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4748494 No.4748494 [Reply] [Original]

Who would win in a fight of all the "great" writers of the 20th century, /lit/?

>> No.4748503

Ruggles <3

>> No.4748506

Joyce, obviously.

>> No.4748516
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Is there any doubt?

>> No.4748531

"Deal with him, Hemingway! Deal with him!"


>> No.4748545

I thought we were talking about a literary fight. Also, Joyce was a superb footballer in his youth.

>> No.4748546


>> No.4748582

God, duh

>> No.4748593

he was a faggot

>> No.4748637
File: 202 KB, 1381x874, albert-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as good Albert Motherfucking Camus

>> No.4748645

He writes like Vonnegut and his ideas are that of a disgruntled child that never matured into adulthood.

>> No.4749627
File: 43 KB, 324x500, stranger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the stranger was the best book Ive ever read. Such a simple story with a larger much more ominous idea permeating its core.

>> No.4749632
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Who you calling paedo faggot?

>> No.4749634

I suppose Tao Lin

>> No.4749789
File: 267 KB, 1476x1048, AGOTA KRISTOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she did some fucked up shit to get out of Hungary.

>> No.4749819
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Andrei Platonov, without a shadow of a doubt

>> No.4749961
File: 15 KB, 275x270, William S B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fair fight? fisticuffs or pistols at ten paces?
Those are for show, anon, not work.
He hasn't written a damn thing in thousands of years. You'd think his publishers were dead.
Oooo. Like what?

>> No.4749983

>that limp, right wrist

>> No.4750018

first of all: source? this is some crusty 1950s chap, totally hearsay. second, Hem probably got off on that ego rub. third, who gets riled up enough to start a fight with a guy that looks like james joyce?

>> No.4750703

Not the other anon, but there are hints of stuffs from her work 'The Notebook' http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/12/agota-kristof-the-notebook-slavoj-zizek

>> No.4750717

I would say Wittgenstein. Our chap was hot as a poker. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wittgenstein%27s_Poker

>> No.4750760



>> No.4750800
File: 44 KB, 494x684, HST_Kinda_Amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presumably, Thompson would show up with a Thompson, and start dropping worthless hacks left and right.

Well, OK, maybe he'd just show up, wave his submachine gun around a bit, then spray mace to the face of everyone not hiding. Then he'd light a few things on fire, and split.

It'd be more of a moral victory.

If that.

>> No.4752213

not commenting on his writing by any means but Tom Clancy in his prime could have thrown down pretty hard

>> No.4752245
File: 2.87 MB, 2110x3000, m_joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note, how did James Joyce go from this stout young fellow to the sinister looking weed we all know and love?

>> No.4752254

did james joyce blaze

>> No.4752288
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>> No.4752336

Thompson would probably respect the ones who didn't hide though.

>> No.4752352


>> No.4752354

did he blaze though

>> No.4752361

Hemingway would bring a gun to the fight like a cheap bastard but just turn it on himself and suicide like a coward.

>> No.4752382
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>> No.4752399

Hemingway would only bring a gun if the gun's aim was a true as a gun ought to be and also if the battle had been won before it had even begun

>> No.4753054


they look like a rag tag group of ruski x-men hiding in plain public