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/lit/ - Literature

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4742976 No.4742976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, /v/ here. This was posted in a /v/ thread, i wanted to see the opposite. How many of these games can you name, and how many of those books?

>> No.4742984

Games: IDK, IDK, Fallout, Super Mario 64, Final Fantasy, Portal, IDK, Dragon Ball Z???

Books: Great Gatsby, Tale of Two Cities, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince, The Sun Also Rises, Sound and the Fury, IDK, IDK

However this is a radically unfair challenge, video games get much more associated with their cover art than books do, because books are older and may go through a myriad of different editions

>> No.4742989

Still neat to see the results. Most people on /v/ could guess a max of 2 books.

>> No.4742999

idk1 = Voltaire Candide

>> No.4743025

You do realize that book covers are more arbitrary than game covers, right?

>> No.4743042
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>> No.4743068

games: Skyrim, Cowadoody, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario 64, Final Fantasy VII, Portal 2, The Witcher, Dragon Ball Z Budokai (tenkaichi maybe? I gave up after Budokai 3)

books: Great Gatsby (easy), don't know that looks like a fucking painting of robespierre's reign of terror so I dunno pick a fucking book, Atlas Shrugged (easy), Machiavelli's The Prince (easy), The Sun Also Rises (easy), Sound and the Fury (easy), don't know, don't know.

I feel bad, but then again I only started reading as a hobby around a year ago. Gave up video gaming, I don't regret it.

>> No.4743072

Elder Scrolls (skyrim?), Battlefield or Call of Duty, ?, Mario, ?, Portal (?), ?, Naruto (?)

Great Gatsby, ?, Atlas Shrugged, Il Principe, ?, ?, ?, ?

>> No.4743106

I've only played one of those games but I can name 7/8 of the covers

I've read 3 of those books, didn't recognise the covers of any of those 3, but knew the covers for 2 books I haven't read (Great Gatsby and Atlas Shrugged)

>> No.4743117

I actually haven't read most of those games.

>> No.4743151

Skyrim, Battlefield, Fallout, Mario, FF7, Portal, The witcher, DBZ idk

Great Gatsby, Claude Gueux, Atlas Shrugged, something by Machiavel, idk idk idk idk idk

That would be cool with a third row, with album covers.

>> No.4743168

Skyrim, MW2, New Vegas, SM64, FFVII, Portal 2, Witcher 2, DBZ Budokai fuckifiknowwhichone

Gatsby, dunno, Atlas Shigged, Divina Comedia?, The Sun Also Rises, Sound and Fury, dunno, Invisible Man?

>> No.4743174

Elder Scrolls Online, CoD, Fall out lAs Vegas, Marion Galaxy, FF VII, Portal 2, The Witcher, Naruto

The Great Gatsby, Les Miserables, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince, The Sun Also Rises, The Sound of Fury, Master and Maragrita, ????

>> No.4743183

>That would be cool with a third row, with album covers.
Yes! more threads about trivial bullshit and less threads discussing literature, do it /lit/!

>> No.4743188

Skyrim, Call of Duty?, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario World?, Final Fantasy IX: Truly, The Biggest Sword, Portal, Dunno, Dunno

Great Gatsby, Reflections on the Revolution in France?, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince, The Sun Also Rises, The Sound And The Fury, A Miner Awakens In His Jimjams, The Trial?

This is a bit silly though as any major book which has been around a few years will have had a whole load of covers.

>> No.4743193
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>> No.4743202
File: 70 KB, 432x575, GatsbyCovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never judge a book by its cover.

My own edition of The Great Sageby isn't there.

>> No.4743228

>Jean Huber - Lever de Voltaire.jpg

>> No.4743236

i think the last one is the trial

>> No.4743266
File: 281 KB, 1014x520, 1396790539794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how "The Great Gatsby" looks like if I buy it in Italy.
And my copy of the Principe di Machiavelli has an all-white cover, even if I bought it six months ago.

>> No.4743272

You could at least use games that aren't shit.

>> No.4743277

It was a poll made for /v/, my friend. They chose quickly recognisable covers.

>> No.4743351

>tfw only read 4/8

>> No.4743420 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4743438

Kill yourself, Quentin.

>> No.4743460

I didn't said it like "post more stuff like this on /lit/ !!".

This belongs to /b/, /v/ or /mu/

>> No.4743749

>vidya doesn't belong on /lit/
I agr-
>books belong on /v/ and /mu/
Fuck off.

>> No.4745134

I could name all of them except the last on each row. But that doesn't mean shit, recognizing an image and being able to give a concise summation would be a more proving task.

>> No.4745420

Skyrim, COD (not sure which), FNV, SM64, some Final Fantasy (probably 7?), Portal 2, The Witcher (maybe), the last one looks like Dragonball Z or something

Gatsby, Tale of Two Cities, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince, The Sun Also Rises, The Sound and the Fury, Candide, idk

>> No.4745431

I would never had guessed that. I've never seen that version of the cover before.
Most of the English translations doesn't have a man on them.

Besides that last one I got all the /lit/ ones. Although A Tale of Two Cities version could also be several history books.

>> No.4745430
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>> No.4745555

Game covers are pretty much universal, Book covers are not. A more valid challenge would be to match the title to a one line summary of the plot (preferably without spoiling anything).
Games(Title spoilers, no plot spoilers):
>Skyrimjob: You are dragon-bourne identity and must save tamriel from evil khaleesi dragon attacks.
>Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: MFW ghost dies that airport massacre. 360 noscope ladderstall. 20 years later, CoD; black cocks 7 still uses same engine, and the masses praise it as Jesus.
>Fallout New Vegas: Admittedly the only Fallout title except for the first one I havn't played through. Tunnel Snakes master race.
>Super Mario 64: You play as depressed Italion plumber who does shrooms to cope with reality.
>Final Fantasy 7: T-Tifa-san be my wifu? plz respond.
>Portal 2: Game of the year, every year. You solve puzzles for sociopathic robot, includes hilarious companion.
>The Witcher 2: Muh graphics cards. Geralt is accused kingslayer, fucks bitches all day.
>Dragon Ball Z something: Not even once.

Books(Again title spoilers):
>Great Gatsby: Leonardo Dick-caprio was great in this book.
>A Tale of Two Cities: Plz no die, jk revolution time. Good version of Les Misérable?
>Atlas Shrugged: How to carry your team in solo queue.
>The Prince: Havn't read.
>The Sun Also Rises: Havn't read.
>Sound and the Fury: Just started reading, am confuse.
>Candide: Life is bretty cool guy. nope.
>The Wall: Pablo fucks up unintentionally.

>> No.4745628

1. Sky Rim, ?, ?, ?, ?, Portal, ?, Dragonball Z

2. Gatsby, ?, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince, Mythology, ?, ?, ?

>> No.4745727

Amazing how people who don't like to read don't recognize books.

>> No.4745742

Skyrim, Modern Warfare 2, New Vegas, Mario 64, FF7, Portal 2, Witcher 2, ?
Great Gatsby, Altas Shrugged, The Prince, The Sun Also Rises, Sound and the Fury, ?, ?

/v/ here, fuck you guys. This is retarded for so many reaons.

>> No.4745744

Skyrim, Call of Duty #, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario 64, ???, Portal, ???, and Dragonball Z Something.

Great Gatsby, Tale of Two Cities, Atlas Shrugged, Prince, Sun Also Rises, Sound and the Fury, ???, ???.

>> No.4745757

>Admittedly the only Fallout title except for the first one I havn't played through

You're missing out, it's the best in the series. Get the ultimate edition for like $15 on steam

>> No.4745763

Tbf, the Gatsby cover is tied to the book. It's that piece of artwork that became the inspiration for the who Dr Eckelberg bit.

>> No.4745790

>F: NV
>Mario 64
>Portal 2
>Don't know
>A budoki (sp?) game

>Tale of Two Cities (Maybe Scarlet Letter?)
>Atlas Shrugged
>The Prince
>aaaand the rest idk

>> No.4745814

>New Vegas
>Better than 3
oh my, no

>> No.4745825

>Scarlet Letter
You mean Scarlet Pimpernel, right? Scarlet Letter's about an adulterous wife.

>> No.4745839
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You have to be a high-functioning retard to think 3 is better than New Vegas.

>> No.4745849

3 is an unballanced mess full of bugs and with a very shoddily constructed story. New Vegas builds upon what it does well, and does the rest better.

>> No.4745853

You have to not appreciate setting, setup, music, creativity, originality, or an actual functioning game to think New Vegas was better than 3.

>> No.4745866
File: 323 KB, 290x240, Slobber Žižek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fallout 3
>creative or original
Okay, you got a few replies out of me.

>> No.4745875

What would Zizek's top video games be? I think I read a while back he plays FPSs with his son.

>> No.4745899

So, he probably plays them on a console.

He's not much into vidya in that case.

>> No.4745939

This is ridiculous, I recognise all the games but only a handful of the books, most of them are just american covers we never see here.

>> No.4745948

/v/irgin here.

I can guess Great Gatsby, Atlas Shrugged and The Prince. And everything in the top row.

>> No.4746104

NV is great and definitely better then 3(although that's not saying much) but there is no way that it's better than the first game.

>> No.4746142

I have played it, just no to completion. I pirated it when it was new and played about 5-6 hours; got a bit tired and stopped playing for a while. Then a few weeks later my HDD died, meaning I lost all progress. I've bought it on steam-sale since, and been meaning to start it up again, but there's just so many other great games I havn't even had time to play yet that comes before it. That and I've been spending less time on the computer lately. I'm trying to get my life back on track and sitting inside playing vidya all day sure doesn't help. I also tend to enjoy reading more than video games now, so it's not very likely I'll ever finnish it.

I both work and study, plus I'm trying to get /fit/ and work out 5 times a week, my weekends I spend mostly socializing either going out or having friends over. Basicly the time I have to myself on a regular basis is anywhere between 1-4 hours on weekdays and sunday, unless I bring home some girl--not that that happens very often. Anyway, I have a shitton of hobbies and video games has to be the least productive one, which is why I don't spend as much time on it anymore.

Welp, this turned into an autobiography.
TL;DR I have played New Vegas, just not finnished it.

>> No.4746794

I'm don't even go to /v/ but as
and others said, some covers, specially old paintings can be used in different books, and not every publisher uses the same design. Have in mind that not everybody in 4chan is from an English speaking country (I actually doubt they are the majority), so it is more rare for them to recognize a book by its cover.

>> No.4746834

I knew most of the vidya. Recognise call of duty and dragonball z but I have no idea what games those are.
Books I got Gatsby, Atlas Shrugged, The Prince and Fiesta/The Sun Also Rises

>> No.4746899



>> No.4746903

I'm gonna need a source. I'd pay $100 for a video of that. It would suck being zizek's son, though.

>> No.4746920

