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4702128 No.4702128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/'s most overrated books

I'll start.

>> No.4702131
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Here we go again

>> No.4702135

Nigga you don't even understand brothers

>> No.4702137


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4702143

Please tell me why it is not overrated. PLEASE.

>> No.4702149


>over rated

What translation did you read?

>> No.4702159

Because jack kerouac said it was the one book that could teach you everything you know about life

have you read jack kerouac?
that dude is god.
end of discussion.

>> No.4702176

MacAndrew?? Honestly I can't say that matters much from my pov. Maybe I should be more clear, I don't give much of a shit about the prose, that part is obviously excellent. The narrative and working out of ideas doesn't seem to warrant the praise it often receives.

>> No.4702193

>being this pleb

>> No.4702194

Did you start with the Greeks?

>> No.4702198

That's because dostoevsky isn't a writer.
He's a philosopher.

Practically invented existentialism with Notes from Underground. Brothers is all about ethics and morals. Take a guess with crime and punishment.

The man wasn't a good writer. He was a brilliant philosopher who only knew how to convey through story telling.

>> No.4702205

How can something be overrated on /lit/ or any other niche board on 4chan for that matter when everything is hated?

>> No.4702210

Actually it was Vonnegut. Unless Kerouac said it too.
Then again this thread is 2nd-r8 h8 b8 in the first place..

>> No.4702215
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>> No.4702225

Yea but that's why I read the book, for the philosophical whatnot. His whole thing about the non-existence of God making everything permissable was such a huge part of the book and it was comprable to a childs logic in contemplaiting God. And since you bring up Crime and Punishment, that was another one which left me scratching my head wondering why everyone was so moved by it. I want to like D, he seems like such an interesting guy but I just dont quite see why he is worshipped.

>> No.4702238

Speaking of crime and punishment, there was so much lead up to Raskolnikov's "paper" or whatever the fuck it was and then you get there and your supposed to be knocked out of your seat because...THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE!!!! Those who can step around barriers and ones who cant. Who the fuck is D kidding with that shit other than himself and probably more than half of you.

>> No.4702246

>The man wasn't a good writer

He's an excelent writer, you just have extremely shitty taste.

>> No.4702250


>> No.4702252

I agree but there are exceptions. I've never seen much hate for:

>> No.4702262

>His whole thing about the non-existence of God making everything permissable was such a huge part of the book and it was comprable to a childs logic in contemplaiting God
You do realize that the book wasn't defending that position, right?

>> No.4702260

The book is excellent and most of the world agrees with me, it's just sad you don't see it.

I'm not gonna bother though, got better things to do than caring about what a random person with shitty taste and opinions thinks of it, who creates a thread with the premise of being contrarian.

Off to read.

>> No.4702270


War and Peace. It's a long, dull book about dull people living dull lives. The narrative jumps around a lot, as well, which when you're already bored from the wooden, two dimensional characters makes it hard to follow

it is a book, i conclude, that people read to say they've read it and thus attempt to impress people.

>> No.4702276
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>actually having this view

You do realize he has absolutely the best characterization of any novelist, ever?

>> No.4702279

Yes. I'm just saying that the fact that the book needed to justify that position was ridiculous in itself.

I seriously want to like the dude given how much I appreciate people he influenced and was influenced by but I just dont get it. He can't think, he can't write. There's no discernible talent.

>> No.4702281

>ITT: The cancer that has been killing /lit/ all along

>> No.4702287

it's the most engrossing and by the best book i've ever read

>> No.4702289

>There's no discernible talent.

>this fedora

>> No.4702293

he's loves it he's just trolling m8

>> No.4702292

You must have the attention span of a drugged up puppy.

Read more and come back to it later, it's definitely not a starter book.

>> No.4702299
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By the way I'm fucking serious.

>whine whine whine
>teenage angst

>> No.4702302

>this thread
>being this easily baited

>> No.4702305

dubs confirm

>> No.4702307

This one I can agree on.

It's not absolute shit, but if it wasn't standard high school issue, I doubt it'd have the fame it has today.

Outside America it's not really that widespread, except everyone who frequents American boards has read it just to see what the fuzz is about.

>> No.4702317
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>> No.4702323

Dub-dubs actually.

>> No.4702334

>talking shit on the best book that covers these topics: teenage angst, whining, and self-pity


>whining about a book you had to read when you were an angsty teen

>> No.4702336

On that note, "The Great Gatsby"


>> No.4702353

I'm not saying that it is bad, but I hated Dom Quixote. I thing the worst problem is the language: it's very harsh and crude, kind of a yokel way of speaking (and all the characters and even the narrator speak like that - it's not a intentional effect). And I don't find Quixote's discussions that interesting of profound. But that's just my opinion, which means nothing.

>> No.4702372
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>>whining about a book you had to read when you were an angsty teen
Yeah, if even an angsty teen hated it, just imagine how lame this book really is.

Go be butthurt elsewhere, J. D.

>> No.4702376

>don quixote
>harsh, crude language

>> No.4702442

seriously what? Don Quixote's language is beautiful. Maybe you read a bad translation or something.

>> No.4702455

>thinking those two comments have any relation to each other

>> No.4702466
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>no ones commenting on infinite jest
You didn't read it did you?

>> No.4702470

it's called being a pleb

>> No.4702480

Not to mention all the connections between the two books, pretty plain to see if someone's read them.

>> No.4703579

I read grapes of wrath once, and it was mostly about people talking funny and being hungry.

The only thing that really grabbed my attention was the very last couple of lines.

Not sure how /lit/ likes it though, so not sure if overrated.

>> No.4703590

This is spot-on. Foreigner who recently read it here, to see what the fuss is about. Shame I didn't read this when I was in high-school though, would've been pretty cool.

Nah, this one is pretty good.

>> No.4703591

I'll read Infinite Jest the day I decide I am a piece of shit who deserves to be bored to death.

>> No.4703607

'Entertained to death,' you mean.

>> No.4704262

Saying that its overrated is not saying it isnt a good or even a great book. I think its less "overrated" and more constantly talked about here. I just finished it and thought it was a very good read.

>> No.4704309


it's actually pretty popular outside the US, and it is one of the standard summer reads in high school (Italy here, btw).

But yeah, it sucks something fierce. No freaking idea why it earned that amount of recognition to begin with.

>> No.4704317

>it's actually pretty popular outside the US

Maybe in Italy, but I know a lot of people in the UK, scandinavia, France, Spain and throughout Latin America that hadn't heard of it before they saw it mentioned in imageboards, and it's not a book most people have read.

It really ISN'T pretty popular outside the US.

>> No.4704321

It's popular in southern Canada, which is admittedly basically the same as the northern US

>> No.4704353

dostoevsky is a really bad philosopher and a good writer
he is extremely good at characterization, dynamic plots and interpersonal relationships
whenever he tries to go into abstract ideas its straightforward and incomplete
there is also so much more to Brothers than ethics or morals

>> No.4704411

not boring
great gatsby is excellent
it may not be the deepest or most philosophical book, but the writing, symbolism and everything is incredible. there's not a single sentence in that novel that is not worthwhile; nothing worded badly.

>> No.4704439

What about George Martin? Or perhaps Chaucer?

>> No.4704457

i actually laughed out loud

>> No.4704458

It's a good read because
>watching Holden's mental breakdown
>New York City
Definitely my favorite portrayal of NYC so far. I think you're taking the book the wrong way.

>> No.4704466

The Canterbury Tales doesn't have good characterization?

>> No.4704472

just finished the brothers K

what am I supposed to get from the last chapter with Alyosha talking to the little boys? Is he talking to us basically?

>> No.4704479

Read The Age of Innocence for some quality NYC action.

>> No.4704500

no i mean
>george martin

>> No.4704532


THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE!!!! Those who can step around barriers and ones who cant.

What's your alternative take? Great men are often known to be cruel men, as well.

>> No.4704576

its about Alyosha being a pedophile

>> No.4704598

There are so many passages about "CUTE PURE INNOCENT CHILDREN PRETTY BOYS WITH GIRLY FACES" in his books it almost makes me uncomfortable

>> No.4704727

Have you read his books?

>> No.4704758

No The Canterbury Tales sucks.

>> No.4704764

You have been indoctrinated to believe that seeing beauty in children is equal to wanting to stick your dick inside of them. Dosteo came from a different time. His appreciation of them is pure.

>> No.4704780

You suck.

>> No.4704806

It sort of does.

>> No.4705001

IMO it's because they are considered objectively good, they're not as polarising as some like DFW, they're kind of safe bets, i guess that's why they make up the /lit/core.

The other thing is, i haven't met one person, who has read Ulysses, C&P, bleeding edge...etc who thought they were bad or overrated.