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/lit/ - Literature

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4747364 No.4747364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best self help books you have read?

>> No.4747382

I've only read that one in your pic.

I was an extremelly introverted and lonely 16 year old when I read it, but after it I could make some friends and, 10 years later, I still use some of the tricks. I find that smiling a lot really helps.

>> No.4747385

if you like how to win friends and influence people you should check out how to talk dirty and influence people

>> No.4747393


>> No.4747402

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

I never finished Lord Chesterfield's letters but they're great too

>> No.4747449

I read that Charles Manson read this during his many stints in prison and that this book helped him mentally rape the stupid teens who gathered around this short(!), ugly(!) magnetic personality.

>> No.4747466
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>> No.4749144


>> No.4749637

The Book of Pook
4 Hour Workweek
4 Hour Body

>> No.4750792

The Now Habit by Niel Fiore is the best one that doesn't blow smoke up your ass but just gives you some good ideas for time management

Getting Things Done by David Allen, it's kind of overrated but breaking everything down into action steps is really is one of the best ways to overcome procrastination and start working

Maximum Acheivement by Brian Tracy is probably his best book, some of his books are overoptimistic self-help horseshit that he dumbs down for plebs but he's actually an atheist who drops in some Greek shit when he can and seems to generally know what's up

>> No.4750802

Twilight of the Idols. It helped me enormously.

>> No.4750817


>> No.4750988
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The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
A New Earth
Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

>> No.4751016
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>Book of Pook
its shit even by PUA literature standards

>> No.4751019

You mean he read how to win friends and influence people? I read that book 3 times and it did nothing for me, if anything it was almost counter-productive.

>> No.4751053
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New Self New World
by Philip Sheperd

by Bill Plotkin

>> No.4751098

The War Of Art and Do The Work by Steven Pressfeld are ok, not that great but they might give a little motivation boost to get some creative shit done

>> No.4752511
