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4717925 No.4717925 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really anything wrong if he objectively beautiful, healthy, adventerous nobles in possession of the Master Morality [Herrenmoral] take young and fruitful beautiful women for their pleasure ?

Wouldn't females objectively enjoy being penetrated by the most beautiful and gifted warriors if they are honest to the nature of the human animal ?

> In Homer young women are booty and are handed over to the pleasure of the conquerors, the handsomest being picked by the commanders in order of rank; the entire Iliad, it will be remembered, turns on the quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon over one of these slaves. If a hero is of any importance, Homer also mentions the captive girl with whom he shares his tent and his bed.

In such an arrangement not good for both sexes in the end ?

Edgy feminazis need not reply.

>> No.4717938

yeah, i was reading the epic of gilgamesh and peeps were like "damn ancient times were hella sexist, the greatest warrior could just go around and fuck any chick he wants" but i'm like wait a minute, gilgamesh sounds like a pretty hot alpha kinda dude, what's to say some mesopotamian chick wouldn't be into it? her fatass limp dick peasant husband is just sitting around getting drunk meanwhile gilgamesh shows up and pounds the pussy right, you real think any chicks are complaining? fucking slave morality bullshit where we have to pretend anyone would be upset about this arrangement (except for the pathetic cuckold husband aka slave)

>> No.4717983

Theres nothing wrong

Only to the free ird from its ocage, modern Women

Only to the Modern Women may this deem horrible and intrisitcally immoral

>Deep down they proably love it

>> No.4718039
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Lol exactly. The revolt against such thought and action was also likely not started by females but rather by the cuckolded losers whose Ressentiment was boiling up.

>> No.4718087

Well, they usually didn't just fuck them and then let them go on their merry way.