyer. Especially when he complains about critics being "haters" of his 30 years ago. I read A LOT of books and did not find the Stephenie Meyer books to be poorly written. Instead I found an engaging series of books that I enjoyed as a 30-year old woman. I also really like that it is getting a whole new generation of readers excited about reading. There is nothing wrong with that!

>> No.476686

>I have to admit that King has a right to give his opinion. However I do not agree with his opinion. I loved all of Stephanie Meyer's books. I know that her writing is not the same kind of writing style as King's, but I love it. She has a way of reeling me in until I can't put the book down. Her books are easy to read. Meyer locks me into the stories to the point that I wish I was in the stories. I hope she continues to write more. King and Meyer are both great authors, but their work is for different audiences. King's work is for the more advanced reader. I think that Meyer's writing style can be for any reader. It is nice to just sit back and not have to think to read a book.

>> No.476691

>First, I have read books by Stephen King and Stephanie Meyers. There is not one classification of vampires, there are many. Of course Stephen's versions of vampires are going to be more garish, and even terrifiying because he writes HORROR novels, not Young Adult PARAROMANCE novels. There is more than one way for a character to a vampire, and the characteristics of them. Because if there wasn;t, all of them would be BORING. That is the writer's job is to make it fresh and not repetitive. I really liked her take on Vampires, and Werewolves.

>> No.476692

wow, someone really has too much time on his hands

>> No.476693

>I'm one of those teenaged girls. I'm a huge King fan and also rather liI enjoyed Twilight and am also a huge King fan. Twilight was great, but all the soppy descriptions of Edward annoyed me endlessly, but I wouldn't go as far as to say Stephen King was right. Perhaps just much more experienced, and one should remember that Karey wasn't half as good as later works like Dark Tower and The Green Mile, for instance.

>> No.476694

>okay i think that Stephenie Meyer is amazing, and so is JK Rowling! Stephen King doesnt know what he is talking about! Seriously those two series are great, they are my two fave seriesss!!! Although they write differently (JK Rowling writes about magic and wizards and very little romance while Stephanie Meyer writes about love and vampires. JK Rowling writes in third person while Stephenie writes in first person!) They still captivate the readers and nobody should stop them. I

>> No.476695

>I agree that Stephenie repeats too many phrases like "marble chest" "perfect topaz eyes", but really, I can read her books, but JKR's, I just can't, they don't draw me in. I've never read Stephen's, so I can't comment on his work, but his comment about JKR's work being better is just his opinion. Stephenie has some bad pacing in some parts, he's right about that.

>> No.476702

I do agree with Stephen Kings on some parts, but sometimes I do enjoy Stephanie. Stephanie did well with her book, The Host. I did think that the idea of a glittering vampire was silly and I wasn't too keen on Bella's constant whining and usage of Jacob. Most of all, I find it silly that anyone should be obsessed with a book whether is be written by James Patterson, Stephanie Meyer, or even Stephen King himself. It's a book, you read it, enjoy it, put it down, find other works by the same auther, and when you're done with that author either forget them completely or reread the books again. Obsession is irrelevant when it comes to reading. Stephanie has talent because she can turn history's darkest, sexual icon into a soft and sweet little series. Stephen is talented because he can make the sweetest and softest things frightening. Each writer has a talent. All I can say for the final is, I don't think it'd help to side with either Stephanie or Stephen. If they stop writing books, I'll find another author to love.

>> No.476708

>I'm in the middle of reading the twilight series, just to see what the hype is about. I can't deny that I like the books. I also can't deny that the writing is technically incompetent. Meyer writes, knowing that the reader's attention is being held strictly by emotion and not much else. I can see where King's criteria is coming from. Maybe Meyer will develop depth in her writing over time, and stop relying so much on nature. If she gets to the point where she can use both tech skills and emotion capture, I will probably become an avid fan.

>> No.476712

>>James Patterson

Now that's just hitting below the belt. I Am Alex Cross made me SMH. This man makes money off of writing chapters that are a page and a half long.

>> No.476714

Stephen Kings knows nothing about writing since he says that Stephanie Meyer can't write. Yes, his books are good, but not as big as Stephanies.

The saga with the vampires and one human girl to go along is brillant. The story tells people that love can be found. Having the vampires sparkle (like Edward) is I think really beautiful.

What America needs is someone to help motivate young teens into reading. Thanks to Stephanie Meyers everyone across the country is talking about the Twilight saga from left to right.

-Thanks so much for reading, Lizzie Womack

>> No.476720


>> No.476722

>I must say I read all four books within a weeks time, meaning they are very simple. I think she had a great idea but didn't flesh it out well. It happens on first time writers and I love Stephen King he is one of my all time favorite. As for Stephanie I think she did a good job for her first books I hope she does a little something extra special on her next go round if she persues this avenue. I think both writers are on different wave lengths when it comes to supernatural, although I will say vampires were never pretty until Anne Rice!

>> No.476728

I have been Stephen King fan for years... since I read The Shining too many years ago. My wife read Stephanie Myers books and out of curiousity I read them once she was done.

I really lost a LOT of respect for King after his remarks in this interview. The man wove himself into book six of The Dark Tower series... how original is that?!? I almost put it down at that point. His remarks serve no purpose but to inflate his own extremely over-inflated ego.

>> No.476730

>If stephannie meyer ever reads this or any Twilight fans out there then i would like for some of you who whould like a new love story if you guys could please spread that she should try to come up with oe that is close to it but diffrent it would be so cool

>> No.476731

I think S. Meyer's writing is great. But J.K Rowling's is more unique.
I've read lots of stories about a human falls in love with a vampire.

Read them both :)

>> No.476733

>you know what? I think Stephen King should suck it. He's an awesome writer and all, but Stephenie Meyer is NOT THAT BAD of a writer. I don't know who he's kidding. Why doesn't he try to take on Edward or Emmett? COME ON, I mean, really? Stephenie Meyer's books are all written well, and the story is sweet. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, except that Edward occasionally pisses me off because he's so depressing.

>> No.476735

Honestly, I believe that there is some relevance to what King is saying. I do love Stephanie's books, but quite frankly, I feel like it is almost an over exaggeration of the perfect boyfriend. Every teen girl wants the most perfect guy to fall in love with, and that is impart why Stephanie's books did so well. Her writing took advantage of what every teen girl wants in life... the smartest, hottest, most caring boyfriend on the face of the earth.
Despite this, I still do love the Twilight books (hate the movie). If king doesn't like her writing, than he doesn't like the way she describes things. if he doesn't like her story, he doesn't have to read it. Just like I choose not to read his books... I don't like feeling like I'm gonna wet my pants when I wake up from a nightmare because of a scary book.
So if he doesn't like the books he shouldn't complain, he's the one that is making himself read something that he believes sucks.

>> No.476737

I understand that writers like King thinks that only his way of making characters come to life is right. He is wrong, I enjoyed most of his books, but I was also more than drawn in by Mrs Meyers way of creating so many characters and giving them life and individuality while making me see the magic she wanted me to see. I also read "The Host." She has real talent! No doubting that.
I look forward to watching her future as much I use to enjoy Mr King.
I think this debate is more personal taste than right or wrong. The fact that he cannot see her talent and would make his negative thoughts so public disappoints me. I assumed a writers talent was because he/or (any writer) would dare to see outside the box.
Stephanie was bold enough to not confuse darkness with ugliness...avoiding the dark while still loving darkness. I think the shock is kind of like when we found out that Darth Vader was Luke's dad and had a heart...or even more close when the newest version of King Aurthor didn't make adultry part of the story but gave Qwen the power to resist her would lover... So what if some of us don't like the way you think it should be and dare to give a different twist to the magic of writing and the magic of reading for us readers.

>> No.476738

By the way, I am no teenager and I didnt think of Edward as a whimp or a great catch. I did however enjoy watching in my minds eye how Stephanie made Edward. I was drawn into Stephanies story telling like a magnet... not because of the fantasies in my head but of amazement of her ability to make you "wonder whats" next so often in all five books, including "The Host."
I think everyone needs to just accept that not everyone care if a vampire is dark and mean or if they are kind and humane. Its okay not to think alike.
In my daughters words..."Just stop hating!" It doesnt become you Mr King.
Take it from a fan of both of you two talented authors.
Mrs Meyers, please hurry with another story. Don't listen to their meaness. I hope to one day read Midnight Sun...it has promise.
a new fan

>> No.476747
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>I think it is crazy how everyone is making this a debate. I am not a teenager i am an adult. I have read the Twilight series and I loved it. To compare Meyers and King is insane they are two different writers, you can't compare their style in writing at all. Meyers has wrote a romanance fiction book, which I don't think King has ever done. But at the same time it is fiction. I have read alot of books and alot of them have things in them that are not possible(fiction). I choose my books by what I want to read, if I don't want to read about aliens I don't read it. It is up to you what you read. Everyone is going to have a different outlook on a book we all have grown up in a different situation lived a different life so no one will get the same out of the book. If you are a serius reader I think you know what section to go to when you want a book and I don't think you found Meyers in the horror section. I think it is great when I read these comments and they say I have read the whole series and I didn't like it. Why the hell would you read a whole series of book that you didn't like, it doesn't make sence. I think it is great to have tennage girls want a perfect boyfriend. It is better than having them settle for a person that treats them like crap beats them. The way kids grow up these days are alot different, some need to know there is more out there even if this book is fiction

>> No.476748

Stop. Just stop before I rip my fucking eyes out. Seriously.

>> No.476754

>look yall she didnt write about anything sexual in her books she kept it clean these kids now these days are already sexual active and dirty, dont hate try to make yall own selfs some books and get famous, why yall cant be happy for people, i dont be hating people cuz they get famous yall must be happy for one another inorder to get yours. some of yall are just the devils workers cuz yall try to make people feel bad and give people a bad name, she inpspired me and i have been writing stories since junior high now am a senior, i just got to be better , not hate on someone cuz they get rich and famous, try to be famous yall selves

>> No.476756

>stephen king is just jelouse, he need to make some new books himself, here in the bahamas most bahamians dont read and ive seen majority of bahamains reading stephine meyer books that shows u she is excellent!!!!! kids some of the kids i used to know doing drugs, drinking have stoppped ever since twilght came on, the kids in the bahamas want more of twilght it has helped some of them to get into reading , please haters dont try to spoil this, just let the women live her life and live your life, there is only one life, live it to the fullest, no time for hating that only shorten your days of living , am i kid and i dont not worry about people live's , we all can make it to richness if we put our mind to it and stop hating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.476759

>I am an avid reader. I love both writers..If i dont want to sleep for a few days, I read King..and if I want something low key and endearing, I will read stuff like Stephanie's. What I dont understand is why King is bothering with this at all. I mean he is a seasoned, writer who has been around the block many times. Why would it even bother him? Not to mention the vast difference between his style and hers..meaning the fact that his books contain STRONG graphic descriptions and the audience is for ADULTS. and hers is the complete opposite. This being said...Pick on someone your own size, King. You write scary stuff, I am sure you can handle it. And I am sure that if she wanted to get the adult audience..she would have made the book THAT much better. Besides..all writers have their ups and downs..I mean, how many people called King ALL sorts of names when he was new and fresh..Its all part of being a writer. So..everyone go read king.. or stephanie.. or read both..but stick to yourself..and what YOU like..Fans wouldnt be fans if they didnt have fan haters..Opinion makes the world go round, just dont let it get into to heavy of a spin where you cant move from the hole you have formed from the force of all your spinning!!!

>> No.476763

>I do not agree with Stephen King. I am both a Stephen King fan and a fan of the Twilight books. I am 35 years old - and if you visit the Facebook group of Twilight you will all see that these books do not only facinate teenage girls!! There is a lot of us grown up girls there too. I have read all of Stephen Kings books - and I am still a fan - however none of his books captivated me as the Twilight books did. I read the first book in april - and had to buy the other three at once. I read the other three in just two weeks. I have never been so enchanted with any of Mr. King's books!! So I think Mr. King is just being jealous!!

>> No.476768

>Stephanie Meyrs is a great writer she should write more books like the twilight series. it appeals to all ages not just teenagers. She make the characters come to life . I have never read one of Kings books that made me feel good inside out. So I don't think he should critisize. personally I don't like his books or his movies. I've watched twilight about 20 times.

>> No.476770

All these poor people. It's a shame that many of them think reading drivel is better than nothing.

Now stop posting this shit, I feel like I need to barf already.

>> No.476784

>Meyer's Twilight series is young adult fiction. Perhaps not as gifted as Rowling, but she writes appropriately for her audience, one that is entirely different from King's...and she does it without song lyrics, sexual cliche, flat characters, and rehashing the same, tired ghost story. Why would King even comment on her ability? Envy.

>> No.476791

>honestly i love twilight by stephenie meyer ive always hates stephen king books they arent in my liking of books and some of them would be to gory or something for me and honestly i think the twilight characters could beat stephen kings characters ass anyday and thats the god darn truth. Stephen King shouldnt b hating on stephenie shes worked extremely hard on the series we love u stephenie!

>> No.476809

>I gave up on Stephen King when he ran out of ideas and started inserting child abuse into his novels. - Sorry, that's very real topic in today's society and doesn't fit in with (science, horror etc) fiction Stephen! Stephanie Meyer is such a breath of fresh air. Her writing is so easy and engaging that I even let my 9 year old read Twilight- which she loved. It was a first book she had her nose in and was upset about putting it down. What a great way to get kids to read. I will be forever greatful to Stephanie.

>> No.476814

Ok Look,
Many people have different opinions. Not just damn steven king its not what he says goes. I absolutly love the host and the twilight saga because it is supernatural. Unlike steven king in my opinon is not really good, but when my dad tried to read twilight he said it sucked. He loves stephen king books. THEY ARE JUST BOOKS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! People have choices.!!!!

I am in to things like fantasy so twilight and harry potter are really good. There are so many styles of writing. But that does not give other people the right to tell off or say things nasty about other writers.

>> No.476822

Exactly what constitutes a great writer? Is it the ability to draw in an large audience with the material they write, to entertain, to sell their material? I think Stephanie certainly fits the bill.

And to the people who say she ruined the image of a vampire---what the heck are you people talking about? Since when are vampires concerned about their image? LMAO!

>> No.476828

>is Stephen King the law or something??? King takes like a whole chapter just to describe something as trivial as a wooden chair or a tree, and his descriptions go on for so long, one forgets what it is he is describing in the first place! I think Stephenie Meyer is an excellent writer

>> No.476837 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 420x313, FF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /v/

Just called to ask if anyone knows of any off MMOs that have a similar battle system to FFXI (or any other FF game I guess)? I know it sounds like a weird request but I'd like to know either way.


>> No.476840

I cannot believe another writer would even make a comment like that. All writers have their own style of writing. Ms. Meyer may not have been around as long as Mr. King but she definitely has something that draws in people of all ages. I can understand if men are not as fond because it is about a young girl who has fallen in love for the first time and it just so happens to be a vampire. The books show Bella growing as you read on and even though she can be a little annoying we all want to see her with Edward forever. I never wanted it to stop.
I think the books were very enjoyable to read and I wish everyone would stop bitching about it. Move on people.

>> No.476842

Fuck, made me look.

>> No.476845

>I've personally never been a fan of Stephen King. His books have always seemed a bit odd to me. I do like the Twilight saga, I wasn't expecting a horror story when I picked it up. Stephenie Meyer created her own world of vampires, which are fictitious to begin with. So why should she have to go by someone else's guidelines of what a vampire should be. Don't like the book, put it down! I've done it with hundreds of books I didn't care for many of which were "best sellers" but I don't feel the need to pick the author apart. Good grief people!

>> No.476848

>Any writer who can inspire a large number of people, both young and old alike, to put down their TV remote or video game controller and read for enjoyment - is tops in my book.

>> No.476851

Stephanie is a great writer! She created something new, she didn't stick to the common description of vampires. After all vampires are a myth, so who said they can't sparkle?
And her books appeal not only to teenagers! If you think so then you probably haven't read "The Host".
It was mean what S. King said about her; I for example can't read his books, they don't make me wanna turn the next page, I find them sort of boring, that of course is not saying that he isn't a brilliant writer.
Stephanie's books on the other hand made me want to rush home from work so I could read them.

>> No.476862
File: 50 KB, 320x240, boris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry, Stephenie-haters, but Stephenie is an awesome writer with a great vocabulary, and has inspired me, age 12, to become a writer when I grow up. Her books have made my last, dreary Summer full of entertainment, new vocab words, and the absolute NEED for more of her books!

>> No.476866

>Here's the deal. Men are threatened by Women's (not not just Girl's as they claim) WOMEN's huge buy in with these books. And thus they should be. I used to read Stephen King, and would wait for the new releases. But he killed it for me long ago with dadachick dadachum. I'm sorry, but once in a while, I like to feel good when I'm reading. (Thinking back now to how I felt while reading his stuff, I can understand Mr. King's take on Ms. Meyer's writing; it certainly is not nearly DARK nor TWISTED enough for him to sanction. Boo hoo!) Take that to another level; I want a page turner when I'm reading. Who can fault a writer's style or ability when thousands love and devour their work? That's like saying a self taught solo guitarist or banjo player with a huge following is not a musician because they don't read music or happen to play classical or some other genre that music snobs think they should have mastered. If it brings tears to someone's eyes, if it is melody, tells a story, is played on an instrument, it's music and that person is a musician. (I like the above comment regarding storytelling vs writing, and yet--) It's not required that YOU get it, if masses, or if even a few do.

>> No.476873

>Take that to the next level. I LOVE A BOOK TO WHICH I CAN FORM A FULL FLEDGED ADDICTION. This is, soooo sorry guys, a book series that qualifies. For us women, that is. Recently, my book club of 9 years decided to read it; yes I scoffed at the beginning. And yet, I averaged about a day and a half per book. There is no denying the readability of these novels. Ruined Vampires? PUUUHlease. Get a grip. You GUYS have certainly written your share of books that glorify a fantastical ideal that appeals to men, while we women so often just accept it as the nature of the world at large. Now here are some books which we women love, where there is a monster who despite his presupposed nature, makes a moral choice, which becomes a series of moral choices, where he is, yes, nearly every woman's ideal. What guy wouldn't reject that? What guy wouldn't feel threatened buy that? The main character, the one we swoon over, the one we may want more than we want you, fella, fantasical or not, that's who.

I could certainly address more, and write a detailed POSITIVE analysis, but why don't you just read the book? I know for a fact, at least in microcosm, that most of you scoffing guys have not. Not yet.

>> No.476876

>Eh, Steven king is just pissed off because nobody has giving a rats ass about his book’s the way they have for Stephanie’s. I understand Steven’s point of view I mean the poor bastard practically cracks his skull open to write some really good stories and out of no where some lady writes a book and instantly it’s a hit! Well that’s life deal. Seriously what are all you anti-twilighters really pissed off about?

>> No.476878

I did.
It was pretty mediocre, near the same level as Eragon.
But if you enjoy it, go for it.

>> No.476882

>So Mr. King doesn't like Stephanie's writing abilities. Big whoop. Like his opinion is going to affect Myer's popularity or affect any of the future popularity of the films. Opinions are like like a$$holes....we all have one. Personally, I really enjoyed all 4 books in the Twighlight series. But, then again, I have enjoyed Stephen King's books since I was a teen. In fact, he is my favorite writer.....but I will still call it like I see it with him. Either through jealousy (over Twilight's popularity) or because he takes his craft just a little too seriously, he has completely failed to understand that Twilight is popular purely for the subject matter....not for writing style/ability. No, Stephanie does not write like someone with a Master's degree in writing....but so what? The relationship between Bella and Edward is the meat of the story. I just love how her books has all the hardcore vampire freaks in an uproar over her portrayal of vampires. For God's sakes....vampires are not real. We can make up whatever we want about them. There are no rules on what they are or what they can do. I, for one, really enjoyed the spin Stephanie put on the vampires. The whole coffin, holy water, crosses, and wooden stake thing has been done to DEATH and had become quite boring and predictable.

>> No.476885

It’s sad how most of the people that complain about twilight are former, current, or future geeks, rejects, losers, misfits, outcasts, Emos, weirdo’s, or loners. And most of them are 16. If it’s a matter of “fitting in” I’m sorry for you but twilight is NOT for everyone and honestly your complains fall short on deaf ears. No one other than anti-twilight people will care for what YOUR opinion is, so go ahead complain all you want in the end it’s us pro-twilight people that will win! ^.^

>> No.476886

Brb, killing myself.

>> No.476894

>No one other than anti-twilight people will care for what YOUR opinion is,
On that note, nobody other than pro-twilight people will care for what YOUR opinion is, so it's basically a moot point.
>in the end it’s us pro-twilight people that will win!
win what?

>> No.476900

OP, back then they didn't have shitty distractions like the internet, TV and facebook. They had more time to perfect their crafts.

>> No.476907


Dude, why are you responding to copypasta?

>> No.476915

>stphen king can just focus on his books and how much they suck...and the only reason j.k rowling has sold more books than stephenie is because shes written more books...DUH! just because hes not popular doesnt mean he needs to go and dis someone elses work! shes just starting and shes doing good...if you havent notice everyones veiws on the supernatural are different he needs to grow up and keep his rude comments to himself....no need to be a hater!!!!!!!

>> No.476916

i don't know, man.

>> No.476951

The spammer found /lit/'s weakness, the same words rearranged by different pussies. It is /lit/'s obligation to read every post and reading the same drivel over and over again drives oneself nuts!!! Alright spammer I got your address we are going to fuck you up.

>> No.476955

>I have read the Harry POtter Series I loved it! Stephen King has nothing but good things to say about JK but he goes and completely disses Stephenie! I LOVED the Twilight Saga! The books were terrific, reguardless of what this idiot has to say. I try my hardest to stay away from King's AWFUL books but I have to read one of his book's for school and I am absolutely mortified by this fact. And for all of the people out there that say "vampire's don't sparkle" Um incase you haven't noticed...THEY DO NOW! Stephenie Meyer dreamed about this she dreamed about the meadow scene. CAN YOU HELP WHAT YOU DREAM ABOUT?! I think not! So quit going on and on and on AND ON...About how vampire's don't sparkle! She created her own world where she can go in and write what she wants to write about! And I find it a blessing that she let's us in that world! In the words of JK I am Stephenie's man through and through!

>> No.476960

pfff... I don't read wall-o-texts for a rule.

>> No.476977



>> No.476981

>First of all, as a teen I read Stephen Kings books along with Dean Koontz. King did have some good books, but in my opinion, Koontz is a much better writer. Some of us like to read books without all the mumbo jumbo crap that makes no difference in the story that we have to skim over to get thru to the story line. King writes extremely weird books. Not saying that's a bad thing, but think about it for a minute. Who is HE to say anything about vampires sparkling? Do cars actually have minds of their own and are evil? HA! I don't think so. This is why it is called FICTION. I actually LIKED the books because she put a complete MODERN spin on a BORING old fashioned theme which is Vampires. To me THAT is her talent. I have always been an avid reader and Dean Koontz is my favorite author. If i recall correctly King stated at some point in his life that HIS stories were things he had thought up while HIGH on drugs! So if she dreams hers up, whats the difference? It's all fiction and whether one writer likes it or not, it doesn't matter. To each his own. If we all had the same tastes, it would be a VERY boring world. I like the books myself because I can identify with almost all of the characters at one point or another. I think alot of other people do to.

>> No.476986


>> No.476990


>> No.476992

OP Here, that's pretty much all the horrible comments I found out of the eight hundred plus.

Thank you and good night.

>> No.477003

You are an idiot, and I hate you.

>> No.477008


I want to beat you to within an inch of your existence

then make love to you

>> No.477020

If you had a tripfag, no tripfag could ever wander this board again without being capslock-shouted into shambles

>> No.477032 [DELETED] 


>> No.477035

How about now?

>> No.477043 [DELETED] 

Frankenstein was a Crypto-femenist novel, as it centers around man stealing woman's fire -- the ability to bring forth new life -- and the results thereof.

>> No.477047

Frankenstein was a Crypto-feminist novel, as it centers around man stealing woman's fire -- the ability to bring forth new life -- and the results thereof.

>> No.477053


That would do it :3!

>> No.477054

> you had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them all out of you

>> No.478967

He was very commanding with the English language

>> No.478976

There's nothing subjective about literature.
There's nothing subjective about any art, in fact.

>> No.480591

I fucking hope you are all trolling.

>> No.480598

There's nothing subjective about any fart, either.