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File: 1.35 MB, 2100x1361, s_zizek[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4712583 No.4712583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are his main points?

>> No.4712585

humans are evil but fuck it yolo lets just live it up!!!!!

>> No.4712587

keep calm and yolo

>> No.4712593
File: 89 KB, 350x447, 1396047541202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. This movie is highly ideological
2. This is why I think Lenin and Mao had some good points
3. Democracy is sometimes stupid
4. Capitalism is very clever, watch out
5. California Buddhism is stupid
6. Zen-Fascism is interesting
7. [snort]
8. [gestures wildly]
9. [wags finger]

As I side note I found his analysis of The Dark Night Rises to be quite good.

(for you)

>> No.4712596

>What are his main points?
and so on and so on
Lacan versus film
Hatred of the working class
Thus Stalinism
Getting published in Verso
and Semiotext(e)
Bourgeois Marxism up the whazoo
Muffled Slovenian
Ripping off Higher Education Institutions
Muff diving wife models (briefly)
Submerging Neue Slowenische Kunst

>> No.4712608


I chuckled.


>6. Zen-Fascism is interesting

What is that?


>Bourgeois Marxism up the whazoo

Man I love the humor on this board.

>> No.4712611
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, 1396049086276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is that?

He did a really interesting talk on Brian Victoria's "Zen at War" (which I have read) and he liked aspects of the Zen tradition when melded into a revolutionary subject (paraphrasing).

As a personal note I will say that I actually agree that it's an excellent book and worth reading.

>> No.4712612

>Man I love the humor on this board.
You do realise that all ideology is necessarily bourgeois since it accepts the enlightenment liberal-bourgeois definition of the subject?

Old Žiž never struck a day in his life.

>> No.4712627

>What is that?
You don't kill millions of people on Shinto alone. You need an ontological account of killing. Thus Zen Fascism. Fully integrated into the Great Yamato cult.

>> No.4712635
File: 214 KB, 300x232, gTRO0PM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y'all are forgetting nose rubbing.

God I love this man.

>> No.4712643

What is "Coke"

>> No.4712665


He does coke?

>> No.4712666
File: 33 KB, 250x400, 703215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Zen Fascism, has anyone read Kitaro Nishida? He's the Japanese Heidegger pretty much. I think pic related is probably one of the best works of philosophy I've ever read but it seems profoundly ignored in the West.

>> No.4712667

A lot of fucking coke. Check the sniffles, tics.

>> No.4712674

>Kitaro Nishida

Never heard of him. Now I'm interested....dammit my book pirate site doesn't have it....

>> No.4712677

so where is a good starting point for Zizek? any good introductions to his work?

>> No.4712685

You could always watch either the The Pervert's Guide to Cinema and/or The Pervert's Guide to Ideology to test the waters.

>> No.4712712

Start with the Greeks
SEP / IEP (you should always check SEP & IEP first, they're scholarly encyclopaedias aimed at philosophers needing summaries)
International Journal of Zizek Studies
Sharpe http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9780754639183
Boucher & Sharpe http://books.google.com.au/books/about/%C5%BDi%C5%BEek_and_Politics.html?id=OHDgjpvREnMC&redir_esc=y

>> No.4712718

legitimately, youtube videos of him

>> No.4712721

His lectures are annoying as hell and basically involve a comedic schtick with repeated anecdotes.

>> No.4713328

>be edgy

>> No.4713336

well uh sorry anon but his books are basically the same way with more lacanian vocab words tossed in

>> No.4713340

Only most of his books. Only most.

>> No.4713341

Based only on Pervert's Guide to Cinema,
Freud was right, even if he wasn't right, his ideas are so ingrained in us that he has become right.

>> No.4713375

Ok, so which of his books aren't?

>> No.4713404

The Sublime Object of Ideology, doesn't repeat the anecdotal schtick.

>> No.4713756

I'm reading 'The years of dreaming dangerously' as starter (I just picked it up) l, should I drop or continue?

>> No.4713763

I enjoyed the book overall. Some sections are lifted wholesale from another book of his "Living in the End Times"

>> No.4713766

Thanks anon! What should I pick next if I like this one?

>> No.4713780

I can't tell you about Zizek specifically. I've only read those two, I'm afraid. I can recommend other philosophy if you'd like. I enjoyed Society of the Spectacle. It's a lot denser and prose-focused in a way that Zizek simply isn't.

>> No.4713785

Thanks anon, I'll pick it up. Did you enjoy 'Living in the end times' too? Are they essentially similar?

>> No.4713789

How's that massive book of his that came out recently. Something about the Shadow of Hegel? I saw it at B&N a while back and I considered grabbing it because I had money to burn but it was $50. Fuck that noise. I'll try and find it for cheaper if it's worth the read.

>> No.4713790

>all ideology is necessarily bourgeois since it accepts the enlightenment liberal-bourgeois definition of the subject

do you even Die Deutsche Ideologie?

>> No.4713885

>do you even Die Deutsche Ideologie?
Suggesting that an ideological response can worm ideology out of ideology.

>> No.4714775


>> No.4717102


>> No.4717105

Does he reply to emails like RMS ?

>> No.4717107

To entertain leftists and alleviate the general leftist depression.

>> No.4717138

Less than Nothing

>> No.4717143

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.4717146

She's not from /pol/

>> No.4717150

Yes you are, now fuck off /lit/ and stop shitposting

>> No.4717152

The stanford philosophy encyclopedia has some extensive articles on the Kyoto school in general.

>> No.4717158


>> No.4717171

Hegelian in philosophy, Marxist in economics, Leninist in politics, with Lacan drizzled over everything.

>> No.4717186



>> No.4717404

>What are his main points?
To cut the balls


>> No.4717421

His schtick is that everything is the opposite of what you would normaly think.

People get excited by that.

>> No.4717424


>> No.4718366


>I am a philosopher, I like to provoke,
>we live in perverted times,
>so let me tell you a perverted joke!

This is speaks to me.

>> No.4718396

You have to do the dialectics yourself. His task is only to make you think and not take your preferred ideology for granted. He's a genius.

>> No.4718512


bretty good

>> No.4719502

I think he is actually a Right-Wing troll who just really hates liberals and knows that if he was a National-Socialist the liberals wouldn't get as mad or take him seriously.

>> No.4719526

He doesn't?

>> No.4719551


He does?

>> No.4720508

he also drinks Coke but considers the capitalist ideological implications

>> No.4720522
File: 142 KB, 450x663, cocacolaads17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Coke is really the most Stalinist beverage in America

>> No.4720534

And so on.

>> No.4720539

He's presenting at my university tomorrow, and my class was going to see him present as part of the course, but nobody wanted to pay the $25 to see him, so now we're all just going to talk about him in class while he's presenting elsewhere.

>> No.4720571

Damn dude, if I had a chance to see Zizzy, I'd fucking take it.

>> No.4720889

Violence was a pretty good read.

>> No.4720920


Zizek costs 25$? Wow... I saw Spivak for free, that sure taught me a lesson. When Eagleton came to tell me why Marx was right, we went to a pub. I ended up watching the same talk on youtube, don't regret a thing. Nothing you wouldn't get from wikipedia, babbys first Marxism.

>> No.4720940

The real lecture always happens in the pub.

>> No.4720950

>tfw living in the Bay Area and I never hear of philosophers coming to give lectures
I could hop over the Berkeley and listen to Searle lecture I suppose. But that's just regular class shit and I've already read two of his books plus an essay here and there so I probably have everything I need to know from Searle.

>> No.4720969


A little bit 'yes', but also a little bit 'fuck you'. If someone is incapable of or unwilling to express their important points in a lecture, nothing they say in the pub exculpates them. However, it is interesting to get a more intimate expression. One time after a workshop, I walked along a lake with the guy who wrote our introductory book, and he basically admitted that he doesn't get anything from Lacan either and it's more or less bullshit but if you're going to write an introduction to X, you have to include him...

>> No.4721072

There's your problem right there.

>> No.4721112

but... the subject isn't philosophy==

>> No.4721498
