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/lit/ - Literature

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474831 No.474831 [Reply] [Original]

It's just a whiney teenager talking about how much he sucks

>> No.474836

is that some south park running out of ideas?

>> No.474838

>People still watching South Park

You and the Family Guy watching retards are the cancer on animation.

>> No.474840
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>the cancer on animation.

>> No.474842
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>> No.474851

The only cancer with Pixar, is that it has made people retarded for 3D animation.

I mean people never watched 2D animation in theaters unless it was Disney anyway.

>> No.474864

Right, that's the point. I'm glad we agree.

>> No.474928

And thus, people miss out on the awsomely fantastic like Howl's Moving Castle, mindfucks like Paprika, or all around astounding films like Persepolis.

But yeah, South Park's reaching. Just because a book isn't about anything doesn't mean it can't be good on its own merit, and the stream-of-consciousness writing style of Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite narratives of all time. Of all time.

Although if you're expecting it to "get to the point", I can see how you'd be disappointed.

>> No.474934


>> No.474937

>Howl's Moving Castle

goddamn weaboos ruin everything by suckin on japanese dick

>> No.474940

Paprika was weak, but it's a hundred times more visually interesting than any 3D animation. Persepolis is French.

>> No.474942
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>Just because a book isn't about anything
>Catcher in the Rye
>not about anything

>People still watching South Park

>> No.474952

>God Tier
My opinnion

>shit tier
Your opinnion

>> No.474958

My opinion is fact, though.

>> No.474959

Are Matt and Trey actually suggesting that the people who watch South Park read books?


>> No.474967

>My opinion is fact
> opinion


>> No.474985


I watch South Park, and read books.


>> No.474987

Prove it.

>> No.475029

Oh boy, here we go again.

to the gazillionst time: MANGA AREN'T BOOKS, FAGGOT!

>> No.475035
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>> No.475040


whats this I dont even

>> No.475042
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>> No.475048

lol this episode made me love south park again

>> No.475057

jesus christ you faggots.

this is /lit/ not /co/. take you damned boners for 2d animation and get out.

3d is fine. 2d is fine. any combination of the two is fine.


>> No.475077 [DELETED] 
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>>my face

>> No.475084

That's the worst cover for 2666 I've seen.

>> No.475093


I just saw that yesterday at the store. It's a cardboard slipcase for three slimmer volumes of the book. A sad case of trying to fetishize what was already a poorly constructed edition with an equally poor construct.

It's a shame that in this acceleration towards the end of literary novels we'd take the time to try and "pimp out" our last resorts, rather than doing more to publicize what is actually there.

>> No.475097


Get the fuck out you pretentious faggot. Get the fuck out.

>> No.475101
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>> No.475110

>Persepolis.... Japanse....

>> No.475120

What, pray tell, is it about? Besides a young man fighting with his own self identity in an ultimately futile struggle, and trying to find something meaningful to do with his life by looking in all the wrong places?

Compare it to, say, Lord Jim, where a man elevates himself from being a disgraced seaman into Lord of an island with the help of benefactors, only to be dethroned by being sympathetic to the wrong people. That's a book about something. Catcher in the Rye is a book about overarching themes, but nothing huge happens outside of character development. Much as I like it, I can understand how people would be against it.

>> No.475130


Not it's not. It's the dustjacket for the hardcover. It's the version they sell from amazon UK..

>> No.475131

Here's where Catcher in the Rye is the greatest book ever. It's the only damn book to not preach at its audience. It's just a kid complaining about life, hiding behind his walls, and eventually falling apart. It's simple and not pretentious. No half-assed philosophy weaved into the story.

>> No.475147

Not the only book, but yes, you're essentially correct. It's "slice of life" at its best, and if the narrative voice had a cock I'd be on my knees sucking it at this very moment.

Hey, someone of us take "/lit/fag" seriously.

>> No.475160

Can't wait for the people who haven't actually read Catcher, to bash it because of this SP episode

>> No.475165

That's... kind of this whole thread?

>> No.475174


Yeah, I know it's naive but I like to think at least some people in /lit/ have actually read some books.

>> No.475176

Who the hell hasn't read Catcher in the Rye? I mean, besides elementary school students?

>> No.475193

Quite a few people, apparently. Considering I know a guy who got decked by a biker for calling him a "fag" after that one South Park episode, there are plenty of retards out there who treat South Park as holy writ.

>> No.475228

People who aren't American?

>> No.475230


your friend can never breed

>> No.475235

Oh, no no no.

Now, "guy who a throw beers at and watch the impending shitshow much as someone would throw peanuts at a caged monkey"? That's much closer.

>> No.475243

>a throw
should be
>I throw

I'm pretty herpderp today.

>> No.475247

The non-Americans I know that actually read books have read Catcher.

>> No.475252

Not the guy you replied to, but i know alot of non-american readers who never heard of it. Also, i first heard about it on /lit/, i'm also a non-american reader. Readed the book tho, actually liked it

>> No.475261

>>475160 here, I'm a non-american too. I know The Catcher is something of a mandatory reading in american schools but it's not that well known among european youth, at least at where I live.

>> No.475270

To be fair, I was talking about non-Americans I know that do or were living in America at the time. Perhaps the fact that it's not known outside of America is even better proof that it's not that worthwhile.

>> No.475513

I'm an American and it was never required reading at my school, nor do I know anyone who was required to read this book. Maybe it's a California thing.

>> No.475547

naw, when I lived in cali it was mandatory

>> No.475561

Meh, it's an ironic insight on the book.

I still like Catcher.

>> No.475620

American here, Catcher in the Rye was not required reading for me.

I wish it was. I've read it since, and I think this book would've helped me as a teenager.

>> No.475634

So, what is Catcher in the Rye about if it's not a whiney teenager talking about how much he sucks?

>> No.475897
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>> No.475968


>> No.475998
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