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4686933 No.4686933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post our favorite/most unusual bookmarks

Here be mine

>> No.4686940

How much you want for those slippers? I'll double it if they're still warm

>> No.4686941

I use my dick.

>> No.4686945

>Not dogearing your books

>> No.4686946


>ruining your books

>> No.4686947

>Not dogdicking your books

>> No.4686953

I have also read the doujin about the detachable dick.

>> No.4686952 [DELETED] 

>implying the real value to a book is the story is the physical condition of it, not the story it tells

>> No.4686956


They're not for sale and they smell like ass

>> No.4686957
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>implying that the real value to a story is the physical condition of a few of its pages, not the story it has to tell

>> No.4686962

>not showing your love for your books

>> No.4686965
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I use a wrapper.

>> No.4686976

i clicked this thread to post a photo of my dick between two pages

but i don't want the b&

>> No.4686980

I'm the one you quote, I looked for something like this, but couldn't find it in 10 seconds, so I gave up.

>> No.4686998

Show me that juicy cock.

>> No.4687005

>Show me that juicy cock.


>> No.4687107

>Not burning your books

>> No.4687173

>dog earing your books
>highlighting passages
>writing notes between the lines
>opening the book all the way
If you do any of these, please kill yourself.

>> No.4687179
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>tfw I ruin every book I read

>> No.4687437

I memorize the page number.

>> No.4687460


>implying you can appreciate a story if the medium it's written on is falling apart

>> No.4687463
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>telling me how I should treat my property

>> No.4687467

>not writing notes between the lines.

>> No.4687473
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>treating your property like shit

>> No.4687486

I have a rule.
All the books in my collection under 50-100 years old are to be treated with the utmost care and circumspection.
The rest are fair game. Most of them are from library dumps or the Salvation Army. I do whatever I want, I even rip pages out for quick reference.
By the time I'm finished w/ them, humanity will consist mostly of illiterate, mongrel apes while I will die alone and contented innawoods away from the evil and sin filled modern cities.

>> No.4687494

Caring about someone else's inanimate objects.

>> No.4687505

What do you guys do? I have notebooks I use when I want to make marginal notes in something I'm reading or to write things from it down for later reference.

Thinking about going digital for it though, since that pile of notebooks is getting kinda big now.

>> No.4687529

>Being a fat autist with shitty stuff

>> No.4687543

>still caring

>> No.4687547

I bought a cheap box of playing cards a few years ago for bookmarks. I use the queen of hearts whenever I read something by Wilde.

>> No.4688193
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I make each book a different bookmark by paper, unless it came with its own.

>> No.4688212

Unless it's not mine, a book needs to look read by the time I'm done with it.

>> No.4688226

i use playing cards, shreds of paper or this one neat hand-made bookmark with pressed flowers inside it that was in a folio copy of the Rubaiyat i brought second-hand

>> No.4688259

My copy of The Trial fell apart page by page as I progressed through the book. It was intense.

>> No.4688273

>not writing greentext over parts you disagree with or find cliched

>> No.4689107

> le insulte de semaine
i won.

>> No.4689132

Glancing at my shelves, things being used as bookmarks are
- Half a takeaway menu
- Half a HMV receipt for "Japanes Ponyo DVD" (£9.00) and "Jugnot, Chorus DVD" (£12.00). Not my receipt, I have no idea what those things are.
- A map of the London Underground
- A return train ticket, Oxford to Birmingham (valid until 13 September 2013)
- Some small rizla (two books with multiple pages marked)
- Some king-size rizla

>> No.4689139

It would be "l'insulte" so I guess you sort of lost

>> No.4689150

Do you really forget the page you were on? I seldom forget where I ended my reading, if I eventually do, I easily find it for taking heed to the chapter I am on.

>> No.4689529

I use trash like empty packages of aspirin or cookies.

>> No.4689564

i want to smell your slippers

>> No.4689613

People who hoard books and care about what they look like are fuckwits. Unless its poetry or a short story collection or something I'll revisit regularly, I get rid of all my books after I read them. If a book is rotting on my shelf it's a) another material possession to hold me down and b) not being enjoyed by somebody else.

>> No.4689623


>> No.4689663

>Appeal to grammar
Scramble harder.

>> No.4689682

pls be in london

>> No.4689688
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been using this the last 3 years

>> No.4689723

Every bookmark is a baseball card always.
(Unless it's a receipt).

>> No.4689742

mine is the king of hearts because the ace of spades already has a thing

>> No.4689826

>Don Quixote

what the fuck, angloparlants, what the fuck

>> No.4689831

What I didn't want to post here.

>> No.4690306
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yeah, it's gonna crumble at the seams, huh

back to your mental prison, pleb

>> No.4690310

no its bc u want daddy's love

>> No.4690947

lol the other day i saw a girl she was ok but she dogeared her book
fucking dropped man

>> No.4691108


>> No.4691125
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My go-to bookmark. I found it in the shelves of the children's section at HPB. I think it's cute.

>> No.4691126

Such faggotry in this thread.

You e-readers might be on to something.

>> No.4691308

I bought an old novel from an antiquarian. The book was printed in 1912. I discovered, around page 200, that the former owners bookmark (presumably) still was in the book.
It was ripped out part of an old danish newspaper - the cartoon section. I can only see the punchline of the joke in the cartoon.

And this is why antiquarians are the best place to by books.

>> No.4691903

if people do this then and then just keep the book on their shelf then whatever
but there are people who do that then sell the book online
makes me want to kill someone

>> No.4691962

that's so kafkaesque

>> No.4691965

>mfw a kid had left it there to finally declare to his crush
>ended up as a bookmark for a neckbeard instead

Crushed dreams.

>> No.4691984

I don't believe in bookmarks.

If you can't quickly find where you left off, you've evidently not been paying attention and need to re-read entire chunks of the damned thing over.

>> No.4692004
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>> No.4692029

>kid gets rejected and grows up to be a perma-virgin neckbeard
And the seasons, they go round and round.

>> No.4692144

>that kid could be browsing here

>> No.4692247

I used to be a projectionist so I use a strip of trailer green band that's about 10 frames long. I actually made about 50 of these as bookmarks and I gave them to people when I worked at the theater.

>> No.4692581
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>> No.4692803


>> No.4693253
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Some flower I drew.

>> No.4693296
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I use Canadian Tire money or US dollar bills.

>> No.4694705

>not using your autism to remember the page, line and word you last read.

>> No.4694708

that's pretty.

>> No.4694716

Second grade teacher gave this to me

>> No.4694722
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Second grade teacher gave this to me.

>> No.4694778

Now I feel bad that I don't have "my bookmark." First reply that isn't completely autistic picks my bookmark for life

>> No.4694814


A lock of a woman's hair.

>> No.4694822


Interesting that you believe that "Love" can exist only in a destructive relationship.

Please, go on.

>> No.4694834

Feather I found attached to a bra that someone left here.

>> No.4694839

I use a corner of paper towel so they are disposable enough to be left on the pages that I like.

>> No.4694843

I really have no idea how to even begin to ask for that. It doesn't seem practical, either. So, sadly, that's not going to be able to happen.

>> No.4694844

all desire is negating, emotive; love is amotive

>> No.4694858
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This or receipts.

>> No.4694918


I use this leather bookmark with some Chinese characters on it my grandad bought me since he knew I liked Asian languages which i've been using for 12 years at the most. I don't have the heart to throw it away since it's starting to lose the wear a little.

>> No.4695013

picture? I'd like to translate it

>> No.4695042

A free vip pass from a stripclub

>> No.4695044


My laptop webcam isn't all that great but i'll draw it up in paint. Not sure if it's Chinese or Japanese but it's all depending on which way you read it I guess, anyway that would be a big help.

>> No.4695079

I just use a post-it, and I usually write down words that I don't know as I come across them.

>> No.4697195
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You don't look them up immediately...?

>> No.4697263

I have an e-reader ;)

>> No.4697270

>or receipts.

>> No.4697318

Nuances are for faggots, right?

>> No.4697340

I just turn on the ereader and it's still at the place I had left off.

>> No.4697443

I have been reading outside on my breaks so i have been using leaves.

>> No.4698236
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>Mo fear gorm.

I see you, too, visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art gift-shop.

Despite being a die-hard Yorkist, I have to admit that Greenwich garnitures are G.O.A.T. tier armour.

Excellent taste, anon.

>> No.4698314

>not using an ebook reader

>> No.4698832

that's almost as gay as actually reading Wilde

>> No.4698854

Oh you.

>> No.4700805


>> No.4700878

I use a Zimbabwean 100 trillion dollar bill.

>> No.4700903

>Zimbabwean 100 trillion dollar bill

>Think "you're fucking with me."
>Google "Zimbabwe currency"
>mfw no face