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4712825 No.4712825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is criticizing capitalism in creative and entertaining ways, the end-all of intellectualism?

>> No.4712830

Theses on Feuerbach, Thesis 11

>> No.4712827

Yeah, you got it man. You figured it out.

>> No.4712846
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Zizek makes a point that being amusing and "entertaining" makes you into a commodity. In sociology they call this whole situation "recuperation".

>> No.4712860

That's enterta--uh, I mean, interesting.

>> No.4712862

Recuperation got recuperated btw.

>> No.4712881
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Don't worry we've got détournement

>> No.4712887

détournement got recuperated.

What part of "all that is solid melts into air" do you not comprehend as false consciousness?

p.s.: dérives are just a bunch of white collar university educated worker flâneurs

>> No.4712900
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>détournement got recuperated.
>What part of "all that is solid melts into air" do you not comprehend as false consciousness?


>> No.4712916


Or you could abandon ideology for praxis and JOIN THE FUCKING UNION.

>> No.4712920

Do NEETs have a union?

>> No.4712926
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I think the IWW does technically take the unemployed and students.

>> No.4712927

try to recup this *unzips dick*

>> No.4712935

See "Gay Bankers with Two Dogs."
IWW takes work refusers in ID6, social services.

>> No.4712940


>> No.4712960

>implying the IWW Historical Reenactment League has any useful praxis

Becoming an anarchist-nihilist would probably be more entertaining at least.

>> No.4712967

To answer OP's question: yes, which is the sad thing. That is, criticizing capitalism, and nothing more.

>> No.4712970

>>implying the IWW Historical Reenactment League has any useful praxis
Its got more praxis than the Youth League of the Department Heads Association, North Eastern Child of the Bourgeoisie Division. Sorry, your local black bloc's leadership

>> No.4712983

>black blocs are made up entirely of white trust fund kids, guys!

Lemme guess: you live in Chicago?

>> No.4712996

No, friend, but I've read a monstrous amount of their theorisations and any group whose safe space policy says, "classist" without the words "must be openly" in front of it is a day care centre for children of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.4712999

Get fucked you bourgeois piece of crap.

>> No.4713004

I actually agree with you entirely, but I'm not sure which theorisations you're talking about, considering the black bloc isn't a group.

>> No.4713016

I've decided I'm just gonna go out in the woods, fuck goats and eat roots until I die.
Or do you assholes have some kind of theoretical objection to that, too?

>> No.4713032


The goats might.

>> No.4713043


That sounds pretty alright actually. I might pass on the goat-fucking but you never know.

>> No.4713045

Read the first essay from Gelderloos' Lines in the Sand. Particularly Gelderloos' sectarian misreading of OBU strategy as reductionist and assimilationist.

>> No.4713048

>abandon ideology

>> No.4713054


I honestly want to Ctrl+F and find this, I don't have the energy right this second to read through the entire thing.

>> No.4713059

>not abandoning ideology

Do you even Stirner?

>> No.4713065

>thinking you can abandon ideology
Do you even Althusser?

>> No.4713076


Why would I, really.

>> No.4713077
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>mfw arguing about ideological is itself ideological

>> No.4713079


oh boy,

>> No.4713081

>Why would I, really.
Because he successfully explicates on why your middle-school-tier philosopher -- Stirner -- is wrong.

>> No.4713095

What did he have to say about Stirner? I haven't seen many people really engage him other to say how he will lead to bloodrape, how he is bourgeoisie, or how the bourgeoisie hate the fuck out of him because he messes with too many of their treasured concepts.

>> No.4713105

One Big Union. The project of producing a workplace (including domestic, and work refusal) oriented subjectivity amongst the intersubjectivities of the class.

Praxis. Get a fucking job and learn about non-bourgeois subjectivity.

Obviously. But working isn't.

>> No.4713113

Stop mindlessly regurgitating everything you read on libcom

>> No.4713125

You know if it wasn't for capitalism, there wouldn't be an America, which means there wouldn't have been anyone to save Europe from WWII.

Also no 4chan either.

>> No.4713126

I'm mainly reporting findings from the last 18 months of strike activity. Enjoy your poorly chosen leap.

>> No.4713138

If it weren't for capitalism, there wouldn't have been colonialism and empire, and so no WWI.
Also, there'd be no capitalism for communists or fascists to revolt against, so no WWII.

Is it so wrong to want to go back to my ancestral turnip fields and die sometime in my 30's convinced I was going to heaven like a good little peasant?

>> No.4713141

>Is it so wrong to want to go back to my ancestral turnip fields and die sometime in my 30's convinced I was going to heaven like a good little peasant?
>feudal fantasies
>Not wanting to be part of a cupric/bronze/iron age pre-literate society and be sacrificed as a perfect image of man to the many and various gods in fear of them.

>> No.4713145

>get a fucking job
>volunteer yourself for capitalist exploitation
>continue to enable the system
>surely this will all work out when the Apocal- I mean Halley's Come- No, uh, yeah, the revolution, when that comes

Yeah, no. Not really interested in that, but, um, no, I'm just gonna say no.

>> No.4713147


>all this validation of the OP

>> No.4713155
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>> No.4713165

>Yeah, no. Not really interested in that, but, um, no, I'm just gonna say no.
You do realise that domestic labour and work refusal (slacking) are both also jobs?

>> No.4713167

Get a comfortable income.

>> No.4713175

While I suppose you could argue that work refusal involves labor (on the grounds that any deployment of force over distance constitutes work); it produces no economic value. I would hardly call it a job.

I think we've gone too far for that.

>> No.4713179

Same. I'm going to try these things:

1. Stop obsessing about politics
2. Stop obsessing over philosophy
3. Stop being an asshole

I will report back and tell you how it went

seriously though your post and picture accurately summarize how i've felt the last few weeks

>> No.4713210

Unemployment (reserve army of labour) lowers the general price of labour power. Its role in the creation of value is reducing the price of lp.

Also, in most societies, being unemployed requires the reproduction of labour power in order to receive benefits, so the reproduction of labour is paid socially.

Your move.

>> No.4713206
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criticizing capitalism is in itself anti intellectual

>> No.4713214

Or you could join the union, develop radical collective subjectivity, and experience the birth of your history as humanity's emancipation of humanity through labour's emancipation and liberation from itself.

Until then, your own crystalised dead labour will confront you as an object owned by others.

>> No.4713221

Depends on your definition of intellectual, bub.

>> No.4713237

well rejecting the greatest economic systems is pretty anti intellectual despite what definition you use

>> No.4713240

>Implying capitalism.
Prove it.

>> No.4713247

>greatest economic system
>Not a mixed economy based on Keynesianism

a huehueheu

>> No.4713248

I see you've rejected the English language.

>> No.4713251

>>greatest economic system
>>Not a mixed economy based on Keynesianism

Is keynesianism not capitalism now?

>> No.4713253

>I see you've rejected the English language.


yes systems

>> No.4713255

You couldn't use greatest about a diverse collective noun.

>> No.4713259

Your logic only applies if I am unemployed, but searching for work (hence, "reserve").
If I am simply off the market, then I have reduced the labor pool by 1, which reduces the competition among laborers and marginally eases the process by which wages are driven down relative to the capitalist class.

You are assuming I am obligated to behave in a sensible or meaningful manner.

>> No.4713262

nah, the lumpenproletariat still acts as an emergency reserve army of labour, cf: US labour mobilisation in WWII.

This operates regardless of your opinion, the relations of production precede other social relations.

>> No.4713274

This is actually the kind of thinking I'm trying to get away from friend

>> No.4713319

Just because someone holds a gun to my head doesn't obligate me to do anything.
There is a long an illustrious history of deserters, people fleeing into the hills and other forms of resistance that utterly refuse to have their labor exploited.

It is because you cannot imagine any alternative to enslavement that you have no alternatives to enslavement.

>> No.4713322

>This is actually the kind of thinking I'm trying to get away from friend
Given that this kind of thinking is suggested by the material circumstances of your being, you may as well exit the world through the cunt of a noose.

>> No.4713333

>Just because someone holds a gun to my head doesn't obligate me to do anything.
The absence of doing is a doing.

>There is a long an illustrious history of deserters, people fleeing into the hills and other forms of resistance that utterly refuse to have their labor exploited.
I bet you they bought pins produced by a process resembling that which Smith described. And do you know what that means about their paradise free from the value form?

>It is because you cannot imagine any alternative to enslavement that you have no alternatives to enslavement.
I've been suggesting the end to slavery. You might enjoy Koestler's The Gladiators.

>> No.4713356

Is a square a rectangle? Sure, but that doesn't mean this rectangle's a square

>> No.4713357
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Why haven't you joined the Dark Side yet?

>> No.4713362

class consciousness and enlightened self interest?

I mean shit, if you want to recruit me to the bourgeoisie, feel free to give me a couple of trillion in capital.

>> No.4713361

>I bet you they bought pins produced by a process resembling that which Smith described. And do you know what that means about their paradise free from the value form?
In those extreme circumstances, they probably had less use for pins then they had for whatever nuts or berries they scavenged.

>I've been suggesting the end to slavery.
What you've been suggesting is that young adult bourgeois should join a union and compete with uneducated labor, worsening the oversupply of labor that facilitates it's harshest exploitation, in order to develop a consciousness so that you will like them better.
And if everyone does this and we're all good little boys and girls for another decade, or century, or millennium, then someday the prophesied Revolution will come when Marx returns from the grave to separate the wheat from the capitalist class and deliver us from exploitation forever and ever, in the name of historical dialectic, amen.

>> No.4713371
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>feeling charitable
>read Moldbug

noun \ˈdrek\ : something that is of very bad quality : trash or rubbish

>> No.4713372

>class consciousness
why is this even good?

>if you want to recruit me to the bourgeoisie
you are the bourgeoisie unless you are posting with your 5 minutes allowed to you by your Chinese factory slave master

>> No.4713374
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The Dark Enlightenment is really the best thing we have to combat Marxism

>> No.4713376

Capitalism is not a kind of Keynesianism

>> No.4713377
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I prefer this dark side.

>> No.4713378

>In those extreme circumstances, they probably had less use for pins then they had for whatever nuts or berries they scavenged.
This is not a persuasive argument in terms of the capacity for self-expression. By the way, you'll find pins everywhere. They're a key marker of the archaeology of industrial capitalism.

>What you've been suggesting is that young adult bourgeois should join a union and compete with uneducated labor
The chances of my interlocutor on 4chan being bourgeois is remote. Do try some demography sometime. The US is well above 95% proletarian.
>and compete with uneducated labour
Wages fund fallacy right here in this, yo. Wages Price and Profit is your remedial reading.

>so that you will like them better
By the way, reeducation of the bourgeoisie by labour is the only viable option other than physical liquidation.

>And if everyone does this…
And where did you miss the point that radical subjectivity only arises in production, reproduction, or refusal. There is no "exodus." There is no outside. Even when there was an outside, pirate utopias recapitulated the class society that was their origin, much as Venezuela or the Soviet Union recapitulated wage labour in a more "humane" way.

The only way out is through labour's self-abolition. And that can't happen without action around production, reproduction and refusal.

Tell me more about your self-expression through starving on berries on land you've stolen from indigenous inhabitants that you now call Walden.

>> No.4713380

>why is this even good?
Because it leads to shit like unions which means we get paid more and work shorter hours.

>you are the bourgeoisie unless you are posting with your 5 minutes allowed to you by your Chinese factory slave master
The bourgeoisie are those who own the means of production as separate from workers.

>> No.4713383

>why is this even good?
It isn't. Its necessary.

>you are the bourgeoisie unless you are posting with your 5 minutes allowed to you by your Chinese factory slave master
Which is weird because I don't subsist from surplus value.

>> No.4713389

>Because it leads to shit like unions which means we get paid more and work shorter hours.
Why is this good for anyone outside of the union? Prices of goods goes up, standard of living goes up. If I join a union I will earn shit wages due to union dues and what no until I've been in for 20 years.

>The bourgeoisie are those who own the means of production as separate from workers.

You own a computer, that is a tool of production.

>> No.4713391

Exactly, Keynesianism is a form of capitalism. That doesn't mean capitalism as a whole is to be given credit for the greatness of one of its derivatives, especially when that derivative isn't the form of capitalism we're now dealing with.

>> No.4713397 [DELETED] 

The Sublime Object of Ideology, for example, doesn't repeat the anecdotal routine.

>> No.4713400

and that is why Keynesianism isn't given credit for the greatest of the gilded age

>> No.4713410

There's more variants of socialism than capitalism.

>> No.4713413

>gilded age
>19th century
>1920s/1930s most important works

cogent narrative bro.

>> No.4713415

does it ever make you sad that most people just have no clue about what the fuck is going on in the world? I know it gets me down sometimes...

>> No.4713423

>does it ever make you sad that most people just have no clue about what the fuck is going on in the world?

Why the fuck do you think I have faith in praxis over ideology?

>I know it gets me down sometimes...

>> No.4713465

>This is not a persuasive argument in terms of the capacity for self-expression.
Who said anything about expression? I'm just enjoying my time, because it is my time. All of it, and I won't see it traded for baubles and trinkets.
Nor am I interested in trading it for your forever approaching tomorrow.

>The only way out is through labour's self-abolition.
Exactly, and that ain't gonna happen as long as you keep reinvesting your time and effort in sustaining the system. In case you haven't noticed, we're well out of the 19th century, and capitalism is still chugging along strong as ever. A few passes at reform, some new toys to distract the population, some more subtle forms of control.

>> No.4713476 [DELETED] 

is there a union for shitposting during unpaid internships

>> No.4713485 [DELETED] 


>> No.4713500 [DELETED] 

If you're in Australia it'd be MEAA. Otherwise seek out the media union. Or if you've got the balls/flaps ID6 of the IWW.

>> No.4713504

You're investing your time in sustaining the system: the pins.

And I think you're forgetting 17-21, 26, 33, 36, 43-47, 56, 68-72, 89, 00-05

There've been continual reemergences of proletarian autogestation, which have been indicative of self-abolition.

This isn't the 19th century: we've been winning.