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/lit/ - Literature

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4704604 No.4704604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What colleges/universities did people here go to or are going to.

>> No.4704609


first was better, less pretentious

>> No.4704621

Stevens Institute of Technology.

All of the rich kids, none of the taste.

>> No.4704627
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CSU East Bay (California)

>> No.4704631
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CSU Northridge (California)

>> No.4704632

Finishing up my last semester at UC Berkeley (BA in Political Science).

Will probably go to SFSU in a couple years to get my single subject teaching credential in engligh.

>> No.4704633

St Andrews, Scotland

>> No.4704640

I had a one year stint in my community college. I was going to grab my Associate's then mosey over to OSU for a degree in English. I'm already employed at a library and have good standing, so the degree was merely to fill the prerequisite to my next promotion.

But I hated that stint, found the classwork dull, and felt like I was being robbed each semester of money that didn't seem to justify the education I was receiving. So I quit. And I'm as high up in the library as I can go without a degree, and I've started to feel that my youth and my muscle are going to waste helping people find books.

So I'm taking up a [not telling] apprenticeship in May. It's a four year program in which you're employed as an apprentice and receive a percentage of the profession's base pay until you've received full certification. I'll be able to use my hands and put my strength to the test, which I find more appealing than what I was doing in the community college.

>> No.4704643

LMU. Good English and PoliSci shitty people everywhere else.

>> No.4704644

Grabbing basic degrees at local community college because its cheaper.

Then probably University of Texas at Arlington. I just want to teach history to highschool brats.

In a much colder and much whiter state though.

>> No.4704645

everyone is such a twat lol
also they are so plebby there are people in my english class that haven't read lolita, 1984 etc. any entry level lit.

>> No.4704649

Same experience at my rich school, everyone thinks they're such hot shit because they went to a private HS that told them they have the hot inside scoop on literature study (because they read 6 books) that they don't do anything.

>> No.4704673

>I've started to feel that my youth and my muscle are going to waste helping people find books.

>> No.4704681
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Don't come here.

>> No.4704686

My condolences. If it makes you feel any better, the school was founded with God's money.

>> No.4704718

Tufts University. Pretty good school, but I don't ever study so I don't do well. I should stop going on 4chan.

>> No.4704729
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Are you not down with the Chicago boys?

>> No.4704743

Anyone going to a Loyola here? No?

>> No.4704746

I'm not down with breaking my fucking back for maybe a B+ all the time and the shithead preprofessional culture. I learn a lot though, which I do like.

>> No.4704751

Bucknell University. Does anyone else on /lit/ go here? Probably not.

>> No.4704772 [DELETED] 

I've had classes like that. One teacher in particular:
>C is what you get if you do everything I ask of you
>B is what you get if you go a beyond what I ask of you
>You get an A if you go insanely above and beyond what I ask

I never worked so hard in my life and just barely pulled a B+.

>> No.4704775

I went there too.
Unless you're a science or math guy you shouldn't be breaking your back to get a B+. If you are though, then you'd be breaking your back for that most places.

>> No.4704776 [DELETED] 

>a beyond
Fuck me. No wonder I got a B.

>> No.4704777
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Whitman's ratio is 40% guys.

>> No.4704790

. . . so you're not sure whether you're down with the chicago boys?

>> No.4704791


>> No.4704799

I've heard this place is a hipster haven. Is it really?

Wanted to go here, partly because I love that city. Hyde Park is fucking awful, though.

>> No.4704802

You aren't most places. This school's just different, idk how to say it without being a douchebag but it's difficult as shit regardless of your field.
This is evidently a reference I don't get and don't care to get.

>> No.4704811

Can someone please explain the association between Chicago and horrendous difficulty? I've had a bunch of friends who said the same thing.

Not doubting it or anything. I'm just curious. Are the academics fucking pricks? I hear people complain about the difficulty of Ivy League schools less often.

>> No.4704816

probably just the U of U

maybe a university in Hawaii

thinking of getting my Ph.D in Puerto Rico since it'd be dirt cheap

>> No.4704830

I hope

>> No.4704832

wish i had the funds for Berkeley

>> No.4704833
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UT Austin

>> No.4704836

University of Manchester

>> No.4704842

>You aren't most places. This school's just different, idk how to say it without being a douchebag but it's difficult as shit regardless of your field.
I went to Uchicago. I'm saying that despite the hype it's not that difficult, except in the fields that are traditionally very difficult.
>Hyde Park is fucking awful, though.
It has a reputation for being hard which probably stems from some decade in the past. It isn't that hard any more, although the core curriculum is extensive so you'll have to take a bunch of classes outside your area. If you can't write, you're going to be forced to take classes that force you to write papers and will find it hard. If you can't do math, you'll probably have to get yourself through one class. Same with language. They really dumb the science requirement down though, so there's no excuse for that to trip you up. It's mostly people like to complain and enjoy having a reputation that isn't really earned.

>> No.4704844 [DELETED] 

A quote off the wiki page for my school

"Among the academic cream of American universities – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, and the University of Chicago – it is UChicago that can most convincingly claim to provide the most rigorous, intense learning experience."

I would guess it has something to do with grade deflation as well (or at least the absence of grade inflation like at Harvard etc). There's a shirt that some student organization sells here that just says "You will be unhappy here". There's another that says "Where your best isn't good enough." The academics are particularly rigorous (maybe harder than Harvard etc but I can't really speak to that) and to top it off it's cold as shit and you get somewhat mediocre grades for an absurd amount of work. Like I said though, I've learned a lot and I'm glad I came here for a lot of reasons. It just sucks day-to-day.

>> No.4704850

Royal Holloway

>low entrance standards
>no nightlife
>40 mins from central London


>> No.4704857

almost everyone at Bard has "hipster" blood in them
It is a very, very strange place

>> No.4704874

University of NEETdom - Home of the chronic masturbator

>> No.4704877

filthy northern monkeys

>> No.4704880
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Magna Cum Laude, amirite?

>> No.4704882

University of Minnesota

It's overpopulated.

>> No.4704883

I'm spending my summer doing research there, anything you can say about the city or the school during the summer months?

>> No.4704889

University of Aberdeen stem

>had grades for any UK uni
>put zero thought into uni and subject choice
>went to school in Aberdeen as well

I hear English accents and wonder how these people ducked up so badly that they pay nine thousand four this place when England has tonnes of better unis

Im no good will hunting but I've definitely water my time here

>> No.4704894

melbrouen uni aus

>> No.4704900

Going to McGill this fall. Any opinions?

>> No.4704911

Texas Tech?

>> No.4704912

University of Kings College, Halifax.

>> No.4704921

what about 2d women?

>> No.4704925

I want to go to McGill.
I've seen Concordia and ewwwwwwww.

>> No.4704932

Nonia Business Academy.

>> No.4704934


it refers to the reason why the u of chi was founded in the very first place. (if you have no idea what's been going on in the econ department there since the turn of the century you're simply retarded. do you even know what the term "neoliberalism" means?)

>> No.4704939


>> No.4704944

Shouldn't the lesson be that grades aren't the point and A's shouldn't have ever been easy?

>> No.4704946

Going to Exeter next year.

>> No.4704964

Unlike the other Uchicago anon I get the reference, but that school of economics wasn't a motivation for the university's founding. Also, interestingly, the most anti-Chicago school group of people I've ever met was at that college- we're talking anarcho-communists to the bone. The school still has a remnant faction of Students for a Democratic Society running around, which is impressive considering that back in the day a different faction became the Weather Underground and tried to blow up a hall full of military personnel.

>> No.4704975
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cheap public U for the hope of grad school

>> No.4704994

>but that school of economics wasn't a motivation for the university's founding.

that's simply not true

not sure if you're really implying that since the u of chi accepts and produces leftists in some departments, therefore the accusation is false, or not. because if you are then you're a fucking moron.

>> No.4704995

What do you think of it?

>> No.4705002

Me too! I'm going for my MA. From everything I've heard, it's a great school. Montreal also sounds like a fun place to live.

>> No.4705006

Well, I don't really know much about the school during the summer months. As I'm sure you're aware, it's a very large school, but I'm sure in the summer there won't be so many people.

As far as the city goes, there's a very active art community. I suggest you check out some of the art museums (the Weisman is on campus). It's a fairly large city so there's an active nightlife, there are concert venues, theaters. I'm not much into clubs, if that's your thing, so there's not much I can say about that.

You'll probably be spending a lot of time in Dinkytown, since it's right next to campus. Here's a list of stores, restaurants, services, etc. in the area: http://www.dinkytownminneapolis.com/restaurants-and-bars/.. I recommend Mesa Pizza. Uptown is apparently a hip place in Minneapolis, but I haven't spent much time in the area. You might want to check it out. St. Anthony, just a little north of the campus is a nice area, and not too far from there there's this great place called The Anchor Fish & Chips. You must go there. There's too much to say about the city, there's a lot going on, so I'll cut this short. It's a great place, though. I'm sure you'll like it there. If you have any specific questions, I can try to answer them, but I don't live on campus so I'm not the best person to ask.

>> No.4705008

Baylor for Undergrad.

Chapman for Grad

>> No.4705031

Also, if you like Vietnamese food, check out Camdi in Dinkytown. It seems to be kind of a hit or miss with people, but I love their pho.

>> No.4705035

I went to Kent

>> No.4705037


Hey thanks a ton, I'm saving your reply to a text file for future reference in June. Much appreciated. I'm looking forward to spending some time in a city for once.

>> No.4705071
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it's aight

>> No.4705091

No, it's shitty.