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File: 54 KB, 575x436, lonely-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4668587 No.4668587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to deal with being alone without going grazy?
Is there any philosophers who have some opnion on this, or a book about the subject? My problem is that im lonely. Im not currently depressed or anything but i know that spending too much time with yourself can make you depressed and i dont want that. Making friends is not an option.

>> No.4668594


>> No.4668593

Keep hanging out on 4chan, I'm sure that'll help.

>> No.4668598

Complete isolation without going mad is an impossibility for humans.

Why is making friends not an option?

>> No.4668600

>Making friends is not an option.

What fools these mortals be.

>> No.4668601

>making friends is not an option

>> No.4668602

hey, zeus, nice dubs

>> No.4668608

Is it Sunday again?

>> No.4668630

I have tried that and it's really hard.

>> No.4668635

It's not solitude that will make you crazy but idleness. I found when I was unemployed my mind was racing with frivolous knowledge and experience that heightened anxiety, nervousness and depression, intensified after drinking.
My best advice would be start working. Either find a job or create your own and start earning because that will give you a starting stake or fundament for your life and mind.
Any books, films or tv you consume will only exacerbate your instability until you locate and start to build on the fundamentals.

>> No.4668645

try less hard, it works better.

surely you can get some internet m8s at least?

>> No.4670107

The slave loves his condition it seems.

>> No.4670155

Nothing worth having is easy.

Just find people who share your same interests (Literature, I assume). It should occur pretty naturally.

Or you could become a serial rapist and chain playmates down in your cellar, idk.

>> No.4670164
File: 1.37 MB, 3872x2592, grazy in love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670175

>being this normal

>> No.4670195

I've been isolated for years now and I'm doing fine. I've only noticed a blow to my memory and other cognitive areas. It's okay, you'll probably kill yourself soon. If you like, we could die together.

>> No.4670220

>Nothing worth having is easy.
>all easy
>all worthy
>not worth

>> No.4670267

but... you have to work for all of those. Unless you still with your mom, of course. And then those things come at the expense of your dignity

>> No.4670312
File: 409 KB, 590x333, literary living.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working isn't that hard. Welfare is even easier, of course.

>> No.4670338

>Tfw have friends and qt gf but get worn down by crowds and prefer being alone.

>> No.4670342

Perhaps you didn't read the part about dignity.

>> No.4670344

read Hermann Hesse

>> No.4670359

If your self-esteem is dependant on being a good little worker you lack dignity in the first place. Can't you feel worthy without being someone's instrument?

>> No.4670363

Are you familiar with The Bet by Anton Chekov?

>> No.4670374

>If your self-esteem is dependant on being a good little worker you lack dignity in the first place.

Not sure this is logically sound.

>> No.4670389

I dunno, can't you feel worthy without being an entitled mama's boy?

>> No.4670393

It is. Feeling the need to compensate life for its pleasures betrays not feeling worthy of them otherwise.

>> No.4670401

I always feel worthy of enjoyment, it never comes at the expense of my dignity.

>> No.4670417

watch anime and pretend its real or something

or just make friends lol

>> No.4670421

I find myself in stasis. Observing my life in passing, I remain still. Awaiting a dream to come true, while I lay asleep. A dream does suffice for my reality. I sit quietly waiting, but for what I do not know. Of all my wishes, I wish that even one would come to fruition. Yet that itself is merely a wish. I have hope, but my hopes are not hopeful. My hopes are extensions of doubt, and insecurity. In faithlessness I have created faith. Faith that I will Falter; Faith that I will fail; Faith that I am Undeserving; Faith that I am worthless; Faith that I am foolish. Quite faithful for having no faith. There is no hope in any of this; It is all meaningless. Static life is not life. There is a time to be still and a time to move. Reach for a moving target. The time for stillness is over, for even when you lay asleep the world is moving about you; Even while you dream, there are hopes being realized all around. Patience is neccessary, but waiting with idle ambition is waste. It grows nothing of value. No thing will come when nothing is offered. I sit in stasis, dreaming, hoping, faithfully waiting for life to unfold; It has already been unraveled. The tapestry of your life is sewn by your hands. With each choice, another stitch, until it begins to take form.