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/lit/ - Literature

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4667475 No.4667475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing here?

>> No.4667494

this should be stickies

>> No.4668266

>39 year olds
>young adults

>> No.4668279

That image looks more like a reason to do something productive than to read, to be honest.

Or alternatively to live a life of quiet tranquility, filling in a circle every Sunday morning.

>> No.4668294

Yeah I agree.

I recently met a girl for the first time ever and I've felt too happy and upbeat to write or read since.

It's pretty pathetic I know, but for the first time in a long time I feel really alive and happy over sustained periods

>> No.4668788

>I recently met a girl for the first time
Jesus fuck, where were you? A Chinese prison camp?

>> No.4668795

What are you supposed to get from the image? That the red section of "childhood" is the minority of life experience? So? I don't get it.

>> No.4668797

every circle is a week

>> No.4668805

>I recently met a girl for the first time
So they are real? I've only heard rumours...

>> No.4668808

That's a rough estimate as to how many weeks there are to live (It varies obviously)
But that's it. That's all you get.

>> No.4668818

Be a pal OP and provide template.

reverse image search gave me nothing.

>> No.4668861

I know, I mean what's the ideological implications you're meant to take away from it? That life is short or life is long? Or that we imagine our childhood long but in reality it's short and adulthood is a long stretch?

Or are we meant to fill it up ourselves? I mean, it's not very useful when we don't know how long we'll live and when the periods of Teen, Young Adult, Middle Age etc. are completely arbitrarily determined. Usually unqualified charts like this are made for the sake of conveying some truism

>> No.4668904

>That's all you get.
You say that like it's not a fucking huge picture.

>> No.4668913

>I recently met a girl for the first time ever
I really hope you mean "met a romantic interest for the first time ever," because otherwise I'm really confused.

>> No.4668946

For some reason, I saw this post and immediately thought of Frozen.

"For the first time in forever, there'll be music, there'll be..." girls, I guess?

>> No.4668953

This made me sad

>> No.4668967

First girl I've talked to for over 5 minutes in over a decade

>> No.4668983


Piss off Tao.

>> No.4669022

Alright, I'll bite: why/how?

Like, do you have severe social anxiety, or were you in an all-male prison, or what?

>> No.4669053

Rookie mistake. You get one positive experience and you suddenly drop everything because you think it's eternal. It isn't. Get back to reading and do everything in your power not to get suckered into that feeling when it tempts you.

>> No.4669062

Extreme shyness which turned into extreme self-loathing and hiki lifestyle.

She came onto me, asked me to go to the cinema twice in a row, and then we went back to hers and talked until 5 in the morning and talked every day from then on, kissed, cuddled etc.

She lost interest after a month though so now I'm back to square one and feel worse than ever :)

>> No.4669064

I got that too when I met my gf. Don't worry, it passes in a couple of months. It's okay to take a break from reading for a bit in order to enjoy something else, but try to always get back on the horse.

>> No.4669069

I'm not him, but you definitely don't need "severe social anxiety" in order to avoid conversations with girls longer than five minutes. Some people don't work or go to school where there are a lot of women. This leaves it up to them to fill that gap by approaching strangers, which is an odd thing to do for the majority of people. It's not something most people are in the habit of doing, so they simply don't do it.

>> No.4669071

But then why was your first post in present tense

>> No.4669077
File: 71 KB, 640x575, 1393598632199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading during the daytime
That's almost as weird as watching movies during the day.

(Though I guess shitposting on a man-children's anime website isn't much better.)

>> No.4669078

Because I'm still delusionally clinging to the possibility that she might get back in touch with me, since meeting her has opened up a space in my life that I had pretty much succesfully avoided acknowleding for the best part of 20 years, which is now constantly there asking to be filled.

>> No.4669081

He just talked to a girl. There's absolutely no reason for that to affect his habits.

>> No.4669085

>restricting your reading only to night time

Enjoy being a pleb and never catching up.

>> No.4669086

Oh, I agree that severe social anxiety was a bit of an extreme choice (although I'd say that "working in a primarily all-male environment" wouldn't typically on its own lead to not talking to women for a decade). I was taking some kind of extreme cases for my examples, but the way he was talking made me feel like there was some story behind it.

>> No.4669087

Reading at night is only superior if you do it all night. Otherwise, who cares.

>> No.4669093

I mean, if he avoids people and hasn't talked to a woman in ten years...

>> No.4669098

It doesn't need to be the /same/ girl, anon.

>> No.4669107

I have no friends, therefore no means of meeting a girl via them.

I work from 9 until 5:30 every day and appreciate my alone time too much to go out in the hope of meeting someone.

Most girls would find my lifestyle and personality - both of which this girl liked or at least didn't mind/found interesting - repugnant.

I don't find many girls attractive, since a bad or boring personality makes me not want to be around an otherwise attractive person.

I'm not asking for pity or encouragement. I've burned my bridges with yet another person trying to get close to me (our separation was undramatic and mostly my own fault). I'm trying to return to a state of neturality wherein I hope for nothing, expect nothing, feel nothing, until one day my emotions are triggered by something and I finally am mad enough to kill myself.

>> No.4669129

yru on lit and not jp m8

>> No.4669245

Compared to 79, and still being an adult, 39 is definitely young.

>> No.4669518

>Or alternatively to live a life of quiet tranquility, filling in a circle every Sunday morning.

>> No.4669523

template? i want one on my wall to fill in.

>> No.4669958

Sorry buddy, I saved it like it is.

>> No.4670001

i have slept with 15 girls and i am 22

it's good but it doesn't make you 'happy'

>> No.4670005

I know that image is supposed to make us think about how short life is, but honestly it has the opposite effect on me. Look at all those blank dots, man, and each of them is an entire week! And all the time I've been alive only adds up to that little section at the top, wow, look how much is left to go!

>> No.4670017
File: 1.72 MB, 1545x2000, 1394955621397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry bud
Doesn't matter, I figured out a very quick way of making it fresh (that I was too stupid to figure out earlier.

>> No.4671276

>I have
>doesn't make you

Get out of here normalfag scum

>> No.4671503
File: 22 KB, 320x282, pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw looking at that image fills you with crippling despair instead of motivation

>> No.4671529

>implying life doesn't end once you turn 30

>> No.4671555

if you're a female maybe

>> No.4671569

But do people really experience or grow much after that?

>> No.4671578

Stop projecting your wrong choices, family man.

>> No.4671581

if that is a serious question then you are retarded. the easiest counterexample I could give you is all the literature produced by people who were 30+ years old.

>> No.4671582
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>"middle age" starts well past the mid point of your life

>> No.4671591

I refuse to accept that taxonomy of life.

>> No.4671647
File: 33 KB, 567x459, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normalfag scum
Not him, but I don't think /lit/ is filled with kissless virgins like maybe on some other boards. That's kind of the reason the other anon got all the questions when he said he "met a girl for the first time," it's obviously a bit of an anomaly for people here. I think you're on the wrong board...

>> No.4671699

pray to God (praise be His name) that she never leaves you, thats it if she is willing to go out with you
i will pray to God (praise be His name) for you and for you beloved one may you guys live happily ever after

>> No.4671719

I'm taking time off from writing my dissertation. Please don't make me read anymore....

>> No.4671731

I AM that anon

I've been on 4chan since 2006, and on /lit/ since it became a board

Why don't YOU leave normalfriend, because GUESS WHAT, I aint't!

The sooner the NEET army rids the world of people like you the happier I'll be.

>> No.4671735

I've been here about that long and no one gives a shit. Plus as a NEET you're probably a statist and a fat autist so kindly die.

>> No.4671748

I'm not fat "bro", and my autism is only a by-product of my superior intellect and ability to act in a rational manner at all times.

>> No.4671752

>you're probably a statist
>implying the mere notion of anarchism isn't a luxury pipe dream entertained by people who haven't experienced shit hitting the fan in their lifetime

Only sheltered people can't respect hierarchy.

>> No.4672215

>The sooner the NEET army rids the world of people like you the happier I'll be.

How does the NEET army accomplish anything if they never leave their rooms?

>> No.4672481

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.