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/lit/ - Literature

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4674144 No.4674144 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a /lit/fag, /lit/?

>> No.4674148

No beavers allowed here.

>> No.4674152

Read books I guess. It worked for me.

What the fuck kind of answer are you looking for?

>> No.4674157

newfag detected

he didnt ask about becoming a literati but about litfaggotry.

and idk if that is still possible op, this board is too shit these days, it doesnt reveal its essence anymore. sorry.

>> No.4674165

>buy some penguin classics
>put them all on a shelf
>take picture
>start thread

Protip: just start the thread talking about the editions or the covers and dont you dare reading any of the books!

>> No.4674168

You need a minimum of at least 2 years of
AP literature in highschool (if you're American) and some college doesn't hurt too. Then you need to pick a couple of authors that you like (not necessarily for any particular region) and then be a dick to anyone who disagrees. Oh and don't forget to shitpost about bourgeoisie scum and "tfw no class warfare."

Also, this guys is not a /lit/fag (>>4674152)

>> No.4674169

be as elitist as you can

>> No.4674171

*for any particular reason

>> No.4674176

>Not recognizing a weasel.
Good job, dumbass.

>> No.4674175

Don't go the library, go to the bookstore.

>> No.4674177
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Better yet, go get a tattoo of this dumb bullshit on your shoulder. Take a picture of it and start another cancerous picture thread.

>> No.4674181
File: 606 KB, 728x2680, beginner's guide to litcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4674185

Simple. Be a pretentious nard, claim that lesser known Shakespeare plays are truly the most patrician, and bash all postmodern philosophers while quoting Hegel.

>> No.4674189


>Someone asks a simple question and you need to find a ham-fisted excuse to namedrop Hegel.

It's always amusing to see anon be pretentious while decrying pretentiousness.

You keep working for that validation, m8.

>> No.4674192

the important thing to remember is that you don't have to read.

>> No.4674193

The Waves is hard mode...?
Why? Woolf's style? it might be a little confusing the first 4 pages, but when you get it there's nothing "hard" on the whole novel.

>> No.4674195

>you don't have to read.
Well, you only have to read wikipedia entries so you can pretend you've read, that is.

>> No.4674197


>The Waves is hard mode...?

to beginners, yes. this is a beginner's list after all

>> No.4674196

Oh fuck off.

>> No.4674204

start with the greeks

>> No.4674208

The Waves is pretty much a poor man's Ulysses.

>> No.4674210

fall in love with butterfly

>> No.4674214

I'm not that much into fiction. I've been reading only philosophy for the last five years and only like 6 months ago started with fiction, so I'm a beginner.
One Hundred Years of Solitude was hard and challenging, for example. The Waves was good, but there was nothing hard in it. Damn, I've read manga and watched anime that were harder than that, and weeabo shit is considered mentally challenged-tier around here.
No, you fuck off, retard. Maybe you're just too dumb. Have you considered that possibility?

>> No.4674220

fetishize hardness like the plebs who argue about how (not) difficult something is to show off how smart they think they are

>> No.4674221

Once I found Ulysses on a bookstore and read one random page and shit didn't make sense at all. I don't think that has remotely anything to do with The Waves. I mean, you can take any random page of The Waves and you won't get pure nonsense.

>> No.4674229


Stop wrongfully conflating things like a fucking dullard.

>> No.4674235

This. I find in all of her naive thoughts a quaint charm. And each time I profess my love to her, she rejects me, which only strengthens that love. Hope you're reading this, Butterfly. :)

>> No.4674237

I think she likes only girls.
>just pretend you're a girl.

>> No.4674238

What's important is we love her/him.

>> No.4674239

Read moar.

But really I'd say you need to do a humanities subject (ideally literature or philosophy) at university. I guess you might also be able to fake it by combining reading with good online lecture courses.

>> No.4674243
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>I guess you might also be able to fake it by reading wikipedia entries

>> No.4674249

>implying woolf wasn't directly influenced by joyce