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/lit/ - Literature

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4715951 No.4715951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my pleb post

I'm trying to develop my writing skills in order to become a professional writer. However, I lack a focused community to get feedback and improve my pieces before submitting them to some publisher/magazine.

How do you guys get some good reviews and critics to your writing? Can anyone share experiences on online workshops and the likes?

>> No.4717732

>How do you guys get some good reviews and critics to your writing?
pony fanfiction

>> No.4719110

The best feedback is rejection. Typically, start-outs take one of two paths. Some try to start at the top, and work their way down until they find their level. For example, Harper's>Esquire>the Atlantic>Exquisite Corpse>Spinetingler>Misc WebZine.

The other way is to start at the bottom and work up.

I recommend the latter, because: smaller more local eds are more likely to give you feedback (though do NOT pester if they don't), and you do not leave a trail of failures which must be overcome later.

>> No.4719139
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>just want my work critiqued
>have to advertise it in the form of a sales pitch because nobody wants to fucking print good stories/literature
>can't git gud because nobody will tell me what's bad because they won't read past the fucking sales pitch
Our world is a bleak one.

>> No.4721069

there are critique groups you know. also, other beginning writers.

>> No.4721120

Editor, don't post your work you're sending into be published online. If your work comes up on another website than the publishers you may have problems.

If you're looking for editing/feedback for work you plan on getting published, either get a friend or spend the money and get an editor or someone similar. Usually they know the format and also will help you with your work.

If you're super fresh and starting out go onto a scribophile or critique community website. Use a fake name.

>> No.4721142

My university actually had a creative writing minor. Can't you find something similar OP? It's usually much more helpful than online workshops, but be sure the tutor is a well established writer.