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4751665 No.4751665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I tried reading Dracula for the first time, my God, it's one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever fucking tried to read.

>is this really the fucking Genesis of all those fucking vampire novels and movies?

It's basically garbage so far.

>should I continue?
should I throw it into a trashcan filled with gasoline and send a match in after it?

>> No.4751671


its one of the best horror books i've read, and fuck you, go back to nyt bestsellers you dumb faggot.

>> No.4751668

If you find it shit from the get go then stop reading it

>> No.4751678
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>its one of the best horror books i've read

>> No.4751842

Are you too retarded to read epistolary novels?
Were you expecting Twilight?

I mean, if you said "The Historian" was a shit vampire epistolary novel, then I'd agree. But the grand-daddy itself? Get fucked.

>> No.4751848


>is this really the fucking Genesis of all those fucking vampire novels and movies?.

Varney the Vampire, anyone?

>> No.4751860


>> No.4751863

it's not the structure, I actually think that the structure is really nice and it's very compelling, it's just Jonathan is such a little fucking faggot that I just want to burn the fucking thing. Dracula himself seems like a pretty cool guy, stealing babies and shit, and keeping a stable of hoes, but fuck, why the fuck is Jonathan such a fuckass? I mean really, every fucking thing that this faggot does and says just irks me to the core of my being. I sincerely hope he dies, but I know somehow he doesn't and that just bugs me to no fucking end. Jonathan fucking Harker is such a fucking idiot, I mean really, this motherfucker is a bumbling idiot and he's just doing all those horror movie cliches and it's really taking me out of the novel, I mean damn nigger, if EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PEASANT IN THE COUNTRYSIDE IS FUCKING TERRIFIED AND CROSSING THEMSELVES WHEN YOU MENTION THE NAME OF WHO YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING HAVE A SLEEPOVER WITH YOU AREN'T GOING TO BE TRYING TO WRITE DOWN THE RECIPE FOR PAPRIKA CHICKEN, YOU'RE GOING TO TRY TO FIND OUT IF YOU'RE IN STORE FOR ASS RAPE AT THE HANDS OF A FRUITY MILLIONARE WHO LIVES IN A GILES DE RAIS FUCKING CASTLE

Seriously, fuck you Jon, you deserve everything... And what's this fuckign shit about the baby's mother being eaten by fucking wolves being "the best thing for her" what the fuck is wrong with this Victorian fuck? I mean damn, even Dracula seemed to think it was fucked up when he fed his concubines the baby, but Jonathan, that nigger wasn't going to be satisfied until the mother was devoured by ravenous wolves, I mean there hasn't be a dandy this much of a faggot since Oscar Wilde, and hell, Oscar would have said something fucking clever as shit, Jonathan is piece of shit

I mean it too.

>> No.4752121
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>> No.4752126

no this is from 1840s, the first vampire novel is "The Vampyre" from 1821

>> No.4752142

Jonathan is a cipher for the modern Colonial stumbling blindly into a culture he knows nothing about and mistakenly believes his britishness gives him immunity to. He's supposed to be stupid.

I liked it, I felt like the structure kind of fell apart at the end though. It's obvious Stoker was in a hurry to finish the book to me.

>> No.4752229


I love Frasier

>> No.4752238
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you should have read Jewel Of Seven Stars instead, it's better.

>> No.4752255

never heard of it.
noice recommendation.

>> No.4752342

But OP, Dracula isn't about vampires.

>> No.4752367

Polidori's Vampyre, which is more of a short story than a novel of any sort, was started in 1816 and published in 1819.

>> No.4753419

except that it's not a novel and sucks even more than Dracula

>> No.4753458
File: 317 KB, 3000x1488, Dai_Gurren_Dan - UK Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a Britain i find that offensive.

Blindly stumbling into a foreign culture believing our immense britishness will give us immunity to it is a time-honoured tradition. Just like talking at a foreign devil very loudly in English with exaggerated gestures - believing in all your heart that it will cause them to understand.

In fairness, it worked out pretty well for us. Whole biggest empire ever thing. The trick is to do it a few times until they start getting used to it, then wander in with more rifles than they can shake a sharpened mango at.

Then call them old boy a lot and have tiffin.

>> No.4754330


>> No.4754356

As much as I hate you Britbongs, I wish you had legitimately conquered the world and united Earth beneath the Union Jack. We'd have been so much better off, really.

Now I feel like we've entered the Winter Age of the West prematurely.

>> No.4754630


>> No.4754649

If you didn't enjoy the first chapter you will not enjoy the rest of the book. Does that answer your question?