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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 250x315, thatcher1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4691719 No.4691719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In the late 80’s Margaret Thatcher, the then prime-minister, took a tour of our University. In a library she stopped and asked a young woman what she was studying. “Norse literature,” she replied. And Thatcher said, “What a luxury.”

How does that make you feel, /lit/

Should there be a place in society for those who want to make skaldic poetry their carreer?

Have you ever been confronted by people with a similar attitude to Maggie's?

>> No.4691725

I think people should be able to do whatever they like provided it doesn't hurt anyone else.
If they want to study Norse lit, so be it. Whether or not they can make a living from it is their business.

>> No.4691726

>Have you ever been confronted by people with a similar attitude to Maggie's?
That is my attitude.

>> No.4691734


She's too right leaning for her own good but I really admire her iron will and charisma.

Also, no, because I'm an engineer and I always get an "ooh" for my job. Followed by a big guess of what their misconceptions are about my job and what the field entails and can do. But I love literature, and I try to be discreet about it because the last time I thought somebody loved to read as well, it backfired on me and I didn't like the person anymore. Disillusionment.

Arts can be a career, and it can't be eliminated as it is the fundamental and immutable expression of humanity transcending the animal.

>> No.4691753

sounds like the attitude of a butthurt plebeian to me

try not having poor parents next time homos

>> No.4691792


>Arts can be a career, and it can't be eliminated as it is the fundamental and immutable expression of humanity transcending the animal.

The same could very easily be said of politics.

The spheres of power forge the societies that artists comment on.

>> No.4691809

>young woman


Captcha: nyquil Genius

>> No.4691886

>why shouldn't I masturbate on the bus?

>> No.4691913

A young woman studying norse poetry? I'm norwegian and have never encountered this. Where may I encounter this? Also, what did Thatcher mean by saying "What a luxury." ?

>> No.4691915

>why shouldn't I copulate inside your mother's dead body?
No consent needed, any objection is necrophiliphobic

>> No.4691930

>why shouldn't I have access to nude pictures of your children?

>> No.4691936

>studying norse literature is exposing your repulsive neet genitals to people that do not want to see them

>> No.4691938

>why shouldn't i samefag?

>> No.4691964

She's implying that the girl and her study of the arts are a worthless endeavor as they have no intrinsic value to society (i.e. making money).

>> No.4691986

Don't parrot that ignorant feel-good bullshit

1. Actions/attitudes have indirect effects
2. What constitutes 'hurt'?
3. Society is ultimately the forced interaction of individuals, and the thousands of rules governing this interaction are usually arbitrary. "Liberal" discourse just picks on a few

>> No.4692005

People can do whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. This includes that they not be an unnecessary drain on others or the resources of others, and therefore that they should achieve a measure of self sufficiency prior to and in order to do whatever they want to do, including make skaldic poetry their career or whathaveyou.

>> No.4692012

> Have you ever been confronted by people with a similar attitude to Maggie's?

They are the same type of people who insist that "We can't afford to have publicly funded universities" in a country with GDP comparable to the whole horn of Africa, but with 5% of the population.

>> No.4692016

>>In the late 80’s Margaret Thatcher, the then prime-minister, took a tour of our University. In a library she stopped and asked a young woman what she was studying. “Norse literature,” she replied. And Thatcher said, “What a luxury.”

This never actually happened, Stewart Lee made it up. He said so in an interview.

>> No.4692030

Artists question the topics that politicians only scratch the surface upon

>> No.4692035

>1. Actions/attitudes have indirect effects
You can't hold people responsible for the indirect effects.
>2. What constitutes 'hurt'?
Something that's more than the feeling of being offended by something that doesn't concern you directly.
>3. Society is ultimately the forced interaction of individuals
>Social animals being social is forced
>and the thousands of rules governing this interaction are usually arbitrary
They shouldn't be, crimes without victims shouldn't be crimes at all.

>> No.4692037

Thatcher is basically an Objectivist in everything but name.

>> No.4692126

Really? Which interview?

He spoke about that story in like three different places

>> No.4692268

she's right. it is a luxury. westerners are coddled with them and then delude themselves into thinking it's their right

>> No.4692288

Thatcher is slightly right but it doesn't matter much.

>studying humanities gives you zero real world skills.
>but many graduate jobs need zero skills (apart from school level maths), they make you jump through the hoops of university
>it makes no difference whether the accountant did a physics degree or an English degree
>employers are more impressed with the STEM degree but not to a large degree

There's not much to complain about really. The question should be, IMO, should the taxpayer have to subsidise it? And for a bachelor's degree the Norse poetry person can still get a job at a bank/whatever and pay off the student debts

>> No.4692305

Pragmatism is a luxury humanity can't afford. It's superfluous splendor that leads to greatness.

>> No.4692553

he is a bit of a git, isn't he?

>> No.4692644

>Whether or not they can make a living from it is their business.

So what you really mean is you think people should do whatever they want as long as it makes money, which is something much more sinister entirely.

>> No.4692655

>radical lefitst
>radical liberal
"I'm a radical conservative."

>> No.4693745

>try not having poor parents next time homos

I feel like there is some artfulness to this response, but I can't quite pin it down.t

>> No.4693770
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>> No.4693785

What is a destructive nihilist like you doing on a literature board`?

>> No.4693811

I've literally met people studying the history of Kyrgyzstani women.

Why can't you advice people towards a more productive direction?
Trivial interests should be just that, no need to major in it.

>> No.4693820

Although I am not that guy, I have the same view and browse this board to remain entertained on weekends

>> No.4693827


>> No.4693832

We live in a society of specialisation, not everyone needs to be a lawyer or a scientist. The world needs black pepper producers and philologists and musicians and experts on Albanian tribalism as well. There's more than enough people to get into all of it.

>> No.4693835

>it is not your right to spend money you earn on books/extended learning

>> No.4693840

Sure you CAN, but the fact that the cultural climate allows people to spend their higher education learning trivial and useless skills is simply embarassing

>> No.4693858

>enjoying yourself is trivial and embarrassing
i guess everyone should just be down in the mines 24/7
>inb4 they can't because thatcher closed them

>> No.4693865

If everyone did 'useful' degrees, which I can only assume on 4chan means STEM, the world would have even less culture than it does now.

>> No.4693882


What do Transgender-OtherKin Pornography Studies have to do with culture?

>> No.4693884

Less culture? How would that even work? If the world was full of STEM majors, the world would have a very STEM culture! Culture isn't an animal that you can hunt and butcher to extinction, it just changes

>> No.4693897

>STEM culture

Austism isn't culture.

>> No.4693901

it would be shit and less diverse stop being obtuse you absolute fagchild

>> No.4693913

I'm glad people get worthless degrees. If everyone was STEM it'd be even rougher finding a good job.

>> No.4693919


Are you including crap like "open for everybody" degrees such as sociology and psychology? Because that needs to be curtailed

>> No.4693921

>a very STEM culture!


>> No.4693948

It would only be embarrassing if there was a desperate shortage of people in more elementary positions with people going "let the crops go to hell, I'm into some celt flute music" with children dying in the streets. As things are, we don't all need to be engineers. Societies that are too 'pragmatic' turn into cultural wastelands which isn't good for anybody.

>> No.4693951

i have a terminal disease now
goodbye /lit/

>> No.4693964
File: 256 KB, 448x600, BNW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STEM culture

Sounds great.

>> No.4693997

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
>boo hoo people could be industrious and happy w/ scifi jetsons conditioning and superdrugs this is truly the greatest horror of our times

>> No.4694016
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When the individual feels, the community reels.

>> No.4694039

Did you even read the book?

>> No.4694055

The scary thing is that he probably did but he's a lower STEMfag who can't see the downsides of technocratic dystopia.

>> No.4694061

Nigger, I don't know if you guys haven't seen the BNW threads around here but /lit/ seems to want the soma.

>> No.4694075


>> No.4694081

>Waaah she didn't allow unions to extort the country
>Waaah she didn't subsidise unprofitable industries for decades

>> No.4694083

The skills in studying norse lit are the same as studying a lot of things.

Why do ultra rationalist technocratic idiots think the subject matters ?

They are the same people who think we should all be studying petroleum engineering or something equally utilitarian.
Though by the same system, someone who studies petroleum engineering could end up in investment banking and they'd see nothing wrong with it.

So as well as being poorly judged, it's also inconsistent.

>> No.4694094
File: 305 KB, 414x466, dontdothat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower STEMfag who can't see the downsides of technocratic dystopia

And what would these be? The society of BNW had a clearly sustainable industry and all but uniformly content population with extremely high living standards and no competition WHATSOEVER from enemy states, because there weren't any
it's hard to see any flaws in a society like that unless you want to cry little crocodile tears about "art" or arbitrary statements about the quality of culture

>> No.4694117

Tertiary education is a transaction. If someone is paying to study at an institution, they ought to be able to study whatever they like without judgement. It's not a 'privilege', it's a choice.

>> No.4694128

Not everyone considers docile hedonism the most high, friend. Do you even virtue ethics?

>> No.4694136

ain't gonna lie a gramme seems preferable to a damn

>> No.4694169


Didn't work very well. The trouble with people is, they aren't numbers that can be "efficiently catered to" like Taylorists or neocameralists believe.

>> No.4694202

isn't there also this thing where all the mice got crunk on utopia and it all implodes?

>> No.4694213

>virtue ethics
Oh please don't even get me started

Are you happy and motivated? Yes, because of soma
Can you work? Yes, you can work because of the soma which is keeping you happy and motivated
Can you work with others? Yes, because you're happy, and not inclined to criminality because of some dissatisfaction and need
As all of the above are true, why do you even need the concept of virtue? What good does it do?

That's a behavioural sink, and the implosion you mention was caused by massive, crippling overpopulation and lack of space rather than the "getting crunk on utopia" part

>> No.4694219

>As all of the above are true, why do you even need the concept of virtue? What good does it do?
Virtue is its own reward.

>> No.4694246

It's rewarding to you because you take pleasure out of it, but striving for virtue for the sake of pleasure is inefficient and roundabout compared to, say, the equivalent of being fed an unlimited supply of morphine for the same purpose

>> No.4694247

any progress of a real soma happening any time soon?

inb4 opiates

>> No.4694251
File: 177 KB, 610x591, DONTDOTHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn I wanted my post to have an image attached
why do you do this to me 4chin

>> No.4694269

Having done heroin (same shit, really), I wouldn't say it's ultimate embodiment of pleasure; it's a kind of highly intense pleasure, but pleasure isn't just a vector.

>> No.4694270

Those diminishing returns doe.

>> No.4694276

>It's rewarding to you because you take pleasure out of it
Speak for yourself, please.

>> No.4694277

The return is diminishing, but physical dependency is the greater problem by far.

>> No.4694284

It's only an example
you can infer that soma didn't have quite the same diminishing returns considering that the fordian society hadn't imploded into a hive of junkies within a few years
What simpler reasoning could there be aside from "I like it, because I like it"?

>> No.4694286

actually it was never fully implemented

BNW is a societal dead end and would represent the gradual decline of the human race. There is no surplus or greater aspirations in the society being presented. If anything, the most pressing selection pressure in modern society is the development of resistance to substance abuse as a means of curbing rampant hedonism. Whatever the benefits, in the long run stagnation is not efficient in an evolutionary sense.

Technocratic fascism is the answer. The future of humanity should be in striving to create the unified noosphere and populate the greater universe with our descendents

>> No.4694291

>She's too right leaning for her own good
There's no such thing as too right-wing.

>> No.4694301
File: 74 KB, 500x667, a dick whose name is slavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've clearly never met a neonazi before

>> No.4694306

I think the majority of people have the same opinion as Thatcher. I don't really understand it, there's plenty of worse things you could be doing with your time then studying something like Norse Literature

>> No.4694308

Anything right of center is cancerous.

>> No.4694310
File: 44 KB, 565x305, panslabyrinthcap6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694315

neonazis are authoritarian centrist bro

>> No.4694316


>> No.4694319

Having any time off from working in the factory other than eating or sleeping is the epitome of luxury.

>> No.4694329

Right-wing simply means being favor of social hierarchy; authoritarianism is highly right-wing by nature, which is why Lenin used "left-wing" to describe socialists who were against authoritarianism.

>> No.4694332

But I have, I would take Fascism over any left leaning government any day.
Anything right of center is cancerous.

>> No.4694339

>Right-wing simply means being favor of social hierarchy
Are you retarded?
You're thinking of Conservatism.

>> No.4694348

>artificially expensive as fuck
>diminishing keks

>> No.4694351


You call these things "conservative"?

>> No.4694352

>artificially expensive as fuck
Fix the market.
What's so bad about this?
You wanted to hold it in anyways.
>diminishing keks
Just take more.

>> No.4694355

Where did you get that from my post?
I simply stated that the "Right-wing simply means being favor of social hierarchy" is incorrect and that you meant Conservatism.

>> No.4694364

No. Conservatism is on the right, but all elements of the right favor hierarchy.

>Right-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social hierarchy or social inequality.[1][2][3][4]

>> No.4694371

“I remember doing a signing at a book shop in London, and a young man told me he loved what I’d written [in Fight Club] about waiters doing things to celebrities’ food. He said he worked in a four-star restaurant in the City. He refused to tell me which one, so I said that I wouldn’t sign his book. He went very quiet and suddenly said, ‘Margaret Thatcher has eaten my sperm.’ I started laughing, so he became bolder and added, ‘At least five times.’ It was such a glorious, hideous little moment.”

>> No.4694376

Yeah sorry I'm too tired to be doing this right now, when you said "social hierarchy" I thought you meant one created by a government body.

>> No.4694377
File: 862 KB, 780x768, political_compass1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people thinking in two political dimensions
there's more than one axis here guys
economically "right wing" = capitalism (right)
economically "left wing" = socialism (left)
socially "right wing" = hierarchal (up)
socially "left wing" = egalitarian (down)

Fascism is as far up as you can be, while straddling the middle line between socialism and capitalism, as the apt "middle way" its ideologues intended! It's more complex than simple red/blue conservative/progressive, these are all centrist views in a grid populated at the fringe by commies, theocrats, eco-terrorists and Randroids, in that order.

>> No.4694378

Isn't there some sort of point where taking more won't get you higher anymore?

>> No.4694384

Just take enough so you OD ;)

>> No.4694388

Same shit, aristocratic feudalism, privatized feudalism, martial feudalism, socialist feudalism. The right is not united politically because different people want to hold power.

>> No.4694392


What does strawmanning have to do with actual arguments?

>> No.4694395


>> No.4694398


>> No.4694401


>> No.4694407


Knowing him, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

Any links?

>> No.4694418

Bush shouldn't be that close to the top

>> No.4694420

>STEM culture

My god! The world would stagnate in video games and Pokemon discussions.

>> No.4694451

I love how people think that being proficient at STEM-subjects and art are mutually exclusive.

>> No.4694455

>tfw no kropotkin beanbag

>> No.4694466

Kids, not people. There are no people on this site. Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.4694470


Fun fact: it's mostly stemtards that think this.

>> No.4694481

/lit/ wasn't always infested with /sci/entists

>> No.4694483

>autism isnt culture
But /mlp/ exists

>> No.4694492


>Pol Pot

>> No.4694496


>not hurting

>> No.4694506

I realize it upsets the propaganda you've been told but, as you suggest, you should simply accept that the truth hurts and move on.

>> No.4694525

the communists gained power on selling a left agenda, with authoritarian overtones. Exactly in the upper right where all of them actually are. You'll also notice that these are the only people on the left spectrum who have coincidentally held any power...

you can fuck right off thanks

>> No.4694529


OK, maoistrebelnews, where would you put Mao and Pot, if not authoritarian left?

Bonus points if your answer doesn't contain any "b-but they weren't "real" communists!" shit.

>> No.4694560
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>based stewart lee

>> No.4694571


>> No.4694573

What if I make art out in the woods?

>> No.4694595

How is spending time reading 4chan more productive than spending time reading Norse literature?

>> No.4694596


I bet OP got this from this interview

>> No.4694601

>it's bad that people are free to do as they please

>> No.4694616

I'm not making any claims about productivity, I just recognize that it is a luxury afforded to me by wealth and stupendous standards of living.

>> No.4694637
File: 60 KB, 299x288, 1395622983187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that Maoism advocated and practiced direct democracy and that the centralized government today is in opposition to Maoism and did not take place under Mao died, yeah? You know the CPK was "agrarian socialist," actually agrarian nationalist, closer in ideology to the national socialists of Europe and broke off from Marxism and communism, yeah? Come on, guys.

>> No.4694642

*under > until

>> No.4694647


why is that rabbit driving a car that cant be legal

>> No.4694650

I also know about how the great leap forward was a total flop and countless people died in the insane cultural revolution in direct accord with the principles he was advocating

he even suggested they started giving the kids guns because he was "arming the left" - all on record you know

>> No.4694682
File: 20 KB, 243x207, you just got serbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also know
What ideologue news media was told to regurgitate during and since the Red Scare. Jesus Christ, man, read a fucking book for once in your life before you spout nonsense with confidence. Try these for size:
The Battle for China's Past, by Mobo Gao
Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era
Fanshen, by William Hinton
The Great Reversal, "
and notice I didn't say that Mao wasn't left. He was, indeed, ultraleft, but not authoritarian, in word or deed. Sorry to burst yer bubble mate.

>> No.4694685
File: 636 KB, 539x552, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694691

The funny thing is it looks like he has more friends than I do.

>> No.4694702

>click this
>click it away
>it keeps playing
>can't stop it
>pc crashes except for this sound
>start crying, ctrlaltf4delit bomb help cancer
>doesnt helpt
>unplug pc


>> No.4694703


>He wasn't authoritarian guise, he didn't *mean* to kill those millions of people (which makes it ok!) or culturally wreck china, or execute traitors en masse, he just did what he though was good ;_;

>lol you capitalists are dumb. stop watching media propaganda, and read some red propaganda instead!

>> No.4694744

If I had a cent for every parroting leftist "history" book that recommended on this site I would have at least a dollar

>"Why Don't We Arm the Left?" Mao's Culpability for the Cultural Revolution's "Great Chaos" of 1967
>any respectable textbook on the debacle that happened during the great leap forward

You should feel bad for even posting this. It doesn't matter what Mao BELIEVED, in practice his ultra-lefty words turned into a massive shitshow and his government was effectively authoritarian right throughout his life

>> No.4694758

ah whatever, it's not like there is much of a difference if you go by the horseshoe theory anyways

>> No.4694766
File: 15 KB, 204x206, my arrow face when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can lead a pleb to a school, but you can't make him learn.
>/lit/ will never again be above the tier of discourse where the meanings of words are actually understood by the people posting
Have a nice day chaps.

>> No.4694769

Or "chap," rather.

>> No.4694784

uh oh guys, there goes that profound righteous teacher of the on true anticapitalist nonrevisionist revolutionary force, the Chinese communist aintimperialist democratic people's party™ - Their bourgeoisie paper tigers will quake!®

the defenders of /r/communism will never be the same...

>> No.4694800

University and education in general have been corrupted. Higher education should be sought as a personal interest. As a hobby, as a simple desire to learn.

Instead it's an excuse for children to avoid learning a real job because "you must have this degree to do this job a monkey could manage"

>> No.4695603

>Have you ever been confronted by people with a similar attitude to Maggie's?
And yet Thatcher lived? Seriously people, if you're going to READ Norse literature, then READ it.

>> No.4695619

>And yet Thatcher lived?
vivit? immo vero etiam in senatum venit, fit publici consili particeps, notat et designat oculis ad caedem unum quemque nostrum.

>> No.4695634

You're right, it is a luxury. There's a reason most great writers and philosophers came from privileged background. I studied something like that in college because my grandaddy paid for it, it was awesome.

>> No.4695642

No man or woman studying Norse literature should tolerate such a thing, unless Thatcher were her lord by oath.

>> No.4695644


What does that quote have to do with that one?

>> No.4695646

But ought it to be a luxury?

I mean when you get right down to it, how many members of our society are actually required to maintain civilization and to produce our material needs etc? Why is it a luxury if someone wants to spend their time reading Norse literature but not if they spend their time in marketing creating e-mail campaigns or updating a social media account?

>> No.4695707 [DELETED] 

In the late 80’s Margaret Thatcher, the then prime-minister, took a tour of our University. In a library she stopped and asked a young woman what she was studying. “Norse literature,” she said.

The arrogant Prime Minister smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "What a luxury."

>> No.4696008

Autism? Because dissecting, weighing, and categorizing culture is not autism?

>> No.4696014

Yes, plebs should trive to make money, so their kids can have luxuries. But ofcourse idividulistic fucks won't even think about his in their mind that are only obsessed with themselfs.

>> No.4696399


This makes no sense. If my parents strives to make money so I could have the luxuries, what would happen to my kids if I didn't also strive so they could have luxuries? That minds set only allows the upper classes, who have enough money to buck the system, and let their children indulge.

>> No.4696412

>maggie pretended she was serious business
>fired everyone who worked

Good job.

>> No.4696666

This is how plebs justify their entire existence though, please don't ruin it for them.

>> No.4697051 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 320x272, pb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4697212

so. fucking. glorious

>> No.4697214

>thinking you need 3 years of study for anything other than STEM

>> No.4697224

reminder that fedora culture isn't caused by being too knowledgeable of science/math, it's caused by being mediocre at science/math and not knowing shit about anything else

>> No.4697238

>Thinking STEM is hard and not just boring

>> No.4697240

you are just as bad

>> No.4697247

math is hard
not really hard but takes a lot of time i mean

>> No.4697251

Once you have learned to read it, it's straight forward, which is its beauty. It's just not worth the effort, to me.

>> No.4697256


Where did he mention three years, or length of degrees at all?

>STEM in charge of reading comprehension

>> No.4697257

>reproducing this idea of humans as fundamentally different from animals

your project is stupid and fundamentally destructive

have fun with the flooded planet your ilk gave all of us

>> No.4697266

>You can't hold people responsible for the indirect effects.

this distinction is stupid

"i just wanted somewhere to dump my toxic chemicals, you can't blame me for everyone's cancer"

pls justify your assertions

>> No.4697289

B-b-but that isn't included in my formula sheet, I can only calculate the reduced cost by externalizing the cost of removing toxic waste by dumping it in the nearest river.

>> No.4697290

wahh her terms in office led the UK from being an international power to a america's retard nephew

>> No.4697374

>this whole thread
we get it stem
you're hopelessly boring and everyone knows it, so you won't leave people who want something more than a glorified technical certificate alone

i can't believe i thought i wanted to go to grad school surrounded by y'all

>> No.4697403

>hat minds set only allows the upper classes, who have enough money to buck the system, and let their children indulge.
Well then you become upper-class.

>> No.4697430

I externalised the bourgeoisie's right to breathe.
You can't blame me for the indirect effect of that externality: of the physical liquidation of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.4697535

le truth quads

>> No.4697572

Did mechanical engineering and physics in undergrad, film studies in grad school.

The career prospects ain't so pretty anymore, but I also don't want to kill myself anymore.

>> No.4697737

>I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.
John Adams

>> No.4698000


No you don't. The upper classes don't take on new members.

>> No.4700508

It is very un-righty of Thatcher, and a missed opportunity for the young woman to have pointed out that STEM majors did not write the constitution of the US, nor that of the United Kingdom, nor that of the European Union. Also that the conditions which make STEM advancements capable of fecund multiplication, relative peace and wealth which has exploded since the 17th century, are conditions that rule of law, rather than rule of man, made possible. The despotism of Roman model, and that of Church which followed, were not rejected on the basis of the Pythagorean theorem. The humantities' ideas are not listed in the patent office, but they are what you do when you wake up and live a life other than as human rent to your feudal lord.

>> No.4701309

As culture is an externality for Thatcher, she doesn't care. Remember, Thatcher wasn't born haute bourgeois. She was the daughter of a petitsbourgeois household who bootstrapped through STEM and the Tory Party's need for a hard mummy. Thatcher remade her public image when she recognised that she sounded like a lower petitsbourgeois oik.

So yes. Thatcher is a perfect STEM sociopath, and she doesn't recognise the existence of society, only families, therefore the existence of liberal constitutions other than the naked rule of the market do not interest her.


>> No.4701749

There's a place in capitalist society for people that want to study Norse poetry, the internet. Make a podcast, do a weekly chapter by chapter analysis of a work. Skype in professors to to guest spots. Sponsor a yearly trip across Scandinavia. Do ads on the show for books, sites, and other podcasts. Publish a kindle single. This is all almost certain to fail, but its worth it if that's really your life's passion.

>> No.4701763


For "oik" I am not sorry I read that post.

>> No.4701765

In the opera "Nixon in China" Mao said he was right wing so I think I know who to believe

>> No.4701767

>implying anyone implied that

nice reading comprehension m8

>> No.4701768

capitalism can suck my motherfucking dick homeboy.

>> No.4701774

So, a society of poets ruled by a ruling class of engineers?

>> No.4701780

Ok, does 3 dollars sound fair?

>> No.4701784

if capitalism wants to suck my dick it's not allowed to.

>> No.4701820

invisible handjob of the market

>> No.4701833
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>> No.4701865
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>> No.4701911

I think I'll follow a similar trajectory. Doing chemical engineering for undergrad, absolutely hating it. I'm ok with it as a subject, but I despise the people and the infrastructure surrounding it so bad that I'm starting to feel depressed.

I don't know how it works in the US, but where I live as long as I can pass an entry exam I can go back to college any time, so I'm thinking about enduring the pain for two more years and then going back to work on a History degree.

>> No.4701947

Voluntary exchange of fluids

>> No.4701961

should there be a place in society for those that want to make skaldic poetry their career? yes.
Should there be a place in society for those that want to make human trafficking a career? hell no.

as long as we do not hurt someone else to make a career , anything is game.

>> No.4701966

formal versus substantive contradiction. Move on from your negative bourgeois "freedom".

>> No.4701976


It's a great statement. People who are insecure about their life decisions may very well feel that way due to a lack of encouragement from parents

>> No.4702134

>There's a place in capitalist society
That's exactly the problem with Thatcher's comment. Capitalism values only those human endeavours that produce a profit; currency is the ultimate value stick. I read this comment was made up but that's beside the point. Many people honestly think in this sort of way thanks to our economic system dictating ethics and values.

>> No.4702140
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>Margaret Thatcher has eaten my sperm
Please be real.

>> No.4702157

>I don't know how it works in the US, but where I live as long as I can pass an entry exam I can go back to college any time

It's pretty much the same in the United States. Just replace "pass an entry exam" with "sink even further into crippling debt."

>> No.4702180

Yeah, but you can make money off anything even remotely interesting. And if something isn't interesting, it isn't valuable.

>> No.4702204

I think sustaining a political class is a HUGE fucking luxury, cobsidering how much they spend. At least a norse lit student can survive on mcdonalds

>> No.4702251

Of course it's a luxury, so is everything that's not subsistence farming. It's the principle on which advanced societies like Britain are built, increasing specialization and leisure as a result of surplus

If you don't like it, go back to hunting for twigs and berries

>> No.4702275

I'd rather go forward into the physical liquidation of the bourgeoisie as the generalisation of formal social relations on the basis of the generalisation of the social relations of production, thanks, mate.

>> No.4702295
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>Implying the worker's utopia won't have specialization
>Implying the worker's utopia won't have leisure

I shig the diggy electric

>> No.4702310


Slightly off topic, I'm glad she's dead, she was a fucking abhorrent, hateful creature. If I was granted the power to raise the dead, I'd raise her just so I could put her back into that eternal darkness, with a variety of entertaining items - a brick in a handback, a molotov, a miners helmet, a pickaxe, a hunk of steel, I'd run her over in a Morris Marina, twice if I could. I'd disembowel her with a Sheffield made teaspoon, and kick her into the Manchester shipping canal.

But I can't, so I'll just say I'm glad she's dead.

Back on topic, that just adds to the fucking tome of reasons I hate Thatcher, even beyond the grave.

>> No.4702313

Do you understand what generalisation is? Obviously not. Do you know what happens when a particular, like production, becomes universal? Obviously not.

>pleasure/leisure dichotomy
This isn't 1970 mate.

>> No.4702319
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>> No.4702328


If you didn't grow up in the fucking shadow of Thatcher and her legacy, and have to suffer in the fucking ruin of the North, amongst all those broken communities and broken people, you can take your witty picture and jam it up your arse mate. Nothing edgy about it, she was universally hated where I grew up, more than any other public figure when we were growing up.

>> No.4702344

i hope she didnt say this because that is the cuntiest reply i could imagine

>> No.4702348

And yet it took until poll tax for the riots to start?

>> No.4702359

Sounds like her.

>> No.4702364
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>I'd disembowel her with a Sheffield made teaspoon

>> No.4702366

It's not only cunty, it's downright disgusting.

>> No.4702382

So what did Maggie do for fun? I can't really imagine her having fun. She reminds me of what Thompson said of Nixon:

"I couldn't imagine him laughing at anything except maybe a paraplegic who wanted to vote Democratic but couldn't quite reach the lever on the voting machine."

>> No.4702404

Nixon was good at faking laughter.

>> No.4702528

Taking Argentinian clay, murdering miners.

>> No.4702533

Conjuring storms, sending nightmares, placing the evil eye on pregnant women.

>> No.4702546

>Didn't work very well.


Public Servant who lives in Canberra, Australia. (Entire city built for the public service)

The programs that exist today that Governments use make Cybersyn look like a childs casio keyboard. In Emergency Services HQ, they have programs that essentially show the entirety of society as essentially an RTS game, they can even predict lightning strikes to the square meter on the ground.

>> No.4702550

Don't bother. People who refuse to inspect the labour process that they themselves are subject to are incapable of the most basic solidaristic behaviour.

>> No.4702564

The prediction of lightning strikes, while interesting, seems quite non-sequitur in this post.

>> No.4702572

I think the issue is that most people have is that Capitalism blatantly doesn't work well when meshing with intellectual/high level culture or study of things that aren't "profitable" like History, Anthropology, 99.9999 physics, astrophysics etc etc.

Universities should be ivory towers for intellectuals, who gives a fuck if they don't contribute profit wise for society, they contribute to culture and the knowledge of society.
Can someone tell me one reason why we need to know how the Big Bang started or how the universe will end?
If it was up to Capitalist right wing fucktards, this wouldn't even be questioned.

>> No.4702578

Can you experience doubt or suffering? No, and there goes half the inspiration to any work of art created by human kind, which was one of the main points of BNW. Its society looked wonderful on first inspection but wasn't populated by humans.

>> No.4705189
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I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but I'm terribly confused...

What is this "soma" you speak of?

I've seen it come up a few times on this board with no context.

The only soma I know of is the psychoactive ritual drink of the Vedas and the haoma of Zoroastrianism...

If this is part of some elaborate meta-discussion on Indo-European studies, I want in; Zoroastrianism's my joint.

>> No.4705206

Read the bible so you will get our allusions. It's referenced in the whole western canon!

>> No.4705235


pseudophilosophers getting buttmad XD

>> No.4705245

History is plenty profitable, and often underwritten by secondary teaching certification. Fucks sake, analyse the commodity, not your fantasy.

>> No.4705250


So reality TV is very interesting and not just aimed at the lowest common denominator?

>> No.4705248

History department chair pls go

>> No.4705252

Read Brave New World by Huxley. It's essentially a "feel good" pill that wipes away worries.

>> No.4705253

>implying astrophysics isn't profitable

>> No.4705257


British people are cowards.

>> No.4705259

>philosophyfag hasnt read am essential novel
Surprise surprise

>> No.4705577

>buying into the scare-stories that the humanities are non-profitable
>believing that STEM is automatically profitable
>thinking graduate employers care about what niche interest you studied as an undergraduate

the only worthwhile hierarchy that should be discussed is the quality of the uni you go to. anybody with a degree from a ivy league/russell group/top uni is smart enough to be trained for a graduate job. any study at a lesser institution should be looked at warily.

We play into the hands of people who studied STEM at community colleges and believe that they are superior to other students.

Also, most British pms study PPE at university which is the ultimate bourgeois luxury. Thatcher is a rudeboy.

>> No.4705587


and a fuccboi ;)

>> No.4705687
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Who hates her more, the Irish or the Brits?

Is the book in OP a good way to learn about her??

>> No.4705700

A BS will get way more attention than a BA considering my fucking boss said only with relevant work experience would he ever hire someone with a BA.

>> No.4705724

Wow, your boss said that? Shit, it must be true for everyone then.

>> No.4705725

Again, if you don't go to a shit uni then getting an internship is not that hard. I did my first internship at the age of seventeen.

The S in STEM is often awarded as a BA, by the way.

>> No.4706034

Thatcher's degree was in chemistry.

>> No.4706193

>people arguing about the best way to serve their capitalist masters

>> No.4706306


That fucking figures.

>> No.4706323
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>fundamental and immutable expression of humanity transcending the animal.
Ha! Nah brah, building dams and getting swole is what it means to surpass the animal.

>> No.4706336

That she's smarter than you? Yeah

>> No.4706349

Thatcher's statement is 100% true and there's no reason to be bothered by it.

>> No.4706388

Chemistry is the easiest of the hard sciences.....

>> No.4706400

>R&D isn't profitable
sure thing bruv

>> No.4706777

>History department chair pls go
Fuck you mate, this is the fucking faculty board and I…oh wait that's right you abolished faculty board last year. But please, read my prospectus on maintaining teaching in history.

>> No.4707906

and your point being?

>> No.4707947

>no understanding of economics
>only perspective is through moron miners who represented only 10% of the pop.
>not realizing that the decrease in quality of life in Britain was inevitable