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4668618 No.4668618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her." (Translated by W. K. Marriott March)

Niccolò Machiavelli trolled all Europe and his shitposting is still going strong after four centuries.

How many on 4chan can say their trolling lasted even a day?

>> No.4668648

I prefer the translation that goes:

"Fortune is a woman that must be jogged and beaten..."

Although "jogged and beaten" is a cliché, it's far more eloquent and poetic sounding than "beat and ill-use".

"Beat and ill-use" sounds like something falling down the stairs.

>> No.4668682

Why is beating a woman so fucking funny?

>> No.4668686

I don't see how anyone with any critical thinking could read through two chapters of his sarcasm and think it was to be taken at face value.

Granted, it's not straight satire; more an academic look at politics stripped of all the reverence and glory, to make his readership wake up to how they were actually being governed.

>> No.4668690

>yfw Machiavelli was the Australian of his time

>> No.4668695

Presumably you have never beaten a woman. I find it funny because the animal inside me relishes thinking about subjecting feminists (for which any women sufficiently serves as an avatar) to raw and relentless violence. The stuff feminists spout into the media have gotten to such a level that I feel rather humiliatedy. The mere fact that I was born a man is now reason enough to publicly shame me and destroy my dignity. This humor you speak about is just a way of getting back my lost dignity, ironically through a way feminists accused me of usingin the first place. Maybe they were right but most definately were they responsible.

>> No.4668705

Shut it with this bullshit, it's not a satire (certainly not in the sense you're suggesting).

Trolling, I would maybe grant you. But the idea you're advancing about his fundamental message is a pretty weak argument.

>> No.4668706

If you had read more 16th century literature you would realize it is not as satirical as /lit/ would lead you to believe. Machiavelli was put in a difficult spot, but what he wrote he wrote from the heart.

>> No.4668710

Tumblr femininists
>hate the opposite gender
>have circlejerk discussions about the opposite gender
>are dissatisfied and have unrealistic expectations of the opposite sex
>fail to understand the opposite sexes world view
>are single
>blame their problems on the other gender
>spend all their time online

You now realise 4chan is for males what tumblr is for feminists

>> No.4668712

>to make his readership wake up to how they were actually being governed

You do realize that wasn't his intention at all?

>> No.4668714

So true

>> No.4668727

But anon, it is best to beat women

>> No.4668733

Not entirely true.

Tumblr feminists want to get raped and beaten, to a one. 4chan at least has plenty of men who fetishize being dominant.

4chan wins.

>> No.4668736

it's also true about any other predominantly male on-line community

>> No.4668737

>men who fetishize being dominant

Will work out great when they finally get laid as most women like to be dominated.

>> No.4668741

I'm beginning to think that both genders need to blame the other for everything

>> No.4668747

>most women like to be dominated
Plz don't let this be true ;_;
(virgin sexually beta here)

>> No.4668751

Welcome to 2010 (4chumblr)

>> No.4668762

>Plz don't let this be true ;_;

Sorry friend but it is. Doesn't mean beating or verbal abuse (though some enjoy that stuff too) but they definitely prefer the man to take control.

>> No.4668780


“I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don’t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.”
― Anaïs Nin

>> No.4668784


>> No.4668807

>be femdom fetishist
>go through phase of denying this shit and trying to be all egalitarian about it
>realise dom women are just broken and crazy
>realise dom women will never instinctively respect you because they still have the same instincts as sub (normal) women underlying
>stop being a femdom fetishist

>> No.4668813

You got a lot of proublems bro

>> No.4668814

>be virgin male
>fuck women
>be virgin male

>> No.4668815
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>> No.4668816

>The mere fact that I was born a man is now reason enough to publicly shame me and destroy my dignity. This humor you speak about is just a way of getting back my lost dignity, ironically through a way feminists accused me of usingin the first place.

You sound like a fucking feminist.

>> No.4668855

It should be expected that a thread about the best sort of troll has immediately attracted the worst sort.

No they don't. The problem with what these idiots call "betas" is that they are passive and withdrawn, not unwilling to lead or dominate.

>> No.4668859

No, women actually do overwhelmingly report rape and submission fantasies. 99% of erotica written by women is at least RAVISHMENT TIER. Women like men who take the lead.

>> No.4668862

dat nigga is so kawaii

>> No.4668872


>> No.4668874

I bet you also think Joyce's private fart letters are gross.

Get off my /lit/.

>> No.4668880

>destroy my dignity.

Too bad you never had any dignity to begin with.

>> No.4668881
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>free blacks from slavery
>tell them to go fuck themselves
>they become top tier scholars and inventors and artists within ten seconds
>free women from "repression" by.. letting them vote.. but they still don't have to do work or be in the army
>tell them they are perfect and wonderful and they can do anything if they believe, for a century
>they don't do anything
>then they blame men for it but also want the men to rape them

>> No.4668891

>Implying you understand him.
>Hell, implying you have actually read him.

>> No.4668894

Not really, no. Those are just funny.

What I'm disgusted by is this woman's need to be dominated. How can you respect such a sniveling, subservient creature? I hope she died a painful death.

>> No.4668895

>How many on 4chan can say their trolling lasted even a day?

I invented the Navy Seal copypasta.

>> No.4668897
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Prove it

>> No.4668898

The point is never to respect women.

>> No.4668906

Prove it by inventing an epic meme for us.

>> No.4668933

It is in her nature to be submissive, she is being honest, even though it sounds retarded. But I have to at least partially agree with you - there is something slimy about what she wrote. It's like black people who hate other black people and idolize white people.

>> No.4668947

Fuck it, it's truth.

Why do women have to deny their sexuality in service of feminism?

>> No.4668948

>they become top tier scholars and inventors and artists within ten seconds


>inb4 pol

>> No.4669238
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>> No.4669256

but men ARE biologically stronger on average

>> No.4669263
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>> No.4669302
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>OP doesn't understand italian reinassance prose
>OP doesn't understand italian culture
>OP thinks one instance of sarcasm/satire/comedic relief nulls the viability of an entire political treatise
>OP never read "On the Nature of Things" by Lucretius
>OP is actually this much of a pleb

>> No.4669310

>4chan wins.
You're all losers here.

>> No.4669323

Much confusion has stemmed from a transcription error. The Prince wasn't "la satire", as Rousseau is thought to have said in an early handwritten draft of Du Contrat Social. It was "la s[u]-tére", reconstructible as "la suntére", i.e. the late Renaissance French transliteration of "tsundere", derived from the introduction of the Tale of Genji among court circles in the early 18th century. Rousseau was saying Machiavelli is tsundere for republicanism: he puts up a hard, cynical tsun exterior toward the plebs in Il Principe, but then in his less famous and less easily accessed work, that is in his heart of hearts, he is a deredere sweetypie for civic humanitas.

>> No.4669327

>He said on 4chan
You can just not be that guy, you fuckin' retard.

>> No.4669337

we got a live one

>> No.4669355

I think I just opened up an ulcer laughing at this.

>> No.4669460

uhm he's right though physically at least for one think it easier for men to build muscle because of test...though I don't really understand you comment

>> No.4669544


Nick the prick was a cold hard pimpin' ass dude.

>> No.4670063

>fail to understand the opposite sexes world view

couldn't agree with this more.

>> No.4670098

Old news, mate. It applies to all internet communities.

>> No.4671284

holy fucking shit

>> No.4671317
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Its pretty true at least for low girls. There comes a point often where they do something really provocative to test whether you really want them. If you don't get mad, and crazy, as if the whole thing matters, she's not yours. If you do, she is.

So many times I've been in this position and you say to yourself, do I care enough about her to step her in line? The answers usually no, and you get rid of them at that point. And she can move onto the next lunatic who will smash her if she's bad.

>> No.4671364


And what kind of retard would like to have a woman as a possession, or an object? Moreover, what kind of woman would see herself like that?

>> No.4671371
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>> No.4671388

That's not true. I got drunk and flew off the handle at my ex-girlfriend and she left me the next day.

Actually my temper has ruined a few relationships.

>> No.4671548

This is the worst thread I've seen on this site in the last 5 years

>> No.4672090

Then you need to lurk moar. But yeah, it's a pretty shitty thread.

>> No.4673070


Why is everyone responding to this obvious troll/bait post? I wasn't gonna say anyhing yesterday but then another idiot replied.

>> No.4673188

>i found this gem on page ten

>> No.4673253


>Maya Angelou
>Louis Armstrong
>Percy Julian

All within thirty seconds.

>> No.4673262

thanks for bumping you retard

>> No.4673331

Yo, read Delta of Venus. Baddest bitch