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4693735 No.4693735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about Solipsism, /lit/?

If i'm honest it kinda freaks me out.

>> No.4693746


>> No.4693742

lel i guess that 1 way 2 eat a bitch out LMFAO

>> No.4693749

You'll grow out of it.

>> No.4693751
File: 14 KB, 313x350, anais-nin-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for it.

>> No.4693748
File: 1.00 MB, 242x227, 1392254713529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How do you feel about Solipsism, /lit/?

who wants to know?

>> No.4693754
File: 36 KB, 300x450, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that real?

>> No.4693760

underrated post

>> No.4693761


>> No.4693762

if i'm honest that pic kinda freaks me out.

luckily it's only bread, right?

>> No.4693765


>> No.4693768

How does one grow out of Solipsism?

>> No.4693772

Don't worry. Once you enter elementary school, you'll have more interesting things to think about. For example adding and multiplying single digit numbers.

>> No.4693773

>luckily it's only bread, right?

>> No.4693789

It's worthless.

I mean, sure, it could be the case - but if so then why worry about it? And if we're really going to start branching off into dictations on the structure of the universe based on what I feel like the universe should be right now, then we might as well say the Judeo-Christian God is both certainly real and is currently manifesting as Moot. I mean, how can you disprove that statement?

My point is this: solipsism is a fundamentally worthless strain of thought because A) there's absolutely no way to prove it and therefore it's a philosophical dead end, and B) it encourages a ridiculously narcissistic worldview in which you alone are the center of existence.

>> No.4693791

>implying a child could even grasp the basic fundamentals of solipsism

back to reddit for you.

>> No.4693802
File: 28 KB, 375x375, 1381363153562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A) there's absolutely no way to prove it

can you disprove it?

>> No.4693798

Yes, it's bread - I'm honestly surprised that some people still haven't seen this yet, it's been making the rounds for years.

>> No.4693812

There is nothing "deep" about solipsism. Only children seriously consider it. Questioning existence is natural in the psychosocial development of preschoolers. If they are healthy, they grow out of it quickly.

>> No.4693818
File: 13 KB, 161x273, castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u a braindamaged?

>> No.4693826
File: 456 KB, 1019x1019, 1395183783868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a joke right?

theres hardly any beings more solipsistic than children (autists by the way).

ideal solipsism is a common result of conditional solipsism (iow, beings are world forming, and they can only form small worlds, dig it?)

>> No.4693831

I got a job at a bakery once
[spolier]because I kneaded the dough[/spoiler]

>> No.4693838

SCIENCE AND LOGIC! Ever heard of them?! Maybe you're using ad hominems to sound profound because you have the mind of a preschooler?! I'm a girl btw ;)

>> No.4693854
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calling it 'adhom' dont make it less true


>> No.4693863
File: 16 KB, 669x627, 1s09c50a.wizardchan.feel-meta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when solipsism

>> No.4693869

Baby's second philosophy; how cute.

>> No.4693888 [DELETED] 

I know science and history better than you btw I'm a prostitute don't hit on me xoxoxo ;)
Check me out on backpage in the Los Angeles section :--) I can science logic better than any of those other "bombshells" (more like grenades lel)
Don't you realise disbelieving the word of Dawkins is anti-intellectual, because he's the prime intellectual? I have a DEGREE

>> No.4693892


>> No.4693918 [DELETED] 


majoring in dick sucking wont make you a woman fag LOL

>> No.4693968 [DELETED] 

faggot XD

>> No.4694063

What /lit/ feels about solipsism is what I want /lit/ to feel about solipsism, because then I get to feel superior since I'm much smarter than /lit/.

>> No.4694073

What's this you? Tis I, or rather we.

And thus we are god playing hide and seek with himself in a dream. Solipsism averted.

>> No.4694089

No academic philosopher is taking solipsism seriously.

>> No.4694313

Well, of course not. They're all figments of my imagination. Solipsism doesn't make sense from the perspective of people who don't exist.

>> No.4694333

What an original and intellectual joke.

>> No.4694342

Don't worry, you feel fine about it.

>> No.4694360

Thank you for the compliment!

>> No.4694362

It's basically our reality, we just have a moral stake in denying it. We are vain little solipsistic animals walking around proclaiming false modesty when we pretend to 'understand' others, and they do the same back. Just listen to two people talk, it's so self-evident it's embarrassing to see people on /lit/ deny it. Face it we are not connected to anyone besides through senatorial stimulation.

>> No.4694368

If we're all soliphistic why would someone even take the time to respond to a thread like you just did?

>> No.4694379

Because they felt like it?

>> No.4694387

At what age did /liy/ grow out of Solipsism?

>> No.4694419

Apparently never and a bunch of our fellow faggots are so hipster and contrarian that they embrace 15-year-old ideologies that even /x/ doesn't go for.

>> No.4694432

I was sort of a solipsist when I was 5.

>> No.4694438

The only reason to not believe in solipsism is if you believe in souls or astral projection or psychics or some bullcrap like that.

>> No.4694440

What's the first?

>> No.4694468

Because in addition to physical desires, I have emotional desires which are fulfilled by interacting with the Others in some way or another. That these desires are hallucinatory and their satisfaction meaningless doesn't make me any less likely to pursue them since I've apparently got no better use for my time.

>> No.4694501

I remember quite clearly considering the concept when I was around 8

>> No.4695034

but if we were all truly solipsists wouldn't we never get emotionally charged in conversation? I'll concede to you that acknowledging people could be fulfilling but you would never get emotionally invested in them