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/lit/ - Literature

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467858 No.467858 [Reply] [Original]

let's have a survey.

Question: What do you do for a living? Post your job and your college major (or if you didn't go to college). If you're a student, post your major.

>> No.467869

political science major, international studies
work digitally capturing and processing paper and microfiche documents from major corporations who want to free up space.

>> No.467872

not sure how this is lit related, but

in college working towards ba in polisci

>> No.467878

Was an English major in college. Currently unemployed.

>> No.467894


>> No.467911

grocery store, music major, laugh it up

>> No.467918
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guess my major :3

>> No.467920

Med school. Hopefully a surgeon.

>> No.467921

I'd offer to play you a sad violin tune, but given your circumstances...

>> No.467926

anthropology major. unemployed ;_;

>> No.467929

BA in English here, working as a cook. not troll unfortunately

>> No.467930
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nothing atm. collecting SSI...destroying my body with drugs...whatever tho.

>> No.467931


lol good one

>> No.467933

Laboratory Technician, previously building materials/filter sands, then water and wastewater treatment, currently in the mining industry with an experimental company playing with geothermal coal. Diploma of Applied Science, Environmental Technology, currently attempting to upgrade my quals to a Bachelor of Science majority in whatever is available for external study.

The mining industry rocks. I'm making so much money!

>> No.467940

NY Times bestselling author reporting

>> No.467947
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You'll die soon

>> No.467949

Finish the book, GRRM.

>> No.467951

Book title plz

>> No.467958

Political Science, still in school. I am a tour boat captain in Chicago during the summers.

>> No.467959

Twilight. Perhaps you've heard of it?

>> No.467968

didn't expect so much people in political science, you guys know there's enough books about Obama right?

>> No.467970

Only NYT journalists write about contemporary American politics.

>> No.467974

Barback. No College.

Readem book.

>> No.467976


I'll die a lot richer than you will ever be, my friend.

>> No.467977

Radio producer, broadcasting graduate

>> No.467982

Student: Architecture

>> No.467985

>currently trying for bachelor
>diploma in laboratory technician


>> No.467986
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Okay anon,
it's time to spill the beans.

start talking now about why you've been peppering /lit/ with surveys, or we might have to use some excessive force

>> No.467994


What's the point?

>> No.467996


This is the last bastion of decency, originality and intellectualism on 4chan. Its probably curiousity.

>> No.467999

My dad's neighbor has hired me as a ranch hand. I'll primarily move wheel-line sprinklers and repair fences.

>> No.468001
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or essay-writing material for a statistical analysis paper. I'm looking for answers

>> No.468006

Unemployed, History

They told me this would happen, but I didn't listen...

>> No.468007

Sounds awesome, tbh.

>> No.468009

philosophy major currently, also work at gamestop part time (inb4 battletoads)

>> No.468010

Computer Science
Game Designer

Feels good, man.

>> No.468027
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>Implying computer science as anything related to video games

>> No.468037

Theatre Arts major, full time student, part time Dockers employee.

Hoping to be a high school Theatre teacher some day.

>> No.468038

Student, English major.

Unemployed as fuck. Was doing some writing/marketing stuff for a company that got smashed by the poor economy.

Guess who got cut first?

>> No.468046

What is with this shit?

Every time I come to /lit/ there's at least two of these "survey" threads. How do you like your coffee? Are you male or female? Are you in school? What's your favorite color? Beatles or Stones?

Christ almighty, you people need to stay on /r9k/.

>> No.468048

physics/atmospheric and oceanic science

>> No.468088


butthurt drop-out

>> No.468095
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the threads have eyes

>> No.468096

Going to college

English/History Education Major

Gonna teach some dat kids history and English on the high school level.

>> No.468104

Computer Science (currently going back to do a separate degree in Slavic Studies)

I'm a musician, artist, writer, film-maker, programmer; I'm kind of self employed since I only work on my own projects. (Hint: Since high school I've been living with my best friend entirely off of a multi-million dollar out of court settlement he got from the government when his mother was killed in an accident that was entirely due to government carelessness)

>> No.468115

Aerospace Engineer

>> No.468122

Armyfag here. Probably one of the few on this board. Linguist, hope to go to college soon and major in ANYTHING BUT FOREIGN LANGUAGES.

>> No.468129

Doing a masters degree in sociology at the University of Oslo, Norway.

>> No.468130

College Student.

Psychology major. Yeah, unoriginal major is completely unoriginal.

No job as of yet. I plan on applying at anywhere that'll take me.

>> No.468143

Currently majoring in Liberal Arts (yes this is fail I had a very good reason promise it was part of a plan which is so far going great)

Switching to Classics next semester as planned.

Hopin' to teach Latin at some Catholic HS or something, probably will go for a Master's.

>> No.468160


Full of shit

>> No.468166



>> No.468168


Sounds amazing to me. In the book "Island" the doctor says that having a good mind is of no use if you don't get enough exercise.

>> No.468191

CS Major interning at a gov't contractor.

Feels good man.

>> No.468210

BA in english

part time substitute teacher, rich girlfriend

>> No.468222


please say all you unemployed people are doing something productive at the moment like writing perhaps? otherwise this thread is sad.

Proof? Titles?

>> No.468323

Wow, i guess you guys really are just sitting around unemployed with english majors and you dont even want to write? how can this be? why did you go into english?

>> No.468325

Student, Nursing major.

>> No.468367

Air Force Radio Frequencies. It's an alright job.

>> No.468380


I'm being kind of productive. Basically reading a lot more than I used to, and writing here and there. Sent off a story to get rejected at a few places. Feels alright though.

>> No.468388


There's more of us then you'd think that frequent this board. Navyfag (and somehow those two words just go together) here.

>> No.468513

Lawyer (or rather, recently admitted to the bar and looking for work.)

>> No.468517

Philosophy, political sciences and DEAF STUDIES

>> No.468548

Poli sci grad about to go to law school.

Trying to read as much shit not related to law as I can before it consumes me.

That's why I'm here.

>> No.468562

Music... but not at uni, at college (That's pre-uni in the UK for Amerifags)

>> No.468583

was an econ major, now work in banking. yawn.

>> No.468584

I dropped out of art school, spent a couple years dicking around with night school, now I'm a stay at home mom. I read when my kids are napping.

>> No.468592

student here

kinda undecided. Think I might double major in film & Asian languages (Japanese), or creative writing & asian languages, or else English & Asian Languages

>> No.468598

Yet another political science major here


>> No.468602

English Major, I currently work as an Editorial Assistant for an academic journal as well.

I like my life a lot right now.

>> No.468615

well I did just get out of high school, and I'm ready to go job hunting again (had to wait for my pee to get clean). Also, I'm getting good grades for the first time (made C's and D's predominantly in high school, A's and B's now) and figuring out that I have a real knack for social sciences (best in my class for sociology, transferring to anthropology because I like culture more and sociology just makes me hate rich people a lot). At this point, I really view education as my job, and have a bigger commitment/confidence/drive for it than I have had for any thing else I've done. I'd consider that productive. Besides, 10 years ago just going to college would have been "productive".

>> No.468618

well, I'll probably double major sociology/anthropology if possible. Either way, goal is to get into research/academia in general.

>> No.468626

I dropped out of college and now work at a radio station. I made $4,000 last year. I live with my mom.

For the love of all that is good and holy, stay in school.

>> No.468627

Photographer / photojournalist. Not really working right now, I've got enough cash to survive at the moment and I'm kinda burned out after being an editor at a clusterfuck of a local paper.

Went to school in photography for a while, realized that it was just busy work for rich kids and that I'd never make enough in the business to make back what I'd spent on the degree. I'm currently trying to figure out what I want to do now, because I've learned all too well that I don't want to be a photographer for the rest of my life.

>> No.468645

I'm a junior in high school. I'm planning on double majoring in English Language/Literature/Letters and History at Arizona State University.

>> No.468656
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I'm getting my doctorate in philosophy.

>> No.468659

>What do you do for a living?

I'm a clinical pharmacologist specializing in pharmacodynamics.


Molecular neuropharmacology, attended UCLA.

>> No.468663

Clinical Psychology major.

I was an Executive Assistant for a Psychology office but in Florida... they all close eventually. I'm currently working in the Communications department of a hospital. Meh, I move in 9 months to another state to start grad school and since it's going to be Seattle - there will be better opportunities.

>> No.468684

French literature major. Now working as a scenarist in the video game industry. I hate it. Somehow scenarists seem to be the lowest step on the ladder. Get treated like shit, boss make me do things that are not relevant to my work, yet they want epic scenarios.
They think making a good scenario takes less time than taking a morning dump, and they criticize every bit, thinking writing a scenario requires cognitive skill a retarded chipmunk have.

I love to write (enough to make it a job), I write well enough to be edited, yet I hate my job... scary paradox :(

>> No.468695

Paramedic here.

I've taken a lot of college courses, but I don't have a degree.

>> No.468910

If I told you my bands name, you wouldn't believe me, and it's irrelevant, if I wanted to give my shit unneeded advertising and brag like a dick I would have told you to begin with.

>> No.468942

English major. Currently in school. Waitressing part-time, just for pocket money since my parents are covering everything else.

Will probably go into teaching. Maybe drawing comics if I keep practicing.

>> No.468956

hi my fellow female

>> No.469050

I work at a bookstore.

See, I'm /lit/-related.

>> No.469064


>> No.469108

Majoring in Philosophy with a double minor in German and French.

>> No.469111

Oh and during the summer I plant trees and teach sailing.

>> No.469157

What do you plan on doing? Grad school?

>> No.469167


Good for you. Ignore trolls.

>> No.469168

Neuroscience major

>> No.469176

why don't you major in sucking my cock, Isabelle.

Oh wait, you didn't like that when you were a piano teacher, but did when you were a nihilist writer? What gives, Isabelle? Why the double-standards? We can make it work, really.

>> No.469187

Why encourage failure?

>> No.469190
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I guess you're just too much sweetness and light for me, honeychile.

>> No.469191

Well I am looking at EGS in Switzerland or the New School For Social research in New York. So yes, grad school it is.

Capitalism forces you to think in terms of what will provide for you materially. You are studying always with the long view to how you will allow yourself to be exploited in the future, or to how you will exploit others. I am materially provided for by wealthy parents and vast connections so I am free to do as I please with regards to school and play. So, yes, grad school, but no LOL.

>> No.469195


Impressive. Best of luck.

>> No.469202


How is that like?

>> No.469257


My heart...you treat it like some...like some toy! One day, Isabelle, I will become a man, and you...would long to be beside me...I will wait as long as it takes, you can have your beautiful young men and your expensive Chanel numero cinq, but one day...you will have me and willingly!

>> No.469366

>thinks he can add some sort of knowledge to the already over-studied "fields" of French and German
>French and German

>> No.469375

You don't believe I can add anything because you don't believe anyone can add anything. If you did, why not a stranger on the internet? Anyone has the potential to think differently and contribute creatively to the richness of the intellectual way of life.

>> No.469387


>I'm angry that I majored in business thinking I would make money on Wall Street and get laid


>> No.469399
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>> No.469417


>> No.469421
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Not really, no.

>> No.469433
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>> No.469445

Student majoring in engineering physics.

>> No.469742

PhD student (Economics)
Teaching Assistant.

>> No.469876

software engineer, history major

own a small company that builds software for courts.

>> No.469911

You poor bastard. Care to mention a more detailed but still anonymous description of your field of research?

>> No.469927

Final year of Psych bachelors, aiming for clinical masters stream. Currently completing dissertation thesis in which I'm evaluating the effectiveness of several mental health organizations. Not much time for reading these days.

>> No.469930 [DELETED] 

her€ IS thE m3NTal1Y ILi 1YINg PSyCh0p@Th tHIEF {hrIs+Oph€r P00le (AKa mOot) IN aC+|0N (TUrN 1t Into 1oWER-<a5e AS{II): HtTp://wwW.AnoNTaLk.cOM/Dump/M0oTarD.TxT

y z OkDj G bKovDzpzNeO Jn Bkhg E MFowz q zKndIK3 <u m Fp j NHBq D b ntZ BkZg C SzLfCgF Idi€km ahzbS VzBd Ui hr S Tu QTMQafc{h+qXa f+l zd@mb Fyx+ jeyPU eH1hEUy|D 0BdcdddFhSVXSO |yvO g.

>> No.469936

Microeconometrics. I'm currently developing a new econometric model that explains/predicts changes in labor effectiveness as a result of enterprise bargining and other related legislative factors.

If you understand that, well yeah. lol.

>> No.469952

labour effectiveness [lol Commonwealth english] in terms of labour output per unit of labourer / wage? But micro as a result of broad scale policy decisions, or policy as filtered through local bargaining process?

Good luck with your model. Econometrics so you're working off pre-existing data sets. Enjoy your modelling. Given you self described as "teaching assistant" and not as "tutor" and your "labor", I'm guessing you're US system.

At least in the Humanities and Social Sciences the US system demands two books before tenure, I don't know how it works in the more business oriented social sciences. I recommend phd comics (of course) and the Female Science Professor blog.

May all your examiners recommend no emendations.

>> No.470094

Student. Going for Master in Electronic Engineering.

>> No.470103

I work as a tutor in English and History and the college I go to. My major right now is Secondary Education, specifically for History.

>> No.470104

You're an econfag? Australian I'm assuming?

Yes, output per unit of effective labor. My research is concerned with localized bargining and how this affects labor effectiveness. I'm attempting to show that local enterprise bargining strategies are a function of legislative/institutional changes and that these influence the effectiveness of labor.

I've only just started exploring this but my supervisors seem keen.

Regression is sexy as fuck. Hence why econometrics is my chosen field.

>> No.470112

Are you not a native English speaker? I recommend spelling "bargaining" right before going to your thesis advisors if you are.

>> No.470119

I've already given my broad specialisation, but to restate I read a hell of a lot of political economy and a very small and humble amount of non-political economy economics. Nice topic. From my research background I would say that your correlation is certain: local bargaining strategies are formed by the policy environment surrounding them. The why stuff will be very interesting. Given the long term (Kondratiev ho ho ho) cycle towards a period of insurgent labour organising in the first world, I'd say that you've got a good chance of academic employment. Otherwise you might have to look into Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Former Soviet Bloc datasets for a longer term career. The CIA used to lap that shit up prior to the Team B stuff in the 1970s.

>> No.470121

System administrator/architect, I suppose.

>> No.470122

Anthro major. Work as an editor.

>> No.470137

I'm from Belgium, English is my 3rd language and sometimes I struggle.

Awesome. What school are you attending?

>> No.470166

>Awesome. What school are you attending?
I have a very junior academic position. Sadly I won't mention where as the arguments I tripfag into get ad hominem heated.

(And yes, for those from the Chomsky thread, I admitted I was incorrect, and again thank you for having corrected me.)

>> No.470168

>I have a very junior academic position.

works in a child daycare centre

>> No.470170

Fair enough, I don't mean to give you shit. God knows I can't spell a word in Flemish or French. I just wanted to verify you weren't an English-language economist studying bargaining power who couldn't spell 'bargaining' properly in English.

>> No.470174

bio major phil minor. still in undergrad, living off parents
trying to get into med school

>> No.470176

> Chomsky thread
Shit, that one effected Historian deeply. He's a changed man now. Humble, even!

>> No.470183

all tripfags fuck up and pretend to wear the hairshirt of humility for a few days after because they feel like a fucking idiot. And rightly so.

But they are never humble enough to keep their ego in check and drop the tripcode are they?

>> No.470192

If I worked in day care you'd hear no end of proletarian class pride boasting from me.

To respond to the thread:
>What do you do for a living?
Conduct lecturers for largely disinterested first years in areas I inherited from other people, do far too much small group teaching, be excluded from meaningful collegial administrative responsibilities, and eke out research based on writing up hard won archival time.

>Post your job and your major
See the name line.

Obliterary contribution:
Someone posted Hayden White in a literary analysis thread. I dig his theory papers on interpretation of texts including ones with "facticity" [the quality of making claims of having a factual nature rooted in "reality"].

>> No.470284

>>>>I have a very junior academic position.
>>>works in a child daycare centre
>>What do you do for a living?
>Conduct lecturers for largely disinterested first years

Oh I see what you did there.

>> No.470318

Dropped out of college last year. Now living with my parents. Feels good man

Not trolling btw

>> No.471613


name some people you've played bills with, you will still be anonymous.

>> No.471634

physics + chemistry in school,
currently studying guitar making,

>> No.471635

Econ Major, working Finance

>> No.472328
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If you recognize the band in the picture, I've collaborated with them, a lot.

>> No.472365

unemployed... nearly a year

>> No.472375

Studying English, working as a translator.

>> No.472388

I work at a call center. I talk to housewives all day about shitty over priced jewellery.

I'm also a student majoring in visual art.

The Future... She's so bright :\

>> No.472389

Linguistics/Comp Sci double major. I work for a furniture company covering a support desk, doing general IT work, and doing maintenance and on-site development of inventory and invoicing software.

>> No.472406

I'm the assistant to an electrical contractor. Pay's $50 a day for 5 hours work, under the table. And I go to school, getting 2 bachelor's in Int'l Relations and Geography come may.

>> No.472423

Law student here. Hopefully a lawyer.

>> No.472426

Computer Science major
Work part time as a janitor
Needless to say, I live with my parents

>> No.472453

History and Economics double major here. I'm going to try and just putz around this summer, because I want to watch all of the world cup and I figure a job would get in the way of that. Hopefully my mom understands.

>> No.472473


Turkish. Female. Yes. Gray. Beatles.

>> No.472498

I've been considering majoring in linguistics. What's the courses like, and what sort of careers would I be looking at?

>> No.472531

I work in shipping in a garbage can factory. (Pros: commute is under five minutes, I'm socking away a lot of money (by my own peon standards anyway), pays slightly better than other dopey shit jobs, I'm debt free. Cons: It's a garbage can factory.)

College: successfully completed a B.A. with a major in math and minors in philosophy and history (barely graduated, because I didn't care then, and I don't care now, which goes a long way toward explaining why I work in a garbage can factory.)

Although the economy has intensified the rate of exploitation among the employed as, for example, at my gig, I'm just pleased to have something.

>> No.472605

I like you.

>> No.472618

I'm planning on getting a BS in Bio
is it worth it or what?
(I want to go to med school with it but would like to know of different job opportunities with that major)

>> No.472630

First year English. Plotting an M.A, then Ph.D. Living off student loans.

>> No.472636

Combination of work study job and money from my father's overdue child support payments. I make a meager living and live off of cereal and canned fruit

>> No.472638

unemployed, no college.

>> No.472658

Studying in a community college, earning an AA with a plan to transfer to Uni and study English Education.

No job; mooching off parents and government.

>> No.473056

7th grade English teacher reporting in.

>> No.473069


What's that like?Were the college courses hard?

>> No.473084

IT currently working as a VTC tech, previously communication circuits tech, some college not currently taking any classes though because I'm working on job-related certs

>> No.473086

Never a dull moment. My classes weren't difficult at all. My degree is in education.

>> No.473090

Military Nurse (Studying for a civilian major right now)
Dropped out of the military and I work with retarded kids as a living (autism, Downs, infections of different levels etc.)

>> No.473101

Majoring in Accounting

>> No.473110


Also the classes I was taking were for a degree in IT, but it turns out when you're an IT certs can be just as important as a degree and they're easier to work on while you're working 12 hour days

>> No.473133

Student majoring in mathematics, focusing on operations research.

Man, calculus is fucking awesome! I read in the time when everyone else is working on papers, since I've already done my homework.

>> No.473143

Electrical Engineering/Physics

Probably Math Minor (I only have to take one additional math course--I like math)

>> No.473183


I like that you like me. Let's exchange info.

>> No.473208

Does anyone actually read what everyone else does or is this kind of just a "my job is better than everyone else's" thing where you show off the length of your e-peen by pretending you have some amazing job?

>> No.473229

I'll take the lack of responses as a resounding "Yes, my dick is bigger than yours because I pretend to have an awesome job".

>> No.473232

job: software developer

education: MA Literature

(thank God I taught myself to code in grad school)

>> No.473234


sadly, there's a whole wide class of threads that just invite replies without reading or discussion. "First, ve make a leest." I wish people WOULD be dicks on the point of "talk to each other" in original postings, in whatever board. Happens on /mu/, /tv/, and here-the worksafe boards I frequent.

>> No.473238

I work at a chinese take-out restaurant for 12 hours a week. Minimum wage.

Of course I'm in highschool and live with my parents.

>> No.473245


>> No.473247


ps just fyi I'm the garbage can factory guy.

>> No.473273


honestly, it's a crap shoot. It depends on you and luck.

>> No.473277

I'm thinking about picking up a masters in literature (english studies BA with a year to go). Is it worth all the extra money for the degree? What are the job prospects for it or are you more interested in the programming? I'll probably end up going to korea to teach english for a year or two until I can find a decent job in the states. Feels alright, man.

>> No.473284


Garbage can factory guy, I find you awesome. You actually respond to people and you managed to find pros in a job that, no disrespect intended, seems pretty shitty. People like you make the world a better place.

>> No.473292

I just received my MS in English Language Arts (education grades 7-12). I am unemployed and miserable.

>> No.473316


And I will fight you for garbage can man's e-heart. I love him too.

>> No.473354


Oh, it sucks, I want to kill my supervisor. But I keep clear-the one thing that I hate more than my job is looking for another job.

In my precious few waking hours of not working I've been trying to read some Lyotard, not because it's "useful", but only because I got it into my head to do so at some point.

I never read for pleasure anymore, I wish I could bring myself to do it.

>> No.473369

all of those ideas are terrible. I strongly advice you to reconsider. here's some related literature:



>> No.473385

samefag here: advice should be advise.

>> No.473443

I work at a restaurant as a "server assistant," sort of a catch-all floater/busser/change lightbulbs and what-have-you at a small/medium restaurant. I've held far more interesting--though still non-career-related--jobs in the past, though.

I studied archtecture and graphic design for a year each, then was kicking ass in photo (pre-digital) for a few years before I left school without finishing.

yeah, I'm old; and yeah, I have issues...

>> No.473561

Well the korea thing was just kind of a gig, free rent, airline travel, and I'm getting outside the country. I don't really know about the masters yet, but I am pretty creative and could see myself as a copy writer. These articles are pretty sweet.

>> No.473613

>kill yourself
I lolled

>> No.473659


Wow, I think I'm probably the only person on here whose a fan of them, but none the less what is it actually like to hang out with Yamantaka? I really cannot even begin to fathom what he would start conversations about or what he does in his free time.

>> No.473702

just got a job doing early morning stock. my major was classical studies. feels bad man

>> No.473912

Yup. Working in a restaurant, garbage can factory etc are amazing jobs.

>> No.474031

bumping for Garbage Can Factory Man's proletarian struggles

>> No.474049

Lapsed Multimedia Design, then English major. Considering returning, but more likely I'll just catch a few writers workshops and audit a course or two. No interest in teaching twerps or pulling a 9-5 writing or editing job.

I currently work for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services as a caretaker in household run in order to support mentally and physically retarded adults. I basically pull light nursing duties without the certification, and then do cleaning and cooking. Shit's actually pretty awesome since I work nights and typically get 4-6 hours a night to read or write or play gameboy, ha.

>> No.474074

what are your movies, anon?

>> No.474146

Student, Finance/Economics double major.

>> No.474307

All English/Classics/Philosophy majors:
We told you so.

>> No.474350

Student; double majoring in computer science and mathematical physics.

This summer I have a job doing cryptanalysis stuff for the government. I'm not entirely sure what exactly I'm going to be doing, but it sounds like fun.

>> No.474355

State benefit parasite. It give so much reading time D:

>> No.474379

hey thanks asshole, like it wasn't painfully obvious at this point

>> No.476324

Wow, this thread still exists?
Garbage Can Guy, you are still awesome. :)

>> No.476335

Bookseller. Derp.

>> No.477389

Professional services consultant (database work mostly) for a software development company.

Major: Industrial Technology concentrating in Information and Communication Technologies

>> No.477413


>implying you don't think they're amazing
>implying your opinion of what is/isn't amazing matters to anyone

>> No.477569

Day job: Inventory Team at a major bookstore chain.
Night job: Night audit/front office at a resort hotel where I basically read books all night.

>> No.477587

Part time animal shelter employee (kennel tech I guess; fancy name for the fact that I clean up poop).
Finishing up my associate's in Psychology, transferring to a four year school for Writing/English.
I have a feeling I'll be doing more work with animals and their feces than anything to do with psychology. And I really wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.477590

Don't go to school to learn how to write fiction. What you need to do is go learn something else, and spend your nights reading anything and everything. You learn how to write by reading other great writers and then emulating them until you (hopefully) carve out your own niche.

>> No.477599

Thanks for your input, but this is something I have heard on this board before. I'm looking to eventually start my own literary magazine and generally get my foot in publishing. I'm treating this major as a kind of trade off; I get an experience that amplifies what I already know and teaches me hands on techniques I wouldn't get to know otherwise. After the writing major I'll more than likely be doing a Vet Tech certificate program so that I will usually always have a job (wherever I decide to move).
Well, Vet Tech or Pharm Tech.