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467558 No.467558 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell did I just read

>> No.467776

looks like you read Fool's Moon by Jim Butcher, amirite?

>> No.467786

I suppose you are. :(

>> No.467800

an interesting novel that teased apart the full range of werewolf myths around the world, had an interesting ending and provided him with new allies to deal with the metaplot.

>> No.467830

You didn't think it got a bit odd towards the end?

>> No.467902

The Really scary/only hurt by inherited silver badguy was at once a credible threat and defeated in good taste.

Gentleman Johnny gives you a glimpse of his pure AWSOME (in the form of Uncle Enzo from Snow Crash), and how pivotal something like that will become as time moves on.

Corrupt magic infesting the mind and used with the best of intentions toward good ends only to have everything go HORRIBLY WRONG is a major theme that gets its start here in the story line. I don't want to spoil it for you, but there is a metaplot that connects all of the books, and if you keep reading you will be rewarded in pure awsome by the time Harry takes on the Necromancers.

>> No.467907

I do like the characters. I was just a bit let down by this. I've read the first two books and really liked Storm Front a lot, but this one seemed all over the place.

You'd recommend I keep reading then, so I can behold this 'metaplot'? Sounds interesting.

>> No.467916


The series really takes off with Grave Peril, that last half imo.