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4757608 No.4757608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She was wrong, right?

>> No.4757620

if by all people, yes, but if it is meant that only most people are good, and they will always outnumber the bad to the same general effect, then no, she was right

>> No.4757613


>> No.4757638

She's a Jew so by default it has to be false.

>> No.4757645
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The truth is that people get better as they get older and age and life mellows you out. It's very easy to bully and be a shithead when you're young and have had no responsibility. Once life starts shitting on you, you begin to have more empathy for others.

>> No.4757671

Yes and no, there is good people and bad people, it is only a matter of defining good and bad, it is impossible to create a strong definition of good that makes every single human good

>> No.4757677

Who knows?

Her father was the one who wrote the thing

He was pomo before pomo was even a thing, unreliable narrator and all

>> No.4757684

No, when you get older you just start complaining about you had is so much harder than the previous generation.

>> No.4757694

Protip: your parents raised you and fed you and gave up their life for you, you little shit.

>> No.4757695

>She was wrong, right?
In 1942 Soviet POWs constructing death camps rose up against guards, scaring the shit out of Germans, and forcing the limitation of the execution camp system to around 6.

I don't think I need to go into partisan resistance in the East and South. Or the fact that even in the Ghetto, run by the most wretched Judenrat who were effectively hilfswillinge, rose.

>> No.4757706

>implying I wasnt raised by a wolf
Check your human-educated privilege

>> No.4757708

Is that why they grow conservative? Because they want to make life miserable to us?

>> No.4757730

>wait til you start making your own money, then we'll see where you stand!

I heard this argument a lot growing up from my family but I still don't understand. I give away about 40% of my income to various charities and other community programs around here and I still feel guilty.

>> No.4757839

I hated /pol/ because I thought the community turned people I ought to love into trash, but every community produces trash. Was she expressing faith in humanity or in people as individuals?

>> No.4757868

The idiot.

>> No.4757872

This is probably one of Anne's most famous and profound quotes. I happen to adore this quote; nothing else quite captures the optimism and beauty in that young girl which seems so uncommon nowadays. To think that it is incorrect would be a disgrace to her. To believe that everyone has a little good in them, or that everyone was born good by default is beautiful, and for her to still hold on to this image of beauty even after the horrors of genocide just shows how pure and forgiving she was. Rest in piece Anneliese.

>> No.4757884


No. When your older you have less testosterone, which causes you to be less aggressive.

>> No.4757892

anne frank didnt "write" shit, and the holocaust definately didn't happen

>> No.4757898

Her dad wrote that. What Anne Frank wrote about was her crush on some guy, how fascinating her vagina looked and how she wanted to grope her friends boobs.

>> No.4757900

Everyone thinks they're a good person and that they have worthy motives in their action. Most would consider this small consolation when someone else's "good" involves murdering your entire family, though.

>> No.4757919

Was that guy named Jeff by any chance?

>> No.4757945

People are creatures of habit. Most are to lazy to cause much trouble.

>> No.4757959

les miserables

>> No.4758453

>implying the revolts weren't by 200 out of the tens of thousands imprisoned

>> No.4758464

If it only takes 200 men to stop the further construction of death camp sites, then those 200 men stopped it.

>> No.4758485


I hate you.

>> No.4758719

The night stalker
Charles Manson
Albert Fish
Jack the ripper

>> No.4758804

Hitler--Dude was just standing up for his country and avenging the deaths of all of his WWI friends who died in vain because the general strike ended the war. He also wanted to avenge the suffering of his fellow tramps and working class people during the financial disaster caused by the greed of the international bankers.
Stalin--Dude was just trying to build a worker's paradise.
The night stalker--Dude suffered physical abuse and head injuries when he was young, suffered from drug addiction, and witnessed a murder when he was a kid. Child abuse and head injuries are basically the secret recipe for serial killers.
Charles Manson--Dude's mother was a prostitute who abused him and when he was a little boy he got locked in a rape factory "reformatory" where he got raped by other boys and even guards, then his dream of becoming a musician got crushed.
Albert Fish--Dude suffered a head injury and was abandoned by his wife.
Jack the ripper--Eh, someone's got to kill prostitutes I guess.

Seriously though, just because somebody kills people (even a lot of people) doesn't mean they're absolutely evil. Usually they're victims of evil themselves, or else mentally ill, or just reacting to circumstances. There's at least a little good in even the worst people. That doesn't mean they don't deserve to die or be locked up for the rest of their lives, though. Just keep it in perspective that any of the guys you listed could have turned out to be perfectly good people if they had different experiences in life.

>> No.4758813

>being this naive

>> No.4758818

You'll go pretty damn far to defend your worldview

>> No.4758823

>what are psychopaths

>> No.4758850

How is it naive? I was horrifically abused as a kid and I suffered a head injury that gave me a mental disorder called pseudosociopathy. I know from personal experience the kind of mental and emotional processes serial killers go through, and I can tell you that that kind of psychology is the result of experiences and injuries and probably isn't innate to anyone's soul. I know that I'm a basically good person who just has a fucked up brain, and I managed to overcome my darker impulses and social difficulties you can't even imagine to function as a normal person. Psychopaths are victims, too. That doesn't make what they do right, but it also doesn't exclude them from the definition of humanity. When you think of Charles Manson, are you thinking about the little boy whose mother just abandoned him getting gang-raped by guards in the bathroom of a prison for children, or are you thinking of the cult leader ordering his followers to kill Sharon Tate? They're both the same person, and if you can't have sympathy for the former, I think there's a moral failing in you, too.

>> No.4758856


>> No.4758867
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Don't try to tease my sympathies, kid. I've read about how psychopaths behave.

>> No.4758877

most people are bad

>> No.4758881

double dubs confirm human beings are assholes

>> No.4758888

if quads anne frank was right

>> No.4758887

But it is wrong and you know it, deep in your heart.

>> No.4758892

What's my worldview? That people can get damaged and react in counterproductive ways, and that that doesn't make these people inherently evil?

I basically am a psychopath myself, so I know what that word means better than you do. Psychopaths are made. There's a genetic component to it, sure, but things like childhood abuse and head injuries, not to mention poverty can turn someone into a psychopath, and determining whether they're a low-functioning psychopath (think a maniac running around killing people) or a high-functioning psychopath (your asshole boss at work). How can these people be innately evil if their mental illness is the product of social and biological forces? Also, I'm pretty sure that some of the people listed aren't even psychopaths at all.

>> No.4758894
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>> No.4758914
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>> No.4758917

That people r le "good" and only society makes them meanies

>> No.4758921


>> No.4758932

Then you realize that they're just people?

I'm a pseudosociopath, which is a kind of psychopath. Tell me, how do I behave? Do I run around killing people? Do I stage elaborate rituals and dance around in human skin masks? Do I lie, cheat and steal constantly? Do I not care about anyone? Am I a nihilistic hedonist? Tell me how I behave based on your readings, please.

>> No.4758935

Give killers the respect they deserve
>Protip: none
I hope when you die your psychopathic corpse is left to rot in a forest, because I don't want to be buried in the same manner as worthless scum like you.

>> No.4758952

>Do I run around killing people? Do I stage elaborate rituals and dance around in human skin masks?
probably not
>Do I lie, cheat and steal constantly? Do I not care about anyone?

you also try to spin yourself in a favourable light by manipulating others' feelings

>> No.4758962

It's kind of funny when a psychopath has more compassion than you do, isn't it?

Tell me, what have I done to deserve no burial? I have a mental disorder. I've never hurt anyone. If anything, certain people have used my illness as an excuse to hurt me. And how am I worthless? I have friends I care about. I contribute to society. I was just a victim of a car accident and bad parents. I've worked so hard to overcome the dangerous aspects of my problem and I'll never hurt anyone.

>> No.4758966

compassion is a buzzword

>> No.4758973

>and I'll never hurt anyone.
See you on the front page. :^)

>> No.4758996

>Do I run around killing people? Do I stage elaborate rituals and dance around in human skin masks?
>probably not
Try definitely not. I've worked so hard to curb my violent impulses. At this point I'd rather die than defend myself from an attack.

>Do I lie, cheat and steal constantly? Do I not care about anyone?

No. Right after my injury I did shoplift for a while, but I gave that up. I haven't cheated on a test since my first year of university. I ultimately realized that dishonestly was counterproductive since society depends on people being honest I could get in trouble if I got caught, and I hate it when people lie to me, so I applied the golden rule. I recognized that my thieving was just an expression of my own feelings of powerlessness and rage over how I'd been wronged and stopped doing it and instead focused on calming those feelings. And I have friends who I'd die for. Psychopaths are not by definition incapable of caring about other people. Most of them do care about their friends and family, and simply regard anyone outside their circle as trash. I try to care about everyone.

>you also try to spin yourself in a favourable light by manipulating others' feelings
It seems like you're the one trying to manipulate me into feeling bad about myself simply because I have a mental disorder that you don't really understand anything about.

>> No.4759007
File: 22 KB, 400x400, fuckingretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychopaths are not by definition incapable of caring about other people.

>> No.4759022

No, it's right.

General meanness is a major symptom, but high-functioning psychopaths tend to value a small group of family and friends.

>> No.4759384

What does this mean?

>> No.4759389

People are neither good nor evil. People just are. ~anon

>> No.4759408

you're not as witty as you think you are
- my ass

>> No.4759452


>> No.4759457


/thead I guess.

>> No.4759458

It should read

"In spite of everything, I still believe some people are really good at heart."

>> No.4759461
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What a spooky statement.

>> No.4759487



>> No.4759510


>> No.4759530

You mean 'he' was wrong, as in her father, who wrote her fictional diary.

>> No.4760011

>inadvertently proved OP right in showing optimism as foolishness.

>> No.4760045

She was just a little kid. I don't think she really knows anything. She's merely famous by being in the wrong place at the right time with her hobby of journaling.

>> No.4760049

I agree

>> No.4760058

>spend last 16 hours cramming for Polish history exam
>5 of them reading about German and Soviet occupations of Polish territories


>> No.4760062

because your definition of the good is flawed monsieur

>> No.4760069

i wish i had a button to follow everything you write


>> No.4760077

LOL, I 'member this. The diary is published because it's really sad and the Nazis were bad. How could Hitler have been so evil? No More Hitler.