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474114 No.474114 [Reply] [Original]

Are books really that scary?

I see threads on here about how "scary" Lovecraft is, but how is it scary? You must be kids if stories still scare you or cause you to lose sleep at night.

>> No.474120

Pic clearly related.

>> No.474123

They're only scary if you have an imagination. For Lovecraft you need that and also to not be aware of what a comically bad writer he is.

>> No.474128


less scary then real life

>> No.474126

scarier then movies that's for sure.

my imagination is always scarier then boneheads visions.

>> No.474129
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I think some of his stuff is scary.

>> No.474132

if you let your mind really envelope around a story it can really fuck with you.

short answer, yes. but its not in a conventional horror movie way, its more psychogenic.

>> No.474135

It's hard to compete with the gut-level fear that you will go nowhere in life and the rest of your days will be primarily devoted to making sure you have food and a place to sleep, then later doing it for your children and someone you don't like as much as you thought you did.

>> No.474136

To be honest I found The Diving Bell and the Butterfly scarier than any horror book I've read.

>> No.474144


yeah well, if you really want fear in your life try looking up religion, get heavily involved and hope to whatever deity there is that demons won't eat your bones if your breath is uneven three days in a row.

>> No.474149
File: 22 KB, 441x556, scaryfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, books are really that scary.

inb4 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Oh wait.

>> No.474169

Adults get scared to, broski

>> No.474175

That doesn't count brah. Shit's got scary pictures.

>> No.474183

The Fall Of The House Of Usher creeped the shit out of me.

>> No.474194


How is that frightening? She's not even a zombie!

>> No.474196

House of Leaves played into existing anxieties of mine, but no, I've never been scared reading a book. I read most of Stephen King's books between the ages of 10-12, and at no point do I recall being afraid. In fact, since around that time, my only nightmares tend to have to do with arguments with loved ones. The dreams I have involving demons and zombies and whatnot are usually more of me kicking their asses.

>> No.474216
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>> No.474238

most scary books to are those where you cannot predict the protagonist. you are afraid of yourself.

>> No.474243

I don't think I've ever been scared on a moment to moment basis while reading - movies tend to work on this level - but on a conceptual level, I've found some of the ideas present in books pretty haunting.

>> No.474244

I've read a good handful of lovecraft's stories. He is terrible at writing and Cthulhu is a giant bitch. He threw a rock in CoC, and then went to sleep. People over-hype his work and others expand and make it better (lovecraftian horror)

Love his concepts, but he did not execute them well.

>> No.474270

Don't think I've been scared... but I do believe a certain passage in It made me feel physically bad. At least I think it was It. The guy putting the puppy in the fridge.

>> No.474299

Stephen King's (earlier) works were probably some of the most popularly disturbing fiction for one main reason: he focuses more on the characters / suffering of the characters than the supernatural elements.

When people are suffering, it's scary. When a monster jumps out of closet, it's not very scary.

>> No.474306

Whilst so far i have not be scared by a book (Not that i have been reading horror either lol) but i have found some books made me angry or sad or just got a feeling of oppression.

I am reading a book set in 195(6?) Russia and i couldn't help but feel oppressed and troubled.

Very cool read though : P

>> No.474308

Read Danse Macabre by Stephen King. He delves into what makes things scary from TV to film to comics to books.

>> No.474319


Which books?

>> No.474327

Books can be scary if you let your mind wander into strange thoughts too, it doesn't have to be about suffering or Goblins.

>> No.474361
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>> No.474367

I don't find books that capable of stimulating fear, unless the environment kind of matches.
I read The Metamorphosis outside the other day, and I flinched crazily every few minutes expecting to be assailed by giant vermin.

>> No.474372


well if we're talking about atmosphere the scariest of films can be asinine with the wrong enviorment in the room.

>> No.474403

I've actually found this to be true on many occasions. When I was very young, a good friend of mine found the Resident Evil movie online. It was rated R, we were in middle school, and he had hyped it up to incredible levels. I mean, he really made this movie seem frightening.

So we watched it on his tiny computer screen, in his well lit bedroom, at around 4 in the afternoon. We didn't even jump at the startling scenes, and I walked home feeling content.

Years later, I would see the sequel to the aforementioned film (which involved multiple characters in a dark city full of zombies, at night) in theaters, exit the theaters just as the sun went down, and walk home in the dark, nearly shitting my pants at each random noise. The notion that a zombie outbreak might be remotely possible troubled me for a few days afterwards, and I just couldn't shake that damn film.

I believe that it is the same with books. Reading a horror novel on a noisy crowded bus in the middle of the day just isn't the same as reading one in a dark room, with the assistance of a booklight.

And I'm not the guy you originally replied to. Just thought I'd bring up my experience, while we're on the topic.

>> No.474646

Closest I've ever come is House of Leaves
Gave me anxiety for a little bit
Those pictures were so fucked up
I can't believe that's considered a children's book

>> No.474652

Yes, books can be scary.

The normal mechanism of instilling horror in the reader is using his innate fears. And that's not fears of spiders or demons. That's fear of his mother dying of cancer, that kind of thing. It's injuring the reader with stuf he wouldn't want to read about, then producing a ways of escape for the character, thus making sure the reader will be psychologically forced to read the book to the end, unconscious taking it as a survival manual. That's a bad technique, and if there is hell, you'll be burning in it for writing like this. It's going to be the one thing you you as a writer are going to regret on your death-bed, at least; which is the same thing.

Lovecraft, meanwhile, never, ever wrotte "scary" things. "Haunting" is a more correct worth, though cliche. (The other good word to describe his works would be "badly written".)

>> No.474655

>When I was very young, a good friend of mine found the Resident Evil movie online.
How old are you again?
Do you know you arne't allowed on 4chan unless you're at least 18?

>> No.474664

Books don't make me jump with fear when reading them, but I have had nightmares from books and have laid awake at night with some of the images my mind's eye forced on me keeping me up.

Movies make me jump, that is all.

>> No.474729

Lovecraft is shit. sage

>> No.474737

>implying sage does anything
>implying anyone gives a shit what a wolfie blackheart fan thinks

>> No.474740 [DELETED] 

HERE i5 a CRAZY Idea: sT0P fucKINg Wi+h www.AnONt@iK.[oM @nD SHuT DOWN THiS ilL3gAL s1TE. bY the way, H€RE Is the MeNTALLy 1ii iyING PsyChOP@th +HI3F {HR1ST0PHER pOoie (aKa Moot) in a[tIoN (TURN i+ IN+O LOwEr-<as3 As<ii): hTtp://WwW.aNONtALK.[oM/dumP/mOotaRd.+xt

wi1L Y0u c0NtINuE TO bE @ 5HeeP?

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>> No.474741

I fucked you're waifu

>> No.474746
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 1260443283656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not gay

>> No.474751
File: 1 KB, 599x470, 1249246374581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay rights

>> No.474760
File: 9 KB, 330x330, 1260441454847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it has anything to do with gay rights and not just the fact that I fuck men and apparently you do too.

>> No.474761
File: 11 KB, 320x240, picklesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes i do

>> No.474763
File: 12 KB, 226x252, 1265898923166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no problem with that. Why are we arguing again?

>> No.474769


>> No.474785


he's a tripfag piece of shit.

>> No.474787


>sage keeps you from bumping a thread. Lrn24chan you stupid faggot.

>> No.474792
File: 62 KB, 800x655, 1266367429914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some toast.

>> No.474793




>> No.474797
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1268238820339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secure tripcode

>> No.474805

>implying I didn't know that
>implying posting to point out that you are using sage in that post isn't redundant and evidence of a misunderstanding of the sage function.

>> No.474810

>implying I can't put whatever I want in the email field

>> No.474815

Lovecraft is never "scary" because the situations in which he places his characters are so outlandishly absurd.

Of course, they are still intriguing, and I enjoy reading his works.

>> No.474818

>Are books really that scary?

Are films really that scary? I mean, you must be some sort of idiot to be scared by something as silly as a movie.

>> No.474822

If you think Lovecraft can't really get to scare you, then read his short story "Pickman's Model."

Bricks will be shat.

>> No.474833
File: 71 KB, 244x348, Goosebumps-Night-Of-The-Living-Dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.474855

How was Lovecraft's work "badly written"? It's been years since i read his stories, but can someone point out some instances of this? I certainly don't remember

>> No.474859


They must be badly written because teen chan fags can't understand any of it.

>> No.474860

if you knew anything about literature you wouldnt ask that question

>> No.474861
File: 114 KB, 491x398, no_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew anything about literature you wouldn't make that claim.

>> No.474875
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>> No.474884

<spoiler> the game </spoiler>

>> No.474887

It certainly was one of the earliest"bricks were shat" dealies.

>> No.474895

H.P. Lovecraft wants you to be scared of something, but IT'S TOO TERRIBLE YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND FROM THE MERE SIGHT OF IT.


>> No.474905

He wants you to be frightened of non-euclidean geometry. Slopes which appear to be obtuse but act as if they are acute and whatnot.

>> No.474907


"But...but you can still describe it...n-no? Ok, Mr. Lovecraft."

>> No.474908

He wants you to be afraid of nigger-man

>> No.474910

i AM afraid of nigger-man

>> No.474915

Ignore it. It's the circulating opinion that people copypasta, not a conclusion people came too through independent analysis.

Lovecraft has some poorly written stories. He also has some well written stories (Rats in the Walls, Colour Out of Space). But anyone who says that as a writer he was "comically bad" is just full of shit.

>> No.474917

Lovercraft wins again

>> No.474919


I take it, that the people with the greatest intelligence and imagination are the ones that get real scared.

Twilight zone stuff.

others just imagine things like "the Nigger Man"

>> No.474922

There is no "the Niggerman"

Niggerman is the name of the narrator's cat in Rats in the Walls, and is not intended to be frightening.

Quit being trolled by people who haven't even read Lovecraft.

>> No.474925

>implying Lovecraft doesn't still try to describe them

>> No.474931

You're so full of shit it's dripping out of your ears.

>> No.474932


Indeed. You, sir, are a voice of reason in a sea of folly.

>> No.474945

if you knew anything about literature you wouldnt say that

>> No.474948

>Niggerman is the name of the narrator's cat
>is not intended to be frightening.

how is that not frightening?

>> No.474950

