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/lit/ - Literature

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467333 No.467333 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what's the point in studying subjects such as English and philosophy? Seriously isn't that kind of stuff more of a hobby than something you should get an education in. Why not get a real education studying something worthwhile. You never know you might even be able to get a job where you can benefit society.
Pic very much related.

>> No.467346

Hey OP what's the point in studying subjects such as math and engineering? Seriously isn't that kind of stuff more of a hobby than something you should get an education in. Why not get a real education studying something worthwhile. You never know you might even be able to get a job where you can benefit society.
Pic not related.

>> No.467352

reported for /r9k/

>> No.467353

That isn't the same thing and you know it, try coming up with a better answer... OP is an idiot, but so is you.

>> No.467354

yeah, it doesn't seem to me that pure mathematics would do much more for society than english
and where is biology? shit's important

>> No.467364

English is one of the best courses there is. What's the point in mechanically being processed through the education system and becoming a cog in a machine. If people didn't do philosophy and english we would be a country full of retards who don't really know why they're doing what they are doing.
English is god-tier.

>> No.467366

>God Tier: Boring as fuck
>Shit Tier: Interesting

>> No.467370

Yeah, I'm sure lawyers and statistics majors do a lot more for the human race than philosophers, musicians, and authors. Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.467374

>What's the point in mechanically being processed through the education system and becoming a cog in a machine
>going to college for a degree in English/History/Philosophy

>> No.467376


>women's studies

>> No.467379


>> No.467381

Yeah, they never include Biology. Pretty much, this is a math nerds' picture. Math is not god tier and it's shit.

>> No.467382

OP, see the existentialism thread that is currently going, and after you understand that math and chemistry is equally as pointless and meaningless as art and womens studies come back and delete this thread with your new found satori.

>> No.467383

yeah, but couldn't you learn "english" by yourself? Why do you have to go to a college to read books?

>> No.467385



>> No.467386

lol you got trolled.

I did this to /sci/, I spose it's only fair /sci/ strike back ;)

>> No.467387

I studied English Literature and Philosophy. I graduated. I became a technical editor. I tear apart bad work by scientists in order to make their material pass muster. If they can't or won't respond to my informed and constructive analysis, I do it anyway.

I look forward to dumping on you in good time, my little friend.

>> No.467389

why do you need to go to a Uni and pay thousands of dollars to enrich your life with literature? English is best when you've double-majored with something else. unless you want to be a teacher, why even go to college for English or Philosophy alone?

>> No.467390

In that respect you could learn anything by yourself. You go to college because they have bright, shiny lecturers who make you understand the concepts... English isn't just... reading books that are in English, you know?

>> No.467391

ah? How'd you get that job, friend?

>> No.467394

Do you have any idea what an English degree entails?

>> No.467396


>> No.467400

You really didn't have to go to college to do that you know?

>> No.467406
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>shit tier

>> No.467408


I applied to the ad and I got the interview. I wore a sharp suit, spoke coherently and didn't act like a dick.

>> No.467412

you like that job?

>> No.467413

People with degrees in English and Philosophy benefit society by passing on essential knowledge about human society and culture to following generations, while making their own insights and thus adding to the already massive pool of knowledge.

Saged for moron.

>> No.467414

any backing in science needed?

>> No.467421


Society benefits so much because you studied lexiconology and semantics and now you know words that nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.467423
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English and art are as important as math and science as both benefit humanity and make life worth living. Just because you and I have value different subjects does not mean that either of us would be better off if say art were to disappear over night.

>> No.467426

But any reasonable person can understand a philosophy for example by reading the works on that field. As long as you have a brain there isn't much of a problem...

But when you are studying math for example you are not dealing with things so natural to ourselves, the concepts you learn are much more difficult to gasp and require a lot of background.

>> No.467429

Much of the shit tier is what makes life worth living.

>> No.467432

You don't have to go to college to make art, art is important but your degree says nothing about it.

>> No.467437

Sure, but you don't need college for that. Any informed cultured person can fill that position...

>> No.467439


Or, you can look at it as math and science introduce NEW things into the field, whereas phi and english are you learning about shit and then.. you become a professor to teach more people about that shit.. and then well.. i think you see where im going with that. nothing productive comes from english and philosophy, quit kidding yourselves.

>> No.467440

ITT: people who have no idea what an english degree entails.
It's not like an art course; with English you are taight to access and understand dense bodies of knowledge through a study of their discourse. English graduates have more potential than any other, they are the nodes of the gods.

>> No.467446

>History not in god tier
It's okay people, we can disregard this.

>> No.467448


I studied and passed a good number of science subjects in high school. And although my degree was in the humanities, I got to do minors in science-related subjects like mathematics and philosophy of science.

>> No.467450


I go to university to learn and to improve. I can sit in my basement painting all day but I benefit from listening to experience from those who have come before me.

>> No.467452

ITB: delusional english majors

I don't need to do an english course to learn how to learn, that's like an innate human ability.

>> No.467453

>>implying that art courses aren't incredibly complicated and don't include a huge body of learning.

>> No.467456

ITT: Butthurt english students realising they've wasted their lives.

>> No.467458

still, the skill you learn while majoring in English would be best applied to a field where you specialize, meaning you should double major and have a clear career plan in order to get the most out of your education. most English majors are just people who like to read and write but who otherwise have little or not career goals (besides writing a novel or some shit that most of them will never do)

>> No.467461

I thought about unimplying that, but it was extraneous to the point at hand.

>> No.467465


I refer you to:


>> No.467468

your teachers are just failed "artists", you can learn about true artists, who have come before you, in you fucking basement.

>> No.467469

ITT: People who think life is all about the $$$.

>> No.467473

When you do your MA or PHD, that's when you apply your super-skills to a special subject.

>> No.467474

why not just become friends with smart people who are well read and have experience doing something other than teaching other people how to read?

>> No.467475

Classics shouldn't be shit tier, Latin and Greek are hard as fuck.

English Major . . . meh. Yeah I'll be honest I don't have a lot of respect for it. Not that the people in it are stupid or lazy or anything and I enjoy reading literary criticism etc. I'm mostly just jealous because they seem to have it so easy. Maybe that's just a facade though, idk not an English major.

>> No.467479


yeah so you can understand cryptic shit by dead guys whose ideas are already understood by other people, and analyze the idea of the meanings of words, and your placing commas in the correct places.

key here, is that any kind of analysis of art (including writing) is completely subjective, and pointless, (CRITICAL THEORY AND OBJECTIVENESS IS BULLSHIT YOU RETARD)

granted, you are learning to analyze shit which is a skill but it isn't like scientists aren't learning how to analyze complex shit too, and at the same time, scientists are learning how to analyze shit that has never been analyzed before, where as you idiots are sitting around sucking Shakespeare's dick arguing over meanings that have been argued about a million times already.

so tell me, you keep saying nobody knows what is in an english degree, why dont you say? or is it just that your a fucking idiot and your entire degree is being shattered into pieces before you you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.467480

no, that's when you rack up your debt even higher and end up getting a job doing something you could have done with a BA (or be overqualified and underemployed)

>> No.467481

I get the monies and the pleasures of an English student.

You get your ego boast minus monies.

>> No.467482

The same can be said of all subjects. I can learn math from my basement. However, as an art student I can discuss history and philosophy with my incredibly intelligent peers. Presumably math students learn more by learning from their professors. I learn more from teachers who have devoted their lives to art.

>> No.467484

>Everything Else Not Listed
>History is not listed
>Also, too many caps

History is one of the most vital subjects which people should be educated in for any kind of societal reform and anyone who says that society doesn't need to be reformed is ignorant.

>> No.467485

Because successful artists and authors are never asked to teach at prestigious universities. And they are never interested in sharing their knowledge and tricks of the trade with the next generation of creators.

>> No.467491

so basically you're paying for friends with similar interests? slightly better than being in a frat I guess

>> No.467496

become an artist first. don't go to school to become an artist

>> No.467498

You are obviously at the wrong school. Almost every top musician teaches at a conservatory or university, or has taught in the past.

>> No.467500

>next generation of creators
you're thinking to highly of yourself buddy.
most acknowledge, acclaimed artist didn't have a formal education on their field...

>> No.467501


>Teachers are failed "artists"
>Implying that contemporaries like Heaney do not teach
>Implying that poets like Hughes, Plath, Lowell, Wilde, Woolf, etc. never taught.

>> No.467504

maybe if you had an english degree you would be able to discern the main point of this post.

>> No.467506


well that's just like... your opinion man


what makes you think I don't have friends like that? I value knowledge from all sources academics and people with experience in other fields are both valuable to society and to me as an individual.

>> No.467508

ITP: I reveal the secret of the ancient tierage troll-pic:


That is all.

Don't major in one of the shit tier majors unless you want to get a job in them. If you just want to learn about the subject out of curiosity all you need is a decent library.

>> No.467509


Finally, I agree with you 110% sir.

>> No.467512

you can't pick a calculus book, read it and expect to understand everything if you don't have a background on it.

I can pick any philosopher's book, any critical analysis book, just about anything that doesn't deal with science and I can understand it.

>> No.467513

Are you thinking of Andy Warhol or something? Perhaps trolling? Name an artist who didn't study art.

>> No.467518


that's bullshit.

>> No.467520
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Well put.

>> No.467522

Most calculus before series is pretty easy to understand.

>> No.467527

While I'm sure that many people in this thread understand about art, OP obviously knows fuck. The more educated an artist is, the wider their repertoire of things to write becomes. I don't think that anyone can disagree with that.

>> No.467529
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.467530


Francis Bacon

>> No.467533

Hahaha Math and Physics

Have fun in grad school

>> No.467537

Ok, sure. Pick up a philosophy book and write a paper about something. Submit to a philosophy journal. Realize you are just an idiot who read a philosophy book, not a philosopher or well-educated philosophy student.

Given time and lots of math texts, anyone can figure out math. Given time and lots of philosophy texts, anyone can figure out philosophy. In both fields, access to knowledgeable professors and enthusiastic peers at your level will help you learn faster. It will also be more enjoyable.

>> No.467538


>Implying someone's worth as a human being is based on their major

>> No.467539

You do realize there is new philosophy and new literature being written all the time, yes? Why do you think all English and Phi majors just study shit from 2000 years ago, as if that's n argument against them? Do mathematicians not begin by studying Newton? Don't physicists early on look at Ptolemy? All fields start from the beginning and move up, the point being to contribute something unique to academia. That's the entire point of a PhD dissertation.

I'm not an English or Phil major, but I'm convinced everyone in this thread doesn't realize how academia works.

>> No.467540


huh? Think about it this way, if i learn about all the people before me, then I will never come up with anything truely new because there influence will always be there and everything i do will be a shitty derivative.

>> No.467546

Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain.... since we are at /lit/

And Andy Warhol did go to art school, dude.

>> No.467547


Have fun reinventing the wheel

>> No.467550

>sure is troll in here

>> No.467551

You will also repeat much of their work and fall into many pitfalls if you are ignorant of what people have done before you.

>> No.467559


A person can be educated in modern matters, too; but one cannot deny that the past has as much a place in art as the present.

>> No.467563

I'm a student of literature myself and I sometimes wonder what the point of the "Publish or Perish" attitude is in the humanities. Not only are they producing articles/books that no one wants to read but also books that don't want to be written. :/

>> No.467564


>> No.467576


The fuck? You think everytime a scientist discovers something interesting he had to reinvent science to discover it? Philosophers study philosophy not so they can mindlessly regurgitate the speeches of plato or marx or whatever but so they can develop their own opinions. Yes you can develop your own opinions on this subject by yourself, but you can also study engineering by yourself.

>> No.467584

Interesting fact. you can't name a prestigious writer that started to write good after doing college. Or even a writer that has done english

>> No.467585

Has everyone forgotten about influences? Almost all the great authors are influenced by other great authors? An example that springs to mind, because I was reading it, yesterday, is Robert Lowell's "Skunk Hour" which owes much to "The Armadillo" by Elizabeth Bishop; but Lowell's work was based on himself while Bishop removed herself from hers.

>> No.467589


The fact that you dismiss it so readily suggests that you're very very unfamiliar with the subject.

Not surprising. Just thought I'd point that out.

>> No.467591
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>that started to write good
>write good

>> No.467595


>write good

>> No.467596

Carl Icahn has a Ph.D. in philosophy

>> No.467597

F Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.467599

I can't wait until all you fucking English and Philosophy majors graduate and end up working at Denny's

>> No.467600


Michael Chabon

>> No.467602

With how much it costs, college is only worthwhile if you are using it to pursue the qualifications and knowledge that will allow you to work in the field you desire. Literature and music are all well and good, but unless you're really fucking lucky, you're not going anywhere with it, and chances are you don't have a god-damned clue where to go in the first place. Same goes for idiots just getting a Chemistry/Mathematics degree because they believe that Chemistry is just full of jobs, while refusing to research what job they want.

If you like something a lot, you should take classes for it on the side or study it on your own. The academic institutions make you believe that you should go to college and get a degree in (insert practically worthless field here) because you love the subject, when the reality is that they just want more people to pay them for classes. So yeah, I'd rather waste my college years studying fucking Literature, but I need to support my family.

>> No.467605

Problem with thread: Science majors have a more compelling argument for the most part, but they generally lack the linguistic-intellectual capacity to put it into coherent words. English/lit/philosophy is based on creativity and critique, so they effortlessly tear apart science majors' weak arguments.

Solution: Double major in science and literature, become god.

>> No.467607

ITT: angry maths and science students and one guy who dropped out of high school.

>> No.467609


If you don't learn all the people before you you will just repeat their mistakes.

I learned this when I was 15.

>> No.467611

Read this troll.


>> No.467612

You really got thank them, right? We need some form of lower class citizens until we invent robots for that kind of nonhuman labor.

>> No.467614


Name a NEW PHILOSOPHY from the past 10 years that isn't either completely retarded or a veiled rehash of old ideas. Name a work of literature that couldn't have been written if the author didn't have an intense understanding of how to interpret overly complex works from the Elizabethan era, OR scratch that, just any work that couldn't have been written without more than a high school level of literary analysis understanding ( and of course an english grammar book for those pesky commas, presto!)

>> No.467615


Dorothy Allison

>> No.467620

Pretty much this. Anyone coming down hard for one side or the other is almost certainly mediocre in whatever they're doing. Your engineering degree that will let you design my car door doesn't make you a genius. Neither will writing a 60-page critical analysis of the Poetic Edda.

>> No.467621

Solution: Pick a major that makes money (engineering/cs/whatever) and then take classes or double major in a discipline which interests you.

>> No.467622


Most of us who are any good at all will become professors. Being a tenured professor is one of the best jobs you can have.

Have fun working for DuPont.

>> No.467629

oh please, like I care enough to even bother about my pontuation here. I just want some satisfaction out of trolling these sad fucks.

>> No.467633

>Name something I can wiki quickly and won't think is retarded
>derp this is how I argue, I sciencefag, fear me

>> No.467636

It is proven that female literature majors are superior to all others.

That, in the end, is all that matters.

>> No.467638

A lot of 'tards up in this thread.

>> No.467640


What's "pontuation"? Does it have something to do with French bridges?

>> No.467643


New philosophical schools (influential ones anyway) don't come up every 10 years for the same reason that paradigm-shifts in Science don't happen every 10 years.

>> No.467648


>overly complex works

I hope you die in a fire.

>> No.467650

I actually get off from working with technology and also from literature, I am not an elitist, dude, I don't judge.

>> No.467652


>> No.467653

guess who made your system of government

>> No.467656

I swear, OP's image has turned into a trolling method.

>> No.467657


past 15 any better for you? i feel like this is going to dissolve into a conversation about how the avant-garde is dead and no new ideas are happening right now in art-related fields.

>> No.467659

>implying archaeology isn't run by higher education.

history's a hobby. but you can't get a giant grant to go start digging in some random country because "from what you've read you think there's shit there".

>> No.467660

99% of ALL college graduates will be mediocre at what they do, will not be remembered in even 200 years, and are basically slaves to the global economic elite.

Do what you can with what little time on Earth you have because you don't matter one way or the other.

I think this is something we all can agree on.

>> No.467661

Missing entry in the OP's God tier chart: Mythology & Folklore.

>> No.467668

>pro-skub v. anti-skub

get this shit off my /lit/

>> No.467669

Don't engineers and such have to take logic classes? You know, in the philosophy department? You lot could really use them if this thread is any example. I know comp sci people take them. Must be why they're superior.

>> No.467671

>>Oh you studied physics in college? Where'd you go to grad school
>>Oh, you didn't. Well I still want those TPS reports by 5 PM.

Majors are pretty pointless, nobody really cares what you do as an undergrad. Just get drunk a lot and enjoy true freedom coupled with youth while you can. If you really love your field get your Masters or even PhD, then you can impress people.

>> No.467676
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>> No.467679

Influence of my native language, don't bother. This isn't how you guys argue at english school right?

>> No.467680
File: 7 KB, 111x85, Ed M naked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of the thread is that it attempts an argument about the "value" of certain disciplines over others, which is ultimately a philosophical argument--yet it denies the worth of philosophy. For example, if you base the "God tier" on what is beneficial to society, you have to have a coherent conception of what constitutes a "benefit," in which case you are doing political philosophy.

Posting in a troll thread, etc.

>> No.467687

No, this is 4chan. Works of fiction, etc.

>> No.467690

Never met a comp sci major who could put together a declarative sentence, much less a coherent and 'lolological' argument.
In fact, I've met two comp sci majors ever who've had any sort of intellectual depth to them.

>> No.467691


I just went to New York a few weeks ago to see the Whitney BiennialI, and I have to say that while this guy isn't the brightest, this point is quite good and I'd like to hear some of your opinions on it.

>> No.467693


>less than 50% of graduate students in the humanities get a tenured position

I'm assuming the actual number, then, is around 40%?

Those aren't bad odds at all.

>> No.467697

What about the philosophy behind the troll tier?

>> No.467699

First time ever doing this.

>> No.467698 [DELETED] 

lol, all humanities students should read this. most won't.

>> No.467702

The tier are based on what is worth majoring in, I love the field on the Shit tier but I agree with their position.

>> No.467703

Boolean logic. They need it to program and such. Not necessarily rhetorical logic. MODUS PONENS BITCHES.

>> No.467708

god tier:jobs you enjoy

shit tier:jobs you dont enjoy.

>> No.467719

Political Science is below shit tier in terms of usefulness. Of course its ten times more fun than every other major put together.

>> No.467724


>> No.467732

Only if you don't go to grad school. Most grad poli sci degrees require good language skills, pre-requisites in macro/micro-economics, working or studying abroad, etc. Great experience, creating great contacts, and, if you bust your ass, you can get good positions with the gubbermint or at colleges.

Ironically, the government (particularly in IR and national security) puts more stock in what poli sci academics think than what their own in-house analysts at the CIA and State think. Strange but true.

>> No.467736

this is why I consider my education my job.

>> No.467738

>>Implying the basics of boolean logic aren't covered by High School/Freshman Calculus classes.

>> No.467746

>Implying American high schools and freshman university classes cover Calculus with any depth

>> No.467750


AP comp sci I & II
They are available to high schoolers because they are so easily understood.

>> No.467752

Went to a shitty high school/university.

>> No.467753


AP Calculus BC

Which gets you your Calc I and II credits ( if you are majoring in buisness or humanities.)

>> No.467755

>Implying 90% of American high schools and universities aren't shitty

>> No.467757

Think you forgot to add Accounting to God Tier :D

>> No.467759


Take this shit to /sci/, aspies.

>> No.467760


>Implying that they are better elsewhere?

>> No.467763


Are you serious?

>> No.467766

Lol, my high school offered Calc D, which was I-III, so some students more or less finished Math minors in high school by taking Number Theory or Differential Eq classes at nearby universities or something.
Of course, lit student that I was, I stopped after BC. :V

>> No.467767


Yeah, look at what Lijphart did to Lebanon. Political scientists get listened to because they are naturally persuasive, peer reviews in the field are enough to drive most people insane.

I love Political Science, but a decent amount of it is bullshit. That's not stopping me from wasting lots of time and money in grad school though.

>> No.467771

Am I the only person who thinks there should be an /edu/ board for these kind of discussions/trolling to occur in?

>> No.467783

It's the context in which the rest of these fine majors exist. Funding for their research, their writing grants, their tax incentives, etc. etc. all occurs in a political context. Space policy or education policy, subsidies to scientists or funding for the arts.

>> No.467793


The only reason the American education system looks bad is because of niggers.

If you compare white Americans with white Europeans we are actually in the top 5 countries.

>> No.467798


That's a good point, politics is everywhere whether people like (GOD TIER) or not (SHIT TIER). You dont have to be in PolSci to be politically savvy, though; while you do have to be a physicist to understand some of the whacked out shit those guys study.

>> No.467799
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I don't suppose you have a source to back your lovely racist claims up.

>> No.467813

Voice for social sciences. We need funding to figure things out. And what it figure out affects just about everything (see: the sexual revolution, most political and economic thought, a good bit of psychology, how we view history). Even if you don't 'respect' it, it matters, and higher education is the only way it gets anywhere.

>> No.467816

To a degree. If you're studying something like IR, it does help if you've had some schooling in realist and neo-realist theory, as well as security studies and history if you really want to understand why things are happening in the world the way they are. What governments are thinking, and why. What drives them. Just watching the news and reading the paper isn't quite enough. There's a fine line between being politically savvy and politically knowledgeable.

But you're right in that the hard sciences are a breed apart in terms of how you need to think in order to understand them. It's much more narrow and thus should be more prized, regardless how important politics is to the context in which science can function.

>> No.467818

I most certainly do.

>> No.467820
File: 83 KB, 407x405, Foul-Bachelor-Frog-READ-A-BOOK-POWERS-BEEN-OUT-FOR-DAYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gah, how did I wind up on /b/?

>> No.467824

when i graduated, my calc bc class had fucking 10th graders in it. they said after multivariable, they went on to linear algebra.

>> No.467831


Can't find it but it's there.

But yeah I can't find it so I won't hold it against you if you go ahead and assume I'm full of shit ;)

>> No.467835


we need a philosophy/edu board tbh.

>> No.467842

But the majority of philosophy is documented in literature...?

>> No.467844

As a fine whitey of above average intelligence, my experience in two separate all-white high schools tells me something quite different than what you claim. But I was in the midwest and the southwest. Perhaps the east coast is different?

>> No.467847

When you replied to a troll thread.

>> No.467851

ITT: trolling thread turns into jerk-fest by folks in their respective majors.

>> No.467852


>> No.467862

Sciences need the kind of qualitative creative thinking skills that the humanities trains people in to come up with interesting, important research projects. Otherwise, you have just been educated to do math and take measurements, something a computer can do far better than you can. Congrats on rejecting the only thing that keeps you from being obsolete.

>> No.467863


Not at all.

You have this perception that Europe is a magical place where everybody drinks great espresso and talks about Descartes over breakfast.

It's not. There are stupid people everywhere. I should know I live in Paris.

Yes most American high school students are drooling idiots. It is no different in Europe. The schools here are a joke. Exactly the same story as in the US (grade inflation, self-esteemism, etc. etc.). You just don't hear about it because you don't live here.

>> No.467868


I am in fact in IR, which is very valuable for the 6 month overseas trips in fun places.

I do reject a lot realist explanations though, not because they aren't valid but because they are so boring. Why is there conflict in <name region>? Oh, it's the anarchical nature of the international system and the security dilemma. Woo.

>> No.467877

Pretty much. The very idea that states act as a single autonomous unit without internal pressures and conflicts driving decision-making is just retarded. But then you look at states like Israel and Russia, and realist theory almost always explain their actions. Strange.

>> No.467881


>> No.467900


samefag detected

Some troll in this thread already wrote what you wrote. You probably saw him and imitated it.

Lower than shit-tier.

>> No.467901

>Implying that creative and qualitative thinking isn't inherent to science.
Oh, you.

>> No.467905

Nobody ever said that real life is fun and games.

>> No.467908


arts and sciences should get along.., but in the end i don't really give a shit what you fags do. half of you will fail anyway.

>> No.467927


The Arab-Israeli conflict is to me is one of the few places where realism can get pretty interesting. A lot has been said about it that deals with game theory and the prisoners dilemma, using the anarchy of the international system as a perfect objective playing ground. Really though, the direction IR seems to be headed is the individual level of analysis because it accounts for a lot more of the nuances.

>> No.467935
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>this thread

Holy shit. I don't care if this is a troll thread, but there are people who seriously believe this shit (I'm looking at you /r9k/). Even those of you who side with the humanities/arts side, if you believe that one is superior than the other you are dead wrong. Yes, there are merits for BOTH humanities/literature majors AND for science/engineering/maths majors. Are you people implying that we can't be multi-facted human beings with more interests in just hard sciences OR aesthetics and subjective critique? Then you guys don't understand the importance of qualifying both sides and seeing that both are different, but in many ways, equal.
Also there is life beyond college and dollar dollar bills.

>> No.467941


Has nobody said that yet? Well then allow me!

Real life is fun and games.

>> No.467952

History is god tier, what is this bullshit

>> No.467966

My father has a PhD in English.
Is an editor of a middle-sized publication and a literary agent.

Makes over 500,000 a year.

His brother is a lawyer; he makes less than 200,000 a year.

English = God Tier

>> No.467969

heres a question, are any of you il/lit/erates majoring in Classics.. (is about to lose all faith in society if someone here says they are)

>> No.467972


Actually the logic there seems more like

God Tier = Your dad

>> No.467975

Double major: Classics and Art History

>> No.467979

Just to ensure you never have a job, you added Art History?

>> No.467995


There are guys who have Doctorates in business and are CEO's that make way more than that, but I hope you will agree with me that business students are definitely shit tier. (Money has absolutely nothing to do with which tier your on)

>> No.468000

golden rule: only go into a field you have a reasonable chance of being the top 10% in.

>> No.468003

Diamond Rule: Do something you' love and forever be rewarded.

>> No.468013


If that something you love can be borrowed for free from a library, don't major in it.

>> No.468186



>> No.468410

I teach myself math for fun, but I'm double majoring in English and Education. I'll probably get a Physics degree and study medicine after I've become a teacher. I don't see why education isn't even listed, when teachers are the one who make people socially functional in the first place.

>> No.468468

I just love it when the few coherent posts get ignored.

>> No.468505
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>physics above philosophy
>philosophy begat physics
>you best be trollin nigger

>> No.469471

Liberal arts are the why.
Science is the how.

Anybody who doesn't study the sciences is drifting in the ether of ideas, anybody who doesn't study the liberal arts is drifting in the ether of meaninglessness.

>> No.469482


well put, very well put
im doing a double major in philosophy and english, and a minor in french. I'm also doing all my pre-med courses (i go to school in the summer to cram in all the courses) I'll have a BA and then get a medical degree so i can support myself and work anywhere i want (doctor w/o borders probably) while i write.

It's a fuckload of work, but it seems like the best possible option.

>> No.469484

quite the neanderthal taste. philistines like you give hard science a bad name. scientisim!

>> No.469486

What year are you

>> No.469508

The division of subjects is the necessary product of human limitation and career choices. You'll find that many of the subjects cross pollinate, because they all come from the same point of origin. (Arguable, that origin is philosophy.)

Ex: Higher mathematics resemble philosophy a great deal, higher level philosophy references mathematics and sciences, high literature approaches analysis in a very scientific method-y way and employs a lot of philosophical concepts of movements, etc, etc. Everything is really a limb of the greater, growing body of human knowledge and the implementation or use of that knowledge.

>> No.469510

tl;dr this major tier stuff is crap when you look at the bigger picture.

>> No.469515
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>> No.469516

Unless you're doing a degree as job training - engineering, IT, less-intense degrees in hard sciences

>> No.469520


And this, gentlemen, is why I am going to spend a lot of money on a nearly useless degree in an inter-disciplinary school.

>> No.469527 [DELETED] 

True, but then we're talking about, in the OP,"studying something worthwhile" and "a job where you can benefit society"-- or, in other words, the value of particular subjects in reference to a big picture.

As far as MONEY goes or adeptness at a particular field, certain subjects are absolutely superior. The thrust of my point is that the subjects all have worth in that bigger context.

>> No.469534

True, but in the OP's words the subject is"studying something worthwhile...[for]..a job where you can benefit society"-- or, in other words, the value of particular subjects in reference to a big picture-- the big picture of society.

As far as money goes or adeptness at a given field, certain subjects are absolutely superior. The thrust of my point is that the subjects all have worth in that bigger context. That would be a smaller context.

>> No.469548

what's the point of studying anything other than military science? why would you want to do something other than blow things up and order people aroound?

>> No.469549

freshman, going into sophomore year
i did a summer course last summer which gave me quite a bit of credits towards my french minor, this summer im just staying in college

>> No.469551


that's what i thought

make sure you're not completely fucked over when your lofty ambitions inevitably fail

>> No.469558

Think back on this bastard and laugh when you succeed.

>> No.469560

The merit of picking a major is at least defensible, minor OTOH... dont even bother putting them on your resume. Nobody cares. Absolutely nobody.

>> No.469567

It doesn't matter what the fuck you get your degree in. A literature enthusiast doesn't have to go to college to become a writer, but just the fact that they have a degree will insure them a better job than if they didn't. For me, getting a degree in math or science will insure me a job just as boring as the one I will get with a mere English degree. So I'd rather spend my four years in University studying something I actually like before going on to a shit job than studying something I hate to get a higher paying, but equally shitty job.

>> No.469588


>> No.469610

idk, i'm well on my way and on schedule (as i have crafted it for myself)
i think that the fact that i don't take vacations, coupled with my massive courseload, gives me a moderate chance of success
also, i smoke weed

>> No.469657

Music fag here.

Some of us prefer our hobbies to money, and as such learn to live off them .

I've been a sessiong guitarist for the past ten years. Never had to "work" a day in my life.

Sure, I have a modest home, but fuck, I can't stand the idea of working in a small office pushing paper so I can get a tv that's a few inches wider.

>> No.469665

PROTIP: Every academic subject is just applied philosophy. also, troll thread.

>> No.469704

ITT: People who have no idea what philosophy is.
Also, butthurt English failures.

>> No.469710
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This thread was lacking this image. Also, I study philosophy while of the opinion that it's utter nonsense, but the coolest nonsense in the world. Plus it's absolutely worthless, so before studying philosophy, I studied engineering and completed that before spending time on my one and true love: wisdom.

>> No.469726

Strange concept of worth you have there.

>> No.469737
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>> No.469744


Well, it doesn't immediately bring any food on the table, so in the utilitarian sense it's quite worthless. But yeah, I love philosophy, but I'm not one of those people who deify everything they themselves do.

>> No.469751

I see what you mean, but to me anyway, impracticality =/= worthlessness. Depends how you define it anyway--strictly speaking ANY idea, in and of itself, is similarly worthless.

>> No.469773


When I say I 'don't deify' the particular field I work in, I actually mean 'devalue'. Indeed, worthlessness does not equal impracticality, but I just want to make the stronger case. For me, something doesn't have to be objectively valuable, or be practical, or have a point in order to spend massive amounts of time on it. I just do and I like it. If someone else cannot understand this passion, probably nothing will convince him (like my dad). The best argument I can make is to agree with the sceptic, but to continue my endeavour, for this best illustrates what it means for me personally.