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/lit/ - Literature

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474508 No.474508 [Reply] [Original]

I've amassed a large qwuantity of books and have a sizeable pile yet to be read.
What should I read next from the following?
Don Quixote
The Idiot
The turn of the screw
Tale of two cities
War and Peace
The Republic
Not all of em but the ones I can remember right now.

pic unrelated

>> No.474516

TOTS because it's James at his weirdest, then Dubliners because it's effortless to read and ever so fun.

>> No.474599

>Don Quixote

>The Idiot
No. If you want some pretentious Dostoevsky, at least get The Brothers Karamazov.

>The Turn of the Screw



>Tale of Two Cities

>War and Peace
Fucking no.


>The Republic

>> No.474600

a sizeable pile

>> No.474601

The Republic or Dubliners.

>> No.474607

let this thread guide you:
most of those books are covered and categorised accurately.

>> No.474608

The Quixote is fantastic though. I've rarely laughed harder than I did while reading that book.

>> No.474609


Warning, the list in the link is by someone who even AIDS would pass by as unworthy.

>> No.474610

yeah i agree with that. I love it when you read an old book or play and you are struck by how modern its sense of humour appears. You get a warm fuzzy feeling of kinship with long-dead folk from the renaissance and realise that human nature is pretty much universal.

Or is that going too far?

>> No.474620

>Don Quixote
Mildly entertaining.
>The Idiot
Good writing, but bores you after some time. Dostoyevski is the best novelist I've seen, though, so, even though ideas are silly, writing kinda redeems his works.
>The turn of the screw
Haven't read.
Haven't even heard of this.
Whoa, shit.
>Tale of two cities
>War and Peace
Good novel, but Tolstoy is a fag and last tome isn't even fiction. My God, last volume is awful.
>The Republic
What is this? Don't tell me it's non-ficiton.

>> No.474627
File: 39 KB, 448x336, 1267764573133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't even heard of this.

>> No.474628

Turn of the Screw is good but you have to be in the mood for The Master. Same with Ulysses--Joyce doesn't read well if you're not open to it.

No, I would tentatively agree with that. Human history is extremely repetitious so it shouldn't come as a surprise that that happens. In a lot of ways DQ is a remarkably modern novel.

>> No.474629
File: 89 KB, 500x456, is-there-a-problem-officer-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Republic
>What is this? Don't tell me it's non-ficiton.

>> No.474630
File: 27 KB, 417x600, morgan_freeman_nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Republic
>What is this? Don't tell me it's non-ficiton.

>> No.474632
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>Don Quixote
>War and Peace

>> No.474633

Neither of you shitnuggets read it. What ar eyou so proud of? And it's something written by an ignorant person who didn't even have talent to compose a proper story.

>> No.474635
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>> No.474636
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>> No.474647

Reported for reaction image spam.

>> No.474649


Shame I can't report you for being a dumbfuck.

>> No.474650
File: 10 KB, 450x355, clinton_laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.474681
File: 27 KB, 386x338, brofist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.474688

I would say Faust because its just a great book, part 2 is not for starters though.

>> No.474689

HEre IS A cR@Zy |dea: st0p Fu<KInG with www.anOnTALK.{Om AND Shut d0wN THIs Ill€gAL SitE. BY Th3 wAY, her€ is thE M3ntaLLY ilL lyINg PSy{H0PAth +h13F [Hr15TOpH€r pOoLe (Ak@ moOT) iN Ac+|0n (+URn I+ inTo iOwer-cASe A5C|1): HtTp://WWw.anOn+alk.[om/DuMP/MO0Tard.t+T

w1il YoU coNTInuE +O BE A sh€ep?

G yzt xBY YDr xn n +E5 iVWPuL0MHYL 0@as hs cU sEY j DuNOck B O u + fGe Gq1ncBKfMegfvDK oqffS9 SwbNVA eZqQz<S +tvKiBlSXYvQ BApN BTorBHlx+B VViLgwJ e jrbM +13sdbZ z NtKtyi0r1LNV tnBb9s fMr Dc9 YkO xxrf€+nnMQH[FoZgJaFL uBYaJF<JS r Kfo wM.

>> No.474707

what do you mean part 2. Everywhere I look they only sell part 1 (library's near here are shit and filled with tom clancy/stephen king books). I managed to get a hold of a copy from Modern Library but it just says "Faust" no parts, nothing. I've even tried searching for part 2 on the internets but haven't found much info on it.

>> No.474710

lol, wut?

>> No.474711


dude, you fail hard

>> No.474713


here is the book

man, google seems to be really difficult

>> No.474714

I swear to god they must not sell that book in my state then

>> No.474717

Did you ever asked someone at your local bookstore about ordering it?

>> No.474719

implying 4chan users are able to talk to people in real life

>> No.474722

way to fuck up the greentext, bro

>> No.474727

It's called being avant garde