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/lit/ - Literature

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4689987 No.4689987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Crime and Punishment is a crime novel

>> No.4690004

>if shakespeare was alive today, he would be a rapper!

>> No.4690007

>Lolita is erotica

>> No.4690011

According to The Guardian it is. At least that's how they categorised it for the '1000 books you must read' thing.

>> No.4690034

>best crime novel of all time, inspired works such as the DaVinci Code and The Dragon Tattoo

>> No.4690036 [DELETED] 
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>He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.

>> No.4690040 [DELETED] 

>le epic /pol/ may may

>> No.4690041 [DELETED] 

Reddit shut the fuck up

>> No.4690047 [DELETED] 
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>le reddit is for nerds, 4chan is hXc for real men
>we r anonymoose we r legion
>epic raid
>wut? you butthurt??
>if u ccant handle da heat, log off da internet

>> No.4690048

How is it not a crime novel? Much treatment is given to one particular crime, one particular criminal, and the agents of law that eventually wear down and reign him in.

I suppose you think "crime novel" means it is, a priori, badly-written pulp crap full of predictable tropes...

But, just because it offends your vanity to have something you like called something you dislike doesn't mean shit.

>> No.4690050

not all of 4chan is a conservashit hivemind

fuck off

>> No.4690051 [DELETED] 


>regular /fa/ user
>every single fucking post you make is exactly like this one
>anti-fat shaming posts

They're Here

>> No.4690052 [DELETED] 

Wow could you be more off an ass ravaged retard? Stop being that guy who says "le X may may" and pretending other people are the problem. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4690059 [DELETED] 

0/10 too irrelevant of a shoehorning.

>> No.4690060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4690064 [DELETED] 

go away. You are about as mature as a larva.

>> No.4690066 [DELETED] 


>> No.4690068

>I suppose you think "crime novel" means it is, a priori, badly-written pulp crap full of predictable tropes...
this is true, though.

>> No.4690070 [DELETED] 
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Go ahead.

Get me banned.

Put me out of my misery.

>> No.4690082

Thank god for that. Good to see some people can think for themselves and don't say the same shit all the time like conservashits.

>> No.4690140

The books is about the psychology of a nihilist, the crime is incidental and only serves to add depth to Raskolnikov's character

>> No.4690186

>The books is about the psychology of a nihilist, the crime is incidental and only serves to add depth to Raskolnikov's character

Yeah, no.
I'm sure it makes you feel better to revamp the whole business thus, but if anything is incidental to the book, it's nihilism.

You are aware that the book is called "Crime and Punishment", yes?

>> No.4690189

>You are aware that the book is called "Crime and Punishment", yes?

he got you there

>> No.4690200

The original Russian name for the novel more literally translates to Transgression and Punishment, which gives a better indication of the actual themes of the novel. Raskolnikov's crime comes about because of the article he wrote; that article is more important to the narrative than the specifics of the crime

>> No.4690204

>actually thinking the murder is the center of the story

/lit/ never ceases to impress me.

>> No.4690216

not convincing

>> No.4690302
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>if anything is incidental to the book, it's nihilism

>> No.4690341

holy shit that is the stupidest post I've ever read on /lit/ that wasn't obviously a troll

>> No.4690737
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>> No.4692792


>> No.4692794

samefagging badly

>> No.4692802
File: 4 KB, 329x117, not samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're just a retard.

>> No.4692808

it's theory/practice

>> No.4692809

>samefagging badly

No. >>4690302 checking in; that was my only post.

>> No.4692821

Crime and Punishment is a crime novel.

>> No.4692834 [DELETED] 


>> No.4693527
File: 2.18 MB, 2100x3120, fans_norm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods grant my wishes and ban me
>in my band notice I'm told that I was in violation of rule 3 for making off-topic/antagonistic remarks
>also included in violations against rule 3 is posting racism outside of /b/ and not keeping /pol/ in /pol/

This is some kind of fucking joke, right? Shouldn't at least half of 4chan be banned then?

>> No.4693533 [DELETED] 

Just evade it and be proud you pissed of some commie plebbitor that much they report bombed you.

>> No.4693549

>mfw people do not realise the "muh nihilism" and "muh übermensch".

Go back to school

>> No.4693558


I'm just completely fucking shocked. I'm not arguing that I wasn't being purposely obnoxious. But holy shit, I never knew that racism outside of /b/ is actually a rule around here. What a fucking joke.

>> No.4693574 [DELETED] 

Come come now mod-kun, do you really want me to tell everyone how to evade? You won't be here in four hours. Calm your shit.

>> No.4693594 [DELETED] 

>Airplane on
>Airplane off

Sorry you'll never be a people. Poor autistic niggermod =(

>> No.4693605

You can't have been here very long then, there's always someone making exactly the same point as you are now in a remarkably similar tone.

>> No.4693619

>Careful not to fall for it

>> No.4693638 [DELETED] 

So in closing you just use 3G and turn airplane mode on/off for a new IP!


Now you hang around being a fucking useless faggot letting reddit xD maymay themselves to death and I'll be back when you're bored to tell more people.

You chose this, congratulations mod-kun!

Uh-oh, not a cookie ban! It's not like I can clear those on one button!

>> No.4693642

Not a sitcom writer shopping his screenplay?