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/lit/ - Literature

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4666560 No.4666560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

catcher in the rye rape
tao lin
start with the greeks

>> No.4666564
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>> No.4666563

heehee /lit/ culture

>> No.4666568

>start with the greeks

i have never understood this le mene. it is le shittiest

>> No.4666571

>i have never understood this le mene

should've started with the greeks

>> No.4666576

>read Finnegans Wake
>out loud

>> No.4666578

It comes from when someone asks "Any work I should be familiar with before I read (insert philosophy title)?" and a pretentious moron says you have to read every philosophical treatise before it, starting with the Greeks, in order to understand it.

>> No.4666581

Also comes from when someone just says, "I want to get into philosophy, where should I start?"

It's basically like saying "Start with the Greeks" to someone who wants to learn about math.

>> No.4666584

>It's basically like saying "Start with the Greeks" to someone who wants to learn about math.
Well, you do.

>> No.4666587

it is dumb and so goddamn stupid

unlike hemmingway which is never going to stop being funny to me (sorry everyone, it's me, i'm the guy who finds hemmingway funny)

>> No.4666589

Kindle not nook

>> No.4666611

You generally don't actually read all the original Greek mathematical treatises, even if you use the concepts.

>> No.4666618

Actually you don't even read a translation of the original texts. Textbook and lectures is what you use in most of cases.

To quote my arithmetic professor (who is a beast in his field, and his over 50 now): "I have never read a single paper of Euler".

>> No.4666628

don't you have some panem and circenses to get to m8?

>> No.4666638



Looks Finnish

>> No.4666682

>arithmetic professor
Number theory?

>> No.4666691

Why is Annie such a qt?

>> No.4666710


>> No.4666846

why are you such a qt

>> No.4666860

Annie is so god damn cute. I wish I could marry her.

>> No.4667216
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You're goddamn right. We wanna make Marx trendy and sexy. We want the second coming of Marcuse, we want to complete the ritual that was stifled by the onslaught of capitalism in the 80s(Who do you think made AIDS?, Come on huh?) We want all the NEETs and neckbeard to transform into lustful virile satyrs. We want bandes of putains on the street. We want salacious slaves, but you know like the cool sex kind, not wage slaves. We want the worse of the japanese perversions to be on museum walls. We want the overpasses to be converted into Marijuana Greenhouses, no more damn death dillin' cars. Everything to be like, pure burning passion, we wanna outlaw the color grey, if you wear a grey shirt you have to fuck an old broad and eat her pussy too. We want the return of magic, but not as a religious ritual, just fucking with more daggers and chalices. We wanna make Jissom Homunculii that come out from the dirty cumrags under our bed. When we're young we're afraid of monsters under our bed, but when we grow up the monsters are afraid of whats under our bed. You know it. Like an underground civilization eons below the earth. One the earth we can have a towering giant Colosses of Rhodes made of brushed Aluminium to ward off the aliens and a teeming warren of sin beneath the earth. We still get like computers and stuff and all the music of the Ages and literature. We get to do whatever we want, because we can't compromise with capitalism. To Destroy Capitalism, we must make a fake woman and fuck her in the town square. Bang a Rottweiler in lipstick, it doesn't have to be a real one if you're moralfeg, a rubber Rottweiler will do. Capitalism will want to make you inadequate for using a fake one, but ignore them. Just use your imagination.

>> No.4667261

Kierkegaardian irrationalist.

>> No.4667280
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you're missing something.

>> No.4667460

i dont get it

>> No.4667484

I hate revolutionaries so much.

These are the most disgusting kinds of people:
Revolutionaries, Journalists, Comedians.

>> No.4667488

No one cares.

>> No.4667497

Look up 1985 by him, it's my favorite book ever.

>> No.4667546

What the hell are you ranting about

>> No.4667562

What? Plato and Aristotle have had some influence on almost every work in Western philosophy that came after them. Saying "start with the greeks", while on some level it's le funny shitposting, is also serious advice. It provides an introduction to thinking about philosophy and a stable foundation for almost anything else in philosophy you might want to read.

>> No.4667576

Yes, I know the Greeks invented the katana, Germanic democracy, and modern helicopters. But pardon me for not wanting to learn about how one of the four causes of an object made of brass is its brassy nature.

>> No.4667583
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>> No.4667631


>> No.4667701

whats the hemmingwway meme

>> No.4667714
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>> No.4667757

Well then you're a pleb.
There's no escaping the Greeks if you want into philosophy. Deal with it.

>> No.4667760

You should read summaries of them, but you don't have to read the actual Greeks unless you want to.

>> No.4667794



>> No.4667808
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you cant (and shouldent) skim aristotle, theres gold almost everywhere.

>> No.4667820


This maymay comes from when this one time someone posted:

"Hello, /lit/

I need a book to read. Any suggestions?

I'm a huge Orson Welles, 1985 is my favorite book ever."

It became huuuge

>> No.4668603

So this shit gets allowed and other meaningful discussions get deleted?

Fuck you Janitor.

>> No.4668625

Did you report it? You should report shitposing and quietly move on to other threads. It works very well.